I have been promoting Obama for president ever since the beginning of the democratic primaries when he was already being written off by so many. Before forming Obama 2008 blog on Iranian.com, I posted many articles here in his support. I also formed a network focused on the general American public which to this date has grown to more than 12,000 supporters!
Today there are many articles praising the "change", but back then things were much different. After the first stages of the campaign, the toughest part of Obama's uphill battle was when he was running against the forces of the status quo within the democratic party (Hillary Clinton). At the time Clintons threw every piece of dirt possible at Obama with their kitchen sink strategy. In fact Battling Hillary Clinton was much more difficult than McCain because not only Obama was unknown to the general public but he also was fighting the Clinton Machine of his own party who were resorting to everything from digging videos from his pastor to his photo in Kenya with a turban to claiming that only Hillary and "McCain" were qualified to be the commanders in chief! to resorting to gaining votes from republicans as well as racists who were switching parties to only vote against Obama ....to even suggesting that Obama may get assassinated!
At the time many of us in the Obama Campaign were openly disclosing the conspiracies of the joint forces of status quo within the democratic and republican parties. My respond to the skeptics was best summarized in this reply back then on iranian.com: "People's intelligence should not be underestimated, They make best decisions when they have all facts "
Underestimating intelligence of people was also a mistake that McCain made by picking Sarah Palin , trying to gain votes from women or democrats who did not want to vote for a black president.
By the time Obama was nominated and with most democrats eventually uniting behind him, the
battle against McCain and republicans was much easier because it was the battle between "fear" and "hope" especially that there was nearly nothing left that had not been tried against him already!
But the purpose of this post is not to review the past but to learn from it that indeed history has proven again and again that " we can" .
Obama's campaign had grassroots foundations that kept growing until he was elected to be the next US president, simply because he relied on THE PEOPLE.
The lesson for us to learn from Obama's victory is that
IRANIANS UNITE WITH ONE VOICE, ORGANIZE and BELIEVE IN OURSELVES: WE CAN TOO. In my next article I will describe "how we can" !
I also have a message to the skeptics that you too should "Believe in yourselves more than the believing in the strength of mullahs who are ruling Iran and only then YOU CAN TOO".
* * *
Here are only some of the comments written to me by the skeptics on iranian.com not to mention that they wrote similar words to others. I copy them so we can take a deep look within and rethink the attitude of under-estimating the power of "we the people":
"Like or not, Hillary will be elected and put on a strap-on just your size and take of mullah-lovers like you!"
"You dont give up? just like a broken record you keep repeating over and over again. We got the point, you like Obama the hostler, what else do you want? Please disappear...."
"Hey David ET, the problem with Kabboby Iranians like you is that you actually think that sandnigger AN-tellectuals like yourself can have any effect or impact on the outcome of the presidential election in this country!? "
"A year from now, every one has forgotten about obama and we all can go back to our normal life. This fakeollah, creation of media already had his 15 minutes of fame. time for him to depart soon."
"David ET (Extra Terrestrial)!? Obviously this is a free country and you can believe in whatever your heart desires (e.g., planet Earth is flat, UFO lands in your backyard, Elvis is still alive, you saw Khomeini's picture on the Moon, etc. etc.) but repeat after me there is no chance in Hell that Obama can win the next general election!? I tell you what the probability that planet Earth stop rotating around Earth next November is higher than the the probability of Obama wining!? I'll change my name if he wins!? "
" Not a hope in hell! 'your' next president won't be a black man. Not a hope in hell the vast majority of white Americans will allow obama to become their president, although I like him very much. "......
Re: David ET
by jamshid on Fri Nov 07, 2008 03:09 PM PSTYou made many good points in your comments down below. I have read you saying the same thing over and over again. You seem to be ahead of where most others are today.
I think we must "learn" to let go of our past which brings our our differences and divisions.
The past also brings out a feeling of lack of control in our destiny. This is due to the fact that the past was shaped by people who are now gone and events that have already transpired.
Instead, we must focus on the future which brings out our similarities and union. It also installs a feeling of control over our destiny.
Many ills of Iran is really not due to foreigners or incompetent leaders. It is due to our own lackings in our thinking and decision making process. What I wrote above is just one of these ills (which admittedly still inflicts myself too.)
If these social behavior ills are corrected, the majority of other issues will be too.
Half full or half empty? the choice is ours!
by David ET on Fri Nov 07, 2008 02:08 PM PSTDear Samsam
Please be patient and I will respond in next blog. You don't have to unify with anybody. All you need to do is to support the most basic goals for Iran.
Anyone else can support the same causes , just do not exclude them!
The causes themselves ARE the solutions for better Iran and the result of most supporting the basic principals is UNITY.
We must start focusing on what we have in common than what divide us . That also was the successful startegy of Obama
Half full or half empty? the choice is ours!
by David ET on Fri Nov 07, 2008 02:10 PM PSTDear Samsam
Please be patient and I will respond in next blog. You don't have to
unify with anybody. All you need to do is to support the most
basic goals for Iran.
Anyone else can support the same causes , just do not exclude them.
The causes themselves ARE the solutions for better Iran and the result of most supporting the same basic principals is UNITY !
We must start focusing on what we have in common than what divides us . That also was the successful startegy of Obama
Irandokht: "Roots in 1963"
by Anonymous... (not verified) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:10 AM PSTIrandokht: "Roots in 1963" has a lot do with misogynisitic attitude of Iranian society which Khomeini shrewdly exploited to build a movement against the Shah.
I'll try to find you a link. Stand by!
SamsamII: The "cause of Iranian revolution" was not the events in 1963. You might argue that there are correlary relationship but not Causual ones.
Souri: Who is my group?
by Anonymous... (not verified) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:43 AM PSTSouri: Who is my group? Instead of personal attacks and labeling me try to substantiate your comments with facts and references; otherwise, you have no credibility. If I were arguing your stance, I would have certainly provided references and links.
There are multiple realties shaped by our socio-economic class and Personal experiences as individuals. All are equally valid; however, they only represent parts of the bigger objective truth.
The Truth is like a broken mirror and everyone holding a piece of that mirror belives he is holding the Truth.
You might be interested in knowing how the revolution was hijacked by the Islamist.
David ET ...How can
by samsam1111 on Fri Nov 07, 2008 05:27 AM PSTtake a look around and ask yourself that , How can Patriots & True Iranians have unity with those whose sole purpose in their insignificant life is to promote culture of tozih-almasael ?
Irandokht; My comment above is not intended 4 You btw...Phassad is a slang for Facade meaning a cosmetic addition to a place or building to enhance the exterior view so as to cosmeticaly hide the rough edges & make it elegant .
Souri jaan; Once again thank You for proving to me that there are still openminded , worldly individual such as yourself are still out there . Your wisdom is a rare commodity in this day & age of idiocy.
What was hijacked
by David ET on Fri Nov 07, 2008 03:52 AM PSTis the subject and goal of this article about the present and future of us Iranians.
Instead it turned to the same 30 year old overly chewed argument of Islamic revolution!. Thanks God Iran's new generation has no PERSONAL experience of revolution days and what they may have gained or lost as a result of it and therefore they are not so stuck in a distant past as the two generations before them.
But back to the subject once again, another important lesson from Obama for us is that no matter how much he was personally attacked and so often unfairly, he stayed focused on the ISSUES.
Sadly what I see here on iranian.com is a set of relationships that have been built (good or bad) and many discussions are turned to taking personal scores on each other !
PLEASE do not get so stuck in defending yourselves even when unfair . Stay focused. Read the bottom of above article again and all the attacks that were ignored while staying focused on the goal.
No we do not have to answer everything and everyone and take every side roads that are laid in front of us
Dear Jamshid, You are absolutely right. We should not attach our hopes to any one individuals but to ourselves and the power of us the people.
As for Obama, he was the best choice and indeed he did rise to the occasion with support of THE PEOPLE.
The same people who supported him reach presidency should not hesitate to question him when he sways away from the goals and yet must realize that those whose interest are endangered will not sit quiet and if Obama takes up a worthy cause , he will also need public support. My favorite quote that has always been proven right is : TIME WILL TELL :-)
He has the support of Americans and the world and I just HOPE that he does rise up to the historical occasion that he has taken and been presented.
Dear Khar: Thank you and I shall continue to do my best to remain focused..
by IRANdokht on Thu Nov 06, 2008 09:22 PM PSTI don't know what 1963 had to do with anything... so I let that go for now.
I repeated twice that "The revolution was high-jacked" you repeated 3 times that I had said MY revolution or OUR revolution.... PLEASE READ!
If more than one person see a pattern in your thinking and expression, don't assume they are against you. Re-evaluate your comments and find out why people are seeing and commenting the same way.
I asked samsam what Phassad meant and he didn't tell me, so I asked you because you seem to know it all.
shab khosh!
PS: I'd like to apologize to David ET and all the readers for having side-tracked from the subject of the blog
Re: David ET
by jamshid on Thu Nov 06, 2008 08:56 PM PSTDo not attach your hopes and aspirations to any person dear friend. I had done it many times and each time I regretted it. I recomment that while you are supporting Obama, you do so cautiously.
Facts, opinion & fiction..
by samsam1111 on Thu Nov 06, 2008 08:39 PM PSTThe Islamic revolution with roots in 1963 khomeini riot was theorized , organized,promoted & executed by mullahs & their Ommatist partners , with minor use of some insignificant leftists groups in execution part of the process . Except minority well read folks, the rest had no clue who Sanjabi, Khiabani or Rajavi was, but majority knew the subversive mullah next door who did their sofreh abolfazl . These are facts not opinions. There is a difference between reality & imaginary memory
"Hush, We don,t need Democratic Islamic Republic , Islam has Democracy in it "
Gullibale imagining; Wow, He is such a Democrat!!!
The realist; We are screwed !!!
by Souri on Thu Nov 06, 2008 07:49 PM PST1) so would you please be kind and tell me what phassad means?
Are you trying to ridicule me by this question ? What are you assuming here? Why you're asking ME, this question ?
2) I never said MY revolution: you're assuming again!
Thank for reminding me that I Am Assuming and again , I already answered that point in my last comment.
You said the Mullah have high-jacked OUR revolution. I said it was not yours not our revolution. By yours I well meant (second person plural) .
About your age: I have been in this site long enough, reading all the comment and personal stories, to have a little idea about people's age approximately. But my point of this question was not to minimizing your age or importance in that revolution. I asked you : How old you were when the islamic resistance first initiated ? I meant in 1963 or even before that .
3) The way I recall, the revolution was due to the collective efforts of
Fadayian, Mojahedin, Jebheh Melli, toodeh and a lot of smaller and
mostly leftist groups, at least the ones I knew who got tortured and
executed later belonged to some of those groups. They all united under
Khomeini's abaa to achieve a goal.
If they knew that the IRI would prosecute and execute them would
they have united with mullahs? Do you think if they had not united with
them, a bunch of lazy akhounds could have
organized it?
You say exactly what I had just said, but in your own words. Here we don't have any disagreement. You could have read my comment twice, then you would understand my point. No need to bother yourself trying to make me understand what I had already told you.
I forgot to add the last point, sorry
4) Comparing a revolution with an election is always wrong :
In a revolution, people give their lives, their blood, their children
their families, and to some point their future plans. You can't compare
the disappointment after a revolution's result, with the disappointment
after an election where people loose only their hope. The amount of
sacrifice in a revolution is huge and it is understandable that people
are not ready to sacrifice again, so much and that soon.
Now, this last one, is based on my perception !
Anonymous (again)
by Souri on Thu Nov 06, 2008 07:46 PM PSTThe new tactic of your group now, is to say and repeat that " souri assume always that she knows the fact, while it is not true and she try to force feed her perception to us "....
New way of discrediting the people you don't like.
1) I said the Islamic revolution of 1979 has been initiated and designed by the Islamist including the Mullah...
This is a FACT, not just MY Perception. If you don't agree with this, then it is to YOU, to go and do your homework. Study the past.
2) I have the same right as all other readers to say my opinion (Irandokht just said that, so you can believe your friend at least !)
My opinion, sometimes are also based on my perception (not here though) like any of you. This is also my right like any of you.
3) It would do good to YOU too, if you tried some humility in your approach of criticizing ME all the time (anonymously of course) just to defend your friend. All you had said here is that " Souri always assume things that are not the real facts..." Should you have any objection to what I'd said, just bring it up and state it as your own opinion against mine.
Saying that " Souri just assume her own perception as the fact ..." is nothing new now, and not worthy of my time neither of the other readers time.
by IRANdokht on Thu Nov 06, 2008 06:09 PM PSTyou said: It is inaccurate to say (an repeat all the time as you do) that the Mullah had high-jacked YOUR revolution.
I never said MY revolution: you're assuming again! You're also assuming I
was too young to know much about what was going on, which is again false. I am proud to say that I was not involved in the revolution at all. I did not take one step for them but I was there and discussed it with grown-ups, with students, and with people who later were captured.
The way I recall, the revolution was due to the collective efforts of Fadayian, Mojahedin, Jebheh Melli, toodeh and a lot of smaller and mostly leftist groups, at least the ones I knew who got tortured and executed later belonged to some of those groups. They all united under Khomeini's abaa to achieve a goal.
If they knew that the IRI would prosecute and execute them would they have united with mullahs? Do you think if they had not united with them, a bunch of lazy akhounds could have
organized it?
My comparing these events was to say that people should not give up and speak ill of unity just because they were disappointed with the results of their efforts. You seem to want to read more into it and analyze it, so be my guest. I either made myself clear or I am not capable of expressing myself clearly.
I must say that for someone who understands the encrypted riddles from other members without any problem, it's amazing how you can read so much into my comments and confuse yourself!
so would you please be kind and tell me what phassad means?
opinions are not facts
by Anonymous... (not verified) on Thu Nov 06, 2008 05:45 PM PSTSouri: before demanding accuracy from others and penning your disparaging comments , you need to do your homework and don't assume that what "you perceive to be the ultimate truth" is actually merely that, your perception and not based on facts.
You're entitled to your opinions but not facts. It would you do some good if you tried some humility in your approach.
by Souri on Thu Nov 06, 2008 05:20 PM PST" The revolution was high-jacked just like the last two US elections of 2000 and 2004. Should the Americans have given up and not voted this year just because the last two times their votes were thrown out?..."
The revolution of 1979 in Iran, was not high-jacked by the mullah. It has been initiated and designed by the Islamist (inclucing the mullah) and all other forces joint them. It is inaccurate to say (an repeat all the time as you do) that the Mullah had high-jacked YOUR revolution. It is not true. Where have you been when that resistance started ? How old were you? What were you thinking about Politics in general ?
Who started that resistance first ?
If you are disappointed with the result of what is called the " Islamic revolution" now, I do understand you, I feel the same. But please be honest and call an apple always an apple. This revolution, has been an Islamic movement, we all joint it and contributed in hope that we will get rid of the oppressor, without thinking in what well we will fell afterward
Saying now that the Mullah had HIgh-Jacked YOUR revolution, seems to me that you are the one who are trying to high-jack their efforts :O)
BTW: A revolution and an election are not comparable. The context is completely different, the situation is different, the society is also different. You are comparing two historic event which have nothing to do/and to be compared together.
wass up?
by maziar 58 on Thu Nov 06, 2008 04:11 PM PSTo.k 2 days passed election & some one comes in with the idea of unity in u.s.a for the peoples of miserable vran among never united iranian (chelo kababi & football aside);my friend if all of us to agree & acknowledge the America's involvment and annonce loud and clear no more of my taxes for you as long as these matter is solved. THATS CALLED UNITY show me then YES WE CAN. We can't just forget where we were come from and where we are now.let's talk about regim change.....
America must stand firm on his stance against tyrants in middle east Be it from G.W. Bush or the new administration. Maziar
Well Said David!
by IRANdokht on Thu Nov 06, 2008 04:03 PM PSTAT LEAST do not put down and ridicule the intentions, goals and efforts of those who believe that we can? In return we promise we do not interrupt or question your chelokabobs.
That's the problem. Not only they don't do anything useful, they interject negativity, use accusations and character assassination of the ones who try.
jahleh morakab be in migan?
by IRANdokht on Thu Nov 06, 2008 03:35 PM PSTYah right ! & Fathalishah Ghajar is my next door neighbor
I can't help you since you don't want to learn the truth even if it's spelled out to you.
Good luck!
by samsam1111 on Thu Nov 06, 2008 03:29 PM PST""There is no difference between your membership on this site and mine. We have the same powers, the same privileges and the same right.""
Yah right ! & Fathalishah Ghajar is my next door neighbor.
oops translator broken again
by IRANdokht on Thu Nov 06, 2008 03:18 PM PSTI don't recall having used profanity, foul language or having insulted anyone's character. I promise you that if you followed the same basic rules of decency, your comments would not be in danger of deletion either. There is no difference between your membership on this site and mine. We have the same powers, the same privileges and the same right. It's the way we conduct ourselves that makes the world of difference.
har ki kharbozeh mikhoreh payeh larzesh ham mishineh
I didn't know (s)election and phassad were yet more examples of your own made-up words... sorry for the misunderstanding
To skeptics
by David ET on Thu Nov 06, 2008 03:15 PM PSTOK we cant ! Now you can go back to dealing and wheeling, eating checlokabob and to concerts.
Now can those of us who think that WE CAN , ask that AT LEAST do not put down and ridicule the intentions, goals and efforts of those who believe that we can?
In return we promise we do not interrupt or question your chelokabobs.
No we don't need Obama's victory to learn the we can, but like I wrote history is filled with such reminders and this was the latest one.
What is amazing is that some Iranians who live out of country are still so stuck in Carter time and the how the revolution happened 30 years ago! I guess I address the revolution once in an article too one of these days and then just provide the link as soon as someone again goes back to 30 years ago and skip the present !
Stop living in the past. Think about future and what is at stake now...
skepticism has become a HABIT and way of life for some just to justify their own lack of action!
As mentioned in article I will soon explain how we can unite (as we have successfully done before and still are on specific causes)
An Election to Cheer
by Anonymous... (not verified) on Thu Nov 06, 2008 03:08 PM PSTOh, how I wish Iranians could write the followings someday for their country:
An election to cheer
From Gary Kamiya's article today in Salon:
We have taken our country back.
"We have taken it back from the mean-spirited demagogues who were willing to tear the Iranian people apart to stay in power.
"We have taken it back from the apostles of selfishness who pretend naked greed is noble piety.
"We have taken it back from the deluded hawks who cavalierly sent our youth off to die in a war that should never have been fought.
"We have taken it back from the incompetent officials who lived up to their anti-government credo by bungling everything they touched.
"We have taken it back from the reactionaries whose intolerance, xenophobia and religious zealotry have been encouraged by a Republican vicious therocracy Party (in Iran's case it should be a vicious theofascists party) for far too long."
Madam Irandokht
by samsam1111 on Thu Nov 06, 2008 03:03 PM PSTNo it,s not Dari .You better watch less primetime shows and more serious literature to come in terms with these simple vocabulary.
To whitewash regime (s)election phassad means;
To whitewash regime cosmetic (s)election . (s)election as in," not an election but a selection in a sarcastic way". For a self-proclaimed literally giant such as You, it,s a surprise You didn,t get it. but it,s okay . No charge for translation . btw , Your responce was a whitewash as expected .
Cheers Madam!!
btw* One only needs to look at some of Your comments to see how You(your associates) use demeaning personal comments on folks not blessed with Your immunity on this site . We poor minority have only light humore to respond . uhmm but if that bothered You , my sincere apology since I rarely comment on comments as You my dear always do, with , if I may say, vengence .
Cheers Madam # 2 !!!
by IRANdokht on Thu Nov 06, 2008 02:38 PM PSTPlease refrain from neeshkhand when writing, you come across a little distorted, what's: to white wash regime (s)election phassad?
is that farsi dari or an attempt to write in english?
Since you're confused (again) I am going to explain it to you:
- the revolution of Iranians was high-jacked by the mullahs
- the US elections were high-jacked by the GOP in 2000 and 2004
if your intelligence is insulted by these two facts, then I hope you saved the receipt ;-)
Nice try Irandokht ..hehe
by samsam1111 on Thu Nov 06, 2008 02:30 PM PST""The revolution was high-jacked just like the last two US elections of 2000 and 2004. Should the Americans have given up and not voted this year just because the last two times their votes were thrown out? ""
hehe..Either You are extremely clueless (which at times u r) or, using Arabic "Safsateh & Maghlateh" to white wash regime (s)election phassad . Comapring American tested voting system to Ommatist dictatorship is an insult to common sense .
& quote;
""Yes let's unite but for the same cause. Right now that cause ............... is not regime change""
Yah right..there is no war & Your president obama was elected on that platform so, thanks for letting us know what You realy need "Unity" for . Now try to whitewash this one too :)
One day we are going to wake
by Kablammad (not verified) on Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:26 AM PSTOne day we are going to wake up and wake up to the news that Iran has collapsed and people are on the streets looting and it is total mayhem.
At that time we can say YES IRANIANS CAN TOO! YES WE CAN!
What name calling? We got here with YES WE CAN! That is one of the cheesiest things I have ever heard on this subject! I just can't get it out of my mind ;-) YES IRANIANS CAN TOO! YES WE CAN!
Obama became the president and now YES IRANIANS CAN TOO! YES WE CAN!! LOL!!
We needed Obama's victory to tell us YES IRANIANS CAN TOO! YES WE CAN!
Our own revolution wasn't good enough but YES WE CAN! LOL!!! Hee hee HEEEEEEE!
Yes let's unite but for the
by IRANdokht on Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:04 AM PSTYes let's unite but for the same cause. Right now that cause it stopping another war with Iran not regime change.
and please don't say we can't unite! we can if we try hard enough and not attack people who don't agree with us. Just like Obama stayed focused on the issues while being attacked about Ayers, Rev Wright, etc... We need to keep our focus on Iran and Peace and not resort to petty name-callings.
I'm with Kablammad
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:35 AM PSTIranians will not 1. use their own money to support leaders and shakers except Christian Dior or the rival Coco Channel 2. Obama won because he incorporated both sides of the political spectrum. Do you think Monarchists will ever hold hands with a "rag head" Khomeini sympathizer? NEVER. NO UNITY. EVER.
It is easy to fulfil
by Kablammad (not verified) on Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:05 AM PSTIt is easy to fulfil ourselves with empty slogans. As I said some people think revolution was hijacked and this regime is worse than Shah.
Irandokht your coworker said he voted for Bush because he didn't want change. I am not saying we don't want change. I'm saying we made a change now let's make it better.
But from the beginning many people didn't want this change and they are the same people who have been asking for change for the past 30 years. So in essence these people are the same as your coworker.
Yes let's unite but for the same cause. Right now that cause it stopping another war with Iran not regime change.
by IRANdokht on Thu Nov 06, 2008 09:57 AM PSTMy co-worker keeps saying I know Bush was bad and McCain is just like Bush, but I am not sure Obama is going to deliver so I didn't vote for him!!! It just doesn't make sense!
Lets not be a pessimist, a nay-sayer and a real obstacle on the way of uniting the people. There is nothing wrong with being united and making changes when you are on the right side. The revolution was high-jacked just like the last two US elections of 2000 and 2004. Should the Americans have given up and not voted this year just because the last two times their votes were thrown out?
Sadly it seems like we still have so much to learn and a very long way to go....