Israel will not be denied

by Fred

Those who were holding their breath for the official response from IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic to the sane world’s nuke offer can exhale now.

In a nut shell, the official response from the Iranian men, women and children raping, torturing and murdering Islamist Rapists who are well on their way to acquiring nuke is, up you all.

There is nothing new about my way or the highway approach of the Islamist Rapists. They have been practicing that policy on the enslaved Iranians for decades now. But unlike the raping and murdering of Iranians at will with impunity, this is an entirely different situation with actual consequences.

Unless the sane world acts, Israel will not sit idly by and wait for the denying its right to exist by the long promised being “wiped off the map” to take place.

Before it is too late and the Islamist Rapists impose a devastating war on the enslaved Iranians with consequences far and wide the sane world has to head it off.

Imposition of airtight sanctions NOW along with open, unrelenting material and moral support to the beleaguered Iranian people to overthrow this beacon of Islamist menaces is a must. Time is of the essence.





Recently by FredCommentsDate
ادا اطوار اسلامی
Dec 05, 2012
مسجد همجنسگرایان
Dec 05, 2012
Iranians are legitimate target
Dec 04, 2012
more from Fred

Long live Israel

by Rabbi on

for your eyes only


Israel will not be denied

by Rabbi on

Iran will


according to a recent report, Iran is USA's BFF

by MM on

Take a look at the new reports coming out:

Writer calls Iran our best hope for an ally




by Cost-of-Progress on

Actually, I have very close to 20/20 vision, now then, like I said you fool no one with your bologna.

I could give a rats ass about Israel, not that any of your business, but I am being generous here. 




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Shotor Khan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Age ino Farsi neveshti ke khail kardi man nemidonam khata kardi. Man chizi rajeh be koshtan nagoftam. Man Irani am va nemekham ke Irani ha koshte beshavand. Na be dasteh IRR; na be dasteh Israel ya hich kaseh
degah. PS, Dasteto as negabeh man var dar. Chador maleh Zeinab Khanomeh na man. Name man be zabaneh Tazi Al Mogannab ast.


Cyber rapists

by Fred on

It is not surprising to see the supporters of the Islamist Rapists emulating their beloved even in cyberspace  

چی چی هی میگی بکشیمش بکشیمش؟

Mola Nasredeen

بیبین رفیقت  پیغمبر چادر بسر خراسان چی میگه.

وقتی که میگه


خطاب به شخص  فرد از قبیله بن یهود.



LOL Gitdoun

by HollyUSA on

Nice. Very nice.

Fred you're such a drama queen and a fake one at that. But you're funny even though you don't intend to be.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Stop this "sky is falling" stuff. Iseal is a potential ally for Iran.  Threr is no reason for war.We will be allies.


Tragey in the making

by Fred on

Israel is Iran’s one and only  friend and strategic ally.

There are ample signs pointing to her being forced to take preventive measures against the nuke acquiring Anti-Semitic centric Islamist Rapists.  

Such development would be a tragedy on many levels for both nations delaying an alliance which is destined to take shape after the emancipation of Iran and Iranians from the clutches of Islamists of all shape and color.


Cost of progress: Unless you are blind

by Bavafa on

I did say who I am UP with and no, that is not Ezreal, which is far more then you can say about yourself?


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Worry about Iran

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I would appreciate it if people would be more worried about Iran and less about Israel. Do I have to remind some that we are supposed to be Iranians? I normally agree with the anti IRI folks. But I do not support putting Israel ahead of Iran.

I also do not trust Israel to help Iran in any way. 

gitdoun ver.2.0

just 2 little Questions

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

what's with the Melo-drama of "Israel Will Not be Denied " ????   like when has Israel EVER BEEN DENIED ???????????????



by Cost-of-Progress on

Can you say who're you UP with?

Your "down with the mullahdom" slogan is a cute diversion.





Dear Fred: I thought you

by vildemose on

Dear Fred: I thought you had family members living in Iran. What happened? Did they leave Iran?

Why is Israel hell bent on destroying itself? Why don't you write for JP and ask them to stop being so paranoid and self-destructive?

 And if they are truly afraid of being wiped off the map, they should start treating Palestinians like humans. The demographic momentum is against the Israelis and there is nothing they can do. The native American style war of attrition won't work on Palestinians either.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Israel should keep out

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Israel should keep out of Iran's affairs. The Nuke issue is a distraction aka red herring. It does not matter. Iran is not going to attack Israel with nukes. Israel will serve its own interests best by keeping out. Iranian people want a real democracy and are working on it. They don't want to be bombed. Iran is here to stay and Israel is better off not being her enemy. 

Right now there is hostility between IRI and Israel. But there has been no real blood shed between the two nations. It is best to keep it this way I am afraid that any involvement by Israel will backfire and have long reaching negative impact. Anyone who thinks Israeli attacks will "free" Iran is dreaming in some sort of alternate reality.


Isreal can't do jack

by masoudA on

by itself.    This is not about nukes - it's about the rights of some humans to a land - motrherland or not.   Human rights articles are pretty clear on this and it gives Jews the right to aquire land and chose their homstead anywhere in the world.   But this is not about Jews alone - it's also about Moslems - about Moslem women rights being abused - rights that are again - clear in the human rights articles.   It's about Bahaiis who are denied of so much basic rights - it's about slavery which still exists in several forms - it's about abuse of children in many ways..... 

So please do not make this about Isreal and know that Isreal can't do jack without aliance of the Iranian people.   


"the long promised being

by Bavafa on

"the long promised being "wiped off the map" to take place"

Isn't Ezrael that is threatening to wipe Iran off the map and you actually cheering for that?

Every one agrees that IRI must will soon be gone, but Iranians need to stay on path to get the nukes as that is the only way to protect them against the monsters like Ezrealis who are hell bend to dominate the ME.

Down with Zionism

Down with IRI

Down with enemies of Iran


gitdoun ver.2.0

israel not a friend

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

israel is and wants to continue it's domination in the region. it is not a friend of iran.  and your ideas of an air-tight sanction would make Iran into another Gaza. again this is not a gesture of friendship to the iranian people.  you Jews and Arabs deserve each other. you both are ruthless !!!


Is Israel our friend?

by Sohraby on

Israel helps and finances the separatist groups in Iran. If Israel is our friend then we don't need to worry about our enemies!!!!!


Israel has every right to defend itself

by mahmoudg on

In the process their actions would free the people of Iran fcom the clutches of tyranny and Islam forever.  Go Israel and the Jews.  You have always been a friend to Persians.  We helped you all those 2000 years ago to reclaim your land and Solomon's temple. it is now your turn to recipticate.


Are you Benjamin Netanyahu ?

by ali_UK on

Israel being denied its right to exist ??!!

You must be him to repeat this garbage.