1st invasion lasted 1300+ years; how long for #2?


by Faramarz_Fateh

Its been 30 years since the Arabs re-invaded Iran.  First time, the Arab in charge was called Muhammad.  The second time the symbol around whom Iranians gathered around was called Ruhollah Khomeini; not 100% an Arab but an Arab ass kisser for sure. 

Its a fact that a great majority or Iranians living in Iran (60%-75% depending on whose #s you wanna believe) are not happy with the economic, social, cultural and religious/moral situation of their country.  Economically, specifically compared with other nations with abundant and in demand natural resources, Iran has had and still has one of the highest rates of inflation and unemployment.  Politically, in June the world saw how a bunch of Akhoonds stole an election by pissing on the votes of around 25 million Iranians. 

Morally, Iran's most famous export to the neighboring countries is not pesteh or farsh (or some would say the aaftaabeh); its young prostitutes. Iranian prostitutes are the pride of the IRI as an example of a high demand export product/service.  Arab men in Dubai, Qatar and Abu Dabi as well as Russians and even Asian men insist on getting serviced by Iranian women.  Unlike the time of Muhammad, this time they pay a small sum before raping.

It took Iran a good 1,300+ years to recover from the first invasion and unlike the super long recovery period, the period during which Iran faintly resembled what could be called country was very short; 1960-1975. 

Are Iranians ready for another super long period of recovery?  Are Iranians willing to wait even 30 more years for their country could be called a democracy?!  The answer is no.

Is there even 1 person that lets say even 50% of Iranians like, respect and have faith in to become the leader of a new secular Iran?  The answer is no.

Do majority of Iranians want foreign intervention? for example air strikes by Israel, or some action from the U.S. ?  No!

So then what?  What is the solution?  When will Iran become a country of Iranians, for Iranians governed by democratically elected Iranians?

I believe a few things are essential for reclaiming Iran from the hands of the Islamo-Mafia:

1)  Leadership  (identification, promotion and united support of a non religious son of a bitch to head a soft revolution).

2)  Heavily arming a couple of hundred thousand non IRI young men and women to fight Sepahis, Basijis and the rest of the Islamo-filth killers.

3) Sactions by the U.N.; starting with gasoline and continually adding to it. Except for food, medicine and medical devices.  Sanctions to include an embargo on exports of oil from Iran. 

4)  Pressure from Iranians abroad to force U.N. to arrest and try elements of IRI as soon as they leave Iran; for crimes against people of Iran and humanity.

5)  Pressure from Iranians abroad to force governments of Canada, U.K., Australia and Malaysia to freeze the assets of anyone remotely associated with the IRI.  Believe me, these government know to the last penny where these $$$ come from.

A united group of Iranians outside Iran can do a LOT.  We are a formidable force if and when united.




more from Faramarz_Fateh

Dear Mr Faramarz

by amirkabear4u on

NO I am not attempting to divert attention from intent of your blog. I am sometimes puzzled reading blogs how on earth some bloggers relate muslems to arab lovers. That is all. It is only a natural evolution from my curious mind to think other way. My intention is solely to discover how shallow or otherwise, some MAY think.

Yes I also agree IRI elements have significantly more regards for Arabic language and culture than that of Persians. Maybe because themselves have no other culture to deal with.

che khabar e

how the hell did this article get to Jesus being an Arab?

by che khabar e on

And is anyone seriously suggesting that he wasn't Jewish?


Dear Mr. Kabir

by Faramarz_Fateh on

I fail to realize the relevance of your question to my blog.

Are you attempting to divert attention from intent of the blog or do you want to know if some people consider Jesus a Jew?

Whether or not Jesus was a Jew or not,   1) Arabs did invade Iran and  2) IRI elements have significantly more regards for Arabic language and culture than that of Persians.




Dear Mr. Kabir

by Faramarz_Fateh on

I fail to realize the relevance of your question to my blog.

Are you attempting to divert attention from intent of the blog or do you want to know if some people consider Jesus a Jew?

Whether or not Jesus was a Jew or not,   1) Arabs did invade Iran and  2) IRI elements have significantly more regards for Arabic language and culture than that of Persians.




Dear Mr Faramarz

by amirkabear4u on

I am glad you mentioned that, a lot of people do not know Jesus's mother was a jew. However, does this make the Pope jewish?



Brother Badi

by Faramarz_Fateh on

If you stop using names other than Zulfiqar_110 I'll answer your question.


Dear Mr. Kabir

by Faramarz_Fateh on

My blog is for anyone with minimum amount of common sense.

Around 2 Billion Christians worldwide are under the impression that Jesus was a Jew; Jews of that time were a relatively pure race with their lineage going to a different "mother" than Arabs.






by amirkabear4u on

I am not sure your comment is for the IRI officials or all muslems? As a matter of interest Jesus was an arab does that makes the Pope and christians Arab ass kissers too? People need religion and believe. Then one could argue the same about languages.



by Badi19 on

Allah'u'Abha is Arabic ?
How do wish your baha'i wife in persian?