"Yes We Can"

David ET
by David ET

YES WE CAN: A music video created by Obama supporters: //www.dipdive.com/


more from David ET

It is possible and we can...

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

These were also the words of the honourable President of the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN at the beginning of his "time". Since then is the world busiuness on a new way. The americans must realize this. In the sake of thier own heal. Up to my most owm opinion they have allready realized. They want Mr. Obama as thier future President. Mrs. Clionton, as every body knows, can not even satisfy her Husband so that he has - or at least he had - to fall back on secondary assistence sources as Lewinsky and Co. Under these circumstances it is most unlikely that she could ever satisfy those fanatic mullahs in the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN? They are not only a hand full as the western would like it to be so. No they count 7ty millions. all in Iran living individuals are but only "fanatic mullahs". The arab nation have also understand which way is the right way. Let us take the question of
IRAN-SANCTIONS. a lot of Love letters come in in tehran from arab friends of Honourable Iranian Nation. very day.While the UN Security Council a third round of negotiations sanctions against Iran, the mullahs launch a charm offensive at their Arab neighbors - even if it's even with George Bush ordered new missiles. And behold: Advertise comes to the Iranians.
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Tel Aviv - Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert advertises in Berlin for a tightening of sanctions on Iran, the United States wishes in UN Security Council a third round of sanctions against Iran, US President George Bush calls on Arab countries to boycott Tehran. But those 7ty millions mullahs are faster. They undermine successfully the international efforts to global isolation of the country on behalve of its nuclear moves. Iranian diplomats by the diplomatic landscape in the Middle East are active for the benefit of their country. Their diplomatic advances in the Arab world, in fact, specifically directed to the closest allies of the United States, are by no means negligible.
Iran's President Ahmadinejad has started a charming offensive at the neighbors to enlarge the friendly and peacefull Relations, intensifying the allready existent deep cultural, religious and langauge relations. The Ruler in Saudi Arabia, in the other five Gulf states and Egypt answered the Iranian initiative courtship with a willing "yes". They have realized: the Iranian State-Model is the most considered personal threat to them. So they shy away from the confrontation and are better for a good climate. This could in the region, new alliances emerge - much to the detriment of the american Imperiaslism. The six Gulf states are negotiating with US President George Bush while on a 20-billion-dollar heavy arms package. Saudi Arabia should do the art of modern receive via satellite controlled precision bombs. Moreover, Egypt regularly receives grants in the billions, and in countries such as Bahrain and Qatar are important American military bases at home. However starting a war against Iran from those bases is not allowed.
Iran's chief diplomats are active - and successful
America's allies in the Gulf called to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as guest welcome to the conferrence of 6 Gulf states. So he was allowed in December in Qatar at the summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council GCC a speech. In the same month, Ahmadinejad was guest of Saudi Arabia for Haj. Iran's chief diplomats are active - and successful: In Oman, they discuss about the improvement of bilateral relations, in Kuwait, they are considered as friends. Even with Egypt could be coming soon to honeymoon, three decades after Iran in the wake of the Islamic revolution in 1979, relations with Cairo canceled. It was because of peace agreement with Palestine occupying regim.That was the response of the heroic iranian nation on asylum, the Cairo by the Iranian natiion throwned Shah had granted. The nation had allready announced, it will breake up with any country which may do that.
But now reads: As Egypt in March of the crisis had to cope with Gaza, the President of the Islamic Republic Ahmadinejad offered his help and called on President Hosni Mubarak. In the next month, he could even visit Cairo. Experts dare already forecast: Diplomatic relations between the two countries were only a matter of time. The pro-Iranian regional attitude change came quickly and surprisingly. In November 2007 had Arab defence minister in Saudi Arabia have a common defence against "emerging regional powers" conjured - which only meant to be Iran. These sounds can be heard no longer. Refined Tehran undermines American policy in the Gulf and improve the economic relations with its neighbours on the other side of the Gulf. In May, for example, Ahmadinejad traveled to Abu Dhabi - just a day after US Vice President Dick Cheney departed from the emirate. The high guest from Tehran signalled the beginning then Iranian advances. Now:
"It is time to speak with Iran"
It was the first visit since the founding of the United Arab Emirates in 1971, although only one road seas Iran and Abu Dhabi separate. In early February began negotiations on a free trade agreement. This will be a strengthening of economic relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council, hopes the Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki Manutschehr. The Iranian successes in regional diplomacy, not by coincidence. The end of 2007 published report by the American secret services on the Iranian nuclear program was in the Gulf as a possible beginning of a new era. Iran did four years ago its nuclear weapons program be discontinued, said it is in the "national intelligence estimate", in which 16 spy agencies of the United States had been working. Only at the end of the report is that development work on the manufacture of nuclear weapons would go forward - but that was not noted. A military attack by the United States on the nuclear facilities in Iran is apparently not imminent. At the same time run in the United States many talk shows against the Iranian nation. The arabs have realized that this assessment confirms, as the influential hard-liners Robert Kagan early December in the "Wall Street Journal", the White House urged: "It is time to speak with Iran."
Analysts in the Gulf interpreted as the beginning of a new, conciliatory policy of the United States towards Tehran. In the Emirates made even the fear wide, that the American defence shield in the region not give the desired stability. Therefore it is probably wiser, with the Islamic Republic of friendly relations individually, is now the tenor.
So I do not see any problem or difficulty for the Iranian and Arab nations if the GOOGLE write Arab GUlf. The Arabs are on GULF and see and hear that the GULF is IRANIAN. Only Iranians as the Mighty gendarm can protect the Gulf and the Life sphere also of Arabs. Greeting


Yes We Can

by XerXes (not verified) on

I am very excited to have Obama as a president. I think this is one of the greatest things that happened to US for a long time.


Just a joke" Anonymouse^" !

by Majid on

Just a joke my friend, ok?

If Obama wins you'll change your name to what?From:

"Anonymous^" to "Anonymouse^^"?  



Wonderful video. His victory

by truthseeker (not verified) on

Wonderful video. His victory speech last night in Texas was very powerful too. We have to wait and see if he wins Ohio.


David ET (Extra Terrestrial)!?

by Anonymous^ (not verified) on

Obviously this is a free country and you can believe in whatever your heart desires (e.g., planet Earth is flat, UFO lands in your backyard, Elvis is still alive, you saw Khomeini's picture on the Moon, etc. etc.) but repeat after me there is no chance in Hell that Obama can win the next general election!? I tell you what the probability that planet Earth stop rotating around Earth next November is higher than the the probability of Obama wining!? I'll change my name if he wins!?