فیلمبرداری از اختناق

by Fred

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نمی دونم، بدونمم نمیگم.


Recently by FredCommentsDate
ادا اطوار اسلامی
Dec 05, 2012
مسجد همجنسگرایان
Dec 05, 2012
Iranians are legitimate target
Dec 04, 2012
more from Fred
Dirty Angel

"Iranians" being asked direct questions

by Dirty Angel on

Ask them what they had for breakfast, and you won't get a straight answer either.

"Stuff happens and some, one way or another, get stuffed"

hamsade ghadimi

while this clip is

by hamsade ghadimi on

while this clip is poignant, it is no surprise that no one is willing to talk about what happened in that corner in tehran.  no one is willing to even talk about less sensitive matter on camera in any other corner in iran.  if you shut off the camera though, there's no stopping them.  this is my old neighborhood and i've heard plenty about that day from the people in the area including stories about lebanese fighters (in concert with the basij) going door to door to houses where people had gone to the rooftops.  intimidating even the old and those in wheelchairs (how could they have gone to the rooftops?).


Superb post Fred - Thank you

by Onlyiran on

And I got to say, more power to the young, brave man who is really putting his life on the line to make this documentary.  I think it is safe to say that none of us on this site would have the b*lls to take on this endeavor inside Iran.  There is hope after all.  I just hope he stays safe.


Thanks for sharing Fred

by divaneh on

An excellent video that says everything without uttering a word.

Anonymous Bugger

Ofcourse the diffrence between Shah vs mullah is that

by Anonymous Bugger on


the prior was selective repression by a Iranian based regime and the latter is total repression by Bedoine occupation force courtesy of their omaru 5th columns below. Reminisent of the cries in teisfoon after the defeat when women & the old were running & yelling "Divan amadand Divan amadand",,,arabs have come, arabs have come.


Anatomy of anger

by comrade on

I had nothing to do with the removal of our learned friend's now-disappeared comment.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Mash Ghasem

Comrade I'm utterly appalled by your lack of sensitivity towards

by Mash Ghasem on

SAVAK and Hezbe Rastakhiz! How dare you compare now and "the glorious" then, when the two formentioned instititutions of Free Speech,  Tolerance  and Multi-Party Plurality in Iran were spreading Democracy, Love and then some: emphasis on the then some.

P.S. Why do they think if they insult you it makes their words stronger, needless to say: we all have one fundament. And that tired "Modernity" vs " Tradition"  "paradigm": second hand, third hand academic drivel of ten, twenty years ago, please... 


A chilling reminiscent of Shah's time!

by comrade on

In history unlike geometry, parallels intersect. Inshaa-Allah! 

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



Thank you Fred,

by Monda on

for posting this most expressive clip.


ممنون Fred


مردم از ترس جانشان چیزی نمیگویند

سفاکی های حکومت اسلامی ...ملت را خاموش نموده است

Azadeh Azad

Total repression

by Azadeh Azad on

The best and saddest video I have seen on total repression in Iran. Thanks for posting this, Fred.

We shall overcome!
