Obama and the Jews

by Faramarz_Fateh

This poor guy Obama hasn't been in the office for quite a week yet and know it all Iranians (I am at the top of this list by the way) are spewing theories on how he will now put Israel in its place and fix everything; because his middle name is Hussein.

I got news for you (likes of poster Jaleho); it cost close to $750 million to put Obama in the White House starting with the primaries and continuing on to his one on one with McCain.

According to available estimates (google this, its easy), 33-39% of this money came from Jews; either individual small contributors, or fund raisers in Hollywood and NYC.  There were so many $5,000 and $10,000 a plate fundraising events for Obama organized by Jews and Jewish organizations that make your heads spin.

Less than 7% at best and 2% by most estimates of contributions to Obama was from Muslims and Arabs.  Of course a lot of this was due to the fact that Obama probably did not want $ from this group for obvious reasons.

So, no matter what is Obama's personal thoughts and feelings on the Arab-Israeli issue, he has to take care of the homies who helped put him in office; he has to be especially "kind" to them during his first term.

Have no misunderstandings; Obama will side with the Jews 9 times out of 10.  Not that the Jews are on the side of right, but because they know how to work within the system.  In 20-50 years, Arabs, Iranians and actually I better say Muslims will learn how to do this.  I know I am being optimistic......


more from Faramarz_Fateh

enough of this Isreal Grap

by shirazie (not verified) on

even the moderated had enough Israel

Turkish PM storms out of heated Mideast debate



Iran calls for US to end support of Israel

by Hamid Javanbakht (not verified) on

At the very least he should denounce the killing of civilians, both sides are bullies to world peace, nobody wants to hear the propaganda...human suffering must end, we are one family.





anonymous fish

kind david

by anonymous fish on

are you suggesting that the secret society kennedy was talking about was the jews?????????

samsam... are you suggesting that having global marketability is a bad thing?  if so, please explain why.  thanks!  oh, and as far as obama and iran, what do you think his agenda really is?

king david?  are you telling us that biden SAID he was a zionist?

just a few clarifications before i continue.... thanks!

rosie is roxy is roshan

Which genes are you talking about, King David?

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Do you mean the violence in HUMAN genes which have committed depredations since the days we came out of trees through the 20th century, most horrific of human history, the effects of which we still feel in the Middle East today?If you are talking about human genes,

Are you being ironic or what? From your name tht could be, and also since Biden isn't even Jewish, neither are most of the cabinet. If you are being ironic, it is a very dangerous irony to use...

if you are not being ironic, well....maybe it's in your genes???



watch this , its shocking

by kind david (not verified) on


Show me a US president who was not pro Israel!

he oposed isreal nukes program , and paid by his life

secret OATH ? looks like what obama took

comunist are not secret sociaty , nore they had any power in usa


its in the genes

by king david (not verified) on

Madoff is isreali citizen , he sent all to the money isreal , no talk of isreal returning the stolen money back ..

DENIS ROSS = isreali citizen to deal with iran , is he serving american interest or isreal ?

#2 men is RAHM Emanual is IDF soldier and isreal citizen , hard core IRGUN terrorist family that involoved in killing of british , he even have IRGUN terrorist name

or #2 men is BIDEN : he said i am zionist , and you dont have to be a jew to be zionist

only person in obamas cabinet thats not jew or zionist is a lone chinese men

thats the change you can BELIEVE IN


Dear Mehbod

by samsam1111 on

Not at all ::))!!You are too generous & kind pal . The trick is to brush aside the noise & see clear .

Cheers & best wishes pal!!!


Yessa Massa

by Yessa Massa (not verified) on

Good grief Faramarz before turning Obama into a "yessa massa, may I shine your shoes massa," with the "N" word and all, why don't you at least give him a chance to settle into the Oval Office so we can see what he will do?


To samsam1111

by Mehbod (not verified) on

You are a genius, a phenomenal. You have the ability to see behind the wall and in the dark which most common people are incapable of. The brilliant minds like you belong to the land of Aryans that is hijacked by Ommatis. My hat is off to you the true patriot.


Show me a US president who was not pro Israel!

by erun knee (not verified) on

Almost all the US presidents were pro Israel.You have seen them before or after they become presidents they have to make their usual trips to Israel and put their skull caps on in order to show their Jewish voters that they are are going to stay pro Israel.Our own Imam Obama made comments about other issues,but when it came to Israeli strike on Gaza he said at this time we only have one president,meaning W.I know during Clinton,his administration tried to play a go between role,but during W ,US government was 100% behind Israel.Peace on Earth


Faramarz is %70 right , my blog 8 months ago

by samsam1111 on

Except that , it,s the big blue machine and not the Jews;


In case fools haven't noticed...


by samsam1111

The same mighty invisible hands who found a fairly unknown Jimmy from the Cotton fields of Georgia are hard @ work shoving their next tactical pick , an unknown entity with short history of great speeches in last 4 yrs through the back door via sheer Mass Media hysteria & infatuation.

Mr CNN & the so called "Best political team on television"(lol) and the Mass Media have been propping up Mr Obama for the last 11 months & at the same time bashing & belittling all other candidates of both parties.

America,s industrial elite needs to re invent America for the new century to be marketable to global masses..1st step "lower Dollar" have already been taken courtesy of Goldman sachs of the markets. Now comes the Salesman... The "Industrial Elite" favoured presidential candidate must be repackeged to have the "new American" friendly Image of Globalism.Favourite candidate Obama encompasses all these marketable Global qualities .The big Blue chips are planning to reclaim Global markets for American products from south america to Middle east & gain the markets that Bush Jr mismanagment lost for them. Tailored candidate Obama is a little bit of everything the newly packaged America needs to be Global friendly & marketable . He has after all a little bit of every thing in him... Black, White, Muslim, Orphan, Immigrant, Leftie, Ethnic, Centric, etc.. wow He can even lay claim to his Oriental upbringing in Indonasia too.

Because of all these much publicized traits (on mass media);

The lobbied candidate Obama is already a beloved Icon in Africa, a respected leftist in south america, A peace loving Diplomat to Europeans and believe it or not "Imam Obama" for Jehadists & average "Moe" in Middle East & Mullah land.

Obama is the perfect poster child for newly " repackaged & friendly America" brought to You by the same "Industrial Complex Elite" who gave you friendly Jimmy Carter right after Nixon & Vietnam fiasco to gain the global consumer trust.

Between the two I might Choose Mccain! because on the contrary to misinformations he is the more truthfull candidate and his Iran policy is wise ,predictable and trustworthy.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Faramarz, if I may be so bold as to venture forth a bit into

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

the area of textual hermeneutics...

I got news for you (likes of poster Jaleho); it cost close to $750 million to put Obama in the White House starting with the primaries and continuing on to his one on one with McCain.

--and just what ARE the likes of poster Jaleho? And is this blog ONLY for the likes of poster Jaleho?

According to available estimates (google this, its easy), 33-39% of this money came from Hews... Less than 7% at best and 2% by most estimates of contributions to Obama was from Muslims and Arabs.  Of course a lot of this was due to the fact that Obama probably did not want $ from this group for obvious reasons.

-Faramarz, there is NO SUCH THING as a "fact that probably..." If you WANT it to be a fact, find out if it is...try googling it, it should be easy...

Have no misunderstandings; Obama will side with the Jews 9 times out of 10.  Not that the Jews are on the side of right,  but because they know how to work within thesystem.  In 20-50 years, Arabs, Iranians and actually I better say Muslims will learn how to do this.  I know I am being optimistic......

--What are you optimistic about? That Muslims like Jews will be on the side of WRONG? Say you're not part of that thar "Axis of Evil", are ya?        


Faramarz, you and I have a loooooooooooot of talking to do...

or maybe it would be simpler if you just started with JDate...


anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

i'd like an explanation of what you meant... thanks.  my point was that obama is NOT a jewish puppet. 

oh, and i asked you for a link to YOUR figures.  would you mind posting them.  i think it's safe to say that anyone can find just about anything on the internet.  every single issue is subject to "your" opinion and "my" opinion.  kind of a "he said, she said" thang.  wouldn't you agree?

but... i agree with you about Rumi.  :-)   reading is my LIFE.  i can't get enough of it.  and i'm trying to be a better person and all that.  but i get a little bogged down sometimes.   send me a copy of the dummies when it comes out... a check is in the mail.  :-0

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Faramarzy Pooh Bear What I mean is... the way you talk bout Jews

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

As if they are this large cattle collective. If it were only that simple. Iranians and "The Jews" have a lot in common. Have you noticed how cozy Zion and Rosie Joonz are here? I dig it. I dig it a lot. But they don't vote uniformly. 

I like your new citation method for "facts" (don't worry about them. it hurts when you're cooking up conspiracies anyway)": "just google this it is easy". Cool!!!! 


Dear Ahvazi

by Faramarz_Fateh on

I am willing to wager with you that I have seen more of the world than you have or ever will.  As a matter of fact, between 1991 and 2007 I have travlled to Israel and many mid east countries including Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon more than once.

Unless you are an Iranian Jew, I am sure you have not travelled to Israel.  Have you?

Why do you think I am obsessed with Jews?  Also paranoid about what?  I admire Jews for many of their traits.  Is that bad?  There are many disgusting things about Jews too; Kosher eating or inter family inter religous community marriages are a couple of abhorant traits.

I speak my mind.  And since Iranian.com is a great site to blog on, I submit posts.  JJ is kind enough to feature my posts.

Why do I in your opinion need to be concerned with the end that awaits you and I?  I really could not care.  As long as my wife and 2 boys remain healthy and happy, thats all I need.

Finally, I have tried reading Hafez and Rumi.  When it comes to Iranian poetry I am as dense as they come.  This stuff is wasted on me.  When someone publishes Hafez and Rumi for dummies, I promise you I will study them.



Anonymous fish have you heard

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Anonymous fish have you heard the expression " gooz be shaghigheh che rabti dareh"?  After spending time to actually read the links you posted, thats the only conclusion I could come up with.

Next time, be less selective in links you post and also try to make sure they are relevant and finally, not written by fringe nut cases.

Thanks.  :-)



With Respect Mr. Faramarz_Fateh

by ahvazi on

Just an advice ...instead of wasting your precious time and your valuable life on such futile things like how much Jews give to Obama and being paranoid and obessed by the Jews, go and read some Shahnameh and Hafez, Rumi and understand a little bit about life, your heritage and the end that awaits us all.

Go travel the world and see that the world is not the IRI-US-Zionists-Jews-Gaza. 





anonymous fish

i wonder if the jews are aware of this

by anonymous fish on


hmm... doesn't seem like it.


seems to contradict the 7% by arabs


obama a jewish puppet?  huh, doesn't sound like it.

ok... i googled and i yahoo'd.  didnt see your quoted figures.  would you mind posting the link?


anonymous fish

just to be clear here...

by anonymous fish on

these comments are referring to "jews"... right? 

not zionists... not israeli military... but jews.  right?

faramarz... yours in particular was rather charming.


Which Jews

by Alborzi (not verified) on

In fact I think Jews were the main reason he is the president. But just like Iran, there is an activist group that will get all the attention. Its like Jimmy Carter, he has been assigned as a certified anti-Semite,
Obama wants to avoid that label, but also he is facing an inertia of more than 50 years of pro-Israel policy. I also feel that the best Palestinians can do is to do is peace and they should settle for that and not hope Obama will do better for them.


Wow Margie!

by Faramarz_Fateh on

How could one conclude conspiracy from this piece is really beyound me.

But thank you anyways for not asking me about the insides of small and large intestines of Jews.  Head is so much cleaner.


You go girl!

by Marge's fan (not verified) on

and with every witty and cute comment I see from you this is how you make me feel

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Faramarz_Fateh Conspiratorial Mind Rulezzzzz!!!!

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I thought Madoff stole all the Jew money!???? Except for Zion because she still has a computer. Faramarz have you been in a Jew's head? You sure do speak like you have! What's it like? Are their blood platelets shaped like bagels and coffee and dollar signs and star of davids?! You go boy!