Ahmadinejad's excessive mud slinging


by Jaleho

For the record, let me first reiterate that I found the presidential debates preceding the Iranian election to be a most fruitful phase in Iran's democracy; a fantastic evolutionary phase of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. It was one of the most important factors which brought up a historic number of Iranians into their country's political arena, which resulted in one of the most impressive mass participations in the election.  I believe that it was high time that the well kept secrets of factions and clerical factionalism following the revolution, be put on the table for everyone to discuss in an open and healthy manner for years to come. However, the constructive criticism mixed with political opportunism, also leads to exaggerated accusations, mud slinging, and hasty slanders that once the barriers are opened suddenly, it can wash out good and bad together in a massive ensuing and uncontrollable flood. 
The pent up legitimate frustration of Iranian youth aside; the high jacking of that frustration by foreign media's massive propaganda and the neo-con dream to convert the youth revolt to a "color revolution" ; the dreams of Iranian expats and Shahis who are trying to ride on the back of Iranian youth for their own agenda, and the faction fighting among Iranian clerics and groups within IRG supporting different factions aside.... there is a REAL price that Ahmadinejad will pay for his excessive "lajan parakani" during the presidential debates which is partly reflected in the mass demonstrations. He is partly guilty of the consequences of the civil unrest because of his unchecked accusations, slanders and uncivil debate.
Ebrahim Nabavi is writing an article today //iranian.com/main/2009/jul-19  in which he "advises" Rafsanjani in rejecting Ahmadinejad as the legitimate president in the upcoming Friday prayers!! While I believe that Mr. Nabavi better stick to being a jester which he can be good at instead of an advisor to Rafsanjani, I share with him the enthusiasm of Rafsanjani's upcoming chance to defend himself. Unlike Mr. Nabavi, I believe that Rafsanjani is more patriotic and less self-absorbed to attempt a coup in order to defeat the collective wish of Iranian people who elected Ahmadinejad with a large margin. Rafsanjani has devoted his entire life to revolution and Iranian cause, he won't betray Iran to satisfy the silly agenda of people like Mr. Nabavi!
I hope that the coming Friday prayers, an event that became one of the pillars of strength of Islamic Revolution and the symbol of the mass presence and vigilance, primarily spearheaded by none other than Heshemi himself, would teach a lesson of greatness and tactfulness to Mr. Ahmadinejad

After all, Mr. Rafsanjani has been an important leader of the revolution, and has been on the helm of the the Iranian ship in the most turbulent of the storms facing Iran. His clever leadership has kept Iran from drowning in a sea of international assaults against our country. Rafsanjani was a leader created by a historical moment which is hard to duplicate. Mr. Ahmadinejad is better remember that although he himself has risen from the womb of Iranian masses, and has served his country honestly and to his best in every position that he held, yet he won't be able to fill the footsteps of Rafsanjani, even if he were to live twice!  

I am sure that Hashemi Rafsanjani will be able to repudiate the mud thrown at him, and will defend his monumental legacy while he teaches Ahmadinejad once more some lessons in civility and the true revolutionary spirit.


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Mola Nasredeen

And now enters Agha Bijan!

by Mola Nasredeen on

His excellency is very pissed off from the get go.

Number of insults: 11

Accusations: 7

Number of threats: 2

Advice: 1

OK, lets see who will top Agha Bijan? 

Bijan A M

Mr.Jaleho, what gives?

by Bijan A M on

I for sure know that you have communist tendencies, but you are not MKO. You have never demonstrated strong religious opinions one way or the other. I believe you are for democracy but with a tremendously more passion you are against the west. You continue to live in the colonial era and in your feeble mind are convinced that we need someone with AhmadiNejad’s balls, but with better political etiquette to stand to the west and assert himself as the sole power in the Middle East.

I don’t quite know where your allegiances lie. Are you a US citizen? If so, you are a traitor for promoting IRI’s Nuclear weapons ambitions. A regime that has openly declared its willingness to destroy your country’s interests.

If your allegiance lies with IRI with the ultimate goal of peaceful transformation of a ruthless theocracy to an eventual “Secular Democracy”, then you must be missing a few brain cells.

And finally, if you claim to be as intelligent and well read as  Dr. Sahimi  and are one of his followers that claim to be against the IRI, and the only thing you can do is to condemn and criticize west without offering any clear and constructive alternative, then you will be stumped by the 13 million (according to your own stats) who think differently.

Enough of defending this charade (called election) and deceiving the public by criticizing the fake winner. When are you going to develop some integrity?    


ایراندخت بسیار عزیز،



خیلی ممنون از خانمی شما. همانطور که تا حالا مرا شناخته ای، من نظرات خود را بطور مستقیم بیان می‌کنم، با وجود آنکه میدانم بسیاری مخالف آن هستند. خوشبختانه کسانی که من برای شخصیت آن‌ها ارزش قائلم و نظر آن‌ها برایم مهم است ، با وجود تضاد فکری، کاملا قادر به مجادله با ایده‌های مختلف و علاقمند به شینیدن نقطه مقابل هستند.

حالا، کسانی که بجز دهان دریدگی بحث دیگری بلد نیستند، و از آن بد تر کسانی که با نیش و کنایه های سبک و تظاهر به ادب، بیسوادی سیاسی خود را با شعار دادن مخفی‌ میکنند، و یا گروه بیکاری که فقط میاید که با این و اون حرف خاله زنکی بزند، زیاد هستند. من سعی‌ می‌کنم وقت خودم و دیگران را با آن‌ها تلف نکنم. آن‌ها بهتر است خودشان را قانع کنند که فقط برای فحش دادن میان و بلاگ‌های مرا پر خواننده میکنند، نه برای خواندن افکاری که از قبل میدانند چیست  :-) :-)

اما از اینکه گفتی‌،

"جمعه از قرار معلوم روز سرنوشت سازیست. "

در این یک مورد، نمیتوانم بیشتر از این با شما هم عقیده باشم! امیدوارم به خیر و بی‌ خون ریزی بگذرد.



its pretty unethical to talk about a foreign member of the site

by SamSamIIII on


in a different language that he(Craig) doesn,t understand & unable to respond . It was done to other foreign members in the past too and I believe it,s unfair ,insulting & against basic human decency to acknowledge some one in such way since you deprive them of self defence. It is also against the site rules I believe. I am also pretty sure JJ is open for more foreign membership than less & doesn,t share some member,s wish to alienate non-Persian speaking readers from this site.

Just an opinion!

Regards !






ژاله جان

میدونی‌ که با عقایدت زیاد موافق نیستم و فکر نمیکنم که احمدی‌نژاد برای ایران مفید بوده و به ولایت فقیه هم عقیده‌ای ندارم هیچی‌، تازه خیلی‌ هم از اینکه بگن ولی‌ لازم دارم دلخورم! ولی‌ موضوع اون نیست. موضوع اینه که من ترجیح میدم بدونم یک خانوم تحصیل کرده طرفدار احمدی‌نژاد (که طرفداریش به خاطر توهمات مذهبی‌ نبوده) چرا طرفداری این رژیم و این نظام رو میکنه، چی‌ میگه و چطوری این عقیده رو توجیه میکنه.

برای همین میام این بلاگ‌ها رو میخونم، می‌خوام بدونم
مردم ایران چی‌ فکر می‌کنن، ایران چه خبره، اخبار جدید از ایران چی‌ هست و ایرانی‌‌ها چطور فکر میکنند و چطوری قضیه رو میبینند. و این کنجکاوی من در مورد همه ایرانی‌ هاست نه فقط اونایی که مثل من فکر میکنند.

متاسفم که تا یک بلاگ مینویسی همه فقط با عصبانیت، رو در بایستی و ادب ایرانی‌ را از یاد میبرند و فقط به فکر این هستند که یک جوری حرسشونو خالی‌ کنند. این نظر رو هم به فارسی‌ میگم برای اینکه من اینجا میام که بدونم ایرانی‌‌ها چطور فکر می‌کنن و چه نظری دارند.
اگر بخواهم نظر این برنامه نویس رو بدونم فاکس رو تماشا می‌کنم خوب! به جای این دوست مزاحمت هم سی‌ ان ان هست!

البته من هنوز گیجم و نمیدونم جمعه چی‌ می‌شه... رفسنجانی‌ قراره چی‌ بگه، آیا دعوا می‌شه یا نمی‌شه و سرنوشت مردم و مملکت ما به کجا میرسه. حقیقتشو بخوای زیاد دور نمیبینم که رفسنجانی‌ اعلام وحدت کنه و قال قضیه رو بخواد بکنه. نه برای اینکه دلم بخواد اعلام وحدت کنه، ولی‌ من روی رفسنجانی‌ زیاد حساب نمیکنم و فکر می‌کنم تا وقتی‌ بتونه از مقامش استفاده مادی ببره براش مردم زیاد مهم نیستند. گفتم که ما مثل هم فکر نمی‌کنیم... شوخی‌ نبود ؛-)
مطمئن نیستم این هزاران نفری که قرار شده به نماز برن در این مورد چه برخوردی نشون بدن.

جمعه از قرار معلوم روز سرنوشت سازیست.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Craig, another thing...agents provacateurs..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

in EVERY SINGLE important political demonstration that ever was or ever will be there are always agents provacateurs, and..well you know what I'm leading up to..people really have to be aware of that.

As for the dromedary...that last coolment...

I mean...

Facebook, Craig, Facebook...or..

maybe something to do with the technologies..anti-hacking or...whatever..you know...something more important than wasting your breath on the Undead..

even going to the gym or ordering sushi at this point is more important than that.

Mola Nasredeen

EX PC, Wrong Again!

by Mola Nasredeen on

I'm not in Iran!

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

there's something really important I think you could do.

As you know Rafsanjani is going to be giving the sermaon at the Friday prayers tomorrow and whatever he says is going to be controversial and in some ways objectionable, to all sides probably. Mousavi and Khatami are going to attend. The buzz is that many Basiji will be there, and not only as an observer to this tragedy of the past month but as a military man you know full well what that means. In fact one of them has been so audacious as to publicly threaqten violence against Mousavi and Khatami themselves. That PROBABLY won't happen, but it's indicative of the mindset.

Now Mousavi has on his Facebook page a number of reccomendations for how the demonstrators should proceed no-violently. But you know it is. They say they will comply, they intend too, but many of them are very young and young people are sometimes impulsive. The fact of the matter is that it is not worth one single injury more, let alone a death, because ANY violence will ONLY provoke a greater crackdown from this Regime. It simply won't work, despite the hopeful exhortations of those who believe it's necessary.

So I think that as a military man who has been on the other side of the guns from these kids you would have an awful lot to offer by getting onto Facebook and talking to these kids about what kinds of things provoke armed people and how they can really diffuse situations and precautions they can really take. And what they can do to get out of harm's way if the Basiji are violent toward them unprovoked.

I'm sure that when you were a corporal you had to command a lot of hot-headed kids and the fact of the matter is that there are gonna be hot-heated kids on BOTH sides of the gun tomorrow. 

So I really wish you'd do that. Get onto Facebook and share your unique knowledge.

Myself, I have been having trouble getting into Facebook since I signed up and I write them about it but they don't respond. Maybe at some time in near future you can help me out, I should be on twitter too at this point. And obviously your PROFESSIONAL expertise in the brilliant computer work you do DAILY on your JOB would make it a cinch for you to help me out.

We've had these conversations before ,you and I, about the technology. It's so problematic for me. I'm a master googler but a technical moron. But for the moment that's okay. I have enough to do just contributing the regular news. I think YOUR presence on Facebook far more than mine would be crucial NOW.


ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Such great rhetorcial skills, you have!

I take it if you were in Iran, you wouldn't be the guy wearing the Turban and making the speeches, but rather the low brow dude walking through the crowd and dragging off anyone who wasn't cheering, right?


Mola Nasredeen

Ex PC, Wrong Again!

by Mola Nasredeen on

Go get a job! 

Mardom Mazloom

‫بابا اینقدر راجع به دموکراسی تو ملیجکیستان اظهار نظر نکنین

Mardom Mazloom

‫وقتی دین از سیاست جدا نباشه، سبورجیان ( تنها یهودیکه سینشو برای مهدی جر میده) میشه «رئیس جمهورش» ، علی چوله میشه سلطانش، ۷۰ میلیون اسیر جنگی میشن که بهشون هروز تجاوز و غیره میشه و به هر سیاهی میگن سفید و بالعکس.

تو قرآن آومده اِنْاخَلَقْنااِلاَحْمَدي نِزادْ سَهْوَا"وَ اِنْا لَخْلَقْهُ لِنْادِميْن (همانا ما احمدي نژاد را اشتباهي آفريديم وازخلقت آن پشيمانيم) سوره : توبه، آیه: ۱
‫همین رو بگیرید و این اطاقو ترک کنین.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

You were telling jokes about torturing confessions out of people yesterday. It was funny, yesterday, but today it's not something you approve of? And yet, you obviously support (still) the faction that is... guess what... torturing confessions out of political prisoners, as we speak. Today, they are doing that to innocent Iranians. And, you support them. But, you say you don't approve of what they are doing.

Dude, that shit is just not going to work here. Everyone on this website is at least smart enough to know how to use a computer.Not exactly an ideal target audience for somebody like you, and I honestly don't know why you waste your time. But as Rosie pointed out, it is better for you to be on an (American) website peddling this filth in the virtual world than to be in an environment where you can actually do some real harm to your (fellow?) human beings.

Mola Nasredeen

Ex PC, Wrong Again!

by Mola Nasredeen on

I don't advocate violence against human beings, animals or plants. But you are mudslinging again anyway now that the depth of your ignorance and Prozac lady's ignorance about Iran and Iranians is exposed by Manoucher and Jaleho. Try writing a new program with different parameters!

rosie is roxy is roshan

Aye, aye, Corporal.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

We've done our duty.

They are unengagable. That's the point. And dangerous. But there are three ways of dealing with people like that: 1) start a conversation to wind 'em up and get 'em going to  keep their hands busy so they don't do too much damage elsewhere; 2) expose full-frontal; and 3) ignore.

And there's a time and place for each. (And sometimes for all three within a single conversation).

On to greener pastures.


//iranian.com/main/news/2009/07/16/israels-military-message-iran (it's a news item and you have to look at the supertitle in the featureda first).

oh and you might want to take a look-see at a blog I just wrote.


ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

It seems clear that Mola and the Jaleho entity not only support violence against peaceful protestors, but they think those protestors deserve to be taken as political prisoners, and deserve to be tortured and killed.

I don't even know how to "engage" people like that. Not verbally, at least. And if I started bouncing around some of ideas about other methods, I will get banned again.

I think we can all see the truth about them, now. What else needs to be done? Lets just be thankful they are in the US, where they can talk as much as they want, but can't hurt anyone. Hopefully.



rosie is roxy is roshan

Re Abarmard, I nominate..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Ayatollah Montazeri as ELECTED Supreme Leader of Iran

to facilitate the smooth and peaceful steady  transition toward a secular constitution..

Unfortunately, he is so old...

but some of these guys  live to 102. So it's worth a shot.

Must the be the air quality in Qom...


Iran needs reform

by Abarmard on

Iran needs reform however I could buy into the argument that most people in Iran care more for bread on their tables than politics.

Ahmadinejad does have a large base similar to president Bush during his early years. To compare them, I mean to say that you either love him or hate him and there is not much in the middle. Most conservative Americans should relate to conservatives in Iran, as they use national security and threats as an excuse to promote their policies.

One simple solution to the current situation in Iran is respect to the demands of the most educated, passionate and politically savvy portion of the population by trying to assimilate them into the system.

If successful, Iran will be much stronger, otherwise weaker.

Needless to say that many Iranians do want to gradually move towards a more open, less intrusive system that they can be proud of.


مرسی‌ ملاّ جان



۴/۵ مخلصیم، باقیش هم چانه زدن قبوله :-)


Red Wine


Red Wine

کاپیتان جان، خودتو ناراحت نکن بالام جان ... ببین چه کسانی‌ در مورد ایران و آینده ایران حرف میزنند ! حتا فارسی‌ هم بلد نیستند و این همه ادعا دارند.

صد بار تاسف و هزار بار لعنت بر ایرانیان وطن فروش .


rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

please read my post below MPD's last cartoon:


I'm afraid of what we will find out. 

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Names of 368 detainees at risk of torture In Evin (Amnesty)

by Darius Kadivar on

Following the mass arrests of demonstrators and opposition activists in Iran over recent weeks in connection with the disputed presidential election, Amnesty International has compiled a list of the names or identities of 368 people arrested since 12 June. Some of those detained have since been released, but may face prosecution in the future. The organization has also obtained photographs of lists of cases under judicial review which indicate the scale of arrests, in Tehran, in recent weeks.


Mola Nasredeen

Jaleho, You go girl! (sister)

by Mola Nasredeen on

I agree with 4/5 of what you write on this site. I'll compromise for the other 1/5 for the right price. We do need somebody who actually knows what she's talking about when it comes to our recent history including the war with Iraq. The problem is most of our Iranian commentators on this site are not well informed about our history or too emotional to go and get their facts straight. In case of the Americans who visit this site (Anoy-Fish, aka, I'm Christian I'm white then I must be right - and Ex Programmer for instance) their knowledge about Iran and Iranians is not much deeper than what is fed to them on CNN or FOX news at best. Keep it up but I wished Mossavi had won!


ex p. FACTS you need to know about Iran-Iraq war

by Jaleho on

Here's part of a comment I had written in one of my blogs.  As you know, the The Freedom of Information Act, allows the release of former secret information where the passage of time has made it non-sensitive and can be released to public for research. The link to National Archives at the end, together with UN site for UN resolutions, is a good source for real info on Iran-Iraq war:

"From Sep 1980 that Iraq attcked Iran until the final Resolution 598 of 1987, which Iran finally accepted, none of the UNSC resolution either accepted Iraq as the aggressor who initiated the war, nor the party who used chemical weapons (the 2 condictions that Iran requested repeatedly from UN).

While Iraq was INSIDE Iran, the resolutions like 479 demanded cease fire (that is Iraq borders be defined by the territory captured from Iran) The first time that a demand was made to return to international borders was when Iran actually went INSIDE IRAQ.  

And even in 1986, when Iran captured FAW Island, and it made the west and Arabs worried about Kuwait, US in resolutions 582 and 588 of 1986 refused to accept Iraq as the culprit in initiation or use of the weapons, thus any war reparation to Iran.

Yet, from 1983 US knew that Saddam is using chemical weapons against Iran, (since they partly provided it to him,) but according to the now declassified documents, US policy was to help Iraq defeat Iran regardless of CW treaties,  way before Rumsfeld trip to Baghdad in 1984. You can slook up Reagn's declassified National Security Directive  of March 1982, (NSSM4-82), and april 1984 (NSDD139) to that account.

For US knowledge of Iraqi use of Chemical weapons on Iran, in the following link from the National Security Archives, click on document #24. Read just the douments, not the narratives of the link.



programmer craig

by Jaleho on

You quoted me and then asked further questions:

"Americans NEED constant reminder of truth, so your type of nonsense is balanced by some facts.

a) What do you know of what Americans need?

b) What do you know of facts? "

First your question a): Stephen Kinzer sometimes tries to remind Americans of FACTS that they are totally ignorant of and NEED to know about, a half baked introduction of 1953 coup being one of them. Here's good quote from him:

"Every time the United States has set out to overthrow a foreign government, its leaders have insisted that they are acting not to expand American power but to help people who are suffering. However, the suffering of the oppressed has never been the overriding factor. What distinguishes Americans from citizens of past empires is their eagerness to persuade themselves that they are acting out of humanitarian motives. This is ridiculous. Like any great power, like any great empire, the United States has set its policy according to self-interest. Regime change has always been the means to the end for improving economic access and solidifying American control.”

Good Americans must help the less fortunate dumb  Americans to see their own government’s propaganda and show them the unpleasant truths. It is a hard task since US government, with media brainwashing, has portrayed itself as the beacon of goodness and morality in an evil world. The government doesn’t want anyone to examine the  side of American foreign policy which has done so much harm to American interest. In fact many from outside can see this better than Americans themselves. Here's another good quote from the British Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter:

 “The United states supported and in many cases, engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after WWII – Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile. “Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place in those countries, but you wouldn’t know it. The crimes of the US have been systematic, constant, vicious and remorseless but very few people have actually talked about them.”

American people NEED more truth tellers.

For your question b) I will copy some facts that I have written in the past about Iran-Iraq war, since in that department you seem to NEED most help as you seem to have bought the local propaganda completely.


هر گنده پزی یه گنده خوری داره


نمی‌دونم چه کسی‌ بیشتر تهوع آوره، رژیم اسلامی یا اونایی که این رژیم رو دموکراسی میدونن

به قول هموطن‌های شیرازی، هر گنده پزی یه گنده خوری داره


rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on


and so for those who find my remarks to her offensive, please read this post very carefully. My first post was the first post on this thread below. It is very brief. Please read it and Jaleho's brief response immediately above it. 

Whatever happened next happened. It's all there for anyone who cares to see. However my final post was this one. PLEASE READ IT VERY CAREFULLY.  //iranian.com/main/comment/reply/72403/197165

That was last night. This morning I find Jaleho's following post to Patriot written shortly AFTER I wrote the last one I mentioned just above and left the thread (emphasis mine):


Between the repeated desires of Rosie to chit chat and khaleh zanaki instead of debate, Fateh's meaningless typical name callings, and Samsam's typical "qadesiyyeh, Aryan Persian, soosmar, malijak, and Ommati" mumbo jumbo, I almost missed your relevant comment!


Do you uinderstand that this woman considered that 'chit chat??' DO YOU UNDERSTAND? She considers Sohrab chit chat. She considers Montazeri chit chat. She considers the victims of these incredibly violent rapes chit chat. Chit chat and IRRELEVANT.

She considers the entire fate of the detained chit chat and irrelevant. Don't believe me? Read again.

SHE IS A SOCIOPATH. (She lacks the feelings 'normal' people have toward others. It's a  mental illness which is virtually incurable because itreatment for mental illness irequires first and foremost that the ill person have accessible feelings.

Sociopaths manipulate everyone in the society who they have contact with in order to have power. Jaleh-socio-joon gets her sense of power through exerting the 'sheer force' of her ideas against a majority opposition. This makes her feel mighty. 

Craig, my dear, you and I disagree politically on about three-quarters of everything. But on this much we agree. Please continue to engage Jaleho at length on this site so that she will remain here where almost no one takes her seriously and she can do the least amount of harm.

Rather than in educating the youth, for example, or working for AN within Iran.



ps Jaleho,

Please re-read my news post about that girl's ruptured c-t and a-hole that you consider chitchat and then re-read this sentence and here you will find two words which describe you.

ex programmer craig

That is my whole point. 

by ex programmer craig on

That is my whole point.  Who are the innitiators of wars?  In over
ninety percent of cases in recent history it is the Western World that
has either innitiated them or had a hidden hand...

I'm not going the "hidden hand" route, because that's an impossible claim to either prove or disprove, and isn't really worthy of discussion unless a direct proxy is involved.

As for who are the "initiators" - most of the wars of the last few decades have not involved Western powers. 90% of wars initiated by the West? I don't even know what to say to that, so I won't try. I don't see how anyone could believe that, unless they are focussed only on the West.

...in them as they think
they have the right to do so because they have the power to do so to
further exploit the world resources.  Still, who controls the United
Nations?  It is the West. 

Just out of curiousity, who do you consider to be "The West"? Is Japan part of the West? Is China? Is Russia? Is India?

The only western country (according to my definition) that is a global power right now is the United States. Our power is so vast (for a while longer) that it may make it seem that the West dominates global affairs, but that's only been true for the last 20 years. And, it won't remain true much longer. 

Power, according to them, bring legitimacy. 
This is a real disaster for humanity.

It's going to be a much bigger disaster when the relatively well-intentioned US is not calling the shots anymore, in my opinion. I do agree with you that it wouldn't be a nice feeling to have a hostile nation using strong-arm tactics to force my country to act against its interests. I wouldn't like that, myself. However, that was the case for the US for most of our history. And you know who used to walk all over us? The west! And you know what else? They still try. Europe will never forgive us for going from the red-headed step child they used to slap around to the big brother they have to call for help whenever they get into trouble.

Manoucher Avaznia

Mr. Ex.

by Manoucher Avaznia on

That is my whole point.  Who are the innitiators of wars?  In over ninety percent of cases in recent history it is the Western World that has either innitiated them or had a hidden hand in them as they think they have the right to do so because they have the power to do so to further exploit the world resources.  Still, who controls the United Nations?  It is the West.  Power, according to them, bring legitimacy.  This is a real disaster for humanity. 

ex programmer craig

Manoucher Avaznia

by ex programmer craig on

We have vastly different understandings of the nature of past conflicts, and I doubt it would serve much purpose for me to argue with you. I doubt I'd have any more success changing your mind that you have had changing mine. However, I thank you for being polite with your disagreement :)

One note where I don't think there is room for disagreement:

that were both illigal as no international body endorsed them

The only wars the United nations ever endorsed were the Korean War in 1950 and Desert Storm in 1991 (against Iraq). So if that is the standard for what makes a war legal, every other war (which would be hundreds) has been illegal.

Nobody uses that standard. The only time anyone even talks that way is when they want to criticize the US. 

ex programmer craig

No, Jaleho

by ex programmer craig on

Americans NEED constant reminder of truth, so your type of nonsense is balanced by some facts.

a) What do you know of what Americans need? You are only "American" when it is convenient for you to be American. That's a mere techicality. 

b) What do you know of facts?

So, you think that America WON Iraq in two weeks?

I think the US toppled Saddam's regime in 2 weeks. Which is what I said. Right?  So why did you insert the word "won" in there, when it isn't what I said? And capitalized it for emphasis, too? You didn't even get through one comment without lying about my statement, and you speak of "facts"? lol.

Then what are
Americans doing there after six years getting maimed and coming back to
homeless shelters...

I can see the smirk on your face from here. Is that the attitude of an American? Well? Is it?

Second, and I repeat this for the tenth time to you, maybe you get it one of these days:

No, Jaleho, I will never "get" people like you. I don't "get" people like you at all. You support tyranny and brutality in your homeland, and you live in a country you hate so that you can hide behind our freedoms, proudly proclaiming yourself an American when people have the audacity to point out that you stand AGAINST everything Americans believe in.