دفتر حفظ منافع فلسطین

by Fred

این حسن سربخشیان هم ولد چموشیه اون سرش ناپیدا.

همین چند وقت پیشا رفت تو لونه زنبورا و گزارش پر و پیمونی از مراسم مال یا مفت بخور بخور کارمندا و فک و فامیل و ایل و تبار پر شمار دفتر حفظ منافع نظام پر برکت مستقر در پایتخت آمریکای جهانخوار تهیه کرد و پتشونو ریخت رو آب.

ایندفه رفته فیلم همون کارمندا که با قدسی چادری و زهرا لچکی و فاطی جین به پا و پری بلند مانتو پوش و مابقی عیالات و نسواناتشون تو یه میدون واشنگتن دارن برای "روز قدس" نظامشون تظاهرات میکنن رو گرفته.

عدالت طلبان حرفه ای در کمال آزادی هرچه دل تنگشون میخاد به نفع فلسطین عزیز و لعن و نفرین اسرائیل پلید میگن. مبارک باشه، مملکت آزاده و همین طور هم باید باشه.

ولی وقتی چن ساعت بعدش دم محل کسب و کار همین کارمندای عدالت جو حرف عدالت جویی برای هموطنای خودشون مث شیوا نظر آهاری به میون میاد داستان دیدنی تر میشه.

قربون برم خدا رو، یه بوم و دو هوا رو.

صبر و تحمل خدارو تماشا کنید و لذت ببرید:


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more from Fred

i second mahmoudg!

by curly on

Fred is the voice of many of us thank you Fred sargord he is iranian not felestenee get it????????????????????


who cares who Fred is

by mahmoudg on

what is important is "Fred" represents the millions of iranians who are ready for a change.  Millions like me by force and millions like "Fred" by using extreme sanctions.  Add them togather and you will have 69 million for change a about a million for keeping the Status Quo.  the end result is we want the Islamic Rapist Republic out and it looks like it will happen sooner than later.

 Although i do toot my horns for Fred anyday.....


good one Fred

by cyclicforward on

Embarrass IRI everywhere. They are trying to paint the IRI dog as the center of freedom and democracy but everyone knows what a farce this is. Eventually the IRI will be flushed down the sewer of history where Khmer Rouge is.

Sargord Pirouz

"Fred" writing "Type B"

by Sargord Pirouz on

On another thread, I Identified "Fred" writing "Type A."

Here, with a vastly different tone, written in Persian, we have "Fred" writing "Type B." 

Maryam Hojjat

Thanks Fred for

by Maryam Hojjat on

 posting this video.

Sargord Pirouz

Hey "Fred", how do you

by Sargord Pirouz on

Hey "Fred", how do you account for the big difference in tone between your blog postings in Persian and your ones in English? It's as if different people are at work, between the two. 

Who is this "Fred"? Who is the person or persons behind this continuous stream of propaganda? Does anyone here know?

So far nothing meaningful has been revealed of the human being(s) behind this effort. Is it Hasbara? MEK? I think the former may be more likely, but I can't figure it out for sure. It's all so rather queer- isn't it?