این یکی‌ دیگر خلاف شرع و دین

این یکی‌ دیگر خلاف شرع و دین
by ahosseini

این یکی‌ دیگر خلاف شرع و دین

هم خلاف شرع و هم دین مبین

رو بگو استغفرالله توبه کن

ورنه گردی سنگ بر روی زمین


more from ahosseini

Thanks Pedro

by ahosseini on

I am glad you enjoyed it.

Have you seen the others.The court case is not completely over yet.

I was told I had no right to take them to court. That is despite the fact that the person who made those remarks was reprimanded for making the statements.

The president of the Greater London(London and suburbs) wrote a statement saying I have not seen instituitional racism of this magnitude in my enire life. He was 68 when he said that.

One the College's statenment was that I had made jokes about George Bush.

Onche Az Del Bar Ayad, Bar Del Neshinad - I agree, I go into another world when I respond to Ahmadi Nejad, Khamenahei, Bush, Obama, ... 

It is  a good feeling when people enjoy your work.



by pedro on

Thank you, Enjoyed your poem.

Some of us talk a lot, I mean big talk with pages of references and all. It is however different when you loose your livelihood for what you say and believe.

Onche Az Del Bar Ayad, Bar Del Neshinad.



Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisions


Be maryam aziz

by ahosseini on

Thanks for your  kind comment.


سلام رفیق عزیز


 نظر لطف شما ست من معمولا اینها را در سایتهای مختلف میزارم هر وقت یک شعری میگم بلا فاصله تقریبا بین هزار نفر مستقیم پخش میشه. مهم نیست که اسم من در جائی بیادمهم اینهست که این پیامها پخش بشه ولی‌ من فکر نمیکنم کسی‌ این کارهارا بکنه.‌ شنیدم که افراد معروفی‌ کارهائ من را برداشتن و روی صحنه و رادیو و تلویزیونها بدون ذکر نام اجراکردن.ولی‌ من به روشون هم نیاوردم. خوشحال شدم که پیام من داره به مردم میرسه

حتی چامسکی پیام فوق ا لعا ده مختصر و  زیبائی برای من فرستد. 

Maryam Hojjat

Great POEM

by Maryam Hojjat on


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