Nasrin’s prisonmates

by Fred

Those who are keeping count of the number of human rights lawyers, mostly women, who are harassed and/or are imprisoned by IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, can add another five to their list.

Reuters reports:

“Tehran general prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi said three of the lawyers were arrested when they returned from a trip to Turkey. Two other lawyers related to the three were also detained in Iran,"

Their offense according to the Islamist Rapist prosecutor:

"They have been detained for committing security-related offences and violating the Islamic Republic's moral standards outside Iran,"

There are those who says so what few more human rights people in jail; it has some fleeting propaganda value and nothing else. However, if the sane world does not add the systematic human rights violations by IRR to their nuke negotiation with the Islamist Rapists, there will come a time when they will have to pay with blood and treasure for what these human rights lawyer and activists are trying to achieve peacefully.

Nasrin Sotoudeh, Mohammad Oliafard, Naghi Mahmoudi, Abbas Jamali, Sara Sabaghian, Miriam Kian-Ersy, Miriam Karbassy, Shiva nazar-Ahari, Kouhyar Goudarzi, Heshmat tabarzadi … are just few of many, perhaps thousands, whose immediate unconditional freedom should be the nonnegotiable demand by the sane world. 



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more from Fred

The rabid triple Haji

by Fred on

The rabid Islamist triple Haji says:

It's childish to say "Add the human-rights violations to the nuke negotiations!"  IRI has already said "we won't negotiate over nukes", if US brings up Human-Rights IRI has it's own list of western violations to bring up.”

Given that nonsensical Islamist logic, his Islamist Rapist brethrens should be left to their own barbaric Islamist devices to continue doing as they wish with Iran and Iranians.

Rabid triple Haji, human rights is way over your Islamist head to cpmprehend, ergo, rabid Islamist triple Haji, khodeti!


Fred Wolfovitz

by HHH on

It's interesting to see Israeli-Fred use every bad news from Iran to promote war on Iran and Iranians by fearmongering.

Quote: " if the sane world does not add the systematic human rights violations by IRR to their nuke negotiation with the Islamist Rapists, there will come a time when they will have to pay with blood and treasure for what these human rights lawyer and activists are trying to achieve peacefully. "

No sir, there won't come that time, the time you've been looking forward to. No one will pay with blood and treasure unless your idol Netanyahu loses his mind & attacks Iran. 

I wonder where you were when Israel was burning the children of Gaza with it's bombs or when US imprisoned & tortured hundreds in Gitmo with no due process of law or even conviction. Trust me, those Human-Rights lawyers know exactly what they're doing, they know the regime's reaction and they know the risks.

It's childish to say "Add the human-rights violations to the nuke negotiations!"  IRI has already said "we won't negotiate over nukes", if US brings up Human-Rights IRI has it's own list of western violations to bring up. You must know Ahmadinejad & your favorite IRI by now. No matter how wrong something is they always say "US does it too so it's OK for us to do the same". 

Mardom Mazloom


by Mardom Mazloom on

If you also get jailed, Fred & Co. will weep bitter tears. They'll probably even write a blog for you about how IRR, the Islamist Rapist Racoons, jailed a dear islamist friend of them! (and as a conclusion they'll sum up on something like: the sane world should put air tight sanctions on Iran, time is to act)

It's all about marketing and where the wind blows.


Haji sack of Islamist liar

by Fred on

Haji sack of Islamist liar should have listened to his late father. As a nuke lobbyist for the Islamist Rapists whose salary is paid from a NIOC fund, he has tuned out to be what he was warned about.

Lady Nasrin Sotoudeh is Moslem whereas you are a rabid Islamist, two entirely separate concepts, one is a religion the other is a virulent dogma.  You Islamists constantly try to pass yourself off as Moslems, nothing doing. Haji sack of Islamist liar, Khodeti!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


There is no such thing as "Nationalist Muslim". You know well that Islam demands loyalty. Not to a nation but to the religion. So how could she be a nationalist? We found out the hard way what the true loyalty of Bazargan and his like was. I remember Shariati and the hate he had for pre-Islamic Iran.

But it is perfectly possible for a normal Iranian to feel sympathy for any Iranian. Including Muslim types even if we disagree.




It does not matter. Nasrin's of Iran serve a purpose for the neocons like Fred. They will use them to bolster their "human rights" credentials but at the same time set the stage for war. It's classic neocon tactics. Go to the weekly standard and you will see many articles about the plight of Iranians like Nasrin or Shiva Nazar Ahari. In the same breath they also call for war with Iran.


Crocodile tears for an "Islamist"?

by Mammad on

As Nasrin Sotoudeh has told anybody who is willing to listen, she is a nationalist-religious woman, of Bazargan, Dr. Habibollah Payman, Dr. Ali Shariati, .... type. In other words, she belongs to the same group of people whom you constantly and viciously attack, ........Read her bio.




Maryam Hojjat

Fred, Thanks

by Maryam Hojjat on

for reminding us of plight of these Vatan Doustan e IRANI. 

Sargord Pirouz

What about the 1.5 million

by Sargord Pirouz on

What about the 1.5 million people you Israelis at "Fred" have locked up in that open-air prison camp in Gaza?

All violations of international law, I might add.

But they don't count, right? You folks at "Fred" are only here to bad mouth anything Iranian, right?