Hussein’s choice


by Fred

Whereas standard diplomacy is the exercise in which government leaders communicate with one another, public diplomacy is dedicated to communicating with citizens in other countries.

With the advent of easily accessible mass communication, especially since the world wide spread of satellite T.V channels and internet usage, public diplomacy has gained appreciation as an effective foreign policy tool. It is basically a public relation endeavor where the aim is to win hearts and minds through dialogue.  And dialogue by definition requires talking as well as listening.

The United States has a sizable public diplomacy within the State Department which ever since the Islamist homicidal attacks of 9/11 has been given extra prominence in the two successive U.S. administrations.

The mission statement for the program is to present America’s case to foreign audiences and listen to and convey what those audiences have to say to U.S. decision makers.

During the November 4th shameful IRR, Islamist Rapist Republic, annual commemoration of taking American diplomats hostage, many Iranians used the occasion to voice their disgust of the IRR. While the brave men and women were being savagely beaten by the Islamist Rapist goon squads, many pointed slogans including death to Russia and death to Khameni were used.

Hatred of Russia is due to its longstanding cooperation with the Islamist Rapists against people of Iran and Khamenei for being the Head Islamist Rapist.  

But there also was one widely used slogan which should be of special interest to public diplomacy folks in the State Department.  Being aware of number of unsolicited letters and messages from President Obama to the Head Rapist Khamenei seeking friendly relations, throngs of oppressed Iranian men and women repeatedly shouted aloud a catchy rhyming slogan in Persian:

 "Barak Hussein Obama, Ya Ba Una Ya Ba Ma! (Translation: "Barack Hussein Obama-- either you're with them, or with us." )

The mostly undisputed fact is next to the Israelis the only other friend America has got in the region are the Iranians. Before it is too late and a nuke acquiring IRR imposes a devastating war on Iran and the region, President Obama would do well to hear the unambiguous message of oppressed people of Iran,  don't be like the Russians and cut a deal with IRR, it is Hussein’s choice.



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more from Fred

Capt jan,

by Hajminator on

The most dangerous racists are those who viciously inject their venom.

Though more scary, Chaban bimokhs ones are easier to disarm.


Dai jAn Fred!

by kharmagas on

Fred, "hilariously funny" is your paranoia, you remind me of Dai Jan Napelon:





Mr. Hajminator

by capt_ayhab on

You so kindly note[ because I've lived with Freddo like racists for more than 24 years, and now I can detect them automatically even if they live 1000 of miles away from me....]

Actually sir you are being too kind to freddo type hater and bigot. I have not live with one for 24 years but I can spot them from the vulgarity and stench that their statements leave behind as soon as  they start their charade of calling themselves a not racist. 

As too KKK type criminal racists, at least they have the guts to stick to their nauseating and criminal ideology and unlike Mr. Fred - The Master Hater - here  do not lie through their teeth.



Master Hater.... Fred

by capt_ayhab on

More challenged and more pissed you get, more of your hate and racism shows its ugly face.

What is next Master Hater??? are going to shout[white power] now or something?

You are hilariously a pathetic racist and full blown bigot.



Fred, Q is right

by Hajminator on

There are two sorts of racists:

  • Those who publicly insult others over their race or religion like KKK, let denote them by Chaban Bimokhs;
  • Racists, of the second category, are more lecherous; these guys say openly that they are not racist but when they are in front of other people with different race or religion they begin to talk how different these guys are but in general terms. Let denote these guys by a generic Freddo term.

Freddo, now that you've learned something boro band va bassateto jam' kon. Harfhat haleh adam ro beham mizaneh. I'm not telling you this cause I'm an Islamist - I believe in god but I'm not a churchgoer - I say this because I've lived with Freddo like racists for more than 24 years, and now I can detect them automatically even if they live 1000 of miles away from me.


Thank You Fred, for proving once again your amoral sophism

by Q on

This shall now remain as evidence of your twisted, egotistical, and hypocritical "logic".

You are clearly and purposefully denigrading a religion by using its name as a common insult the way you would never accept someone doing to Judaism. That's the bottom line, and that's what you're incapable of admitting (due to hypocrisy and ego).

You speak of "liars" ? Mr. I said "aged" not "old"??? lol!

You speak of "demagoguery" when you have spent at least 2 years demonizing Iran and Islam in strict accordance of your self-admitted AIPAC "friends of Iran" ? lol!

Islamists are hilariously funny.
By contrast Zionist sell-outs are sadly tragic.


The "us" Islamist

by Fred on

Haji’s sidekick is a liar which for an Islamist is like calling water, wet. No, only an Islamist would   line up “Islam” and “Islamic” faith with his perverted Islamist dogma. So show where I’ve denigrated any religion let alone Islam, just like your Haji you can’t and have to use such Islamist demagoguery tactics. The power of death fatwa Islamists use to subjugate is not going to work here in the land of the free.

BTW, you are one Islamist, so unless you are an official representative of many Islamists do not use the plural pronoun “us” as in your “Don't waste our time” admonition.

Islamists are hilariously funny.



"Death Fatwa" ? Someone has a healthy ego

by Q on

Fred jan,

We have had this discussion before at length. You use "Islam", "Islamic", "Islamist" in a deragatory way. You use it as an insult. You attribute all sorts of barbarity with the religion. I have demonstrated to you many times how the equivilant language targeting Jews, for example, would be unacceptable. I don't understand your mental desire to deny this clear reality.

But let's face it. You're not interested. This is all an act. We've all seen how you abuse logic and language with the dogged percision of a professional propagandist.

Don't waste our time by pretending you have the slightest amount of fairness when it comes to anyone who dares question your ridiculous AIPAC-parroted perscriptions for the Iranian people. And please think twice before you call anyone else a "liar".

Let me ask you a question, genius. If you have any respect for Islam, why would you intentionally abuse a concept like "fatwa" on a stupid online conversation? Is there any other explanation other than you are purposefully disrespect the religion, associate Islam with frivolous violence? Please!!! who do you think you are fooling?

Lastly, I must thank you, once again for the hearty laugh of the night. Truely, to think, any religious authority, let alone "haji" Mammad would issue a "death fatwa" based on the AIPAC megaphone that you have swallowed, is way beyond egotistical.

I suppose someone with your dogged and single-minded dedication to the pro-violence propaganda you spread, must have such egotistical dillusions to keep going day after day.

That's right Fred, you're that important! You are single handedly destroying IRI by your brilliantly cryptic blabber on! You are so effective people will be issuing "death fatwas" against you!


Haji's death Fatwas II

by Fred on

1- You are an Islamist liar for failing to cite any quote where I have said anything against  any religion, Islam or any other one. Haji is not a derogatory term in Iran, if you are an Iraqi and find the term derogatory take it up with the Iraqi government.

2-Your Islamist sidekick is an Islamist wedding photographer. I challenge you and your Islamist sidekick to cite one single instance where I’ve used “old wedding photographer” without the Islamist prefix, failing to do so, you are an Islamist liar.

3- You labeling me “Anti-Islam” is a death fatwa which you are using to silence me, this is not your Islamist Rapist Republic and will not work here in America.

4- You can do and say what you like but your crux statement and your latest slip about justifying the taking of American hostages speak for themselves.  

5- Charlatan Ali Shariati has said and done many things, are you sticking up for all of it or cherry picking?, besides I live in a free country and can criticize dead or alive writers any which way I desire, get use to it Haji.




by Mammad on

A while ago you told me that Freddo and his type play all sorts of games. You were right, except that their games are up. I have had it with him and people like him. I'll be after him for every single nonsense that he throws at me and people like me, and will be calling him what he is. He invited me "to bring it on." Let's see whether he leaves the kitchen when I raise the temperature!! He is already retreating!!

Thank you.




by Mammad on

As I have said repeatedly, you cannot read! But, I did not realize until now that you cannot read even your own writing!

The very fact that you call me Haji - a racial slur used by U.S. soldiers to refer to ALL IRAQIS - the very fact that you have never referred to me by my name, but by "Islamist" to insinuate things, and yes, the very fact that you attack without any basis - because you have not read even a page of his work - a distinguished DEAD Muslim scholar Dr. Ali Shariati (even dead people cannot escape the stench of your hatred-filled nonsense) - the man about whom Jean Paul Sartre said, "I do not believe in any religion, but if I were to believe in one, it would be Shariati's" - are all the evidence one needs to see why you are an anti-Islam, anti-Muslim person.

We do not see the permanently dark side of Moon either, but we know it is there because we have scientific evidence. In your case, the evidence is all over every single nonsense piece you write and every hatred-filled attack you stage against me and people like me, even if you do not proclaim explicitly that you are anti-Islam.

So, I rest my case regarding you being an anti-Islam.

As an example of your lies against others: You claimed that you did not call Q an "old wedding photographer," but it took him 30 seconds to bring your writing up. And, what did you do? Instead of apologizing to everyone that had read your lie, your repeated your nonsense insult again with straight face. That is why your behavior is disgusting, repugnant, and ugly.

As for Fatwa: Your type, when running out of things to say, plays victim. This is a worn out game, known to people like me. But, it will not deter me from calling what you really are.

But, you also have no significance whatsoever in the eyes of people like me. It is your lies, exaggerations, slanders, baseless attacks, and repugnant behavior that will be under assault by me.

So, do not give yourself significance, or play victim, by talking about Fatwa! Like everything else, you just do not know what you are talking about. You just have heard the word, and because you consider yourself as very significant, you pretend that people are after you. No one is, but after your disgusting, repugnant, ugly and inhumane behavior.

You cannot deter me from calling you what you are. So long as you continue your disgusting, repugnant behavior toward me, I'll call you what you are. I have had it with you.




by kharmagas on

Fred, the way I see it, Mammad is the Iranian version of George Soros (without the $billions). They are both humanists that are trying to build a bridge between Muslims and Jews among other things. You on the other hand are throwing stones at the one who is trying to build this bridge from the Iranian Muslim side. ..... your political/ideological positions are almost identical to Frank Nikbakht, ...., and perhaps I understand why you can't stop throwing some stones at a progressive Muslim, but doing it to this extent I don't understand..... 



by kharmagas on

Mammad, if I am not mistaken many of us comment in Fred's blogs because we know you comment here ... Fred has been repeating himself many times, and when he hasn't been repetitive he has plagiarized (e.g., // , see NP's short comment, one before her last) ....


Haji's death Fatwas

by Fred on

Haji feel about me any which way you wish, that is your inalienable right.

Call me whatever names you wish that is your inalienable right.

Have selective memory about sequence of events that is your inalienable right.

Say that I, Fred, am calling for “military attack”, “bombing” and “destruction” of Iran, making up stories is your inalienable right.

Taking it upon yourself to attack me over others who you perceive are being unfairly treated by me, even some dead ones like charlatan Ali Shariati, is your inalienable right.

Refuse to answer legitimate questions like the contradiction between your claim that Islamist Rapist nuke program is for peaceful intent and your slip of truth in your “crux statement”-- or your newest slip justifying Islamists taking American diplomats hostage.   



All the above are only small part of your rights to do and not do. But you have no right, none whatsoever to constantly issue death fatwa against me.  

Knowing what Islamist nuts do to whoever they perceive as “Anti-Islam”, that is murdering them in cold blood, you keep labeling me as such with your death fatwas.

In your last posting right below, in one paragraph you specifically marked me as "Anti-Islam" twice.  

Unless you show direct quotes that I am indeed "Anti-Islam" or for that matter Anti-any religion, you are nothing but an Islamist bully trying to silence me with known Islamist tactics. Show your proof you sack of Islamist liar!



by Mammad on

I find it strange that you refer to me as "Dear Mammad." You called me one thing several weeks ago, then attacked me unprovoked and called me names, and then call me "dear?" I neither need it, nor do I appreciate it, nor find it to be appropriate. Unprovoked uncivility toward someone who has respected you and has said nothing impolite against you is not washed out by using a hollow "dear."

Believe in whatever you want. View me anyway you want. It is your right. I have no desire to try to change your view about me, and quite frankly I do not care either. I was just surprised by your unprovoked attack, especially on behalf of someone as repugnant as that guy.

But, the idea that I am the one who is rude,  particularly to someone who has been attacking me (ever since I began commenting here), my religion, and my work as a scientist (while knowing not even a hoot about what I do as a scientist; some of his comments about me as a scientist just go to show how much the guy knows, or does not know!), questioning my professional integrity, and my passion and love for Iran, and calling me everything under the sun, labeling me with everything that his brain leaks out, and impulsively spitting out nonsense just to respond, all because I stand up to him and his lies about Iran's nuclear program, is the most absurd thing I have ever heard or read.

Freddo - the anti-Islam man - has never missed a chance to attack my religion. But, I have never called him once by a name linked to his religion. It is obvious what would happen if I do - he, like his type, play victim and I'll be anti-... never mind that he is anti-Islam to the hilt.

As I said a while ago, he has two sets of rules: One for himself that allows him to call people whatever he wants and treat them anyway he wants, and another set for others according to which everyone should be not only totally civilized to him, but also agree with him, because otherwise he resorts to what he really is - and this is the man who posted a blog about being civilized to each other!!

Many people who read Freddo's blogs question him. He never responds to almost anything. But, as soon as I leave a comment, he impulsively spits out whatever nonsense his brain leaks out at that very moment, even when the comment is polite and constructive (read my original comment on his blog and his response)

He has made it clear on many occasions that he attacks me simply because I defend Iran's nuclear program in the framework of international agreements, and because I am a Muslim.

For a long time, I restrained myself from calling him what he really is, but he took it as a sign of weakness. He thought that my restraint is because I am intimidated by him - BY HIM, someone who has never, in my opinion, made a meaningful comment here (you view him anyway you want, it is up to you), someone whose only goal in coming to this site is advocating war and destruction of Iran. He tirelessly rehashes the same thing again and again and again, always advocating sanctions, always advocating war.

Freddo's behavior toward me - and many others for that matter, such as Q - is the most disgusting, the most repugnant, the ugliest behavior I have ever observed in a human being. It is a behavior based on baseless sheer hatred.




by pedro on

Sory for the misspellings.


I think you are all

by pedro on

I think you are all brilliant writers, but you are getting far from helping and enlightening. shut your computers down for an hour and regroup your thoughts. I was wondering are we readers following a personal fight, or we are all seeking a solution to ease the pain and suffering of millions of Iranians. as I said above you all sound brilliant and I'm proud of all of you, but readers are dissheartened by the prolonged KESH MAKESH and accusations. Is it true that the Iranians are the only nation that can not get along and have unity? In this historical moment with unprecedentet evnt in our country we may want to be a little respectfull of each other, a bit more tolerent of each other. I am new to this tread and web site but I must admit I enjoy freds' writings. and I would like to thank Ahura for the very thoughtfull respond.


Dear Mammad: I still

by vildemose on

Dear Mammad: I still believe what I said before about you. Sorry for being so harsh on you. I find your animosity with Fred very destructive and I really didn't expect you to call Fred "Lat". I have never seen Fred being rude to you.

Again, I'm sorry but I also think we need to make peace with Israel. Israel is not going anywhere soon.


Dear Mammad: I still

by vildemose on

Dear Mammad: I still believe what I said before about you. Sorry for being so harsh on you. I find your animosity with Fred very destructive and I really didn't expect you to call Fred "Lat". I have never seen Fred being rude to you.

Again, I'm sorry but I also think we need to make peace with Israel. Israel is not going anywhere soon.


IRI the Enemy of Iran

by Ahura on

The total cost of 1953 Iranian coup d’état was few hundred thousands of dollars, less than a million, not few thousands.


IRI the Enemy of IRAN

by Ahura on

Islamic Republic of Iran has imposed Islamic Sharia laws on Iranians, instigated inequality of legal rights between women and men, supported terrorist groups inside and outside Iran, carried out scores of domestic and international political assassinations, curtailed freedom of speech and assembly, murdered thousands of political dissidents, sent half a million Iranians to their death by prolonging the war of attrition with Iraq, institutionalized brutality and violence (Islamic Republican Guards, and the Basiji paramilitary groups), clandestinely pursued the development of nuclear weapons,  and brainwashed millions of Iranians with religious dogmas and bigotry. This regressive theocracy is run by clerics who are neither Moslems (by conducting a religious business based on reverence of Imams that parallels the forbidden Idolatry in Islam), nor Iranians by their overt hostility and defiance of our pre-Islamic heritage and culture.  The main objective of IRI is to stay in power by any means which they have well demonstrated in their recent barbaric treatment of peaceful demonstrators in Iran.

The youths of Iran have found vulnerability in the armor of regime by using some of their own lackeys to destabilize the system and replace it with a secular democratic government. Listen to their well conceived and poignant slogans: “Nezhaad maa aariaast, deen az hokoomat jodaast” (Our Race is Aryan, Religion is Separate from Government); “Na  Ghazeh, Na Lobnaan, Jaanam Fadaayeh Iran” (Neither Gaza, nor Lebanon, I sacrifice myself for Iran); “Sefaarateh Roosieh, Laanehyeh Jaasoosieh” (Russian Embassy is the Den of Spies) in direct response to supporters of regime with their slogan of “American Embassy, the Den of Spies” in this year’s state run demonstration commemorating the storming of  American Embassy in November 4, 1979 and taking the Americans as hostages.

This opposition movement in Iran needs support by all and everyone. Any policy, discussion, article, and activity that helps legitimize IRI works against the movement and betrays the Iranian freedom fighters inside and outside of Iran. Eventually the masses of Iran will join the youths through strikes and civil disobedience and get rid of IRI. Attacking Fred and his advocacy of sanctions against the IRI criminals by labeling him an Israeli agent or an islamo-phobist is a discredited tactic of avoiding the message by trying to shoot down the messenger.

To those of you who reason that sanctions do not work as shown in Iraq and Cuba, please bear in mind that the dynamics of Iran with its many opposition groups, mismanaged economy, high unemployment, and widespread populace discontent is ripe for a measure to tip the balance in favor of the opposition and anger the people to rise against the regime. Depriving the IRI rulers of their economic means to subjugate the people is the way to go. Sanctions will bring minimal hardship to already discontented and poor populace but will effectively reduce the needed economic resources of the rulers and loosen their grips on power. The embargo of 1953 against a popular government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh proved to be effective by weakening the coalition support and placing the government in such dire economic strait that a coup d’état with a total cost of few thousand dollars spent on couple of thugs and red light district ladies supported by few truck loads of peasants and military dissidents finished the regime. Some scholars also argue that Coup d’état was in effect not needed and the fall was preeminent.


Let us keep our eyes on the ball “Overthrow of IRI”, and not get distracted with other diversionary tactics. Many thanks to Fred and his tireless efforts to expose the IRI atrocities and keep the opposition flame alive.


Israel and Iran friendship? (to Fred)

by kharmagas on

Fred, I am all for Israel and Iran friendship..... at the same time I am for strong deterrence with Israel, including nuclear deterrence. What is your take on that?



by Mammad on

This is quite a turnaround for you calling me what you called me. Just a few weeks ago you left a comment on an article of mine posted on Tehran Bureau calling me (correctly or incorrectly) "the most underrated Iran expert," and thanking me for my articles there. So, what happened?

All I did was pointing out the same as IranDokht and others did, in a respectful tone. You responded to her politely, but attack me for saying exactly the same thing? I am confused.

As for me being anti-Jew: Show me one quote that indicates I am anti-Jew. I am not, have never been, will never be. I am a critic of Israel's policy toward the Middle East. And, I am not alone. There are hundreds of millions of people (if not more), both in the U.S. and around the world who have the same sentiment as I do.

I am a practicing Muslim and proudly so, but I am, have always been, and will always be for a secular democracy in which religion plays no role, and the clerics have no special rights. 

As for being frustrated, no, dear, there is no frustration here. But, even if there, it would be for reading such contradictory comments from you.




Regarding the Nidal Hassan:

by vildemose on

Regarding the Nidal Hassan: Irandokht jan, you are right. He has nothing to do with Iran as I read more reports about his state of mind... I don't know why I even brought him



What's deeply confusing and

by vildemose on

What's deeply confusing and perhaps hypociritcal of them is their attitude toward peaceful coexistence with others in the world; their words belies their stated conviction, which is supposedly peace and not war.




by Fred on

People in Iran face the Islamist Rapists who are armed to the teeth and don’t flinch, beautiful Iranian girls and boys despite being raped, tortured and many murdered in cold blood still come out and face the rabid Islamists.

 Now, compared to that kind of selfless bravery, me and my kind in comfort and safety of the sane West typing few words and being discouraged by Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies? Nothing doing.

All they are doing is confirming the line they attack as being the right one.


Dear Fred: don't be

by vildemose on

Dear Fred: don't be discouraged by Islamist fundamentalist ranting and reavings...Keep writing about peace between Iran and Israel...


Mrs vildemose

by capt_ayhab on

So lest see if I understand the logic you presented:

The guy is a US born army major Muslim, He has been under supervision for many years now. He has been harassed[true or false]. He did not want to go to war. He has been witness to all the pain which the soldiers been going through after returning from an UNJUST war. He has been taking medication[Lariam], which is known to have psychotic affect. He shouts [God is great] while murdering dozen and wounding 30 people. Then he must be linked to Iran. 

Got to admit, that is one solid logic!



Wrong again vildermose (YAWN)

by Q on

in the 20th century alone, over 100's of Millions have died as a result of anti religious ideologies: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Musselini, US/USSR backed third world dictatorships, etc.

If we take the greatest religious crimes which would have to be the Catholic-fueled Spanish Inquisition, it would still fall short in 500 years, what the anti-religionists achieved in just 50.

Just for your personal education.


I think if the Israeli and

by vildemose on

I think if the Israeli and Palestinians decide to forgive and forget, people like Q and Mammad would still go on with their war mongering against the Israelis; fanning the flames of hatred seem to be an speciality of Islamic commies.

Israeli and Palestinian youth use video to understand the conflict
