یواش یواش


by Fred

گفته شده که ناصرالدین شاه از صدای شلیک توپ در مراسم رسمی وحشت میکرده و چاره را در دستور به توپچی باشی دیده که توپ را در کن اما یواش!

حالا این شده سرمشق و ترجیعبند برنامه مقابله بعضی ها با جمهوری پر برکت. سی سال آزگار است که خون مردم ایران را کرده تو شیشه و دوستان میگویند بلعجب وضعی است، تغییر میباید، اما یواش!

سی سال آزگار است که چوب حراج به منافع ملی ایران زده و روزی نیست که خبر از حاتم بخشی جدیدی نرسد، دوستان میگویند تغییر میباید اما یواش!

سی سال آزگار است که بهترین سرمایه های انسانی از دست ستم و بیداد حضرات فوج فوج تن به آوارگی و غربت میدهند و دوستان میگویند تغییر میباید اما یواش!

سی سال آزگار است در سرزمین گل و بلبل به نام اجرای قوانین قرون وسطی وحشیگری را نهادینه کرده و کار به وحشیگری های متقابل مردم رسیده و دوستان میگویند تغییر میباید اما یواش!

سی سال آزگار است که قواعد بازی و بازیکنان را تعیین میکند و بعد میگوید بفرما دموکراسی آش کشک خاله میل کنید و دوستان میگویند تغییر میباید اما یواش!

میگویی که دوستان به درستی میفرمایید جنگ نه، بر پدر منکرش لعنت، همچنین میفرمایید تغییر میباید و کمک خارجی اخه و تحریم اقتصادی هم که اصلاً حرفش را نزن. آزمودن آزموده شده ها را که کار چندان عقلانی نیست تجویز میفرمایید که "اصلاح طلب " بازی در قاموس نظام پر برکت هم آزموده شد و جز حسرت یادگاری بر جای نگذاشت. پس یا بفرمایید خودش خشک میشه میافته و یا اینکه تغییر نظام اما یواش از نوع توپ در کردن ناصرالدین شاهی و خیال همه را راحت کنید.


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more from Fred

ex programmer craig


compare terrorism trends before and after 9/11, you'll see what I mean. :)

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Most US policies in the region post 9/11 has backfired and yet some
dellusional ideologues are following the footsteps of miserable

Well, I certainly would have done things differently. But backfired? In what way? That would indicate things (in the region) are worse for the US now than they were before 9/11? I'm not seeing it. al Qaida has been decimated, literally and in the realm of public opinion. The Taliban used to run Afghanistan, and now they don't. Iraq was an un-necessary war in my opinion, but somebody would have to be batshit crazy to think Iraq with Saddam and the Baathists was better for the US than it is now. Yeah, Arabs don't like us... but they didn't like us much before, you know? That's kinda what caused 9/11 in the first place, eh? And at least now we have their attention. And the bottom line is that terror attacks against Americans and against American interests are not only down, they are WAY down.


"Surgical military attacks" by U.S. military

by AMIR1973 on

  "Full speed" modernity, here we come:   Hiroshima:   //themodulator.org/archives/hiroshima-damage.jpg   Nagasaki:   //timesonline.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2009/03/25/nagasaki_afterbomb.jpg    My Lai massacre:    //www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/june2006/my_lai.jpg   Amiriyah air raid shelter in Baghdad:   //www.thestandard.com.hk/newsimage/20060731/qana.jpg 


You cant carry out your fantasies...


... and expect everything to go according to plan! Every action has consequences.


Most US policies in the region post 9/11 has backfired and yet some dellusional ideologues are following the footsteps of miserable failures. 



by masoudA on

Well said Fred -  Veghahat often has roots in stupidity.   When one is fool enough to think others do not see through their words and actions - tend to become Vaghih.  In the Court where the ex-Romanian dictator Nokolai Chacheskeu (sp?) was convicted to death - the last words the judge said to him after reading the whole list of crimes was: Your worst crime is suffocating the soul of the nation.

Ostad - you appear to participate in every post by Fred - yet like none of them!!!   There has to be some sort of remedy for your painful condition.    I find him insightful, knowledgable with a good sense of humor.   Unlike you - who appear like a broken record.   I wish you better mental health. 


good job Fred

by mahmoudg on

Hence my many of us are saying let us use surgical military attacks and  remove these vermins from Iran, so we dont have to slow down any more and move toward modernity full speed, leaving Islam behind our dust.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

این که شاه شهید از صدای توپ وحشت داشتند،امری طبیعی بوده است،در زمانی‌ که ایرانی از هیچ خبر نداشت و آلات فرنگی‌ ندیده بود،وحشت از این قسم ادوات، زیاد هم مورد تعجب نبوده است.

سپاس از بلاگ شما.



Fred, sure hate to break this news to you, but...

by Ostaad on

The goat herder from Texas, whom you and other amen corner choir boys were begging "faster, faster Mr. President", is GONE.

Have some stale crumpets before AIPAC takes them away. The "climate" is changing, in case it went right over your head.