Wipe Iran off the map


by Fred

Role reversal is a technique where, to have better insight into a situation, a person exchanges role with another, in other word, walking in someone else’s’ shoes.

To understand the other side and have an edge on the opposition, this technique is often used by politicians and particularly militaries of different countries.

Having that in mind, as difficult as I know it is for some to even think of it, but I strongly suggest the use of the technique in the current face off between the sane world and IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.

Most of the advice coming from the usual talking heads, the lobbyist and gofers has been about seeing it from the Islamist Rapists’ perspective.  They say, if only they were respected enough, given security guarantees, a seat at the table and unconditionally engaged in wide ranging subjects of their choosing, them Islamist Rapists would behave differently.  Well, how about a role reversal for a change?

What would a red-blooded Iranian do if for over three decades U.S. government organized Americans to chant death to Iran?

What would Iranian politicians who love their country and compatriots, are responsible for their safety and security, do if a country openly stated its national goal was to wipe Iran off the map and was strongly suspected of making the tools to do it with?

What would Iranians do if a regime held annual conferences where rabid anti-Iran and Iranian guests were flown in from all over the world to read out their essays on how much they hate Iran and Iranians and what they like to do to them?

What would mucho Iranian men feel about another country labeling Iranian women as fornicators and her First Lady as a harlot?

Islamist Rapists are playing with fire, imposing a hefty price on Iran and Iranians, again.

Before it is too late, the sane world has to help enslaved Iranians with material support to overthrow the weaponized nuke acquiring messianic Islamists who are bent on “managing the world.”


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

This whole

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Israel thing is BS. Why do we care one way or other? Arabs and Israel are fighting over land. Why should I care? 

Let us worry about our nation not other people. I really do not get why both sides of this argument are obsessed with it. 

Yes Iran is no threat to Israel. They know it we we know it. That is why Israel has not done a damn thing. If they do then Iran will become a threat. 

Instead of worrying about the world let us just fix our house. When that is in order then revisit the world problems.


A bunch of horsecrap as expected...

by Q on

Once again, the Israel cheerleaders give themselves away by doing the one thing that they always do: treat their audience as if they are idiots. It goes with the colonialist mentality that Israeli leaders themselves use. As I said many times, all Iranians should be concerned about Israel because it represents a credible threat to Iran. That's the reason.

Israel is in no danger from Iran and it's current posture is in no way a response to Iranian "street chantings". Once again, I have to applaud the Israel cheerleaders for reaching a new low in considering their audience idiots. 

Both Hamas and Hezbollah (an offshoot of Amal) are fighting for their own land in their own country. They are not resisting because of Iran. Iran might be helping them but it's by no means alone (along with Syria, Libya, African leaders and USSR, wealthy Arabs and Turks all over the world). The entire world is against unjust Israeli aggression and its racist aptheid policies. Iran's support is not a danger to Israel and never has been, and even Israelis are fully aware of this.

20 years ago when Iran was already in a militarized war posture, and Israel was fighting a hot war in the Lebanon and Intifada suicide bombings were common, there was objectively a lot more danger from Iran toward Israel. But all this rhetoric about "Iran is an existential danger to Israel" simply did not exist, even though Iran's support did exist. When Ahmadinejad, a "President" with no power over the military quoted Khomeini about "Israel disappearing from pages of time", Israeli PR machine went into overdrive and portrayed this as "official Iranian policy to destory Israel". But back when Khomeini himself said this, Khomeini was the supreme leader of Iran who easily could have created serious problems for Israel. The nation was already on war footing and ready for it. People were yelling "marg bar Israel" every day for every occasion (not like now where you'd be lucky to hear it 5 times a year). What was Israel's response at that time? What did Israel think when a more credible and able figure was saying that same quote first hand? It was to facilitate selling arms to Iran. Sell weapons to the same person who said what they now claim is a "declaration of war".

This is further proof that Israel is full of crap. It's not in any danger from Iran. They don't give a rats ass about "rhetoric" or antisemetism.At least a dozen post-war European leaders were antisemites and have been reported as such. It still happens from time to time.  Richard Nixon was a known antisemite. He's on tape telling Jew-jokes and antisemetic rants. No Israeli leader or any AIPAC operative has ever cared in the slightest. They took the money and said "Thank you sir." It's all bullshit. It's all public relations to western public into staying silent when the bombs drop.

This is just the Israel PR machine's method of taking out any regional rivals and having Western taxpayers pay for it, that's all! When it was Saddam they were concerned about, they pushed US into taking him out. Now it's Iran. Neither country posed a serious threat to Israel at anytime. Israeli strategy is to keep Iran down so Israel could continue to operate with impunity and more importantly receive free cash and weapons from the US. The worst possible thing that could happen to Israel isn't that Iran could get nukes and could become another Pakistan, it's that there be peace between an independent Iran and US so Israel would lose all it's privileges. Israeli leaders are playing with millions of lives over this.

I don't want to say you people are too stupid to see this obvious strategy, that's why I'm paying you a compliment by calling you Israeli cheerleaders instead.

Now, you ask why I'm not concerned about "Muslims" in Sudan? I am concerned about people but my concern isn't limited to "Muslims". All Arab countries particularly Palestine, Syria and Lebanon have huge non-muslim populations. If my primary concern was Muslims, I would have to deveote my time tyring to topple the Saudi regime. This is just your BS fantasy, not reality. I tend to be most concerned about crazy extremists armed to the teeth by latest American weapons and support, a formulat that killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians already. I tend to be concerned about external aggression against my country (kind of how you and Fred feel about Israel, how is that for perspective?).

This whole thing, is of course, a bullshit word game on the part of known Israel cheerleaders. You are simply projecting your own obsession onto others. There is perfectly good reasons to be opposed to Israeli policies, particulary the danger to Iran, but also its colonialist inhuman and aggressive moves against people's self-determination: be it Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, it's well-known collusion with Apartheid South Africa.... This is the same pricinple behind its hostility toward Iran. The western world, and it's attack-dog Israel cannot handle an independent actor in the region. These are uncontroversial political realities. So there is my "reason".

Now, a question to the cheerleaders: what is YOUR reason for attacking Israel critics? What is YOUR reason to label anyone critical of Israel as an antisemite? Why do YOU waste time if YOU don't think this whole discussion is worth it? Why aren't YOU spending your time helping Iranians as you preach others to do? Instead you spend your time attack-dogging for Israel? You have my answers now what is yours?

The reality is that these are just BS excuses. The cheerleaders defend Israel because they are ideologically in love with it. Be it for a religious reason, or the more common an attraction to power. People who gravitate toward power as a source of superior morality can justify absolutely anything. It's a "might makes right" mentality that is perhaps the most corrupt and dangerous thing of all and always makes the world less secure and more dangerous. I, for one I'm glad these people have been kicked out of Iran and are relegated to being chat room BS artists.



by Simorgh5555 on

But this is exactly the point: They seem to be indifferent to Muslims in other parts of the world? All of it is just an excuse to justify their own Jew hatred plain and simple.

What's wrong with the Sudanese? Are they not worth talking about because they are Africans and living in the desert?

Are the Chechens just all Russians with blue eyes o we have nothing to relate to them about? 

Are Afghans all pests and Iranians never liked Aghans?

Are these MUSLIMS not human beings and human beings in the first place? 

As my Mum always says:

Tamamesh bahansat!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Muslim Brothers

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not want Muslims as my "brothers". I am an Iranian not a Muslim. Why should I support a gang most of whom took side with Saddam? Most of whom do not have the decency to say "Persian Gulf". Most of whom dress women like Kalagh Siyah? What do I possibly have in common with the army of mindless automatons anyway?

I rather like to see Islam end and humanity freed.



by Simorgh5555 on

"Israel threatens to bomb Iran every week. If there is a war in the near future started by the US, it will be because
of Israel. It's absolutely a huge relevant issue to the lives of every
Iranian. Of course it will be discussed by us, as it should for good

Sorry, Q.You are too committed to the cause of the Islamic Republic to engage in a rational dicussion of any sorts. 

Israel is threatening to bomb Iran every week? But WHY?

A) Hatred of Iranians?

B) Because Iran has always chanted "Marg bar Israel"? 

c) Iran has supported Hamas, Fatah, openly acknowledges it funds terrorists in Palestine? 

Who started the onflict? 

Infact, judging how Israel has actually struck out at her enemies I think they have shown remarkable restraint in not attacking us yet.If it was the Islamic Repulic they would have done so already. 

The point of Fred' blog about role reversal is this: Put yourself in the shoes of Israel. 

And yes you are anti-semetic until you give a rational explanation why people like yourself and others on this side are dedicating more posts and blogs to perceived Israeli human right violation and aggression than Chcechnya and Sudan.

Magar ina mardom nistan? Are Sudanese not human beings? Are they not Mulslims? Have more Sudanene not been kiled than Palestinians through genocide and  ethnic cleansing

Bu concentrating on the Israeli conflict more than other hot spots in this world where MUSLIMS are being killed without batting a single eyelid then you are biased to say the very least.

Finally, Israelis themselves are amonst the greatest campaigners for huan rights and equality, especially amonsgt Palestinians and Arabs. It blows away the myth that all 'Zionists' are racists. Many members of 'Peace Now' stil call themselves 'Zionists' and can still reconcile their support with Israel and criticising the policies of their govnerment.




Addicted to hate

by Fred on

The very first step in solving any addiction, is to recognize the problem.

Like an alcoholic refusing to admit his addiction, the Islamists and their lap poodle of likeminded lefty allies refuse to recognize that they are rabid Anti-Semites.

Fine, keep on looking at the world through that prism, it might, in you mind, justify sacrificing Iran and Iranians for fighting the higher cause.

However, that does not mean you are not suffering from being hooked on hate and need to kick the habit.


LOL, once again Israel cheerleaders cry "antisemetism"

by Q on

when all else fails. Why am I not surprised?

Dear cheerleader,

Think. Think. THINK. It is.....anti-semetism. You know it but you will never care to admit it even to yourselves.  It is the irrational hatred of Jews passed down by one generation down to another

Think Think Think! Some of the most vocal voices against Israeli genocide are jews. If we really wanted to focus on Israel, we could go much further like many Jewish critics do. Think Think!... and then Speak! only after removing your shoe from your big mouth.

Diversions won't really work anymore. Neither will the BS line: "I only care about Iran, but I'm CONSTANTLY attacking anyone who speaks against Israel's murderous policies." Israel threatens to bomb Iran every week. If there is a war in the near future started by the US, it will be because of Israel. It's absolutely a huge relevant issue to the lives of every Iranian. Of course it will be discussed by us, as it should for good reason.

Who is really obsessed with Israel? Obvioulsy You are obsessed with attacking Israel critics.

Needless to say, you folks need to try a new tactic, this one is worn out. How many times can you cry "Hitler" and "antisemetism" ?

My letter to Mola on AIPAC lobbyists: //iranian.com/main/blog/q/letter-mola-re-democracy-israel-and-aipac-lobbyists-ic

Hoshang Targol

Sar Tah " Jan", tis is Sat night & I gotta go, but

by Hoshang Targol on

please, just watch the video, improve your Persian, and don't forget that  you're so authentic, that you spend 24/7 on a site that:

You can't even speak the language,

You don't even understand half the insults you get,

You have ZERO memories, attachments or belongings in Iran, cause you is juss an alienated white trash, with "cyber connections " to Iran.

You'll never be able to reitre and spent your golden days in there, because you simply don't belong in there. ( or in here!) But here's all virtual, so even you could have a pissing contest 24/7, and think you have a life!

As I requested at the top, please watch the video, your spiritual leader has a very impotant message for you and folks like you, regarding your Imam, and how it should be handeled, cheers 


Sargord Pirouz

Hey Hoshang

by Sargord Pirouz on

Let's be clear about this: unlike you, I am not a foreigner with semi-accepted social status within an alien, semi-adopted culture. And would never want to be.


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

In order for that insipid analogy to work, a minority young Iranian man who is not allowed to vote or eat alongside majority Persians, or even piss in the same restroom, is to be conscripted into a foreign war of Iran's making.

Is that the current situation in Iran today?

Really, sometimes you foreigners are capable of the most absurd jackassery.

Maybe someday your native born grandchildren will be able to explain things to you. But that's a big maybe. 


Simorgh, you Zionist you...

by Onlyiran on

I hope that you have your iPod with you, a good book to read and /or your checkbook to balance while you wait for your answer to the very logical question that you put to our resident Palestinian / advocate for war between Iran and Israel, "Mola."

 Why is Palestine more important than Rwanda, Chechnya, Sudan, Tibet, Georgia, Ethipia and Ertitrea, Sierre Leone? 

Indeed.  "Why" is the right question.  But don't expect a logical response (because there is none).  As you could see below, Abu Mola returned with the usual cyber version of "death to Israel", i.e., you're Zionist, Israel kills people, Israel does this and that...you know, the usual stuff.  Still, no response to why should Iranians fight this battle, and what has Israel ever done to Iran directly to illicit a response of Iran being in the state of near war with that country for the past 31 years?  BTW, if anything, Israel (albeit for its own interests) saved Iran from being nuked by these characters' Arab brethren.   

So, expect more slogans and more name calling.  Just like they do in Iran.  Nothing of substance.  

BTW, have you noticed that the two most ardent supporters of pushing Iran into war with Israel are the two non-Iranians on this site, the Palestinian Mola and the American Tahgord? Isn't that interesting?

Sargord Pirouz

Simorgh, you're desperate.

by Sargord Pirouz on

Simorgh, you're desperate. That attempted analogy is absurd.

Just save yourself and everyone else the bother: say you're anti-Iran and you don't give a sh*t about justice in occupied Palestine, and you side with the Israelis here at Fred because y'all are against Iran.

I mean, it should be that easy for you to admit, shouldn't it? 


The Mohammed Ali question

by Simorgh5555 on

Whilst I am waiting for Molla Nasradeen to answer my simple question ( I won't hold my breath because she can't), I would like all Iranians to think about the explanation which the boxer Mohammed Ali gave when he refused to fight in the Vietnam War

"No Vietnamese ever called me a N~~~~r"

Are Iranians too can do a little critical self-examination:

"No Israeli ever called me a Majoos (Arab word for ignorant)"

  • No Israeli ever called the Persian Gulf the Arabain Gulf 
  • No Israeli invaded Khuzestan and fought us in the battle of Qaadasiya
  • No Israeli ever used chemical weapons to kill us
  • No Israeli threated to impose their religion on me, ask me to pay the dhimmi, or to bring an army of death if I did not submit to Allah.
  • No Israeli ever destroyed our Fire Temples or Atashkadeh
  • No Israeli replaced our language with Arabic
  • No Israeli stole stole our land in Northern Iranand imposed extortionate trade agreements
  • No Israeli used asked me to stop celebrating Chaharshanbe Souri, Mehregan not to celebreate Norooz or any ancient Zoroastrain festival
  • No Israeli called Zoroastrians fire worshipers
  • No Israeli threatens me not to go to Church 
  • No Israeli threatens my choice of religion on threat of death
  • No Israeli tells me that Persian culture does not and never existed.
  • No Israei tried to level Persepolis with bulldozers
  • No Israeli imposed the hijab on Iranian womenfolk

So, to be honset with you, I have no reason to fight Israel. Come to think of it I have more in common with Israel than the Palestinians.

I have asked the Mohammed Ali question. What about you? 



by Simorgh5555 on

You are missing the point or blatantly ignorant. Let us adopt your argument: Israel is a racist and horrible state. But what has it got to do with me as an Iranian?

Why is Palestine more important than Rwanda, Chechnya, Sudan, Tibet, Georgia, Ethipia and Ertitrea, Sierre Leone? 

What vested interest do I have in helping the Palestinians. Before the revolution the Israelis and Iranians didn't have a bone to pick with each other. 

If you can answer my question to my satisfaction and convice me that it is in the vested interest of Iran to support Palestinians then I will donate $300 dollars to any charity of your choice. 

Mola Nasredeen

"Zionism Is Racism" who says so? United Nations Says So

by Mola Nasredeen on

You zionist groupies on this Iranian website are the racist ones, your ideology is condemned by the United Nation and the world as a racist ideology.

You are the aggressors who are occupying other peoples' land by terrorizing, killing, injuring and imprisoning them where tortured is performed on the natives. More than fifteen thousands Palestinians are locke up in your prisons. 1300 prisoners are as young as 12 years old, it makes your action as racist and anti human.

So stop preaching us! You are the racist anti-muslim ones who are defending a criminal regime called Israel where their leaders are afraid to go most countries in EU for the fear of being arrested and sent to prison for commiting crimes against humanity.

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

And it's militant anti-Isareliism as well that is propagated by these characters at the expense of the Iranian people.  Most Arab countries, including the Palestinians, and even including Hamas, have come to the realization that at some point they will have to make a deal  with Israel in the interest of their nation.  The IR, on the other hand, is opposed to ANY peace treaty, and wants the complete dismantling of Israel.  Good luck with that...really!!



by Simorgh5555 on

I totally agree with you. I've also made a point about the Islamic Republic' s hypocricy in relation to Chechnya and their failure to condemn Russian aggression towards her neighbours. The fact that Russia has robbed Iran blind for years, stollen her territory and contines to exploit her resouces even to this day means little to the Mullah thugs and its supporters on this very site. If Iranians were seeking a war with any one I would imagine that it would be with the Russians! I mean 2 years ago they were in Georgia which is in our back yard! 

It is the Iranian personality disorder which is at fault here. The inability of Iran to value her true friends and know who her real enemies are may God forbid destroy Iran. And all for what? Palestinaians who always seem to syphon money from almost every Muslim and Aran country but can never seem to make peace with Israel.  Some of our stupid compatriots need to wake up. 

Anonymous Observer

Good point Simough

by Anonymous Observer on

China is killing Tibetans and Africans in Darfur are being ethnic cleansed by Bashirs Arabisation government. Where is your condemnation. Why the double standards?

Actually, if you would recall, Larijani made a point of flying to Khartoom and meeting with Bashir (to express IR's unconditional support for him) the day after he was indicted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity!!!

And what about Chechnya, which is: a) closer to Iran that Palestine, b) its people are ethnically closer to Iranians than Palestinians, and c) are Sunni Muslims just like Palestinians?  Did anyone ever hear a peep of objection to those atrocities from the IR?  The IR actually SUPPORTED Russia when it was (and still is) occupying Chechen lands and when it was slaughtering its people.  Also, (and better yet) have you ever heard a peep, a blog, or even a comment from the usual suspects on this site about that atrocity?  

There is no quarrel that Israel commits all kinds of wrong against the Palestinians.  But personally, I do not give the slightest credibility to the alligator tears of the IR or its supporters on this site.  they have other agendas.  Most of them aren't even Iranians. 



by Simorgh5555 on

You know, Iranians irrational attitude towards Israel could be the basis of a pshychology PHD. The more we dwell into the mind of the average Iranian the more frightened I become. I honestly think that some Iranians folks who talk non stop about Israel suffer from genuine personality  disorder. Seriously. They cannot think rationally or logically. It simply defies commonsense despite all the eviden put to them. There is something internal which drives them and until another explanation is given it is simply anti-semetism. Mind you not the same anti-semetism as the Nazis but one spawned from ignorance and propaganda. 

I am not even suggesting that Iranians support Israel's policies or even like Israel for that matter but this rabid hatred and pre-occupation is genuinely disturbing. They talk about how they want to avoid a war but their actions are driving Iran into one. Complete lunacy. They need help. 



Wrong again Artificial non-intelligence


Iranians and Israelis dont have a problem at all. it is you and the regime who is lumping everyone together and claiming that just because we disagree with Israeli government warmongering we hate all Israelis. This is could not be further from the truth. Again keep drinking the neoconservative kool aid that says everyone is an antisemite if they dont go along with their policy of waging war on every rogue state.

Artificial Intelligence

Exactly Simorgh

by Artificial Intelligence on

They are all anti semites like their tuban wearing leaders in the IRI.  Notice how they are all NIAC supporters by the way. Iranians and Israelis/jews never had any problems. This all started with that anti Iranian smelly rapist thug Khomeini.  Very revealing.

Great Blog Fred!


After visiting the penis cemetery I decided...

by comrade on

Some day I will learn why Israel has faild to win the heart of the Middle Eastern bride. Or, has (s)he?

Sorry Fred, for off topic.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.




by Simorgh5555 on

Let us see if there is anything people can agree on: Although Israel and Iran did not have full diplomatic relations with each other prior to the Catastrophe of 1979 Iran and Israel enjoyed a cordial relationship. Iran did not endore Israel's policy towards the treatment of Palestinians but it recognised her legitimacy.

All of a sudden a mob of turban wearing terrorists occupy a once Great country and demand that Israel be destroyed and burn its flag. Think whatever you like about Israel but it has never invaded Iran, laid claim to her territories, rob her of her resources and steal her riches and nor did she cause internal strife. What would your reaction be if you were Israel? 

Would you a) sit still and be a passive recipient of Islamic Republic insults, diplomatic hostility and the funding of terrorists in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria b) hit back.

Now reverse roles and try and be impartial. What would you do? Can you not come to terms with the fact that you might be just for one second harbouring feelings of anti-semetism? You boast half the time that you are NOT an Arab and that you hate the mullahs. Is it because you feel a kinship to Palestinians and Arabs because you feel culturally more close to them? China is killing Tibetans and Africans in Darfur are being ethnic cleansed by Bashirs Arabisation government. Where is your condemnation. Why the double standards? Even if you sympathised with Palestinians on a humanitarian level there are plenty of populations and countries which are invaded and occupied. 

Think. Think. THINK. It is.....anti-semetism. You know it but you will never care to admit it even to yourselves.  It is the irrational hatred of Jews passed down by one generation down to another. What other explanation can there be? Tell me. Maybe I'm wrong. 

The hypocricy of Iranians on this site is staggering. On the one hand you are all aware of the crimes of the Islamic Republic and the aggression of Arab neighbours on Iranian territory and yet you display the strongest animosity towards Israel? If anything, you should be rejoicing when Israel hits a Hezbollah and fights them. 


G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

I have asked this question many times. Especially when paid IR agents here on this site and elsewhere reduce IR's threats against its neighbors and other countries as mere rhetoric. This is what you may hear from some paid foreigners as well. They seem to forget such rhetoric is always part of a much broader plan of action. When justifying such rhetoric, the self-pitying IR agents speak not only of their own victimhood, but the victimhood of others the world over, as if they have solved the problems of Iranians and now they have the resources to spread their repugnant presence in different parts of the globe.


war advocate Fred has Israel sympathies


and that is perfectly okay on its own. What isn't okay to Iranians is for an Iranian to defend Israel against ordinary Iranians. Sanctions for Israel. War for Israel. Who are they going to target? Not the regime, but the people!


Confused Haji

by Fred on

Confused Haji should take his own advice and not relate everything to his Islamist nemesis. Boro Haji!


Fred: This is not healthy

by reader1 on

The majority of your blogs in this very iranian website, one way or another, relates to the state of Israel.  I am not quite sure this is healthy. I suggest you take Molla Nasreden’s advise to heart - go for a walk and take deep breaths while walking.


The bottom line is Al-Mola

by Onlyiran on

that Iran is not a laboratory for every revolutionary, Marxist, Palestinian, Israeli, Islamist nut job Che Guevara wanna be to try out their nutty ideas at the expense of our people.  Find another country to fight your battles.  Try Pakistan.   


The diffrence war advocate Fred


is that Iran will not wipe Israel off the map. Iran is a paper tiger.  Same cannot be said about the Israeli and her motive as we know they have acted upon their irrationality almost everytime. Netanyahu is itching to bomb Iran because he is irrational actor who quotes bible verses to defend his racist policies gets advice from his extremist father and people like Fred are enabling it much to their satisfaction.

Mola Nasredeen

Only I Ran why you ran?

by Mola Nasredeen on

Stop running and walk. Take your prozac, it's time. Then go for a walk it helps you to clear your mind. After your walk sit down do a search for the word 'Hasbara handbook' and you may learn a few things. Demonizing others and name calling is straight from 'Hasbara handbook', you've learned your lessons well. FredCompany's mission on this website has been partially successful. Another sign of Israeli success story in making suckers out of ordinary people such as yourself.

P.S. Don't forget to take deep breaths while walking, inhale/exhale.