بسی‌ رنج بردیم در این سال سی‌

بسی‌ رنج بردیم در این سال سی‌
by David ET

خوب بسلامتی آمار دقیق تعداد ما ایرانی‌‌ها در آمریکا و کشور‌های دیگه داره میاد بیرون

مثلا تو آمریکا ۱۵% بورلی هیلز و ۱۲% در صد گلندل را ما ایرانی‌‌ها اشغال کردیم. شهردار هم که داریم.

همه اومدیم بیرون، بساط رستورانو و مهمونی‌ و سفره و کلاب و ماهواره و بیزیننسمونم هم که جوره، بچا هارو رو ماشااله همه فرستادیم دانشگاه‌های خارج، دلمونم مثلا تنگه و هر روز به داخلیا میگیم لگش کن..سالی‌ یک بار هم میریم تظاهرات دعوا سر کدوم پرچم و عکس و رنگ از این حرفا..تازه تو فیس بوک هم اکانت و‌ا کردیم و پشت کامپیوتر داریم مبارزه می‌کنیم

بعدشم قر می‌زنیم چرا جمهوری اسلامی‌ها اونجا موندن و دارن بخور بخور می‌کنن

. وقتی اون نوبل پرایزیمون شوهرشو گذاشته و در رفته اومد بیرون، وای بحال بقیمون . بقیه هم اگر فرصتشو داشته باشن میان بیروم

(البته اینها همه فقط تقصیر جمهوری اسلامیست نه ۹۸% رای‌مون و زود چارقت سر کردنمون)

سیزد بدر کدوم پارک، فرهنگ ایران رو درصف کباب زنده نگه داشتیم. مهرگان هم خیلی‌ خوش گذشت

که از ماست که بر ماست


more from David ET
David ET

Dear Roozbeh

by David ET on

Indeed you have a point and many outside of country are taking a part (some more, some less - and many none) in voicing their opposition to the regime. Having said that I think my points in the blog also have validity even among the opposition.

So many have been talking and writing , but as good as that is until we actually organize and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, those will be just books, articles, blogs, twitts . Majority of opposition lack organization, unity and effective ACTION.

Some even use it as a passtime since have nothing else to do.


Dear ANAHID, Thank you for the kind comments as always.



Anahid Hojjati

Roozbeh, David is such a person that you write about

by Anahid Hojjati on

Roozbeh, you wrote that there are Iranians who are very active in their opposition and are recognized in Iran by opposition. I do't know if David is known in Iran but I belive many of us in Diaspora already consider David to be the kind of person that you are writing in your comment about.


Beverly Hills Blues!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Thanks David for the funny blog, enjoyed reading, and some of the stereotypes are quite true.

I do have to tell you that I know of Iranian people here in US and even more in Europe, who are very active and effective in their campaign against the islamist regime. These people are recognised and appreciated by Iranian opposition movement inside Iran as well. We can all, in our own small way help the casue of liberation of Iran from islamist fascism, by demonstrating (outside Iranian embassies is best), publicising the islamist regime's crimes (on internet, within our local community, writing to our congressmen/senators), etc, etc.

Political prisoners in particular need our support in terms of publicising their plight. There had been indeed examples of prisoners life being saved due to International publicity and solidarity.


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks David for a good blog. About Shirin Ebadi

by Anahid Hojjati on

thanks David for a good blog and both you and Mammaad have valid points about Ebadi. It is true that recently IRI has done much to her and her family. But David, you also make a good point about position of Ebadi after winning the prize. I remember going to a speech by Ebadi in Stanford several years ago.  I was surprised that how anti western it was and did not say much about IRI. At least speech was more anti western than anti IRI as I remember it.  

David ET

Dear Mammad

by David ET on

Note, this is "Tanz", so take it with a grain of salt. 

On the other hand when Ebadi got the Prize and the world was watching, she wanted to reform (ESLAH)  this regime and was using the microphone to say how democrat Islam is and insisting that she is not a politician.

Those days are gone and now she is in this situation... we all are at fault, so is she for lost opportunities

Some people have Mandela, some had Ghandi and we have Shirin Ebadi...much better than me and some of us indeed . 



by Mammad on

You are unfair to Shirin Ebadi. She was moving between Iran and abroad and Iran was her base, but the regime made it clear that if she goes back she will be arrested. It jailed her non-political sister and she had a heart attack while in jail, it has been harrassing other members of her family, it banned her husband from leaving Iran to even visit his wife, it forced him to say stupid things in a "confession," it claimed that her older daughter Narges is a Bahai and has worked with Israel, it confiscated all of her belongings and sold them out in an auction, not to mention that it also confiscated her bank account, and it arrested and jailed every single member of her Center for the Defense of Human Rights.

And, all this time Shirin has been highly active in the U.S. and Europe regarding what is happening in Iran. She played a leading behind-the-scene role in the recent resolution of the Human Rights Council of the UN. And, meanwhile you are sitting here and criticizing her. You are utterly unfair, even though it is your right to say what you want.




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