بنام دفاع از ایران

by Fred

چرا آمده اید اینجا؟

"اولاً که جناب آقای رئیس جمهور رو میبینم، خیلی بهشون ارادت دارم، خیلی دوستشون دارم.


"همیشه از ایران طوری دفاع میکنند که منم به خودم این جرأت را میدم که از ایران دفاع کنم برای اینکه نویسنده هستم"

خانوم "نویسنده" که بدون سرمشق محمود "جرأت" دفاع از ایران را ندارد چنان مجذوب رئیس جمهور نظام پر برکت شده که هنوز خستگی راه سفر به کنفرانس تهران از تن بدر نکرده برای دیدار دوباره با محمود از آنطرف آمریکا به نیویورک میرود.

اگه آهو بشی تو دشت و صحرا

اگه ماهی بشی تو آب دریا

به دنبالت میام هر جا که باشی

نمیزارم دیگه از من جدا شی

چند پرسش:

آیا برای "دفاع از ایران "سر مشقی بهتر و واجد شرایط تر ازجناب آقای رئیس جمهور" پیدا نمیشود؟

آیا استخدام در مراسم تبلیغاتی نظام پر برکت با "دفاع از ایران" در تضاد آشکار نیست؟

آیا ایندست میهن دوستی راهی به دهی می برد؟

آیا میشود ایران را دوست داشت و با فرهنگ باستانی و مردم آن سر عناد داشت؟

پرسشها ی دیگر برای بار دیگر .


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Genghis Khan

Thanks Fred

by Genghis Khan on

There is no doubt in my mind that every single attendee is a traitor. No excuses accepted.

If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.


the writer, Soraya Ulrich

by mahmoudg on

that woman, Soraya Ulrich has been absent from the I.C.'s pages for some time now.  Must have been told by her minders in iran lay low, I suppose.  I met her once at a book signing ceremony of a good friend, Davar Ardalan.  Not sure why she was there, if she hates Iran so much and is enamored with this holocaust denier.  Perhaps she herself is a denier.


Some of them are there out of fear perhaps?

by kazem0574 on

The question is, how did these individuals get invited to this feast?

Just recently one of I.C's readers complained about receiving emails from the Iraninan Embassy (Pakistan Embassy). I know he hates the regime but they seemed to think of him as someone they'd want to keep on their books.

What if some of these people got a letter of invitation saying his royal lowness seeks the pleasure of their presence in a dinner banquet bla bla bla.  How many of you would dare not turning up?

Noticed a woman saying "you do not know how lucky you are to be able to be in Iran", or words to that affect. Could it mean she thinks she can not get back to Iran as she'd be in some type of trouble?

Having said that. the logical (expected) process would have been to invite those who in some shape or form service the regime. 

Maryam Hojjat

Shame on these Mozdouran +AN

by Maryam Hojjat on

who all are  Motkhoran IRAN & thugs of IRI/IRR.  I am ashamed to call them IRANIANS since they are nothing more than ant-IRANIAN & Vatanforoush.