Mehdi Karroubi

by Fred

First they came for the monarchists, and I did not speak out--

because I agreed with them and was not a monarchist;

Then they came for the leftists, and I did not speak out--

because I agreed with them and was not a leftist;

Then they came for the intellectuals, and I did not speak out--

because I agreed with them and was not a intellectual;

Then they came for the Baha’is, and I did not speak out--

because I agreed with them and was not a Baha’i;

Then they came for Montazeri, and I did not speak out—

because I agreed with them and was not a Montazeri fan—

Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me except Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times, BBC, VOA, Radio Farda, Radio France International, Deutsche Welle, , Radio Zamaneh, Rasa T.V , Saham News, Kalameh,. Rahesabz, Facebook, Balatarin, , , ,   




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Fred, that is an absolutely incorrect

by aynak on

analogy.    Karoubi, can be easily part of the insiders, if he chooses to be.   He has a clerics cloths and if he bows to Khamanee, he will be in, in less than a second.

Also, in his last statement, Karoubi specifically asked people not to come to his house (in his support), for the fear they may get arrested and the rest we all know.



Dirty Angel

Fredsy Freedom-Fighter

by Dirty Angel on

I expect "They" is the same breed of savage smelly fuglies, who call for mass executions and torture of the current regime, instead of an overthrow followed by proper trials....

(Of course, I know that you haven't.;))

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