اساسنامه و قانون اساسی پیشنهادی ایران سکولار


David ET
by David ET


پس از یک سال و نیم  اولین نسخه فارسی پیشنویس قانون اساسی سکولار ایران آماده شد. این سند پس از اظهار نظر بسیاری از خواندگان تارنمای iranian.com  و پس از ترجمه رایگان توسط تارنمای www.persion2english.com بطور کامل به نظرتان میرسد. این متن هم از لحاظ مواد مندرج در آن و هم از لحاظ دستور زبانی و قانونی بخصوص بزبان فارسی دارای اشکالاتی است.

امید داریم که با کمک خواندگان کمبودهای این نسخه اول فارسی تصیح شود. در این راه به  کمک کسانی که با  ترجمه متنهای فارسی،یا نویسندگی به فارسی ویا  متون  قانونی فارسی آگاهی دارند احتیاج است. مخارج این زحمات هم تا حدود امکان پرداخت میشود. این سند نه فقط به عنوان یک قانون اساسی بلکه بصورت یک نمونه ، یک  بیانه، یک نظرنامه  مشترک ، یک پایگاه اتحاد و اساسنامه  سازمانی و گروهی هم قابل استفاده خواهد بود 

    اساسنامه و قانون اساسی (موقت) پیشنهادی ایران سکولار



خلاصه اساسنامه


سر آغاز

فصل اول - اصول کلی 

فصل دوم - زبان، خط، تقویم و پرچم رسمی کشور

فصل سوم - حقوق مردم

فصل چهارم - مسایل اقتصادی و مالی

فصل پنجم - حق حاکمیت ملی 

فصل ششمقوه مقننه 

فصل هفتم - شوراها

فصل هشتم - قوه مجریه

فصل نهم -سیاست خارجی

فصل دهم - قوه قضائیه

فصل یازدهم - رادیو و تلویزیون

فصل دوازدهم - شورای امنیت ملی

فصل سیزدهم - بازنگری و تغییر در قانون اساسی


more from David ET
David ET

Thank you Phantom

by David ET on

Hopefully of the 72 Million Iranians someone will help :-)

as some like you have already helped to get it where it is...

The Phantom Of The Opera

You are right: If one can't help; then (s)he should shut up

by The Phantom Of The Opera on

I realy wish I could be of some sort of real help in stead of being a grouchy spelling and grammar checker; but because of the nature of my day job, as the only source of income, I am really unable to be part of your honorable undertaking. I am more than confident that between you, and Nazanin there are enough brains, and good looks which will enable you to conclude your project with the best results.

Thank you and Good-bye.

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.

David ET


by David ET on

اصل ۱۳۶

شورای قضاییه مرکب است از هفت قاضی با تجربه حد اقل ده سال آگاه به امور قضایی و مدیر و مدبر  تعیین شده  برای مدت حداکثر ده سال  توسط ریس جمهور و تایید شده با رای اکثریت مجلس شورای ملی.  شورای قضاییه عالیترین مرجع قوه قضاییه است.  وظایف شورای قضاییه به شرح زیر است

 1. ایجاد تشکیلات لازم در دادگستری.

2. تهیه لوایح قضایی متناسب با قانون اساسی.

3. استخدام قضات عادل و شایسته و عزل و نصب آنها و تغییر محل مأموریت و تعیین مشاغل و ترفیع آنان و مانند اینها از امور اداری، طبق قانون.


اصل ۱۳۷

به منظور انجام مسوولیت‏های قوه قضاییه در کلیه امور قضایی و اداری و اجرایی رئیس جمهور جایگزین اعضای بازنشسته٬ بیمار یا درگذشته عضو شورای قضایی را تعیین می‌نماید. فرد منصوب باید به تایید رای اکثریت مجلس شورای ملی قرار بگیرد.

visit: www.iransecular.org

David ET

Thanks for being that someone Phantom :-)

by David ET on

Since your Persian is better please help improve the paragraph!

Here are the resources used (bold words). As you see sentences are copied from the two Iranian Constitution and were written by Iranian lawmakers !!

As for previous articles they were translated from English by persian2english.com translator and not me.

قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران،

اصل ۱۷۷ - بازنگری در قانون اساسی

بازنگری در قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران، در موارد ضروری به ترتیب زیر انجام می‌گیرد. مقام رهبری پس از مشورت با مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام طی حکمی خطاب به رییس جمهور موارد اصلاح یا تتمیم قانون اساسی را به شورای بازنگری قانون اساسی با ترکیب زیر پیشنهاد می‌نماید:

  1. اعضای شورای نگهبان.
  2. روسای قوای سه گانه.
  3. اعضای ثابت مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام.
  4. پنج نفر از اعضای مجلس خبرگان رهبری.
  5. ده نفر به انتخاب مقام رهبری.
  6. سه نفر از هیأت وزیران.
  7. سه نفر از قوه قضاییه.
  8. ده نفر از نمایندگان مجلس شورای اسلامی.
  9. سه نفر از دانشگاهیان.

شیوه کار و کیفیت انتخاب و شرایط آن را قانون معین می‌کند. مصوبات شورا پس از تأیید و امضای مقام رهبری باید از طریق مراجعه به آراء عمومی به تصویب اکثریت مطلق شرکت‏کنندگان در همه‏پرسی برسد. رعایت ذیل اصل پنجاه و نهم در مورد همه‏پرسی "بازنگری در قانون اساسی" لازم نیست. محتوای اصول مربوط به اسلامی بودن نظام و ابتنای کلیه قوانین و مقررات بر اساس موازین اسلامی و پایه‏های ایمانی و اهداف جمهوری اسلامی ایران و جمهوری بودن حکومت و ولایت امر و امامت امت و نیز اداره امور کشور با اتکاء به آراء عمومی و دین و مذهب رسمی ایران تغییر ناپذیر است.

قانون اساسی مشروطه

در هرموقعی که مجلس شورای ملی و مجلس سنا هریک جداگانه خواه مستقلا خواه نظر پیشنهاد دولت لزوم تجدید نظر در یک یا چند اصل معین از قانون اساسی یا متمم آنرا به اکثریت دوثلث کلیه اعضاء خود تصویب نمایند و اعلیحضرت همایون شاهنشاهی نیز نظر مجلسین را تایید فرمایند فرمان همایونی برای تشکیل مجلس موسسان و انتخابات اعضاء آن صادر می‌شود.

مجلس موسسان مرکب خواهد بود از عده‌ای که مساوی باشد با مجموع عده قانونی اعضاء مجلس شورای ملی و مجلس سنا. انتخابات مجلس موسسان طبق قانونی که به تصویب مجلسین خواهد رسید به عمل خواهد آمد. اختیارات مجلس مزبور محدود خواهد بود به تجدید نظر در همان اصل یا اصول به خصوصی که مورد رای مجلسین و تایید اعلیحضرت همایون شاهنشاهی بوده‌است.

تصمیمات مجلس موسسان به اکثریت دو ثلث آراء کلیه اعضاء اتخاذ و پس از موافقت اعلیحضرت همایون شاهنشاهی معتبر و مجری خواهد بود.

این اصل شامل هیچیک از اصول قانون اساسی و متمم آن که مربوط به دین مقدس اسلام و مذهب رسمی کشور که طریقه حقه جعفریه اثنی عشریه می‌باشد و احکام آن و یا مربوط به سلطنت مشروطه ایران است نمی‌گردد و اصول مزبور الی الابد غیرقابل تغییر است.

درمورد اصول چهار و پنج و شش و هفت قانون اساسی و تفسیر مربوط به اصل هفتم و همچنین در اصل هشت قانون اساسی و اصل چهل و نه متمم آن با توجه به سابقه و قوانینی که نسبت به بعضی از این اصول وضع شده‌است یکبار مجلس شورای ملی و مجلس سنا که پس از تصویب این اصل منعقد خواهند شد بلافاصله پس از رسمیت یافتن مجلسین در اصول مزبور تجدید نظر خواهند نمود و برای این منظور مجلس واحدی تحت ریاست رئیس مجلس سنا تشکیل داده و اصلاحات لازم را به اکثریت دوثلث آراء کلیه اعضاء مجلسین به عمل خواهد آورد تا پس از آن که از طرف اعلیحضرت همایون شاهنشاهی تایید گردید به صحه ملوکانه موشح شده معتبر و مجری خواهد بود.

David ET


by David ET on

Article 159

Revision and Amendments of the Secular Constitution of the Republic of Iran, whenever needed by the circumstances, can be done in the following manner:

Whenever National Consultative Assembly independently or by recommendation of the president, after obtaining two third vote approves the need for amendment to one or some articles of the constitution, formation of constitutional council and election of its members will be ordered. Laws pertaining to the election of the Constitutional Council will be determined by the National Consultative Assembly.  The authority of the Constitutional Council will be limited to the the article or articles that have been authorized by the National ConsultativeAssembly. Decisions of the Constitutional Council after approval of two third of its representatives must be approved by majority in a national referendum. Fundamentals of a secular system of government, Article 2 and also administration of the country's affairs by election may not be revised.  

visit: www.iransecular.org

The Phantom Of The Opera

Someone has to tell you; it's not funny anymore

by The Phantom Of The Opera on

It does not make sense, unless a reader improvises, or assumes a meaning for it. Let's be honest, no I say it better, you HAVE to be honest with the rest of us: Can you read and write Farsi, Persian, whatever you call it?


The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.

David ET

Article 13 (Amendments to constitution) is now completed:

by David ET on

Your views are appreciated:

بازنگری و تغییر در قانون اساسی سکولار جمهوری ایران در صورت نیاز بر حسب موقعیت می‌تواند به شیوه زیر انجام شود

در هرموقعی که مجلس شورای ملی خواه مستقلا خواه نظر پیشنهاد دولت لزوم تجدید نظر در یک یا چند اصل معین از قانون اساسی به اکثریت دو سوم کلیه اعضاء خود تصویب نمایند فرمان برای تشکیل مجلس موسسان و انتخابات اعضاء آن صادر می‌شود. مجلس موسسان مرکب خواهد  بود از عده‌ای که مساوی باشد با مجموع عده قانونی اعضاء مجلس شورای ملی. انتخابات مجلس موسسان طبق قانونی که به تصویب مجلسین خواهد رسید به عمل خواهد آمد. اختیارات مجلس مزبور محدود خواهد بود به تجدید نظر در همان اصل یا اصول به خصوصی که مورد رای مجلسین بوده‌است . تصمیمات مجلس موسسان به اکثریت دو سوم آراء کلیه اعضاء   اتخاذ و باید از طریق مراجعه به آراء عمومی به تصویب اکثریت مطلق شرکت‏کنندگان در همه‏پرسی برسد. محتوای اصول مربوط به سکولار بودن نظام و ماده ۲ و نیز اداره امور کشور با اتکاء به آراء عمومی تغییر ناپذیر است. 

visit: www.iransecular.org


taxation w/o representation was a cause for uprising in US

by MM on

While the human rights are guaranteed in the constitution, minority representation in the congress is needed:

* to secure funding for various projects in the provinces 

* as a voice of the minorities in the central government

David ET

Google and the iransecular site

by David ET on

When the following words are typed in Google search , the above article shows up:

 ایران سکولار

قانون اساسی ایران سکولار  

Although the site is only about few days old but the iransecular.org site traffic has increased since 22 bahman.

Please get the word out (In Persian) to different Iranian sites , networks and emails. 

visit: www.iransecular.org

David ET

Right again:

by David ET on

In fact I agree with your comment:  "if religious (or any other minorities) need representatives in the parliament to claim and defend their rights, there is something fundamentally wrong with the system."

The day after the fall of IR, supposedly if a secular constitution such as this goes in fact, there still will be many things wrong with the system that first needs to get corrected first.

The difference in our point of views are not the theories (which I agree with you) but that after fall of IR we have to first assure certain rights in the substructure of the government and system are assured and until therefore I think minorities need to be able represent their concerns.

Please note that the constitution presented is not intended to be permanent as that will be studies, discussed, voted and put to referedum but what we can do in the interim to assure the rights of all are protected.

I am not stating my point to necessarily impose my view but to explain it and if after such discussions , it does not hold sufficient ground then we can remove that article.

As for my background I do not have any legal background but have been interested in constitutional matters and as I have mentioned in the beginning of article I very much hope that this document gets reviewed Iranian lawyers and edited as necessary.

If you or anyone do have suggestion who to contact please either send the site address to them directly or provide me with their contact information and I shall do so. Thank you.

 visit: www.iransecular.org


Minority representation

by Gordzad on

Well, let's put it this way: if religious (or any other minorities) need representatives in the parliament to claim and defend their rights, there is something fundamentally wrong with the system. The right of every single individual must be guaranteed in a democratic and secular Iran, independent of their gender, religion, origin, sexual orientation, or any other factor. Moreover, if the majority decides to run over a minority's rights, they can easily out-vote a couple of representatives in a "democratic" fashion.

In my mind the constitution is not there to provide means for a majority rule, it is meant to make sure the minority is not ruled over by the majority. If the constitution manages to guarantee every single individual's rights, there will be no need for any special representative for any group. This is what makes putting together a truly democratic and secular constitution so difficult.

On the other note (and forgive my ignorance), may I ask what type of background you and your colleagues have in terms of profession? Have you sought help from lawyers  familiar with the matter? We (Iran) have several outstanding human rights and constitutional lawyers out- and inside Iran. Have you tried getting their input?

David ET

Dear Gordzad

by David ET on

Beside offering a constitution to at least temporarily serve in future Iran, indeed my hope has been that this would serve as principles that we Iranians can unite upon. The rest is up to everyone to organize and get the word out...

As for allowance for religious minorities, in general I do understand your point and even agree with it. It is just that as a transitional constitution and considering that a big majority of Iranians are shia, it may be necessary for at least a while allow religious minorities have representatives to assure that their "culture" and concerns are protected.

Also please note that ethnic minorities mostly live geographically togather and therefore based on their district, they will chose  representatives from their own local area.

Having said that, I am kind of on borderline on this issue and if I see enough people only oppose and my thought does not have support, I will remove it .


Minorities and their representatives

by Gordzad on

Great job in starting this.Why not turn this into a document all groups can unite around and stand for?

I haven't read the whole document yet but reading what other people have written, I am not sure if protecting minorities' rights mean that they need to have a representative in the parliament. The constitution should guarantee the rights for everybody regardless of their origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, .... If one starts to set aside a quote for religious minorities, it sends the signal that other minorities are not protected. What about representatives for Afghan refugees? Or Sufis? Or a new religion that may come to Iran 50 years from now? What is it about a religious minority that requires them to have a special representative in the parliament? Religion is a personal thing and I don't see why the state of the environment, or economy, or Iran in general should feel different for any Iranian, regardless of religion. I am of course not saying that all people will have the same opinion but whether they are Christian or Jews or Muslims they all care for Iran and what is best for her.

Also, if the Constitution is granting a religious group special rights, it signals that depending on religion people have different need with regards to their existence in a secular Iran. Well, if everybody is treated equally independent of his/her religion, what is the need for this special treatment? Everybody will be guaranteed freedom to practice whatever religion s/he wants to so there should be no need for representatives to protect a special group’s rights. The Constitution should be written in such a way that protects everybody’s rights, including but not limited to, religious minorities.

It also raise the question of why religious and not other minorities should be granted the privilege. Why not ethnic minorities, or the minority of naturalized Iranians? If we go down that path, we’ll be paving the way for conflicts between various groups, while the whole idea of the Constitution would be to unite people living in Iran, granting everybody basic rights.

So no special privileges to any religious minorities, please.

David ET

religious minority rights to representation by population

by David ET on

This indeed was a tricky one. I personally thought about this for a while. I know that the constitution is secular and technically there shoudl not be any such allowance but then considering our history I thought the religious minority still need a representative (although secular).

Imagine like a city or neighborhood who should have a representative just as provinces do, etc ... now put these major religious minorities together. They add up to a lot and it would be unfair (that although secular), they have noone to represent any of their "cultural and other" concerns.

I looked at them as minorities (defined by religion or not) who need secular representation (not by their clergy, religious groups etc as other articles do not allow that)

In other words it is like the rights that minorities had in US to have certain allowance in universities, work etc.

But I am open to hear the other side if any. 

David ET

Correction made on website:

by David ET on

اصل ۱۵۶

در صدا و سیمای ملی ایران، آزادی بیان و نشر افکار با رعایت موازین سکولار و مصالح کشور باید تأمین گردد. نصب و عزل رییس سازمان صدا و سیما  با شورایی سه نفره مرکب از نمایندگان رییس جمهور و رییس قوه قضاییه و مجلس شورای ملی است .


 ۴ - کشف جرم و تعقیب مجازات مجرمین بر اساس قوانین مدنی و جنایی 


David ET

Phantom & ...

by David ET on

The English version which was done originally does not have such errors (at least not that I know of):


. Unfortumately the "free" translation was made in a rush and by trying to use the IR constitution to speed it up, they missed some areas. But then that is exactly why this is posted here, because I can't do it ALL and with help of caring people like you, it will clean up. Remember first and foremost, I wrote:

 این متن هم از لحاظ مواد مندرج در آن و هم از لحاظ دستور زبانی و قانونی بخصوص بزبان فارسی دارای اشکالاتی است. امید داریم که با کمک خواندگان کمبودهای این نسخه اول فارسی تصیح شود

The intent is what is important and with help of readers, I think by 2nd draft the typos should be cleaned and then we can get to real content! Of course I could do the editing but I dont have all the time in the world and this has been a group effort. So thank you again!

As you catch the errors , they will be fixt on website and once completed, it will be resposted here. I wont change here anymore as I dont want it to fall off the featured blogs.

and as for plagerisim, note comments in introduction such as:

The prior constitutions of Iran were partially shaped after the constitutions of other countries but at this stage since many articles of prior constitutions have already been tested, instead of revamping the whole existing structure which usually end up in chaos and abuse by those who seek power in a vacuum, it is best that the at least in the beginning the future revised interim constitution remove the undemocratic centers of power and instead install democratic means of representation and reform the rest of the working systems of the country as outlined in the secular constitution. ....

....In this evolutionary path and as a first step, this draft attempts to revise the existing constitution of Iran from an Islamic Republic to a secular republic, but in addition to deletions of many of its parts such as Supreme Leader, Guardian Council and all of its other religion based centers and articles, in many other areas the words and sentences were changed, edited, revised, deleted and many new articles, sentences and words were added to comply with the goals that are stated in the preamble to the secular constitution

Good night Phantom, you sure helped a lot. Looking forward to more inputs..

The Phantom Of The Opera

Redundant & contradictory to secularism, I think

by The Phantom Of The Opera on


ماده ۵۹

عده نمایندگان مجلس شورای ملی دویست و هفتاد نفر
است و پس از هر ده سال، با در نظر گرفتن عوامل انسانی، سیاسی، جغرافیایی و
نظایر آنها حداکثر بیست نفر نماینده می‌تواند اضافه شود. مسلمانان سنی و
زرتشتیان و کلیمیان و بهایی‌ها و مسیحی‌ها و ارمنی‌های شمال و جنوب ایران
هر کدام یک نماینده قطعی سیاسی بر پایه درصدش
ان در جمعیت (و حداقل یک نفر)
انتخاب می‌کنند. محدوده حوزه‏های انتخابیه و تعداد نمایندگان را قانون
معین می‌کند.


تا وقتی‌ دیگر، دیوید، شب خوش

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.

The Phantom Of The Opera

First plagiarized constitution in the history of civilization

by The Phantom Of The Opera on

- کشف جرم و تعقیب مجازات و تعزیر مجرمین و اجرای حدود و مقررات مدون جزایی اسلام.

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.

The Phantom Of The Opera

You are lucky, today

by The Phantom Of The Opera on

نصب و عزل رییس سازمان صدا و سیمای جمهوری اسلامی ایران
با شورایی سه نفره مرکب از نمایندگان رییس جمهور و رییس قوه قضاییه و مجلس
شورای ملی داشت.

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.

David ET


by David ET on

Good one Phantom. Done!

Keep them coming :-)

The Phantom Of The Opera

اصل ۱۵۵ مجازات اعدام ممنون است.

The Phantom Of The Opera

چون مث آقا ها  گفتی‌ مرسی‌، منم نمیگم لابد تیرباران باعث تشکر است.

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.



David ET


by David ET on

Thanks for correction.


David ET

Formatting issue

by David ET on

Unfortunately iranian.com removes all the formatting of the document. I have sent a copy in Microsoft Word to JJ and hopefully he will fix it. If not you can click on each link for its chapter here: //iransecular.org/aboutus.aspx


Nice catch!

by benross on

Now if we get Moosavi to become president and give him this draft, we might get somewhere! Let's get on to it!

Ya Hussein... 

The Phantom Of The Opera

اول بسم الله

The Phantom Of The Opera

ماده ۵۰ دیوان محاسبات کشور مستقیما زیر نظر مجلس شورای اسلامی است. سازمان و اداره امور آن در پایتخت کشور و مراکز استانها به موجب قانون تعیین خواهد شد

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.