Location tracking of Iranians

by Fred

In his NoRooz message, President Obama said:

"The regime monitors computers and cell phones for the sole purpose of protecting its own power. Because of the actions of the Iranian regime, an electronic curtain has fallen around Iran ..."

One of those companies which help the Islamists with their “electronic curtain” is the South African telecommunications firm MTN.

MTN owns 49% share in Irancell which has 33 million customers, the other 51% is mostly owned by the Islamist regime.

The wall Street Journal reports former MTN Iran employees saying:

"a team from the government's telecom-monitoring center routinely visited the operator to verify the government had access to people's location data. The engineer said location tracking activities have expanded greatly since the system first was installed."

Being headquartered in now apartheid-free South Africa, MTN should know better than enabling the uber-apartheid Islamist regime in Tehran.

Those interested to send them a protest letter can go here.


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by پندارنیک on

Thanks Fred for your heartful concern for Iranians............speaking of heart.........getting your cardiac thing checked is getting much easier these days..............take it easy Fred, weekend is getting closer.............yup, I sent a letter.........that will take care of your problem, I hope.............