Come Forth Thee With Virus in Thou Computer

Come Forth Thee With Virus in Thou Computer
by capt_ayhab
Come Forth Thee With Virus in Thou Computer.

One week to the day, my beloved companion, my modern day pen and paper, my modern day books and libraries, my connection to the entire universe caught this nasty disease called Computer Virus.

Not that I had not been talking to HER[my computer] about all the facts that SHE should not talk[download] from the strangers. Not that I had not provided HER with the state of the art condom[Anti Virus]. Not that I had not, on a daily basis striped her down[Run the Anti Virus Scanner] at 2 AM sharp looking for marks and bruises[Virus]. Not that I had not  talked to her about the virtues of having a proper cloth on[Daily Backup]. Not that I had not given HER the best of the best[8 Gigs of Memory] with all the accessories that she needed to look good, such as Scarves[Broad Band] high heel shoes[Mobile Connection], gorgeous handbags to show off with[18" LCD Screen] etc etc etc........

Despite all the care and attention I gave my baby[Computer] there she goes wondering in the discos and the bars[Insecure Connections] and there we have it A big fat ass virus.

Now my beautiful pampered baby[Computer] has a runny nose[Pop Ups], fever[Crashes], diarrhea[Redirects] and you name it she has got it.

SO, Come forth thee with thou feverish, vomiting runny nose BABY[computer] so we can figure out the best of the best medication[Anti Virus/Mal-ware].


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by capt_ayhab on

My pleasure.

A good anti-virus software I found is AVG which is free. Visit cnet for download instructions.
McAfee and Norton are truly for the birds since they do NOTHING.





by Rea on

Nice of you to have provided the link, thx.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

sometimes when i come here, i get messages that it's not safe

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I have to wonder..... especially with the ads, which is where the trouble is fed from. 

I'm sorry your computer went through this. it's such a hassle! 


Ladies and Gents

by capt_ayhab on

I appreciate all your comments and recommendations.

I was finally able to cleanse my BABY by using MALWAREBYTES which came strongly recommended by technology center at the university that I teach.

Not only malwarebytes finds the infection and deletes it by it also takes care of the registry error.

Here is the link for the free version //

MM Jan you are so right Norton and McAfee are for the birds. they do nothing.


Thank you all



Sargord Pirouz

by KouroshS on


Why don't you go ahead and tell that to all those who lost their lives in the recent rash of Toyota overacceleration accidents?

Sargord Pirouz

Should have bought an Apple

by Sargord Pirouz on

Should have bought an Apple product. Better OS, better hardware, MUCH less likely to get a virus.

As the saying goes: you get what you pay for. 


Latest threats according to ESET site

by MM on


capt - sorry to hear about your troubles, but U need to ACT now

by MM on

After many disappointments with regular anti-virus/firewall software, my computer guy finally recommended that I get "ESET Smart Security 4" for my computer.  Once he installed the software, and set the security on maximum, I have not had any trouble, knock on wood.


In the past few days, my anti-virus software has been working overtime, it seems, and has also been catching trojan horses and putting them in quarantine.  It happened on 3/6, 3/7 and 3/8 and ESET caught them all.  I will break the trojans down so that it is not a complete link, but the sourse look similar with same reason for quarantine (JS/exploit.Agent.NBA trojan):

//google...... on 3/8 (size 6887) on 3/7 (size 6897) on 3/6 (size 7009)


The above threats were detected upon access to web by the application C:\Program files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, the connection was terminated and the threat was quarantined.   I suggest that you use a different safe computer to change all your important passwords (bank, atm, school, etc.).


Someone mentioned that JJ has an Apple and therefore immune.  However, my computer-guy said that was a myth since there are many viruses out there for Apples to extract your info (are you listening, JJ?  IRI?).  So, ACT now, change your passwords, have a professional remove the viruses/trojans/etc, install a reputable software, set it on max protection and do regular backups (separate from your system).


Even now, ESET refuses to let some of the videos in IC blogs show up and let me click, probably because of infections?, I guess.


PS, like your picture and glad you have not lost your sense of humor.


capt - sorry to hear about your troubles, but U need to ACT now

by MM on

After many disappointments with regular anti-virus/firewall software, my computer guy finally recommended that I get "ESET Smart Security 4" for my computer.  Once he installed the software, and set the security on maximum, I have not had any trouble, knock on wood.


In the past few days, my anti-virus software has been working overtime, it seems, and has also been catching trojan horses and putting them in quarantine.  It happened on 3/6, 3/7 and 3/8 and ESET caught them all.  I will break the trojans down so that it is not a complete link, but the sourse look similar with same reason for quarantine (JS/exploit.Agent.NBA trojan):

//google...... on 3/8 (size 6887) on 3/7 (size 6897) on 3/6 (size 7009)


The above threats were detected upon access to web by the application C:\Program files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe, the connection was terminated and the threat was quarantined.   I suggest that you use a different safe computer to change all your important passwords (bank, atm, school, etc.).


Someone mentioned that JJ has an Apple and therefore immune.  However, my computer-guy said that was a myth since there are many viruses out there for Apples to extract your info (are you listening, JJ?  IRI?).  So, ACT now, change your passwords, have a professional remove the viruses/trojans/etc, install a reputable software, set it on max protection and do regular backups (separate from your system).


Even now, ESET refuses to let some of the videos in IC blogs show up and let me click, probably because of infections?, I guess.


PS, like your picture and glad you have not lost your sense of humor.


My deepest condolescences

by Latina on

I have one laptop and two home computers down due to viruses. My sister wants to take them apart piece by piece. No she doesn't know how to fix them.

She wants  to de-stress by de-stroying. LOL

 My place is beginning to look like a computer grave yard.




by KouroshS on

Ain't no Virigin Computers Left No mo. ......