US Military Winning Hearts and Minds!

David ET
by David ET

US military treatment and training of the Iraqi police in their own country. No wonder US forces are so popular in Iraq!   President Obama! You want change? Bring US troops home NOW!  


more from David ET
anonymous fish

point taken and agreed to

by anonymous fish on

there is no doubt that we SHOULD be out of iraq.  shouldn't have gone to begin with and should have started coming home a long time ago.  but do you honestly think it's as simple as calling up a C17 and packing them up?  let's assume we recognize the impossibility of that.  there are certain "loose ends" to be tied up.  obviously not requiring massive troop strength but a certain number of troops.  so a target date of 2010 is not unreasonable.

is your issue with the language then?  i have a hard time reconciling "soldiers" with offended senses.  and it's an assumption on your part as well that ALL of iraq wants the US out.  i'm not going to make any statements that all do OR don't... but it's unreasonable to think that SOMEONE doesn't want the US there.

as far as obama... i still don't understand how anyone could expect him to accomplish everything at one time.  what is your priority?  the economy?  or getting troops out of iraq?  or developing a successful foreign policy?  or health care?  or etc. etc. etc.  it ain't a short list my friend!!

i'm not disagreeing with you in principle.  i'm simply willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt as to what first and when he's going to clean up the overwelming mess that bush and cheney left us in. 

David ET

I respectfully disagree

by David ET on

My point in simple words is this:

This speech at best should be given by Iraqi officers and not by an American through transaltors. Unless you believe that there are no Iraqi officers to speak to their soldiers about their responsibility!

Remember that Iraqi army stood up to Iranian counterparts for 8 years, so when they have to they will act. One reason they do not have their heart in to this , is because they do somewhat associate with "The militia" who fights against US occupation.

As for Obama I keep hearing that he only has been in office 2 months which absolutely makes no sense to me!

McCain talked about being in Iraq for 100 years if US had to. Did we have to wait for him to be president to decide if that policy is wrong or not?!

Obama has already stated that US forces leave by August in 2010 (0r 2011 I dont remeber) and even that is questionable. So his policy is obvious and we do not have to wait a year to decide if that is right or wrong.

Policies are planned and then you form opinion and there is no need to wait and see to decide if you agree or not.

US should not have been in Iraq and still should not be there. It is as simple as that still !  

 same applies to Obamas economic policy of print dollar and throw it at corporations. That is wrong in my view , 5 months ago when Bush was in power, 2 months after Obama's presidency and a year from now!



AF , cool avatar :)

by SamSamIIII on


Yes , we shouldn,t mix 2 different topics at once , wether the invasion was just or not is irelevent to the reality on the ground . US troops are in charge of keeping the peace & security while they are there regardless of the cause or post/pre war status quo .

Happy norooz to both David & lady AF  !




anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

there were several interesting comments on this when it was posted before.  i have to disagree with you on several points.  irregardless of whether the US should have invade iraq... they did.  whether right or wrong to begin with, a foreign invader will absolutely have the right to "give lectures".  you think someone invades a country to participate in a tea party?  or to TAKE advice?  be realistic.  mind you, i'm not condoning this cluster fk to begin with, i'm just not being naive about the principal of invasion.

i agree 100% about bringing troops home.  but do you think iraqis are best served by being left unprepared?  don't you think we have some responsibility to make some right out of a wrongful war?  i'm not at all convinced that iraqi soldiers are capable of taking care of their country and civilians.  and what are you doing blaming OBAMA????  he didn't get us into this mess.  he's been president for less than 2 months.  this is simply unrealistic and totally unfair.  he's made the only real progress in getting our men and women out of there.  but it ain't gonna happen overnight!!!!!  come on!

samsam is absolutely right and you should know this as well.  american military speaks to troops like this all day and all night.  like it or  these MEN are so sensitive about the "f" word???? and you expect them to combat al guada?  oooookaaaayy

plus and i think this is more to the point.  US military likes showing off.  he likes being all macho.  it's just words... it's not like he's stoning or lashing them. 

David ET

Dear SamSam

by David ET on

A foreign occupier who has no place being in another person's country has no "F&*^ing" right to give any lecture , talk down or do any such pep talk.

He can do his "F&*%ing" speech in US to American soldiers.

US has no right whatsoever to have its forces all over the world and in other people's country's and at the cost of US taxpayer who is suffering big time in this corporate and elite created economic downtime. 2nd world war ended long time ago and soviet union has collapsed already. 

Time for US to bring all its troops home and stay within its own borders like everyone else and stop policing everyone and instead protect its OWN fragile borders that anyone and anything can enter through it !!  If it doesn't the history will do it for it as we see how the whole system is slowly crumbling. US real war is at home with corruption, deficit, unemployment, lack of social and health services , border control and much more.

I absolutely have no idea what Obama administration is trying to achieve in Iraq. Prevent what? Al Quada? They were not there before US attack anyway and have no place there with IR breathing on their neck? Prevent Islamic control? Iraq is ALREADY officially an Islamic Republic! Maintain Unity ? None of US business to begin with. If Iraqi's end up splitting to Kurdistan and Iraq, so be it . It will be their own choice. Prevent civil war? For that we have United Nations? and the list goes on.

As for US troops winning mind and hearts , this was not the only clip...there are 10's and here is only one more:



David pal, he is telling the truth

by SamSamIIII on


If you look past the noise & a lotta "F" words , you see that he is basicaly telling these Iraqis that Iraq & national Iraqi unity must come first and not their loyalties to shia or sunni or kurdish militia or mahdi army aka  . The Iraqis are mostly agreeing with him too . He is basicaly preaching them to fight for their country Iraq rather than garbage militia . There is a part (that wasn,t translated) which an Iraqi in the background is complaining to him in Arabic about Iranian(mullahs) control in some areas..So even though he cussing and fuming , he is telling it like it is and giving them pep talk . It,s normal in the military to talk down rough to low performance brigades . How ever I agree with you that it,s time for Americans to leave with some sorta honor for a half baked security created in Iraq .


