by David ET

Sometimes it's best to say less and DO more:


  1. BELIEVE in ourselves 
  2. UNITE based on the common principals that brings us together instead of distractions and exclusions that divide us 


  • Territorial integrity
  • Independence
  • Separation of Religion and State
  • Freedom of Expression
  • Gender Equality
  • Human Rights

    Continued in future articlesSolutions for Iran (201


more from David ET
Kaveh Nouraee

David ET

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Very well done. Simple, striaghtforward and to the point.


what's in it for me ?

by Majid on


That's a great catch phrase my friend, That's the first thing we need to kick out of our mentality to make room for any constructive unification.

Very interesting blog David. I can't wait to read more and more comments  here.

maziar 58

United we Stand.......

by maziar 58 on

Thank you teapot exellently said.

good bless Iran ,thanks Mr. David I think Iranians have to come together whole heartedly and not with; what's in it for me ?   Maziar



by amirkabear4u on

It is called DEMOCRACY. Having said this, to be more precise, it is also arguable to say sometimes culture dictates democracy. In other words an appropriate democracy. 


Dear David ET: Let's discuss

by teapot (not verified) on

Dear David ET: Let's discuss "Believe in ourselves". What does that mean? How do we do that? How does believing in ourself going to help us unify?

What's next? What are some of concrete steps we can take in achieving your solutions??

David ET

Dear Teapot

by David ET on

You state important issues, however history is filled with examples that when people UNITE and BELIEVE in
THEMSELVES, they will lead their destiny instead of allowing to be lead by other factors.

I had addressed the answer to both of your concern in the very first line. First and foremost we must:


1- BELIEVE in ourselves 


" noone has the power to make us feel inferior but ourselves"


I am all for it!

by IRANdokht on

David jan

I like the simplified way of setting it all straight!  There is no reason anyone would need to analyze, theorize or argue these points! 

That's a great start! 



So simple. So true. So

by A Hamvatan (not verified) on

So simple. So true. So effective...


David ET and DK

by Teapot (not verified) on

These are outstanding broad strategical goals; But any viable plan or objective should first identify the problems that exist in achieving these goals.

Objective and tangible plans to overcome those obstacles/problmes are the second stage of implementing those broader strategic goals you eloquently highlighted.

Let identify the main problems that are seemingly insurmountable in the framework of Islamic Republic's solid hold on power.

Problem number one: Too much petro dollars. As long as this government is making profits at this unprecedenant rates, nothing will change. Cut the oil profits, the system will fall.

Problem number 2: The powers that be do not want the regime to be overthrown. We need to understand why in the first place they decided to bring the mullahs to power and why it does not serve their interest to completely get rid of them and let Iranians have a secular democracy.

Let's discuss the answer to these questions to get a better idea of what reactioarny external and internal forces are out there. Then we can make appropriate plans to overcome them.

Darius Kadivar

David ET You've Got my Vote ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on