Jesse Ventura OWNS Sean Hannity

by capt_ayhab

Sean Hannity interviews Jessi Ventura on Fox News, about his opinion on GW Bush and Mr. Obama.


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Ali Akbar

two words.... IRAN CONTRA!!!!!!

by Ali Akbar on

George HW Bush and the Aytollahs of Iran are in cahoots....


also  ask yourself this....


who was the GOVERNOR OF ARKANSAS during the Iran Contra event ..

BILL CLINTON!!!!!   the Bushes and the Clintons are SECRET PARTNERS...


also look up 1980 October suprise and a SECRET Meeting in Paris between George HW Bush and one Iranian official to BLOCK ANY Hostage negotations during the 1980 US Presidential campaign...

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Of course I don't think that the whole gang would have been gone, but the elimination of this particular target likely would have prevented 9/11. Not definitely, but likely.

And yes, they're popping up like mushrooms just as fast as they're being killed, but these are low level "front-line" targets. Osama isn't just a side dish or condiment in the jihadi food chain. He's their leader, and the head of the network. Cut the head off, and the rest will follow.

Now, that raises the issue of "well, they can regroup under someone else's leadership," and that would be valid. But that would also take them a lot of time, and would further disrupt their regular operation. The idea is to pound them into oblivion constantly. If they try to get up, knock them back down. Cut off the head of this monster. These jihadis and suicide bombers are more like paper cuts.

While you enjoy the fact that Jesse pointed out that 9/11 happened under Bush's watch (only 8 1/2 months in), under Clinton's eight years, we had the first WTC bombing, the U.S. Embassy attacks in Africa, the USS Cole, and so on. But in this atmosphere of "everything that's wrong with the universe is Bush's fault", those incidents seem to have been forgotten almost completely.

Take care.


Osama dead or alive

by Gordzadeh (not verified) on

Kaveh jan,

I'm not defending Clinton not to act when he had the chance on Osama but hey, who are we kidding? You think the whole fundamentalist and terrorist gang would be gone if he was dead 10 years ago? Let's say Khamenei is gone. That takes care of Rafsanjani, Saaneii, ahmaGHinejad, and all other akhoonds? They have been killing so many jihadiis and suicide bombers and there are still more coming forward as mushrooms from nowhere.

What I liked in Jesse's talk was the fact that 9/11 took place on JW's watch. Period. He and his team were in charge and missed to prevent it. Let's not forget that.

Niloufar Parsi

great video

by Niloufar Parsi on

thanks captain


Kaveh Nouraee

That was fun to watch

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I like Ventura for not being a follower, but I disagree with him on the part of preferring to have a thousand "Monicas" over 9/11.

It's no secret that Clinton had five chances (that we know of) to kill Osama bin Laden. And this was long before 9/11 was even planned. On each of these five occasions, Clinton said "no" when he was asked for permission to pull the trigger on that animal.

But I guess it's more important for some people to see Sean Hannity go head-to-head with Jesse Ventura than it was to prevent the horrors of that day from taking place.


Majid Jan

by capt_ayhab on

I know what you mean. Last nite when I was cruising the channels, and by habit I stopped on Faux News, I needed some Endorphin to be pumped into my system by getting angry when I watch these guys[Hannity, Beck, O'Riely] and I came across this one.

I tell you, Jessi made my evening in a nice way. Besides, when he was a wrestler, and I was much much much younger, I used to watch him go on a rant about his opponents.





by Majid on

It's DNA and not DAN, lost in translation...........LOL

I know cap'n, what I meant was since when he learned to recite Yaaseen in Hannity's ears?

No use, Sean Hannity is too devoted or dumb to get it!




by capt_ayhab on

مگه نه اینکه جسی استاندار مینه سوتا بود؟
من ازون موقع که کشتی کج میکرفت وهم دوره ای اون کشتی گیر ایرانی که اسمش یادم نیست میشناسمش.




by Majid on

این جسی ونتورا کی یاد گرفت که یاسین بخونه؟

من نمیدونم اینا چطوری میتونن بشینن و به اراجیف این شان هنیتی یا بیل اورایلی جُعلّق گوش بدن و .................هنوز رو صندلیشون بشینن!

بابا جورج بوش رفت! حالا برو  دماغت و لبهات رو از «دی ای ان» جورجی و دیکی پاک کن و یکی دیگه رو واسه «عرض ادب» پیدا کن!


I liked that!!!

by IRANdokht on

Go Jesse! 

Of course Hannity thinks it's better after GWB, he almost became somebody just by kissing Bush's behind. 

I was hoping to see Jesse do a somersault on him. That he deserved for sure!

Thanks Captn! :o)
