روز نکبت ایران و ایرانی


by Fred

امروز، پانزدهم ماه می، سالروز "يوم النكبة " و اعلام استقلال کشور دوست و هم پیمان مردم ایران است که وحوش اسلامیست/یهود ستیزان هار و چپولان همفکر دست آموز آنها آرزومند محو آن از نقشه تاریخ میباشند.

با در نظر گرفتن همکاری عملی فلسطینیان با ارتش صدام در تجاوز به خاک ایران، پشتیبانی مستمر آنها از جدایی جزایر ایرانی و نام مجعول "خلیج عربی " و به نادیده گرفته شدن شعار " نه غزه نه لبنان " مردم ستم دیده ایران و میلیارها دلار ایرانی خرج فلسطینیان کردن؛ چند سئوال مطرح میشود.

آیا حمایت نظام پر برکت از تروریست های حماس به سود یا زیان خواستهای بر حق فلسطینیان بوده؟

آیا منافع ملی ایرانیان باید قربانی دعوای دیگرانی بشود که نه تنها برای منافع ایران و ایرانی پشیزی ارزش قائل نیستند، بل، همیشه علیه آن عمل کرده اند؟

و سر انجام؛ با در نظر گرفتن شرایط وحشتناک زندگی ایرانیان در کشور و بیش از پنج میلیون ایرانی که با تقبل ریسک زیاد به خارج فرار و مهاجرت کرده و هر روز بر تعداد آنان افزوده میشود؛ آیا زمان آن نرسیده که برای سالروز آغاز این فاجعه نامی مترادف با روز نکبت گذاشته شود؟


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ادا اطوار اسلامی
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مسجد همجنسگرایان
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Iranians are legitimate target
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Anahid Hojjati

Banoo Soosan, don't worry, be happy.

by Anahid Hojjati on

See, I called you "banoo". I actually don't like being called "banoo", but if you like it, here, I can do even better.  Oops, I just put Banoo Banoo for Google search and found an interesting video but I am afraid I can't insert the link here :) .

Soosan Khanoom

what is wrong with being a Fatti commando : )

by Soosan Khanoom on

ok .... ok ... I am kidding .... 

but the same Hooshang khan who calls Azadeh ..... " Bano Azadeh "  called me Fatti commando just over my criticism of a poem  ...  LOL

I wish I had one royal fan here to call me " Bano Soosan "  

: ) 


Raoul of all the Allmighties' omniscient deities

by ComraidsConcubine on

 Your post is sheer nirvana. Could you please write it up as an article or at least a blog?

Your new, devotional sycophant


Anahid Hojjati

SamSam, so early in the morning, don't make JJ upset.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Then he might delete our comments too.


Jahanshah Javid

by SamSamIIII on

 You deleted my single response eventhough the ommatie psycho initiated this exchange.

These ommatie losers (specialy fatti stateless antartectual whom i never acknowledge let alone have a dialogue with) come after me in few blogs & this blog, insult, make demonizing charges & when retorted use flag button like cowards that they are so in their own way to win the day(pathetic indeed).

Now either you delete all of this miserable frustrated waneh be comments  as you did to mine or this will be my last comment on your site .


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia



by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Bano Azadeh Azad, belive it or not I have been following all the exchanges you've mentioned, needless to say you  have my total support and sympathy, and I don't think I'm the only one either.

Furthermore I'm glad we're in agreement about the (non)importance of these man-chill types and their arrested development. I was going to suggest if some of your essays (especially  the latest one) could be translated into Farsi, but that should be done, in  detail, on your own blog. You remain one of the few gems on this site. In solidarity , Hoshang

Azadeh Azad

Dear Mr. Tarreh-Gol

by Azadeh Azad on

Thank you for your kind comment.

This 5 year-old clown has been attacking me in different occasions simply because I like Hafez's poetry or have supported the Egyptian women's participation in their nation's uprising. I thought he needed to be reminded of the stupidity of his Aryanist anti-Semitic and misogynistic rants.

I am also critical of his so-called friends' silence or occasional support. They are ALL embarrassed by his fascistic rants, but put up with him because of his "nationalistic" position. I need to remind these "friends" that it is unethical to use a deranged and immature man-child for their purposes.

Finally, in agreement with you, I'll no longer respond to the venom spewed by SamSamIII. 





by Raoul1955 on

Fantasy-based statements about Aryans, Vikings, or other non-relevant [to our present era] mythologized entities may appease some folks internal sense of insecurity for a short period, but facing reality is a better option.  It amazes me that in this day and age there are many folks who cling to historical and often mythological beings, events, nationalities, etc.

Aryans were a group of folks that inhabited central Asia a few thousand years ago as Azadeh has noted; however in the Midwest there are some 'illiterate' folks who think that they are the descendants of Aryans as well, but their mental picture of Aryans differs vastly from SamSamIII’s mental image of Aryans!   
The scientific fact is that humans have the same genome, even if billions of humans think otherwise.  Billions of humans also think that there is a male deity up in the sky that 'created' humans as HIS special beings in this universe, but the reality indicates that GOD [however written] is the product of human mind…

For SamSamIII: Iranians are NOT a distinct race, and neither are Americans, Jews, Arabs, muslims, or fill in the blanks, but science [unfortunately] plays no role in what most humans may believe in.  Belief is a fantasy-based system relying heavily on one's thoughts and imagination, as opposed to scientific process.

And now about clinging to the past: Let's say you meet Joe at a party and he begins telling you about his ancestral background, e.g. that his dad is a neurosurgeon, his grandpa [paternal/maternal] was a cardiologist, his great… was a general in the army, etc.  Raoul's immediate impression of Joe is that Joe feels too insecure about himself and that is why he keeps talking about his family's past.  Raoul may ask Joe about his own contribution to society as an individual…

Raoul may also remind Joe [depending on Joe's projected attitude and whether he is receptive to constructive suggestions] that he better live in the present and focusing on his own productive and positive contribution to the society.   Being in touch with reality is the best option when compared to living in a fantasy world created either by one’s own imagination or someone else's.


:), 5 year olds

by SamSamIIII on


A compliment since 5 year olds have tons more brain cell than some old frustrated ommatie conscripts of same old same old like the waneh be cyber antartectual duet below. Time for the "Gaza duet" to exchange pleasentry such as chafieh, green wristband & pour pira/al ahmad books....ahhh & yes, dont forget favourite senile medications fpr stateless modern shaikhs of both gender;::)). C U next month for another dose of my much needed attention since "nobodies" crave for it.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia



by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Bano Azadeh Azad, these clowns are beneath you. Beneath your attention, your intelligence and your most insightful writings. It's always a learning experience reading from you, I've learned many new terms and concepts from your writtings. I have also enjoyed the teaching moment below, very much. Thank you.

Azadeh Azad

Stateless Champion of Racism and Sexism

by Azadeh Azad on

While I am far from being a Fatti Commando with no Fatwa against men or Jews, you are *The*  Stateless Champion of Racism and Sexism on IC with your Aryan Nations Gestapo-like anti-Arab and Anti-Woman mentality (that you are proving on this very blog.). Your childish Kiaan mythology is composed of aggressive and primitive men in ridiculous and colourful military outfit (with lots of feathers :-)) conquering lands and raping women. And you personally repeat a mantra that reminds us of the Akhoonds' Rozeh-Khooni!!! You are also very good at creating enemies for yourself with your narrow-minded Muslim Extremists type of rant!

Wake up to the 21st century. Only 5 year-olds believe in Kiaan mythology of primitive Aryans who roamed the Central Asian steppes 3000 years ago. I'm outta here Mr. Aryan Nations!! :-) 




Fatti stateless commando needs attention again

by SamSamIIII on


The daily chest beater for Gaza & the self proclaimed( napareh) champion of  middle east women(not elected yet ;:)  with meaningless daily bs & fatwas against men, jews, Americans, kiaan, Iran should take tylenol zx4 perscribed for the resentful frustrated parasites.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

Azadeh Azad

Arab-Israeli conflict don't belong to Iranians

by Azadeh Azad on

However, one-dimensional Aryanis have to spew racist venom using their beloved Arabic words. That's not surprising. Ommatis and Aryanis are the two sides of the same coin: fascism!




اينهم چند بيتي از شاعر ناشناس شيخ سعدون ابن حفيظ اللهی




بنى آدم اعضای يك پیکرند
ولي در زبان و کمال و بزرگي, عربها سَرند
چو ايران به درد آورد روزباز
به ت*م چپ مشعل و آل تاز
تو کز محنت ان عرب بی غمی
 نشاید که نامت نهند امتی
عرب گوی و بنويس و نامت نهای
چو شيخان مداح و شاعر, عرب را ثنای
به آل عجم و جهود و مجوسان بتاز
چو جدٌت که امد به ايران ز صحرای تاز
تو خود را به چفيه و شرق الوسط ربط ده
لسان و تواريخ خسرو به ابليس ده

اووپس يادم رفت اينم تک بيتی از ابوپفيوزالمتملقين ابن ال منغار خيک

قوم اش بنام اقا,چس ناله اش گرامی
از ک*ن او همی خور,اسهال او سونامی




Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


Do the world a favor!! Obey the UN resolution

by پندارنیک on

Just get back to your pre-67 international borders, and help the world community to live in peace. The rest would be history, then.