Let us show gratitude

Let us show gratitude
by capt_ayhab

Mr.'s Jahanshah Javid, Foad, and Admin

Kindly accept our thanks for 48 hours of hard work you gentlemen so graciously performed in order to  retrieve and restore the past months lost data.

In behalf of ME I thank you and hope all can join me in doing so.



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Aye Aye Capt'n

by IRANdokht on

I second Captain's post: 

Thank you all for your hard work and for retrieving the data. 

Khasteh nabashid




by yolanda on

Thank you sooo much for retrieving the data miraculously. I always like to come IC to read.....I am so glad that the beautiful articles & comments are intact! Thank you sooo much for your effort and may God bless you!


Thank you captain,

by admin on

you're too kind!