ایرانیان نفهم

by Fred

در آخرین "انتخابات" نظام پر برکت که منجر به قتل، جرح، تجاوز جنسی، اسارت و فرار هزاران نفر دیگر شد؛ هواداران مشارکت در "انتخابات" الم شنگه­ای علیه مبلغین تحریم در آوردند.

استدلال این بود که تنها راه برونرفت "صلح آمیز" از بختک حاکمیت اسلام ناب محمدی، "انتخاب" خود اسلامیستهای اکنون "اصلاح طلب" شده است و هر که غیر از این گوید یا جنگ طلب است یا وضعیت ایران را نمیفهمد.

استدلال طرف مقابل هم این بود که؛ رژیم دینی است، نمیشود که اصلاح پذیر شود، جنگ طلب است و هر روز هم هارتر؛ شرکت در بازیهای "انتخابات" چیزی جز مشروعیت بخشیدن به رژیم در بر ندارد.

از آن گذشته؛ همدست­های جانیان که حالا "اصلاح طلب" شده به روشنی میگویند خواهان بازگشت به "دوران طلایی امام خمینی" هستند. آنزمان گرچه برای آنان "طلایی" برای ایران و ایرانی جز تباهی و قتل عام چیزی نداشته.

اکنون دوباره زمان "انتخابات" نزدیک شده، ولی فعلاً حرفی از جنگ طلب و/ یا نفهم بودن مخالفان شرکت در آن بازی مشروعیت بخش زده نشده.

گرچه؛ این روزها بسیاری از هواداران "اصلاح طلبان" مشغول نوشتن آه و ناله نامه و بعضاً موعظه و نصیحت خدایگان امام معصوم علی آقا رهبر هستند و یحتمل پس از فراغت از آن به تشویق به شرکت در "انتخابات" خواهند پرداخت.



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ادا اطوار اسلامی
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مسجد همجنسگرایان
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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am sorry but this makes no sense. Which Bush was close to getting rid of IR and when? As you know Presidents have full control of military. Plus Senate and House do not base policy on what Iranian people want. 

You need to provide some proof of what you say. Oil sanctions are not pro anything they are to weaken IRI and will do so. But you already made your mind and that is your right. I am not buying it and will not until I get solid proof.


More nonsense by Mammad

by religionoutofgovernment on

Most of your post is nothing but personal attacks. Your argument comes down to this:

"his group explained many many times that what they meant was when Khomeini was in Paris and promised a democratic government."

Your mistake is that you believe a character who came out of the Fadaiane Esmlam movement and years earlier wrote about Velayate Faghih could ever promise a democratic government! Whoever wants to go back to that promise is a complete fool. Anything other than a total secular government is in stark contrast to all democratic principles. Anything having to do with Khomeini is mutually exclusive from secularism.


Haji sack of Islamist liar

by Fred on

You are a sack of Islamist liar Haji nuke!


The typical nonsense by Freddo

by Mammad on

Every "blog" - its true name is fohsh nameh - by Freddo Corleone is replete with exaggerations, half truths, and even lies. I have never read one piece by this guy that is completely factual. That is because his job is propaganda. And, this is the guy who truly considers himself the embodiment of knowledge, fairness, and democratic values.

Just look at this one. Aside from his nonsense about reformists that has no basis in history, but he keeps repeating it like a robbot, he keeps commenting on "baz gasht beh doraan-e talaaei-e Emam." What he says is an example of half truth. Yes, the phrase was made, but Mousavi and his group explained many many times that what they meant was when Khomeini was in Paris and promised a democratic government. This has been repeated many times, not only by Mousavi, but by others, such as Mostafa Tajzadeh. Yet, he repeats this again, and again, and again.

Yeah, only you understand things perfectly, and in this you are aided by your "vast" knowledge of lies, exaggerations, half truths, and half-baked half-truths.

When there is no shame, and the goal is to advocate war, hatred, and destruction, everything is kosher!

Let's see. Freddo will jump 30 seconds after this post, and bombards me with his typical lies, innoendoes, and insinuations!



Iraj Khan & VPK

by masoudA on

Iraj Khan - the worst mistake you can make is to compare Iran with Iraq.   If you must....check out northern regions of Iraq these days...they are living a dream life in comparison to Sadam era. 

VPK - as you well know, AMerican politics is way too complex - depending on who controls the Senate and the Congress - Presidents can or can't do what they wish.   I happen to know first hand - George Bush was so so close in gatting rid of IR...his problem was that IR lobby was so successful in convincing the Congress and the Senate that majority of Iranians are religious and want the IR!!!  He even pleaded for Iranians to rise-up........too bad Iranians rose up when he was gone and replaced with someone who wants IR. 

BTW - the oil sanctions are pro-Europe and will not do a thing to IR.   If you see IR acting so daring these days it is because they feel safe with Obama in the WH.   IR officials have come as far as visiting Obama in the WH!!!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Deae MassoudA

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not affected by media at all. Because I don't watch TV news and get my news from various written sources. I judge people by their own actions. Please show me one good thing the Republicans did when in power.

Regarding Iran: I already told you. We had 12 years of Republicans post Carter. What did they do to "save" Iran from Islamic Republic. They did nothing. Then we had another 8 years of Bush and he did nothing. Other than make it more powerful.

I remind you again Bush said "Islam is the religion of peace". In fact Obama has put in more sanctions than any Republican did. Hence I beg to differ and maybe you are influenced by conservative media.  If you are opposed to getting in bed with IRI what do you say to Reagan. Remember Iran Contra. There is no evidence Obama is in bed with IRI while indisputable that Republicans did so. I am just being fair; Republicans rant about being "tough". But watch their actions not words.

iraj khan

and what's Israeli Lobby's (Fred) solution for Iran?

by iraj khan on

This is his dream for future Iran as reported today in the media:

"The Baghdad attacks targeted civilians in the Sadr City and Kadhimiya areas, the Interior Ministry said. At least 66 people were wounded.

The first two explosions struck Sadr City, killing at least nine people. The first bomb was on a motorbike which exploded near where labourers were gathering to look for work.

"There was a group of day labourers gathered, waiting to be hired for work. Someone brought his small motorcycle and parked it nearby. A few minutes later it blew up, killed some people, wounded others and burned some cars," a police officer told Reuters at the scene of the attack.

Some 30 minutes later a roadside bomb exploded near a tea shop.

Less than two hours after that blast, two car bombs exploded simultaneously in the Kadhimiya district killing 15 people, officials said."


Shame on those who have hijacked the name 'Iranian" for a few dollars.



Dear VPK

by masoudA on

I agree with most of what you say.....although you seem to be somewhat affected by the liberal media which has tagged the republicans as "Bible Thumpers", etc..........These people are not religious, they are only after the religious votes - but even if they were.......USA is a secular country well protected against individuals' personal beliefs.  

But for one minute - just focus on IR and it's removal from Iran.  Who would you vote for then?  Regardless of what U and I think - conservatives will take over USA.....and will eventualy get rid of IR - the difference is what would replace IR afterwards......right now the MKO is smart enough to try to get close to the conservatives while true Iranians like you are still supporting anti-Iran, anti-USA, anti-EU, pro-northern Europe liberals. 

BTW - when it comes to morality and sane policits....I would side with conservatives and even the bible thumpers 100 times before I find myself behind someone with zero morals ready to get in bed with evil like IR. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I will add that Hunstman seems like he may be reasonable. He polled 0.6 % in Iowa showing Republicans are not interested in sanity. 

The other oddball is Ron Paul who is not your normal Republican. He is off to his side and is not going to be nominated. 

If one of the above is nominated I promise I will reconsider my position. But it ain't gonna happen in 2012. It will be Obama vs Romney or some nut.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am an Iranian American and let me tell you something: I am not going to vote Republican. And the reason is the horrible candidates they are running. The only remotely sane one is Romney.

The rest are certifiable from Newt to Santorum. A bunch of far right; hard core bible thumping American version of Taliban. Perry thinks Medicare is unconstitutional. The rest including Romney are 100% in pockets of super rich.

Republicans have only themselves to blame. If they ran a Nixon or Ford I would vote for them. I am going to be getting to retirement soon. I want Medicare. I want social security: it is my own money I put in. World does not revolve around Islam. And if it did Republicans are no better. Who said "Islam is a religion of peace"?  How did 8 years of Bush do for us? What about 8 years of Reagan when he made backroom deals with Khomeini. Don't kid yourself Republicans are no better on Iran. Newt wants to appoint Bolton as Secretary of State. Do you want MEK in White House. No thank you. I have to vote as an American meaning what is good for USA. I know Obama is not that great but Republicans are much worse.


Not only inside Iran...

by masoudA on

but outside Iran - Iranians are getting ready to once again campaign for an idiot/Obama who gives credit to Islam for all the world progress in science, arts,...

When are we going to realize who and what is behind the Islamic Republic????!!!!