Subsidizing murder

by Fred

“Today, on International Day against the Death Penalty, groups dedicated to human rights issues inside Iran and the cessation of the death penalty have called for a moratorium on international funding to Iran’s anti-drug trafficking programs until such time Islamic Republic of Iran renounces its policy of execution for those convicted of drug-related offenses.

The letter addresses its concerns to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and country donors including Norway, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Ireland and Japan which provide funding to the Islamic Republic’s anti-drug trafficking programs." Full text here.

During the past 34 years, the ruling Islamists in Iran have executed many thousands, making Iran the country with the highest per capita execution rate in the world, and the leader in executing juveniles.

There are many credible reports of political and social activists who have also been executed as having committed drug-related offenses.

International donors, stop subsidizing the murder of Iranian men, women and children, enough is enough!

Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM)

Justice for Iran

Iran Human Rights

Iran Human Rights Documentation Center

Arseh Sevom


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