About myself:
I'm half Iranian and half American. I'm here to say what I think. If you came here to be pleased or flattered, you're in the wrong place. No one owns me. I'm a free individual. I don't bow to anyone's politics, here or in Iran. I'm my own person, and that's too bad if anyone doesn't like it. When people read my stuff, they'll get MY opinion. I alone am responsible for my opinion - no one else is. Likewise, I'm not responsible for your opinion, or your assumptions about me. You are.Hamid Bakeri's foretold what some men returning from the war would face:
"Pray for martyrdom. Otherwise a time will come when the war will be over, and the survivors will be of three groups. One group will oppose their past, and will regret it. Another group will become indifferent to the (sacrifices of the) past, and will pursue the material rewards of the world. A third group will be loyal to the past and to their fallen comrades, and will still feel responsible for them, and will suffer."
"So ask god for martyrdom, so that you be spared the fate that awaits the survivors after the war;
The first two groups will not have a good ending, and things will be hard for the last group".
- Hamid Bakeri, deputy commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard's 31st "Ashura" division (killed in Iraq's Majnoon Islands by RPG fire in operation Kheibar - his body was never returned to his family)
شهید حمید باکری : دعا کنید خداوند شهادت را نصیب شما کند در غیر ای صورت زمانی فرا می رسد که جنگ تمام می شود و رزمندگان امروز سه دسته می شوند ؛ دسته ای به مخالفت با گذشته ی خود بر می خیزند و از گذشته ی خود پشیمان می شوند ، دسته ای راه بی تفاوتی را بر می گزینند و در زندگی مادی غرق می شوند و همه چیز را فراموش می کنند ودسته ی سوم به گذشته ی خود وفادار می مانند و احساس مسئولیت می کنند که از شدت مصائب و غصه ها دق خواهند کرد .پس از خدابخواهید که با وصال شهادت از عواقب زندگی بعد از جنگ در امان بمانید چون عاقبت دو دسته ی اول ختم به خیر نخواهد شد و جزء دسته ی سوم ماندن بسیار سخت است .
(Please be respectful. If you can't say anything nice, be silent)
Recently by JahanKhalili | Comments | Date |
German News From the Second World War - Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 752 | 39 | Dec 11, 2011 |
How Useful Are Iranian Know-It-Alls And Their Advice? Part 9 | 144 | Dec 09, 2011 |
How Useful Are Iranian Know-It-Alls And Their Advice? Part 8 | 66 | Nov 23, 2011 |
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Why Can't You All Just Forget About Politics?
by JahanKhalili on Fri Oct 07, 2011 04:03 PM PDTWhy doesn't anyone ask who these men were, and what they did?
All some idiots can think of is stupid politics.
I did, as you requested
by darius on Fri Oct 07, 2011 03:28 PM PDTRegarding Pride In My Iranian Side
by JahanKhalili on Fri Oct 07, 2011 02:42 PM PDTI can't say I find too many reasons to be proud from knowing Iranians abroad.
Very many of them are a pain in the ass - status worshipping clowns who are nothing without their silly little Iranian clique.
Ghormeh Sabzi, Iranian dance music, and all of your crap that you all show off about doesn't make me in the least proud of my Iranian side.
I'm actually ashamed of Iranian PhD hyenas and Iranians who chase status symbols like that. I never found it in me to appreciate any of that stuff.
But those guys like the Bakeri brothers are the ones who make me proud of my Iranian side.
They never were show offs.
They were honest and sincere.
Because of them, I cannot say that all Iranians AREN'T.
Regarding Those Who Speculate About Men Like Hamid Bakeri
by JahanKhalili on Fri Oct 07, 2011 02:34 PM PDTIts up to you to get to know the major figures of your own country without relying on your assumptions, and to really make an effort to gather information about them.
If you're devoted to your politics, you'll never get anywhere in that direction, because having political convictions means you're already convinced that you know what's out there.
And I do not think so anyone brought on us the revolution
by Soosan Khanoom on Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:10 AM PDTWhatever revolution was, good or bad, had been brought upon the Iranian people by their own will .... No one sold Khomeni either .... Whoever, Khomeni was, Good or bad , had been accepted as a leader by the Iranian people... I am talking about the majority at the time ...
Now the very same Iranian people should wake up and see that they have gone through a bloody revolution only to replace Shah with VF. And if decade of war didn't let them to comprehend this concept, now , especially , 20 years postwar, they have no excuse to not comprehend it.
I have my hope on our young generation. All they need is a good leadership someone from their own generation not from the rotten old ones ....
Until then nothing will change and even if does it will not going to be permanent ...
Darius I see your points but
by Soosan Khanoom on Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:44 PM PDTThose kids defended our land cause they were Iranians. Why is it too hard to see that? ... hell with 72 virgin
They cared about the revolution but I am not sure we have that many of them left now cause they too have been betrayed by these mullas ...
here read my thoughts on that
Just my 2 cents
soosan Khanoom and Jahanshah
by darius on Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:35 PM PDT1- Jahanshah, I thought you wanted to be reasonable and realistic .I am not denying the bravery and courage of those who defended Iranian city at the beginning of the war and then after.I also did not mean disrespect to this brave man but the truth is that he fought for his trust to Khomeini ,so as thousands of young kids that followed his Fatwah.
His religious belief came before any thing else and superceded his love for his country.( the same logic is true for a MEK memeber,they are true to their belief system, they think they are vatan parast too and when they die , they are considered shaeed too).To a MEK memeber all those
who fought the war against Iraqis an d Mojahedeen are considered traitors.
I honestly believe, if the Shah was in power and Khomeini still in Iraq and had issued a Fatwah not to fight for Iran because Shah to him was "Nokare Amrika" our friend would have refused to go to war even if he was put to death by fire squad.
Any way,please, tell us who was this man that excite you so much?I am eager to learn about him that way you put an end to all this speculation.
2.Soosan Khanoom, I do not have any other name for those people.
A-who tailored revolution for personal revenge and their political agenda.
B-Sold Khomeini and his gang to Iranians and let him within few hours past revolution to began his atrocities.
I do not have any better words for those who tied the Iranian arm forces hand behind thier back and stole all the Iranian national secrets and sold it to Iraqis or others to finance their future fight with IRI .
They were traitors and we were cowards, we were intoxcitated with our trust to the west and they were intoxcitated to die , go to heaven and get their hand on 72 virgins , the rest were happy to see capitalism die.
Those guns few hours after the revolution shamelessly were turned and aimed to bring down any voices that dared to question the mind of a man who spend his time issuing a fatwah to " madar zani ke az tabaghe bala beyad payeen va beyofte roye ......Damadesh.
you do not need guns to kill the spirit , inspiration and courage of a man, what IRI has done since inception equals million time death and ressurection.
Darius you are unbelievable
by Soosan Khanoom on Thu Oct 06, 2011 09:09 PM PDTFor your information, the only Iranians that had gladly turned their guns against their own countrymen at that time were MEK ! And they would do it again anytime ...
You, me, and the entire Iranian people owe every inch of that land to these brave young men.
JK, Thanks for this blog ...
I think men like him wouldn't be standing any injustices at any time. For sure they would not be putting up with the current hard liners in Iran. They probably would have been in jail have they been alive today...
by JahanKhalili on Thu Oct 06, 2011 08:46 PM PDTI completely disagree with you.
First of all, you should know that the majority of Iranians are Shiah Muslim.
You might not like it, or agree with it, but it is a fact about your country.
Secondly, you didn't know these men. Please refrain from speaking for them.
Saying that he would gladly turn his gun against his own countrymen shows that you never knew any of these men.
You wouldn't want others to speak for you, especially after you were dead - would you?
I'll explain what "shahadat" means. It means martyrdom.
Many people were killed in the war. Many of them died unwillingly.
But some willingly accepted the risks, and fought for something greater than themselves.
Martyrdom means to die serving a cause that is perceived as good by the person doing it.
This concept is found in nearly every major religion. I have no idea why it is so strange to you.
It takes a lot of personal discipline to overcome the fear of death, and to forgo selfish interests in order to serve a cause greater than oneself.
Patriotism involves such a thing. Many religions believe in good and evil, and call on humans to serve what is good.
At a time when Iran had just emerged from the revolution and there was uncertainty and chaos, and Iranian refugees were fleeing from the advancing Iraqis, these men willingly laid down their lives to fight an enemy that had invaded Iran.
I think those desparate Iranian refugees were glad when help arrived, at a time when there wasn't much standing in the way of the Iraqis.
They probably weren't thinking in such picky terms as you are.
Shahadat means?
by darius on Thu Oct 06, 2011 08:33 PM PDTMay God bless his soul. I do understand loss of a son,brother or a any human being is not easy but let us not to get too excited.
I do not know him, millions of Iranian died because of traitors like Khomeini, MEK, Jebhe Melli, marxisits ,Tude party and those who helped a fake theocracy take over the country .Sir,He was not the only one, there were others too.
To claim that he fought for his country is absurd, he fought for what he beleived , died for Islam and Khomeini.He could have easily turned his back and aim his gun toward his countrymen( something that happend and still happening in Iran now) if he was asked by Khomeini.
He accepted to die for Khomeini cause, that is what the letter says , I salut him for his courage but to make him an idol for being a patriot, I found it questionable.
You may call it patriotism but I call it an honorable brain washed zealot.
I'm Only Half Iranian
by JahanKhalili on Thu Oct 06, 2011 08:05 PM PDTBut I honor these men, and respect them.
People like Hamid Bakeri were very idealistic people, and very brave.
And since they are dead, they cannot speak for themselves any longer - so it is really not nice to mock them, particularly since they were defending your country and people.
(And I'm putting this nicely, because I chalk your response here up to your ignorance - I'm addressing Mirza).
by JahanKhalili on Thu Oct 06, 2011 07:57 PM PDTI can't take you seriously.
Your dismissive attitude shows that you aren't serious about learning about who Hamid Bakeri was.
You are right JahanKhalili: I'm too dumb to talk to IRI agents.
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Thu Oct 06, 2011 07:48 PM PDTSmart IRI agents can really debate so well ... as I can see in here ... LOL ... better leave before I wet someone!
by JahanKhalili on Thu Oct 06, 2011 07:40 PM PDTI'm sorry.
by JahanKhalili on Thu Oct 06, 2011 07:34 PM PDTIf you didn't know these men, why do you talk about them?
by jirandoust on Thu Oct 06, 2011 07:31 PM PDTYou seem to forget the Iraq was the agressor in this war not the other way around.
I saw one of them in the mirror, some years ago.
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Thu Oct 06, 2011 07:28 PM PDTBad Stories for Bad Kids
by JahanKhalili on Thu Oct 06, 2011 06:34 PM PDTDid you ever meet or know any of these men?
by JahanKhalili on Thu Oct 06, 2011 06:32 PM PDTI'm sorry to hear about your brother.
If it is not too painful for you, please share his story with us.
by maziar 58 on Thu Oct 06, 2011 05:44 PM PDTfor all the beautiful souls gone to.....
on their own or not.
As a survived brother of the 80-88 war that was pulled off the street and shipped to the front with 2 weeks of training and the crushed body was transported in trash bag in less than a month with the SHAHEED BADGE for life of .......
you're free to love that shaheed mentality .
Life is gray and uncertain: Let's get killed and go to heaven!
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Thu Oct 06, 2011 05:59 PM PDT... so that Imam can capture the Karbala, the Baghdad, the Ghods ... and finally raise the flag of his version of Shiite Islam all over the world.
War War Till Victory!
What Calvin Coolidge Said
by JahanKhalili on Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:51 AM PDT‘The nation which forgets its defenders
will itself be forgotten’ - Calvin Coolidge
The debt of gratitude ...
by Disenchanted on Wed Oct 05, 2011 08:56 PM PDTWhen fire and steel was raining from sky heroes like him embraced it all to defend their homeland.
Till the end of time, Iran and Iranians owe them a debt of gratitude.
A great patriot
by Mammad on Wed Oct 05, 2011 04:14 PM PDTHis family have been firm supporters of the Green Movement and its leaders.