AIPAC, Iranians & the common cause


by Fred

As the date for next American Presidential election gets closer, the candidates are ramping up their efforts.

One of their must dos is to appear before AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Although the so called Jewish vote in America is generally considered a given for the Democratic Party, this time around it might not be so.

There is a perception the Obama Administration has been soft on the nuke acquiring Islamists who are on record as wanting to “wipe Israel off the map.”

Right or wrong, this perception along with their numerous other horrendous attributes, have made the Islamist regime’s destabilizing 33 year murderous rule the top foreign policy agenda of the election.

Those who do not buy the contention that Islamists are reformable, or that their vast nuke program is for electricity and medicinal purposes and as the only solution to avoid the war the regime is egging on believe in the overthrow of the Islamists, “reformist” and all, do have a common cause with AIPAC.

In the most recent AIPAC gathering, the loudest applause and approval was given to the candidate who said “The only rational long-time policy is regime replacement.”

Of course the devil is in the detail. The best policy would be for the sane world to immediately impose airtight sanctions on oil/gas/Central Bank and begin vigorous maritime interdiction. And at the same time help the Iranian people with logistical needs to overthrow the Islamists, “reformist” and all.

Iran needs to be emancipated by the capable hands of her children, material help from outside, particularly from DC, Democracy Central, is a must.


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by Fred on

To refresh your memory:

“those who you calim support “carpet bombing of Iran” need to be put on medication, and if you have proof of anyone specifically calling for such crime, please do provide the evidence. “


Then may be I.C should be asked Fred

by aynak on

why your post is no longer in front page.

I personally think all the questions have been answered:

Your point is AIPAC and people of Iran have something in common, and I don't.   Very simple.   Have a great day.







by Fred on

Sorry to disappoint you, no “update” has been made.

It seems you did not read the entire post before making your first comment.

This of course is to no surprise from someone who makes claims and when asked to back them up with evidence, makes further claims instead.


Thanks Fred for updating your original post

by aynak on

Before seeing JJ's post on Khatneh, I came to see if there were any further development on this exchange of ours and noted it was removed from front page.

Since this usually happens after modification by original poster I think  the following addition have been made to your post which I don't recall reading it originally:

"Iran needs to be emancipated by the capable hands of
her children, material help from outside, particularly from DC,
Democracy Central, is a must.

Not sure why you still have to dance around here, what the heck is DC and Democracy Central?   If you are trying to say AIPAC help is needed, NO, it is not.

May be in a different language we all understand:  Do the demonstrator for economic justice in U.S really need the help of PressTV and Khamaneh-ee?  My answer would be no.   Similarly, I don't think Iranian people need  help from Netenyahhoo to be emancipated.



Tiger Lily

"Anti-semitic Zionists"

by Tiger Lily on

Why not get them on board too?

*there's an awful lot of them with serious dosh and power. 

P.S. Isn't "free" a relative word. Guy Burgess ("bent" Cambridge Commie):

"White picket fences! God bless America! White picket fences and apple
pie! Shirley Temple! The Ku Klux Klan! Hiroshima! Nagasaki! The CIA!
White socks, Bobby socks! Rednecks! God bless America! String up those
niggers! Fry them communists! God bless America, land of the free!"


Iranians should stay away from AIPAC

by JahanKhalili on

They don't know ANYTHING about these people.

They are corrupters of America's politicians.

They have subverted America's political machinery for Israel's benefit. 

Anyone who does business with them is lost. 



by Fred on

In an honest, good intentioned dialogue or debate, before making other assertions, when asked, one backs up with evidence the previously made assertions.

It seems that is not the case in this back and forth.

Take care. 


Fred, you can play with words as much as you wish

by aynak on


as well.   Cheer leading for AIPAC, giving applause to a a U.S presidential candidate  who advocates a regime change (why don't you mention the candidate name, so we know he advocates bomb bomb bomb too or not) may help the end goal of AIPAC.   But it certainly will not help those seeking democracy for Iran, and certainly not help U.S tax payers pocket book (nor U.S populairty in the region) and I highly doubt if it will  make Israel any more secure.

Arm dealers, lobbiest, and of course suicide bombers will be very happy though.








by Fred on

You can play with words as much as you wish.  What counts are to back up your assertions with evidence, which seems to be lacking here.


I wish Fred Jan, could Stop acting as a mouth piece for AIPAC

by aynak on

Fred: "Thank you for your suggestion. I live in a free country and do as I wish,..."

Ditto Here.   I agree and I should be more savy, so I updated the title ;)









by Fred on

Stop pushing agenda's to deplete U.S treasury.

Thank you for your suggestion. I live in a free country and do as I wish, which In this case includes advocating regime change, the "reformist" and all,  by the Iranian people with the material help from the sane world.

BTW, those who you calim support “carpet bombing of Iran” need to be put on medication, and if you have proof of anyone specifically calling for such crime, please do provide the evidence.

ps. who are the "we" in your "What do we make of ..."?


Fred Jan, Stop being a mouth piece for AIPAC

by aynak on


Enemy of my enemy is not my friend.   What do we make of your recent contribution?   Now we should give the green light to AIPAC to get U.S to do a  a carpet bombing of Iran?   Because "the loudest applause came" after a candidate said regime replacement is the best option for Iran?   Who is AIPAC to  to determine what is good or bad for Iran?

 The Apartheid state of Israel  is as much a fascistic warmongering as the apartheid Islamic Regime of Iran.    The two are the two sides of the same coin.   When there is a latest war crime committed by Israeli army, and in the world opinion, --no one can defend-- their atrocities, like the wars on Lebanon and Gaza, who comes to rescue by statements like "Jews should return to Europe", and nulfifies world condemnation?   Yes Islamic regime and Ahmadi Nejad.

And when  there are all sort of internal issues in Iran, ready to explode in the face of Islamic regime, who threatens to bomb and attack Iran?   Yes, best friend of Islamic Apartheid Regime:   Apartheid Regime of Israel.

Iranian people will take care of this regime in time, and by their own means.  Looking at other "liberated" countries, with Akhvan'o' Moslemeen leading the pack, I would say thanks but no thanks.

 BTW, U.S has enough domestic financial problems, that does not need another war.   Stop pushing agenda's to deplete U.S treasury.