Manufacturing Dissent

by Frashogar

I invite my friends here on IC to watch this informative documentary


About the documentary



more from Frashogar

Your review of recent history

by Frashogar on

Makes for great fiction. Of course fiction is what the US State Department and the Western corporate media does best these days.

You have no answer to this video or anything else I have posted.


A review of recent history for Frashogar

by FG on

When Syria's unrest began last year, the country's half-million Palestinians at first struggled to remain on the sidelines. But in the past months, young Palestinian refugees — enraged by mounting violence and moved by Arab Spring calls for greater freedoms — have been taking to the streets and even joining the rebels.

Syrian's uprising began in March 2011 with largely peaceful protests, but has since morphed into a civil war in the face of a brutal government crackdown. Activists say at least 20,000 people have been killed so far.--Associated Press


Call it irreversible momentum and live with it! 


Begging the question again, Frashogar?

by FG on

You must prove that the FSA i made up of "Salafi al-Queda Islamists" before you can ask "Why would real Iranians support such?"

Obviously real Iranian don't do that.   They support a 60,000-member resistance army made up mainly of tens of thousands Syrian defectors plus civilians, among whom are 30 former general including Tlass.  I'm sure Tlass and others would be surprised to discover they've become Safafis and Al Queda. 

Slipping in an unproven and highly dubious premise is a tactic known as "Begging the Question" in logic.  It's akin to asking "Are you STILL beating your wife?" The implied premise in that question sets up a trap for anyone foolish enough to answer "Yes" or "No."  The way you deal with it is to challenge the UNPROVEN and extremely questionable premise.

Suggestion: You need to go back to propaganda school to come up with something more sophisticated and less transparent.

Prediction: Your response will be to turn to the Half-Truth, pointing out what no one disputes including the FSA--that some opposition fighters are Salafis or extreme Islamists (a la Al Queda),  while ignoring the vast majority of fighters who are not.  

Islamist jihadis are a tiny but growing minority who, ironically, are sustained by the continued presence of a massively self-discredited, certain-to-lose regime you continue to support.



Informative Video

by MaryamJoon on

See the video I posted today also.

Excellent video showing threats to Iran & their sources 



by Frashogar on

The corporate media has the power to create and destroy politicians. It is evident that between politicians and the corporate media, the corporate media is the filthier of the two because corporate power is where real power lies in the West, not politicians.



by Frashogar on

The real question is why would a real Iranian be supporting a mercenary army of Salafi al-Qaeda Islamists supported by NATO, Saudi Arabia and Qatar and who are flying the flag of French colonialism over Syria as their emblem?


Re: Amir. Why would a real Iranian approve Assad propaganda?

by FG on

A defender of Assad is a supporter of the Islamic Republic because rea Iranian know that what is bad for Assad i baed for Khamenei.  Note also this guy attacks every government that is anti-IRI. He also seems to love other dictators.  Consider the way he USA for the fall of dictators in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Nicaragua.  No government is so capable to accomplish that.  

To listen to Amir you'd think neither Iranians or the Arab people have minds of their own and were easily manipulated simpletons.  That' implausible.  Give the people of all these countries a little credit.  You can bet that--if he is consistent--Amir probably blames foreigner for the Iranian discontent following the rigged election of 2009 though he'd never say so since it would blow his cover.   

I believe Amir was assigned here by IRI's propaganda network who surely known there are many monarchists among American exiles.  His purpose is to discredit monarchists by taking ludicrous positions and to create diviions both with the mullocracy's opposition and between the latter and the West.  Only if that is his purpose do his positions make sense. 


Frashogar, this was a good post regarding todays crimes

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

it highlights how journalists and media are even flthier than the politicias who use their work to implement hypocrissy.  We need such a viDeo for Iran to highlight the issues going around in 1979, and how it was orchestrated and impossed on the people of iran, causing millios to have to leave.





Yes this is why Wiki Leaks Editor a personal Hero of Mine

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

explains and proves that Democracy in the West is an Illusion.  Whether reputations are purchased or minds controlled by very few Julian Assange is correct in this regard and its sad he may have to pay with his life for proving to US IRANIANS what the late Shah was saying his entire life.  This is something FG can't grasp, Antellectuals that manufactured 1979 were called antellectuals for this reason.  It takes alot to admit one is a US/ Western Patsy whether an educated person or one is an Iranian Mullah, neither of which in reality has no clue why the west loves extremists for Iran.  When a person does't know how manipulated his views are it's no wonder so many Iranians are ungrateful for the patriotic service and actions of the late shah.  If you can discern what it means for Iran to have had a secret service, SAVAK, that raised Iranians human rights in practice and was being portrayed, by the so called Free Media and anti-monarchist opposition groups ONLY as torturing people and abusing human rights instead of fighting to uphold them you will appreciate how dispicable those who created 1979 are seen as by honest people and the new generation of iranians that are beginning to realize the depth of the mistake their parents generation made.  


Syria's media, like Iran' media, must do as they are told

by FG on

Regime journalists understand the consequences otherwise.

That is how all dictatorships operate--standard practice-- which is why they have no credence.   It is ironic that the documentary cites the propaganda model behind the regime's repeated Big Lie ("the 60,000-man FSA is all Al Queda").  

Repeat it and repeat it and repeat it all you want.

Unfortunately for you and unlike folks in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or pro-Assad neighborhoods, people living in free countries have access to info from too many places including the regime.  They can read, hear and watch the evidence from both sides and conclude which party has overwhelming evidence for its case. 

By the way, most of the "provens" cited as the tape opens are anything but.  The exception (Iraq) is understandable since even Saddam's generals say they believed he had WMDs so why wouldn't outsider powers with far less access than they had.   Saddam bluffed and it blew up in his face.  He'd have been smarter to go along with UN inspectors and to stop playing games in the no-fly zone.


To Frashogar

by FG on

You may enjoy my above  post on Assad's barrel bombs and his AERIAL attacks on bakeries and on Syrian civilians waiting in lineat markets.   I assume you know that only Assad has a monopoly on air power so please don't tell us "It was an FSA plane that dropped the bomb."

QUESTION: How are you going to sell your "opposition is all Al Queda" line if General Tlass heads a new temporary government which infludes several other high up defector?  You'll have your difficulties, won't you? 

QUESTION: Finally, what's the point in having beard-wearing, Islamist-looking regime shabiha loot, torture and kill in civilian neighborhoods when they are obviously accompanied by regime troops?  

I get it.  It's for consumption on TV in pro-regime areas distant from the reality of Assad's atrocities.  Right?    Alas it won't sell here because we have access to what is really happening from too many diverse and independent sources, unlike Assad' target audience.



by Frashogar on


First Amendment


by First Amendment on



A must-watch video...............A must-understand issue?.....depends on the number of active cells in the gray matter between one's ears.............

Thanks for posting...........