نمیدانم میدانی- Response


نمیدانم میدانی- Response
by Anonymouse


نمیدانم میدانی

که قد خر نمیدانی

حیف اون نون

که جون به جونت کنند

قد خر نمیدانی

نمیدانم میدانی

که فقط به درد لایه جرز می‌خوری

و مثل میمون میمانی

همانی که در مهمانی

گفتی‌ به فلانی‌

کیست صاحب این مهمانی

کجاست تکیلا و لیمو

خوردی مثل حیوانی

زدند به تو اردنگی

پرتت کردند بیرون از مهمانی

   In response to MPD’s new funny poem idea and inspired by our good friend Orang.  I encourage you to use the title and write a poem of your own!




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I see

by Latina on

Wow! I have been gone for long stretches at a time from the web site. I keep finding new things I missed out on. LOL


Not an angry "poem" Just didn't use any exclamation points! BTW

by Anonymouse on

BTW when I wrote the belog and used the exact same title as MPD's nemidanam midani, MPD's blog and my blog got all messed up on the front page when JJ featured it.

MPD and I crashed i.com!  So in response JJ changed the title and added "- Response" to my title and now I see Nazy added an English sentence to the end too!  This is what we called yek-kalagh-40-kalagh!  or the unintended consequences but it's alright!  It's all good! 

Khar jaan you chose an alias which has many meanings in Farsi so you're going to be used a lot!

Everything is sacred.

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

حالا یک اتفاق جزیی در آن مهمانی افتاد، شما چرا انقدر عصبانی می شید؟!!

I'm sorry for messing up the names in mentioning the call to write. I followed your heading on your blog. Thank you, Orang, and MPD so much for the great idea.

Multiple Personality Disorder


by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Nazy Kaviani has accepted your call to write poetry about ghormeh sabzi, see here.


Excuse me?!

by Khar on

What the "Khar" has anything to do with it? Please keep my name out of this! :o))