2 x 2 = 24,527,516


2 x 2 = 24,527,516
by David ET

During the 2005 Iranian presidential election with 29 Million voter turn out, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad received only 19% of the votes and came second to Rafsanjani with 21% votes during the first round. However miraculously Ahmadinejad received 62% of votes in the second round with Rafsanjani coming at a distant second with 36% . Election of 2005 represented 63% (29 million) turn out of eligible voters during the first round and 60% (28 million) during the second round.


This year the Islamic Republic has confessed to the record turn out of 39 million or 34% increase comparing to the first round 2005 (39% more than 2nd round 2005) of which 24 Million or 63% was claimed to have voted for Ahmadinejad, 13 Million (34%) for Mousavi, 678 thousand or 1.75% for Rezaii and only 333 thousand (0.86%) to Karoubi.

The mass rallies in support of Mousavi, preceding the election were agreed by most observers to have been a proof that more moderates would participate in the 2009 election , many of them the ones who did not vote or had boycotted the previous ones.

However to the surprise of Iranians and the world the two moderate candidates combined (Mousavi and Karoubi) received 13.5 million or less than 35% of eligible votes which was one percent less that the percentage that Rafsanjani obtained in the last boycotted election! In other words all the new 11 million new voters which represented 28% of the votes are claimed to have voted for Ahmadinejad!!

The demonstration in the streets of Iran before and after the election are also clear proof that millions of people's votes were switched in the favor of Ahmadinejad.

Coup-de-tat of June 12, 2009 which has lead to the beating, imprisonment and by some reports killing of Iranian voters on a day that now in Iran is called "Black Saturday" is another proof of the illegitimacy of the Islamic Republic leader Ayatollah Khamenei and his hand-selected puppet president Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

As of yesterday the president-elect of Iranians by at least 60% of the vote is Mir-Hossein Mousavi.


more from David ET
David ET

Iran e maa

by David ET on


That is what this Tehran

by moo (not verified) on

That is what this Tehran Bureau report suggests. Brian Ulrich thinks this makes sense:

A coup that originated with the military rather than the clerical or lay political leaders resolves what I saw the the main flaw with Juan Cole's reconstruction. It also dovetails well with Interior Ministry employees' warnings that Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi, who is influential in the military, issued a fatwa authorizing manipulation of the elections. A coup led by the military is also easier to explain than one ordered by Ayatollah Khamene'i. I had been thinking about the implications of a Mousavi victory, and concluded that, given the continuing conservative dominance of Parliament, the most important changes for Iranians would be a different economic policy and the replacement of someone hostile to the old revolutionary establishment embodied by the likes of Rafsanjani with someone who was actually a part of it.


rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on























David ET


by David ET on

David ET

Think harder my friend

by David ET on

Have an alternative today June 13?

If it wasn't for voting in masses under IR and the open gap that was provided and by throwing support behind a moderate like I suggested, Ahmadinejad would have been a winner without voice of Iranians being heard as he did in 2005.

Today The people by casting their votes have spoken, by forming green lines and marches : No Ahmadinejad and have separated openly seperated their lines from Vali Faghih.

secular and Freedom are the goals and today we are one step closer. We should step out of out mental bubbles and see the reality in the streets TODAY my friend .

We should look ahead and walk with and in front of the People but not without them.

( ps: Thanks for reminder, I took that comment about unregistered users. It belonged to when any comments went on the site. It has been a while is moderated .  I did start my first blog with: It is an important time in the history of our country and it is the responsibility of all Iranians to use all means possible to speak up against the "Coup d'eTat of 2009" that is in progress in our country. For now there are bigger things to discuss than me who I am here to use the high placement of the site to get the voices of those in Iran heard .)



David ET

by A.onymous (not verified) on

It is Coup d'Etat, not "Coup-de-tat."


Freedom for all

by 1 Hamvatan (not verified) on

Separation of Religion and State, Freedom of Expression

de nashoud dige

(I reserve the right to only correspond with registered users)

I have been following your comments for a while and i agree with 98% of them, but this last comment did not seat well, (reserve the right to only correspond with registered users)?????

Please do reconsider.