10 dissimilarities between Islamic Regime and Pahlavi Regime

10 dissimilarities between Islamic Regime and Pahlavi Regime
by capt_ayhab

10 dissimilarities between Islamic Regime and Pahlavi Regime

Dissimilarity #1: None

Dissimilarity #2: None

Dissimilarity #3: None

Dissimilarity #4: None

Dissimilarity #5: None

Dissimilarity #6: None

Dissimilarity #7: None

Dissimilarity #8: None

Dissimilarity #9: None

Dissimilarity #10: None

Feel Free to add as you wish.


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Promiscuity is different than

by capt_ayhab on

Meaning I can rape for pleasure, its ok since I am Shah.............

but it is not ok to rape for any other purpose?




A sincere question

by capt_ayhab on

True that we read they have passed this Sharia law and that sharia allowing the marriage of 9 year old's.

My question is , how many incidents can we name now? Are we taking people of Iran to be that stupid?

P/S what do you think of new Arizona immigration law? Are people of US that stupid?

Do you get the analogy?



Captain: Promiscuity is

by vildemose on

Captain: Promiscuity is different than the entire state legal system that allows virgin rape of  political dissidents as a prelude to execution.


Captain jan: I'm not talking

by vildemose on

Captain jan: I'm not talking about the 1400 year old practice. I was wondering if the legal age of marriage during the Shah's time was 9 or 18? The actual legal age during the Shah's regime not what Mohammad did 1400 years ago.


Did the Shah rape the virgins in his prison as a prelude to thei

by capt_ayhab on

Shah was one of the most promiscuous of all.............

Did he have many young women as objects of his pleasure?

I promise you that he realy liked women in their young age of  every nationality. Please read Khaterate Aalam, [Diaries of Allam], his chief of staff, his personal pimp. They called it GARDESH.

Khaneye Ketab in LA has both Farsi and English version.



9 year old age of marriage !?

by capt_ayhab on

Let us not get carried away with the traditions of 1400 years ago among all,  when the life expectancy was a mere 30 to 35 years, when every one got married at very very young age. Where Mohammad never ever consummated the marriage with Ayeshe, till she was at the age reception.

Let us all concentrate on solid facts.

#1 Late shah's father FORCED women to dis-HEJAB. You like it and I like it, BUT have we ever stop and think how some women might have felt?

Late Shah criminalized any political party. The alleged social liberties he gave[hahaha] to the nation was only on paper.

One major question:

What is the use for equal rights where NO ONE can vote? Equal rights of SUPPRESSION? Meaning........... You are all suppressed equally as opposed to now where women are suppressed MORE equally?[Sarcasm is well intended]




by yolanda on

Under the IRI, hejab is more important than anything else. IRI refuses to follow FIFA rules to let Iranian girls play soccer without hejab....so talented Iranian athletes are deprived of opportunities shining on the international arena! It happened in both soccer and Taekwondo events. It is a shame!



Ms. Yolanda

by capt_ayhab on

The point you brought up is compeletly valid. 

Women in Iran have been the hardest hit and most discriminated against.

No right mind[RIGHT MIND is stressed] can argue that.



Was stoning allowed under

by vildemose on

Was stoning allowed under the Shah's regime?

Was pedophilia legal under the Shah's regime? 9 year old age of marriage

Did the Shah rape the virgins in his prison as a prelude to their executions?

Was sigheh (legal prostitution)/polygamy as popular as it is now?



by yolanda on

In 1974 Asian Games (Pahlavi era), women competed in all events (My Iranian Math teacher told me).......but under IRI, women are not allowed to compete in swimming, diving, gymnastics, figure-skating?......I guess IRI feels those events are un-Islamic!



by jamshid on

I was talking about most of the 70s. In fact, the unemployment was not even zero, it was negative, meaning that there were more work available than could be filed by Iranian labor. So we had to import labor from foreign countries to meet society's demands.

And as far as the official unemployment rate in Iran, who knows? Maybe it is the 40 percent that you've been told. The problem is that no IRI figures can be trusted because they lie so much. But I think 30+ percent is more precise.


China 1974

by capt_ayhab on

Due respect but China in 1974 was a starving country under the rule of Mao Zedong also known as Mao Tse-Tung who was trying to feed 1 Billion hungry stomachs with utmost brutality, while trying to clean the country from close to 90% opium addiction.

Point of comparison is rather,,,,,,,,,,, how should I say,,,,,,,,, weak?



Stripped of stars, Capt

by Rea on




by yolanda on



1974 Asian Games (under Pahlavi Regime), Iran ranked #2 in Asia in medal count and beat China:


2006 Asian Games (Under IRI), Iran ranked #6 in Asia in medal count, beaten by S. Korea, Thailand, and Kazakhstan:



I am not a monarchist....just hope Iran can do better in everything, like better economy, better lives for people, do better in sports, especially World cup.....more freedom for people.

Thank you for your blog! 


Vildemose e azziz

by capt_ayhab on

My pleasure




LOL, captain jon: You made

by vildemose on

LOL, captain jon: You made my day!

Was Rosie

Jamshid, you wrote that..

by Was Rosie on

under the Shah there was 0 percent unemployment. I saw the same statement by you recently and I think you said it was at the time of the Revolution(???).  So could you let me know what time period you are talking about, please? Also I have seen wildly, and I mean WILDLY divergent claims in the other direction, up to 40% recently, if I recall correctly. How can this possible?



  Mr. Fozolie

by fozolie on


Mr. Fozolie

Was Rosie

Well, maybe I was wrong...

by Was Rosie on

maybe the blog was meant just as the same kind of challenge to promote a debate. Not sure I love the presentation, Ayhab, but it could be a wonderful opportunity to have a serious debate about the issues. Suggested topic: what do we mean by 'totalitarian', 'dictatorship' and 'fascist' and to what extent can this be applied to either or both of the two governments?

This is something that has concerned me for a long time. What do these words actually MEAN? Before both sides start screaming them at each other with no real definition? Then it becomes just a pillow fight at a teenage slumber party. With the pillow the word and the results just silly, then mommy (The Moderator) has to come in and say, time to go to bed, kiddies. We need to avoid this kind of scenario.

Doing a little googling to find out how political scientists define these terms would be very helpful.

Just a suggestion.


Please read. It's very short.




Ms. Yolanda

by capt_ayhab on

No there are no metaphor and you are right on track as usual. 



Mr. MM

by capt_ayhab on

[During Shah's reign, Iranians did not have any political freedoms, but there were plenty of social freedoms.  After 1979, not only Iranians did not attain political freedom, but lost many of the social freedoms that people took for granted.]

How true and how appropriate. I firmly believe IF late shah had the vision and foresight to see what is happening in the country. Had been able to control his family member and allow the freedom of speech to flourish, we would not be were we are now.

One can always depend on your comment to add value to the discussion. I say this knowing that you and I disagree on many issues yet you always manage to stay the course and be a gentleman. I appreciate that.

As you said on other blog............ Hang in there, we will get there.




جمشید گرامی‌



صادقانه بگم به هیچ کدوم از اون مواردی که در مورد غارتگران جمهوری
اسلامی نوشین هیچ اعتراضی ندارم.

من خودم ۱۰۰۰‌ها مورد دیگه می‌تونم براتون درج کنم.


مسٔله باعث تأسف اینه که کمابیش پهلوی هم همین کاررو کرد سر ملت ما،
وگرنه چه دلیلی‌ برای اون مثلا انقلاب بود؟

سپاس از وقتت



Darius Kadivar

Do Not Forsake me Oh My Darling ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Anahid Hojjati

What I notice about some IC writers

by Anahid Hojjati on


There are some IC writers who present a solid profile.  You can find out from their postings about their good character.  I am talking about people like MM, VPK, etc.  But then there are thsoe whom we are left to think: should we believe Dome khoroos or ghasame hazrate abbas? 


Ahyab, this is for you.

by jamshid on

:With permission from Khers:

یک مشت خارجی‌، از عراق و لبنان و فلسطین اومدند...اون خمینی بی‌ همه چیز که اصلا فارسی بلد نبود.  چمران و سید احمد و بقیه مافیایهٔ جمهرری اسلامی...تعلیم دیدیهایه یاسر عرفات و جنبش آمل لبنان.  یک مشت چپی بی‌ وطن خود فروخته هم جا کشیشون رو کردند...  

خرابی‌ برامون اورددند.  فرهنگ مرگ برامون اورددند.   جنگ درست کردند.  صدها هزار جوون و بچه را فرستادند رو مین و بهشون قول بهشت دادند.  دها هزار نفر رو اعدام کردند. 

بزور کتک و دشنام و زندان لچک کردند سر زنهای پیشرفتهٔ ایران.  آبرومون رو تو دنیا بردند و کردنمون میکروب رو کرهٔ زمین...تنها دوستامون شدند تروریستهای لبنانی و فلسطینی...

کشور رو چپاول کردند.  بیلیونها دلار سرمایه‌ مردم ایران را فرستادند و میفرستند برایه تروریستهای لبنان و فلسطین.  آثار تاریخیمون رو حراج کردند تو کشورهای خارجی‌.  میخوان تخت جمشید رو زیر آب کنند. شهرهای ساسانی رو زیر آب کردند. ولی‌ خوب امامزاده میسازند...

ارتش بزرگمون رو تیکه پاره کردند بجاش یک مشت بسیجی‌ و پاسدار چاقو کش سر کار گذشتند.  اسلحهایه خوبمون را تاراج کردند بجاش یک مشت آهن قراضه از کره‌ شمالی اوردند و باهاش سر مردم شیره میمالند میگن خودمون درست کردیم...

جوونهامون رو تو خیابون تو روز روشن میکشند و میگویند که بی‌بی‌سی کشتش!  به باقی‌ شون تو زندان تجاوز میکنند...

بعد از اینهمه جنایت هنوز یک مشت وطن فروش چپی و اسلامی برامون بلاگ مینویسند که چقدر جمهوری اسلامی منطقی‌ است و "غرب" منطقی‌ نیست، و فحش و بد و بیراه به بدبخت رضا پهلوی میدهند و قمپز در میکنند که جمهوری اسلامیشون پنجاه سال دیگه هم هستش...

واقعا که...


Other dissimilarities

by jamshid on

Unemployment under the Pahlavis: 0 percent.

Unemployment under the IRI: more than 25 percent.

Wars under the Pahlavis: 0

Wars under the IRI: 1 with possibly more coming.

People killed under the Pahlavis: 5500, mostly Islamist and leftist types who are in charge now. 

People killed under the IRI: more than 750,000 in war and more than 25,000 known executions.

Rial's worth under Pahlavis: 70 Rial for 1 Dollar.

Rial's worth under the IRI: 10,000 Rial for 1 Dollar.

Respect around the world under the Pahlavis: outmost.

Respect under the IRI: Zero.

Brain Drain under the Pahlavis: Zero.

Brain Drain under the IRI: Largest in the world.

Inflation under the Pahlavis: Under relative control.

Inflation under the IRI: Out of control.

Prostitution under the Pahlavis: Limited to shahre no (in Tehran)

Prostitution under the IRI: You can't trust a stranger woman (in Tehran)

Drug addiction under the Pahlavis: Like in any other country.

Drug addiction under the IRI: One of the worst in the world.

Rate of growth of the country under the Pahlavi: Iran Kept breaking its own record, year after year.

Rate of growth of the country under the IRI: In the negative if we consider the vast revenues from oil exports.

Social freedom under the Pahlavis: A lot.

Social freedom under the IRI: Not much.

But wait, I haven't gotten to the economic indicators yet. Maybe next time.

maziar 58

One similarity

by maziar 58 on

Back then we had the so called socialist ANN telectuals crowd who sold Iran for NOTHING;

NOW we still have them sh....

thanks to the new political freedom that wants to sell Iran again for ZILCH.      Maziar

Was Rosie


by Was Rosie on

this wasn't helpful to me or Anahid or any of the other people who worked so hard on that thread to get some kind of dialogue going on your thread so there could be some kind of rapprochement, some good feeling, some good will. So some of this endless warring and bickering could end? Now all you have is a dialogue on your thread about nuances of monarchism and me getting kicked in the a-s for all that work. It really wasn't helpful at all. Do you understand why? Do you have any self-insight whatsoever on what you did? To me. And others who tried so hard, so hard to make that thing work?



by yolanda on



Dissimilarity #1

Pahlavi Regime was not theocratic

IRI is theocratic big time!

Dissimilarity #2

Pahlavi Regime did not have mandatory hejab law

IRI administers 76 lashes if women don't wear hejab

Dissimilarity #3

IRI bans alcohols and dancing

Pahlavi Regime did not ban alcohols and dancing

Dissimilarity #4

IRI and Pahlavi flags look different


I am not sure what metaphor is behind this blog! I think I am taking this blog literally!

Are you suggesting that since IRI and Pahlavi are the same, so we've better not overthrow IRI?


Capt - ONE big difference

by MM on

During Shah's reign, Iranians did not have any political freedoms, but there were plenty of social freedoms.  After 1979, not only Iranians did not attain political freedom, but lost many of the social freedoms that people took for granted.

Related to the loss of social freedoms, and very much apparent to Iranian women, is the loss of social status.  In the past 31 years, Iranian women have lost their legal equality, forced to wear hejab and are subject to many more restrictions than men.