Sanity is not a virtue


by Fred

As opposed to the English expression of hitting the right cord, meaning getting it just right, the Persian expression of hitting the last cord is indicative of desperation, equivalent of the Hail Mary pass.

True, during their thirty two years of barbaric Islamist rule over Iran and Iranians, Islamist Rapists have proven their savagery.  However, even by the already outrageous Islamist standard, the recent string of stupefying “judicial judgments” handed down by IRR, the Islamist Rapists Republic brings to mind the expression of hitting the last cord. 

In other word, those Islamist Rapists are desperate, and desperate Islamist Rapists do what they know best, increase their innate savagery.

Right on the heels of announcing uncontainable long prison sentences to be followed by apartheid era banishments on many Iranians including the human rights attorney Ms. Nasrin Sotoudeh and street children activist Ms. Shiva Nazar-Ahari, just to name a few, comes a new outrageous “sentence.”

RAHANA, the Human Rights House of Iran, reports:

“Mohammad Darvishi, jailed Iranian student was handed an increased sentence of five years and six months in prison by an Iranian appellate court.Darvishi was handed a sentence of three years and two months in prison in a Kouhdasht Revolutionary court in December.”

In any sane system once a case is appealed, the appellate court does NOT increase the sentence which is being appealed. However, sanity is not a virtue which the Islamist Rapists can ever be accused of possessing.  

The only salvation for the enslaved Iranians and the sane world is in the imposition of airtight sanctions which include banning the purchase of blood oil and gas from IRR. No petrodollars equals downfall of the nuke acquiring messianic Islamists bent on “managing the world.”


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Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

It doesn't seem to be one person that writes as "Fred." There used to be two teams, now it appears they're down to one.

They also don't appear to write from the US. They may be writing from out of Israel or Europe.

They appear to lack the confidence to post any personal details about themselves.

Take it for what it is: a lousy attempt at an anti-Iran propagandist effort and nothing more.



by amirkabear4u on

why don't you disclose your religion. What are you scared off?

Is it because you have an attitude and you are worried some people may pick on your race???????????  

Fairness and Equality in Justice



by amirkabear4u on

My experience shows it is not only fred who is entitled to insulting islam, but there are other ones too. JJ is not checking these blogs it is an admin who is called foad. My experience shows he does not like muslems and it is him who allows this. I have a feeling JJ will be in trouble for this. 

Fairness and Equality in Justice


Not exactly

by J.S. on

If there are rules, there are rules! So be it.

I do not agree with many things you write. Do I break the rules and shit on you?

If it is against, leading to being banned, rules to use personal attacks with anti-religious tones, then so be it. Enforce your rules!

Frankly, I could care less if he is censored. It shows ¨content of (his) character¨ by his own words. Men should be judged by the ¨content of character.¨

A raciest piece of shit is still just a piece of shit.

It is very sad and just a shame (in this context defines:embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. ) that JJ, an Iranian owner, ergo endorces this behavior by allowing this to take place in his own house.


I guess we ¨keeps on truckin (sic)¨ and watch this standard in action!


Keep up the good work Fred.

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

Here's the deal: the operator of this internet site is a self-declared seditionist.  In the past, he has pocketed advertising money from a Zionist group advocating a war be launched against the Iranian people.

So if you're looking for this pro-Zionist propagandist effort going by the name of "Fred" to be censored, it ain't gonna happen.



by J.S. on

For the 3rd time.

Can you explain why YOUR personal attacks, inclusive of name calling, and more notable religious defimation is not censored?

Why is it common place for a ¨foreigner¨ to launch personal attacks in which ¨Haji...barbaric...Islamic ____________...¨ is not censored?

I guess  we ¨keeps on truken (sic)¨ and keep looking at the double standard in which you are not banned for the same actions (gee I wonder for what reason) others are banned for!


It is Chord but who cares?

by Escape on

Sargord who cares?You know the real point is you don't like what he is saying not how he is spelling it.I have made fun of people's spelling too but I always know that grammar is secondary in communication,communicating is first.And I doubt Webster's objective was to be the Ruler of spelling,more like just a guide to definition.

Sargord Pirouz

It's "chord" not "cord"...

by Sargord Pirouz on

My previous comment was censored for calling you a dumb foreigner.