
by capt_ayhab

I was born with very little artistic and literary talent. I was not even scientifically nor mathematically gifted. Every little thing that I may or may not have achieved in life been through [KHAR KHONI] and being a [book worm].

I am not saying that I have been dumb or stupid [although some may beg the differ], but rather been a man of no particular literary talent. Through out my adult life I have always envied people who can put together beautiful sentences, heart melting poetry and breathtaking pieces of writing and I have always wished and dreamed of being able to take a subject and pour my heart and soul on a piece of paper about it.

Today I am going to give this long standing wish a shot. Today I am going to put on a page of MS Word, my real feelings about one very specific event that takes place once a year, when the world rejuvenates her beautiful self and Mother Nature puts out her best show of recreation and rebirth to advertise LIFE.

I am referring to Vernal Equinox, time that we Iranians call NouRuz. When earth wakes up from her cold shivering nights of winter, gloomy cold dead winter to welcome the cherry blossoms. To welcome the rebirths of singing nightingales and grazing gazelles.  When the dark nights of oppression are short and shinning days of joyous celebrations of majestic spring freedom and defiance are long and lasting.

A time where heroic young men serenade fighting brave beautiful women of our land with [Ghashogh Zani]. A time when suppression and barbarity scrambles for FATWA’S to silence the deafening sounds of laughter, joy,  DEFIANCE and fireworks, united and  shouting [zardi e man az to…. SORKHIYE to az MAN].

NouRuze hame Khojasteh, va Iran e hame Payandeh.

From my humble family to all of you and your beautiful families.


Recently by capt_ayhabCommentsDate
Grandeur of Kiani Crown.
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Happy Mothers Day
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Why Do I Think the Military Strike on Iran is Imminent!
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more from capt_ayhab
Niloufar Parsi

Happy Norooz Captain

by Niloufar Parsi on

great blog!

Darius Kadivar

Happy NowRooz Capt'n Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on

To you and Your loved ones !




Oh, ay-hab you break my heart

by Cost-of-Progress on

but that's OK - Apparently I am not the smart academic kind...If you want to know what I've written, find them among my other posts here.......


Of course, it does not compare to postings by those of your caliber, but hey...I try!





Mr. Mardom Mazloom

by capt_ayhab on

Fadaye hosne niyate shoma.

Nou-Ruze shoma pirooz salar.






قدمت  خجسته و نوروزت پیروز


ebi amirhosseini

سالار ناخدا

ebi amirhosseini

هر چه از دل برآید،لاجرم بر دل نشیند.

گل گفتی .


سال نو و اول بهار است

پای گل و لاله در نگار است

والای شقایق است دررنگ

پیراهن غنچه نیم کار است

آن شعله که لاله نام دارد

در سنگ هنوز چون شرار است

پستان شکوفه است پر شیر

نوباوهٔ باغ شیرخوار است

برگ از سر شاخه تازه جسته

گویا که مگر زبان مار است

این فرش زمردی ببینید

کش از نخ سبزه پود وتار است

ای پرده نشین گل بهاری

مرغ چمنت در انتظار است

این وزن ترانه می‌سراید

مرغی که مقیم شاخسار است

کای تازه بهار عالم افروز

هر روز تو عید باد و نوروز


با بهترین شادباش ها برای شما و عزیزانت.

Ebi aka Haaji

Mardom Mazloom

Ahyab jan,

by Mardom Mazloom on

Bi shookhi, I find that you write n^m times better than most guys who post tight stuffs on IC everyday.

Eide shoma and your beautiful family mobarak too. May this year brings you joy and good peaching.


Cost of Progress

by capt_ayhab on

Thanks but no thanks........... I have no claim on anyting but myself.


Love to see you WRITE a piece on something......... anything.......  [WINK]



by capt_ayhab on

Although your name indicates your ever lasting alliance with yours truly, but consider yourself lucky for not seeing me dance.




I can't dance

by divaneh on

Captain you must be one of those people who in parties say I can't dance and then gets in the middle and put the Jamile to shame. Thanks for your beautiful blog and payandeh Iran.

Nowruztaan Pirouz. 



by Cost-of-Progress on

you've come back with a vengence and although I disagree with some of your convictions, I believe you're one of the more moderate of the gang here that claims to be iran lovers.

eyde shuma mobarak too.





Ali P.

Very cool...

by Ali P. on

Happy Nowruz, my Friend!