After 8 years of Bush, I should be pregnant

by Faramarz_Fateh

Over the last 8 years, I have been F'ed so many times that I should be pregnant.

First it was the stolen election of 2000.  Then came Sept 11; for around 2 years, I had to wear a American flag just so that I won't be beaten up when I go out to "white" neighborhoods.

Then there was the Iraq war; $10 billion a month from our taxes going mostly to friend's of Bush as no bid cost plus contracts.  Then there was deregulation in the financial markets; I didn't forget about Katrina but it really didn't effect me too much and the total cost to tax payers was very small comparitively speaking.  Deregulation resulted in $5/gal gas and the subprime mess.

The last time Bush had sex with me was the time of the $700 bail out plan.

For the longest time I had a $250,000 line of credit from a large bank.  Since 1993 I probably used the credit line more than 100 times for amounts as little as $15,000 to as large as $210,000.  Every time the "outstanding loan" was paid quickly or on time without any issues.  Basically a prestine history for 15 years.

Today, I received a notice from the F'ing bank telling me my line was reduced to $50,000 and I need to bring down the balance from $93,000 to $50,000 by end of this month or else.  Or else means fines, penalties and reporting to credit reporting companies.  I was so mad this morning I poped several fuses. 

Wait a minute!!!  Aren't tax payers (collectively speaking) giving loans to these mother F'ing banks so that they can loan to businesses to survive these hard times?!

I tell you, I am not gonna lay there and let George do it to me for free.  Next time he is going to F me, he'll pay.  Can someone tell me what is the going rate these days?


more from Faramarz_Fateh

After 8 years of Bush, I should be pregnant Faramarz_Fateh

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Bushy Bushy is ABBTTAR. Greeting

Kaveh Nouraee

Marge (updated)

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Let me do some googling around and I'll get back with you after I complete my cyber foozool-baazi. I'm not a Rush listener, so what you said is news to me.

* UPDATE * OK......all I have found from Rush is his saying that this is typical Chicago Democratic Party Machine politics as usual (which you have to admit is the truth) but I haven't read where he is accusing Obama of anything shadier than just knowing Blagojevich.

Obama's people is another matter, considering that there are some veterans who know how the party machine works, and have at one time or another may have gotten their hands dirty.

Maybe the fact that Obama hasn't been a longtime public official is working to his benefit.

I even checked FOX and AP and Reuters. So far, the only thing anyone is saying about Obama is that he should have his people disclose everything right away, which makes sense. He has to get as far out in front of this as he possibly can. So, Greta's question in her blog is a perfectly valid one.

All I can say is that I hope that he's not wrapped up in this and that nothing points to him. I doubt he is, but still.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Ok then, the comments sections and Republican news is diff

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I'll give you an example. That freak "democrat" Greta van Susteren. On her "blog" she posts this scary picture of Obama and asks "should Obama answer questions about Blago?"

There were a zillions comments that said "I can't believe we elected a liar. He is involved." And keep in mind - she is a fox DEMOCRAT. You really don't fit the mold of your party, that is why I can pretty much have these exchanges. Every one else says "shady this and shady that" therefore he's shady. Others are even holding it against him that he made a statement or was possibly the one who alerted the feds. Why would that Republican think it's bad (btw this is Rush Limbaugh)??? Because he's "throwing his friends under the bus". Wow. 

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

That assessment holds about as much validity as does your claim that Petrol Blue is your natural hair color. Does Illinois have a bad political reputation? Of course it does. But Obama has kept himself above the fray and in his case, I'm not buying the "guilt by association" crap, and no one else is either. Not even Republicans.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

I beg your pardon Kaveh?!

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

"So far, no one is trying to link this idiot with Obama, which is good."

This is not true. I realize people are more concerned about starving and losing their retirement and homes than they are about whether this douche talked to Obama and all that. BUT this is not true. Hannity and your other "conservative" stooper stars have been saying how Illinois = bad therefore Obama equals bad. They are also saying that this is just another association like Bill Ayers. Don't ya'll see this is why no one likes Repugnicians? 

Kaveh Nouraee

Maybe they're having a bail sale

by Kaveh Nouraee on

"For a Limited Time Only....Felony Bail at Misdemeanor Prices! But You Must Call Now!! Call 1-800-JACKASS !!" 

What I don't get is why he is even allowed to continue as governor with this hanging over his head.

And once again, I'm with you. (Twice in one day?!?!?!?!? I'm sober and it's only Wednesday....This is weird.)

I don't wanna see a elephant vs donkey cage match, either. This is so far beyond party lines.

American Wife

where did they come up with that amount?

by American Wife on

It is RIDICULOUSLY low.  Maybe they're trying to be nice at Christmas time but I don't give a rat's ass.  Why should he be given such lenient bail?  I wouldn't mind a little public outcry about that, for sure!  But what I don't want to see is it becoming a free for all accusation for or against the two different parties.  I think it's immaterial at this point.  The guy is a low class, rude, crude and socially unacceptable CREEP.  What arrogance!

Kaveh Nouraee

It truly sucks

by Kaveh Nouraee on

So far, no one is trying to link this idiot with Obama, which is good.

I'm with you...I don't think he knew about it either. What gets me is that they arraigned him on some pretty serious felonies and he's out on only $4500 bail.


American Wife


by American Wife on

and he's saying everything he said was "legal".   What IS it with Illinois?  Rachel Maddow covered it pretty good last night, even with a voice-over reading of the transcripts.  What a total moron this guy is.  It's unfortunate for Obama.  I don't believe for a second that he was aware of or involved in or part of... blah blah blah.  But it WAS a Democrat.  You'll never hear me saying that Dems are incapable of dishonesty... no hypocrite here.  No need to get into a comparison of evils either... all politicians are dirty in my book.

Kaveh Nouraee

Dudette.... :-)

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I feel for your son. All my friends thought my mom was cool's indeed embarrassing LOL

Although, I have to say in her defense, that she is the only mother I know that would stand in line at TicketMaster to buy 10 tickets to see Genesis on their 1983 concert tour. She managed to score 8th row center seats. I could see Phil Collins' nose hairs. At that time he still had a few more hairs on his head, but the nostrils were gaining on him.

Check out the "Hejab" video. You can see how much I love the IRI. (hahahaha).

...and you really LOATHE the Celtics. :-)

By the way.....I told you the credit market would start to thaw....A day after BofA restored Republic's line of credit, Chase is kicking in $400K for employee severance packages.

Whoo hoo indeed!

PS: Whadya think about Blagojevich? He couldn't be any less subtle if he had put Obama's Senate seat up on Craigslist!

American Wife

Dude... :-)

by American Wife on

I've been saying "whoo hoo" since before WAMU picked it

I've always said "peace out" to my son... I remember his friends thinking I was pretty cool... the MOST embarrassing thing for a 12 year

No Sir... I've never picked on you for bashing Obama (I think)... you've made the distinction pretty clear.  But come to think of it, you ARE an IRI supporter, aren't you... LOL

Kaveh Nouraee

Re: Whoo Hoo

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Do you realize the irony of using WaMu's slogan (Whoo Hoo) in a thread about BofA?

Nah, being gentle isn't hard for me. Being a Democrat, well..... LOL

Now, do some fact checking....I haven't abused Obama. Just many of the dopes he runs with  :-)


American Wife

whoo hoo!

by American Wife on

There is justice after all.  I was all but marching down to BOA and closing my accounts.  Thanks for being gentle... I know how hard that must have been...LOL.

Ok.. I'm back.  Abuse the Dems all you want.  I'm ready.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I know this is easier said and heard than believed, but your account will bounce back. The credit markets will loosen soon.

No market mumbo-jumbo, no justifications. I know that your account grew very healthy in the 1990s. How it grew makes no difference now.

Did you hear the latest? BofA backed down and restored Republic's line of credit just a little while ago.

American Wife


by American Wife on

I have minimal knowledge of the market and/or financial issues.  You won't hear me blowing any trumpets on that, for sure.  What an unholy mess.  I just got my retirement statement... another 9K down.  I cried... I literally sat down and cried.  What once was a lovely 6 digit number is now barely enough to buy a doghouse.  I won't.... I simply will not get into a discussion about this but the only growth I saw was during Clinton's administration.  It's hard to listen to justifications or excuses or financial mumbo jumbo when that fact hits me between the eyes every 3 months.  So I BEG you, don't respond to

I may be the only person in America saying this right now but the value of our home in SC has maintained and possibly gone up.  Very modest (as compared to OC anyway) middle class home and we financed 80%.  Refinanced once but with appreciation, still way below 80/20.  So we're fortunate there.  We rent so I just about break even.  God forbid I lose my renters though!

I want to puke just thinking about it.

oh... by the way... what's your take on the BOA / Republic Door fiasco?

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I see where you're coming from. It's a common rationale. But home equity isn't fixed, as we have all learned (the hard way).

Let's say you have a house worth $500K. The balance on your 1st mortgage is $300K. You have a 60% loan to value (LTV). A bank like BofA or Union Bank (conservative) will extend a line of credit that would be equivalent to a max of 80% of the home's value when factoring in the balance of the first mortgage. That gives you a line of credit of $100K, based upon their 80% CLTV guidelines.

Now, since all of these values have dropped like rocks, this once-$500K house is now worth roughly $380K (assuming it's following the trend where everything has tanked by 20-25% in the past 18-24 months).

That line of credit that was based on 80% combined loan to value, would now bring you to close to 100% CLTV. No equity. The bank could conceivably call the line of credit due. It's not common, but it can and does happen, and will probably happen with greater frequency until values stabilize.

Now the UNsecured line is based purely on creditworthiness. Equity Shmequity. Solid income, solid credit (720+ FICO scores typically) and a well established history of paying back on time. Even though a credit report only shows if someone paid 30 days late, the bank knows if you were even a day late. It won't affect your FICO, but some banks will immediately break out in a sweat if someone is late on an unsecured line.

BofA is one of them. That's why they have been pretty unscathed by this credit fiasco.

Unless there are performance issues on the line of credit, it is very unusual for a lender, even one as tight-fisted as BofA, to hack 80% of your credit line and call the excess balance as due and payable on demand. I have a feeling if a little bit of research is done, and a few calls are made, then there can be a more favorable outcome.

More often than not, especially with a bank the size of BofA. one department has no clue what the department right next to them is doing.

American Wife

well heck yeah...

by American Wife on

the whole point of SEX is for both parties to enjoy it...:-)

American Wife

I would have thought that if it

by American Wife on

was UNsecured that they would have the option to lower the limit whereas if it was secured AS a home equity, it would be fixed. Can you explain?

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Sorry you had to do that. You could have fought BofA without an attorney. You can still fight have the original LOC reinstated.

You know where to find me. Take care.


Sasan Kaveh American Wife

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Sasan, as a typical uninformed Iranian reader, not only you have missed the whole point of the post, but you immediately attack the writer over a minor point. Good luck to you bro.

Kaveh, the line is an unsecured business line which is 15 years old. I don't have the original paperwork to review the fine prints unfortunately. But since I also don't have the $ to pay a lawyer go fight BOA I have to just pay it down and live with it. I wrote a check to the bastards a couple hours ago.

American wife, you are absolutely right; it feels more like a repeated rape than just sex.

This made up "war on terror" is a carte blanche for stealing without an end date. Its the best present anyone could have handed to the super rich of this country. Its just amazing that this present was given to Bush by a long time family friend member, Osama Bin Laden. Its more like Osama Bush Ladan.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I may be able to help you with this. If the line of credit is tied to your home's equity, they may be able to change the limit, depending on the fine print. Even so, they must give you proper notice, and this doesn't sound like it.

If this is not tied to home equity and is secured in some other way or is an unsecured line of credit, then they crossed the line.

Contact me via email if you would like, and I will be happy to let you know.

American Wife

I hear ya brutha man...:-)

by American Wife on

We were watching Keith last night discussing the Republic Door and Window company which was denied operating funds from Bank of America while the CEO of Merrill Lynch (which was bought out by BOA) was asking for his $10 MILLION bonus.  This is a perfect example of what the bailout SHOULD be doing... helping Main Street companies keep their doors open.  These employees are denied severance and accrued vacation pay yet Thain wants his bonus.

Faramarz...  you have not been f'dk.  You have been RAPED. 

Sasan... would you deny that?  As an American, I'm embarrassed and ashamed to say that yes, I believe it.  Not across America I'm happy to say.  I hope my husband would agree that he never suffered any real or imagined slight in our small Southern town but I would imagine that elsewhere there was a prejuditory reaction to many Middle Easterners.

It sucks man.  It truly sucks.


there is always jack

by MRX1 (not verified) on

Too much whining. get a bottle of jack daniels and relax.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

speaking of white neighborhoods

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Apparently this stupid neighborhood that George and Laura are moving to did not permit black people to reside there until oh you know, 2000. Not 1950, 2000. Such taste and class. Such patriotism, as Bijan A M purports. LOL



by Sasan (not verified) on

"I had to wear a American flag just so that I won't be beaten up when I go out to "white" neighborhoods. "

Who are you?
What the hell are you talking about?