COLUMBIA PRESENTS: Academic Excellence With Hamid Dabashi & Sadri Bros


COLUMBIA PRESENTS: Academic Excellence With Hamid Dabashi & Sadri Bros
by Darius Kadivar

As the IRI restricts social sciences seen as 'Western' and 'Secular' at odds with the principles of the Islamic Revolution. Our Eminent Self Proclaimed "Green" Intellectuals have found nothing better to do than slam a fellow Secular Colleague Aramesh Doustdar for expressing his views on Islam in a correspodence he had with a German philosopher Jürgen Habermas. ( See Dabashi and Sadri's Related Open Letter Here and Masoud Nogreh-kar's Antagonist Secular Response Here). This is not the first attempt by Hamid Dabashi to badmouth and character assassinate his colleagues. One simply has to remember his jealous rants against Azar Nafisi or Historian Abbas Milani both accused of being Neo Con Side Kicks and War Mongerers while on the otherhand he praised the likes of Controversial Pro Palestinian Champion George Galloway despite the latter's outrageous support of President Ahmadinejad and having a Regular Program on IRI's Press TV. Jumping on the Bandwagon of the Green Movement he never predicted nor wished for he has been coming accross as the self proclaimed spokesperson for the same Green Movement on his weekly Online Program : The Week in Green. In addition DOKOTOR Dabashi in order to avoid being himself contradicted on one of the Diaspora's groundbreaking and subversive TV Shows Parazit took the initiative to interview it's talented presentators Kambiz Hosseini and Saman Arbabi and take them by the soft side as by fear of being put in an uncomfortable situation himself. ( I am still looking forward to seeing Hamid Dabashi in the uncomfortable seet of the person interviewed and not the interviewer on that Program, although I ever doubt that he will be asked the uncomfortable questions now that the two presentators were given a platform by our eminent Columbia Professor).

If Mr. Dabashi thinks he can dictate his terms on everymind as if Iranians society was composed of Obedient Students or likeminds like his fellow colleagues Ahmad and Mahmoud Sadri then he is Dead Wrong. But I am sure Mr. Dabashi and Co.'s Courses would perfectly fit the IRI's Academic Requirements in the upcoming semester ...  ( Educating Donkeys)

Don't miss Columbia's First Semester Courses With Hamid Dabashi Assisted by the Sadri Bros: 

BBC Persian Exclusive Footage of Attack on Tehran University Dormitory:

Hamid Dabash's Week in Green : Episode Nine Exclusive Interview with Dr. Ahmad Sadri:

Flynt Leverett & Hamid Dabashi: Iranians do not want to overthrow the Islamic Republic:

FOOD FOR THOUGHT ? Cleric explains how to eat in Islam:

(NOTE: Hamid Dabashi is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York City . Mahmoud Sadri and Ahmad Sadri are twins. Mahmoud is Associate Professor of Sociology at Texas Women's University. He has a doctorate in sociology from New York's New School for Social Research (See Features . See Homepage). Ahmad is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Lake Forest College, IL, USA. See Features . See Homepage )

Related News:

Hamid Dabashi and Sadri Brothers Slam Secular Philosopher Aramesh Doustdar correspondence with German colleague

IRI restricts social sciences seen as 'Western' (bbc)

Related Blogs:

LOST IN TRANSLATION: NIAC Welcomes Hamid Dabashi on Advisory Board


BAS LES VOILES: Iranian writer and activist Chahrdott Djavann denounces Euro Islamists

Other Satirical Blogs:

SATIRE: Hamid Dabashi & George Galloway "Get me Out of Here, I'm a Celebrity"

SATIRE: IRI Lobby Moves to Great Britain ;0)

SATIRE: Evolution of the Iranican Mind ;0)

SATIRE: Intellectual er ... ANN-TELLECTUAL Discourse Amongst IRI Apologists

SATIRE: The Burqa Republic of Our IRANICAN Dreams ;0)

SATIRE: I voted ;0)

SATIRE: The Extraordinary Tale of The Persistent Fly ;0)

The Olagh Has Landed

SATIRE: Turk and Iranian argue in Austria ;0)


more from Darius Kadivar
Farah Rusta

Thanks Darius jaan for useful links on Sadri and Co.

by Farah Rusta on

The link regarding Ahmad Sadri and Mesbah-Yazdi (Ahmdi Nejad's Mentor) is of particular interest and discloses the depth of duplicity to help survive the regime. In his talk with the recently  Islamicized Dabashi, Sadri makes a number of obvious mistakes and deliberately misinforms the audience. For instance, suggesting that Iranians kept their original language and calendar after the Arab invasion!! He is also very (passively) angry at the anti-Islamic intellectuals that ascribes his own anger to the opponents of Islamic thinkers. He is unintelligible and contradictory in his analysis of the roots of anti-Islamic thinking as well as being hypocritical in welcoming an atheistic critique of Islam. His joint letter with Dabashi and his sibling against Aramesh Doostar is the latest proof of his double standards.





by MRX1 on

from this meeting are Kaveh Afrasiabi and Ardeshir Omani. Add them and you will  have five musketeers! one for all and all for imam!

Darius Kadivar

FYI/conversation with Ahmad Sadri and Mesbah Yazdi in Jahannews

by Darius Kadivar on

 گفت و گو با احمد صدري و محمدتقى مصباح يزدى‌




Only war advocates and


Only war advocates and exiles who dont give a damn about ordinary iranians living inside iran get offended by my posts. Anahid Hojjati is another hypocrite of a different ideology who does not have a problem if iranians inside iran suffer as a consequence of sanctions.

Darius Kadivar

Another Response to Dabashi and Co but also to Ganji (

by Darius Kadivar on



دوستدار؛ هابرماس؛ و معرکه‌گيران اسلامی! ايراندخت دل آگاه



Darius Kadivar

Farah Jaan Wait till Dabashi and Co Read HIS Open Letter ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

GIVE ME BACK MY COUNTRY: Bold Poem by a fellow compatriot denounces Ahmadinejad's Iran

By the way Loved Your Tintin Thomson and Thompson aka Dupont et Dupon Reference ;0) 

Farah Rusta

Sadri twins on Belgian TV and more ...

by Farah Rusta on

Well, near enough!



and appearing in Tintin

LOOK! They even sing together!



Farah Rusta

Ajoudani and Doostdar

by Farah Rusta on

Mashallah Ajoudani and Aramesh Doostdar outrank Dabashi+Sadrix2 by at least a hundreds degrees. Both of these secular thinkers have contributed to the secular intellectual movement of Iran in depth and breadth that can not be even nearly matched by any of their contemporaries. The  only other contender who was (repeat was) in their league was Javad Tabatabaee before he sold himself to the Islamic regime. Both Ajoudani and Doostar are innovative thinkers who have initiated a firm and established line of thinking in  re- viewing our history and its associated intellectual developments. Such feats have never been achieved by the likes of Dabashi or Sadris. With the so-called leftist Dabashi  joining forces with reformist Islamist like the Sadri twins and Ganji (not matter how insignificant they truly are) to oppose Doostdar the real face of the Iranian-American leftist movement is exposed. These pseudo-leftists who oppose the American capitalist/imperialist system while at the same time pay taxes to and  enjoys the dividends of the same system, give the concept of hypocrisy a new name: double-dealing.

And now these double-dealers are desperately in need of being trusted!!  Their recent rush to rescue their badly listing ship by sending the hastily composed letter to Habermas  is in fact a poorly transmitted s,o,s message to the wrong captain.



Darius Kadivar

The Funniest is Yet to Come ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

The IRI Minister of Culture announced today : 

"Modes of acquiring the news, distorting people's identities, reducing social assets, disseminating doubt, creating anxiety and resorting to mockery are amongst the tactics of the enemy in the soft war," the culture minister stressed. 

To Read Copy and Paste in your browser:

Authorities say Iranian elite target of "Soft War"



Well ... Unlike Elvis ... I Plead Guilty of All Charges ... ;0)




Oh ... and For the Cherry on the Cake ... It pays Off  :


Javid Shah 

Hee Hee 

David ET

Haven't we yet had enough of:

by David ET on

جاده صاف کنان رژیم جنایتکار آخوندی


Great of job of satirizing

by vildemose on

Great of job of satirizing the iconic images  of the antiquated far left and the far right.

Darius Kadivar

FYI/ Mashallah Ajoudani Vs Fatemeh Haghighatjoo (VOA)

by Darius Kadivar on

Mashallah Ajoudani debates with Fatemeh Haghighatjoo on the incompatibility between Religion and Human Rights ( VOA Persian):


Related Blog:


HISTORY FORUM: Mashallah Ajoudani on Intellectuals and the Revolution

Darius Kadivar

Good One Farah Jaan ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Hilarious Video ...

Thanks for the Good Laugh ;0) 

Darius Kadivar

I understand Your Frustrations Masteh MOOSIR Jaan ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

It's Not easy to admit that more and more people most of whom are not even Monarchists like me are beginning to notice your own Hypocrisy ...






Now you act like a kid Darius



And Besides YOUR Likeminds Started it Remember ? ... "


daddy he started it first! no he did! did not! did too! did not! dd too! .. stop it children!!!

I love how you conveniently put me in a category. its easy for you ideologues to paint everyone you disagree with with the same brush. sorry Darius, I don't belong to any ideologies. cant say the same thing about you, with your tired actvism on behalf of Agha Emam Reza Pahlavi.



Darius Kadivar

Masteh MOOSIR what comes around goes around ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I DO :

SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED: Bless Mankind ... Including My Attackers ...

And Besides YOUR Likeminds Started it Remember ? ... 





Farah Rusta

Excellent art work Darius jaan

by Farah Rusta on

May i suggest to add the fourth member of the gang meaning Akbar Ganji and call them: Four Horsemen of the Apocalyse :)) 



Darius "youtube cut and paste" Kadivar, practice what you preach


You say:

"This is not the first attempt by Hamid Dabashi to badmouth and character assassinate his colleagues."

that's fine but maybe you should stop being a hypocrite and practice what you preach. nearly every single blog post your make is filled with such tactics to smear your opponents, be it members to people who dont post on this site. its almost as if you've turned into a propaganda minister for Reza Pahlavi like Sargord is for the regime in Teheran. 

Darius Kadivar

LOL Farah Joon I think Your Prescription worked !

by Darius Kadivar on

gorboonet Beram ... ;0)

SPink Finally Found a Job Worthy of His Intellect ...



Hee Hee



Are you crying Sargord? Again?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Sargord Pirouz

Hi Farah: Yeah, I'm behind

by Sargord Pirouz on

Hi Farah:

Yeah, I'm behind on an assignment, and the mods to my motorcycle haven't been completed, either.

I have no business spending my time here, commenting on the usual BS posts, until I'm finished with more important matters. 

Be back later.

Farah Rusta

Pirouz joon did you miss your morning pill again?

by Farah Rusta on

Go on sweetie take it before the symptoms return in force. Check this link darling and never mind about subjects that challenege your grey matter :) Here! //


Darius Kadivar

Glad You are on time For Your Course SPink Jaan ...

by Darius Kadivar on

There is Some Hope for Your After All ...



Enjoy the Ride While It lasts ...


Sargord Pirouz

Darius, who are you to knock

by Sargord Pirouz on

Darius, who are you to knock Dabashi? Your intellectual abilities these days appear limited to the most rudimentary cut and pastes jobs using graphics software, and linking to other people's YouTube clips. Heck, the last book you read was in January 2009! And it was nothing more than a self-indulgent, personal perspective from a malcontented woman! Hardly high-brow stuff. 

But yeah, go ahead and knock persons many times more eminent than yourself, with your own fluffed-up and hopelessly silly self-regard. We could use the snickers and amusement, at your own expense of course.