با نزدیک شدن تابستان، رسانه های عربی و غربی هر چه بیشتر درباره امکان وقوع جنگ در خاور نزدیک می نویسند.
روزنامه مصری الاهرام می نویسد: جنگ می تواند هرجایی آغاز شود، در ایران، سوریه، لبنان، فلسطین و محتمل ترین تاریخ آن، پس از آن است که اسرائیل در ماه مه 60-مین سالگرد تاسیس دولت یهودی را جشن می گیرد.
روزنامه لبنانی النهار بتازگی به نقل از منابعی بلند پایه در لابی اسرائیلی در واشنگتن اطلاع داد که "جرج بوش" رئیس جمهور آمریکا تنها منتظر اشتباه بزرگی از سوی ایران است تا دستور حمله به این کشور را صادر کند.
خبرگزاری «نووستی» 30 فروردین، از قول یکی از مفسران خود می نویسد: «یگانه امکان امریکا برای حمله به ایران حمله موشکی به این کشور است. درحقیقت آمریکایی ها عملاً می توانند از همه سو به ایران حمله کنند، از پایگاه های خود در پاکستان، افغانستان و عراق، با کشتی در دریای مدیترانه، خلیج فارس و اقیانوس هند. اما برای اینکه آمریکا بتواند تمامی دستگاه های موشکی ایران را نابود کند، به دو ماه فرصت نیاز دارد. این درحالی است که ایران در 10 روز اول حمله موشکی به این کشور توان آن را دارد که با موشک به اسرائیل حمله کند. در عین حال سپاه پاسداران می تواند با 50 هزار نیرو مستقیما با امریکا در عراق روبرو شود. همچنین می تواند 20 هزار نیرو نیز برای مقابله ای مشابه به افغانستان بفرستد. ضمنا آنها می توانند از حزب الله لبنان نیز استفاده کنند.
آمریکا بررسی های خود را برای حمله محدود هسته ای به ایران نیز انجام داده است. حمله ای که روسیه و چین بشدت با آن مخالف اند. ضمن آنکه، در صورت حمله اتمی به ایران، توافق های جهانی برای عدم بکار گیری سلاح های کشتار جمعی در جنگ های منطقه ای نیز نقض می شود.»
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Anonymoussss you are right
by Abarmard on Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:17 AM PDTI am sorry if I came across that way. I apologize. I certainly did not mean to offend or distract the topic.
Dear brother Abarmard, Be fair upon KURDISH WARRIOR
by Anonymoussss (not verified) on Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:08 AM PDTAbarmard jan,
YOU have been just distracting... I do believe you yourself know what he meant but chose not to be fair by distracting what he really meant.
If that was your analysis, it was his analysis and I gave mine... you're not much more Iranian than any other of us and naturally do not have any right more than other of us, so you are not in a place to be entitled to judge the others by accusing them baselessly...
He didn't mention and never implied to be separatist but you put this label on him and accused him...
nazareto gofti, digaran ham goftand.. harfe birabto bimani vaseh malehkeshi nazan baradare man.
jenabali ham ageh tarikho khundeh bashi mibini keh har ja keh estebdad budeh mellate Iran dar tule tarikh hukumate estebdad ro beh zure khareji forukhteh... az hamleye eskandar ta hamleye arabha... ta moghol va... rabti ham beh dindari va bidini nadareh... mardom keh dineshuno beh estebdad gereh nemizanand( ageh chizi mundeh basheh)
Jomhuriye eslami ageh ye chandsali ghabl az jang forsat mikard keh chehreye estebdado sarkubesho neshun bedeh, oun vaght mitunesti bebini tu jange Aragh chi misheh... hanuz 9 mah az enghelab nagzasteh bud keh jang shuru shod...
tafsiret mohtarameh vali beh nazare man vaghebinaneh nist vali khubeh keh adam hameh jur tahlili ro dar nazar begireh keh gofteye shoma ham yekisheh...
Vali vaghti khodaye nakardeh bombarane havayi besheh va zirsakhtaye ertebati va nezami va marakeze tasmimgiriye dowlati az beyn bereh, digeh hukumati nemimuneh keh hala mardomi bekhad pohstesh basheh(keh nist).
Mageh Saddam 20 ruz bishtar davum avord? badesh chi shod? hukumate aragh aslan bud keh tazeh kesi bekhad poshtesh basheh ya nabasheh?!
farziatet beh nazare man poshtvaneye manteghi nadareh va beh estedlali band nist amma moharameh
dar zemn man ham Iran ro mesle hameye Iraniha dust daram... lotfan kari keh jomhuriye eslami ba mokhalefan mikoneh shoma inja ba barchasb zadan nakonid
by Bahram the Iranian on Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:24 PM PDTsince I remember the kurdish region of Iran had always been a troubled region. In past few years after iraq invasion, I have noticed a different attidue from kurds than the one we previously heard.A change and I 'd say It is for good.out of all many ethnic minorites in Iran, Kurds had reputation of putting out fight to free their land, if you will!! I take it as good sign. now these days kurds are valuing the parsi as much they do their own language and see themselves as part of bigger Iran, what is it?maybe our shared history and roots of our culture and language or the treatment of iranian kurds by other iranians comparing of what happened or is happening in Iraq and Turky. or simply they made a reality check and reached a conclusion.however to say I am kurds and I am iranian so I vote for iran destruction by the hand of some forigners leaves me no choice but to agree with MR Abarmard.
Please read my comments before
by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:05 PM PDTmaking judgement. I never said bombing Iran as whole, I am for airstrike on Governments buildings and institution to handicap the regime from within, to cut their communication which USA is capable of. You keep mentioning Kurdistan. Believe it or not Kurds live every where theses days, even in Tehran so try not throw divsion between us Iranians. I love all parts of Iran and have no predjudice unlike some, to others. In fact where I'm from Persian Jews and Muslims, Iranian Armenians, Kurds and Azeri's live side by side.
WHo helped Iran on Iran-Iraq war?....diaries of ....
by khode khodesh (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:40 PM PDTپنجشنبه 6 تير 1364
ساعت هشت بامداد، هواپيما در فرودگاه پكن به زمين نشست. استقبال مختصري شد و استقبال رسمي، عصر در ميدان عظيم [تين آن من] صلح آسماني انجام ميشود. ما را به كاخ مهمانسراي دولتي بردند كه براي رؤساي كشورها اختصاص دارد و باغ بزرگي است كه از زمان امپراتوري چين مانده است، با پانزده ساختمان جداگانه. ما را در دو ساختمان سكونت دادند. تا عصر استراحت كرديم. ساعت سه بعدازظهر مراسم رسمي استقبال در ميدان صلح آسماني انجام شد. بر اساس نوع مراسم توپ شليك شد و رژه خوبي انجام دادند. سپس مذاكرات رسمي با نخستوزير و گروهي از سران چين آغاز گرديد.
در كاخ كنگره خلق كه سالنهاي عظيم متعدد دارد، حدود دو ساعت درباره زمينههاي همكاري دو كشور و نقاط اشتراك دوجانبه و بينالمللي مذاكره كرديم و خيلي خوب برگزار شد. نخستوزير چين در كاخ كنگره، به هيأت ما شام داد.
سر ميز شام، مذاكرات مفيدي درباره چين داشتيم. در نطقهاي رسمي ميز شام، من به دستاوردهاي انقلاب پرداختم كه براي چينيها جالب افتاد و نخستوزير زائوزيانگ هم حرفهاي خوبي زد. شام خيلي مفصل و متنوع بود. گوشتها با ذبح اسلامي تهيه شده بود. خودشان ميگويند چهارده ميليون مسلمان در چين زندگي ميكنند و 10 درصد اعضاي كنگره مسلمانند و معاون كنگره هم مردي مسلمان به نام «سيفالدين» است.
بعد از صرف شام به اقامتگاه آمديم. مدتي هم با همراهان در سالن درباره حرفها و برنامهها مشورت كرديم. مقداري به تماشاي تلويزيون پرداختم. فرهنگ غرب دارد چين را تسخير ميكند و گام جديد به رهبري تينگ شيائوپينگ، آزادي زيادي از لحاظ فرهنگي و اقتصادي به مردم داده است. آنها به طرف سرمايهداري ميروند. درهاي چين براي رفت و آمد باز شده و سرمايهگذاريهاي داخلي و خارجي در اين كشور معمول شده است. نشانههايي از تهاجم فرهنگ غرب در چين ديده ميشود.
جمعه 7 تير 1364
هنگام اذان براي نماز صبح بيدار شدم و تا ساعت هشت خوابيدم. مقداري وقت صرف نوشتن خاطرات كردم. براي ملاقات با رئيسجمهور «لي شيانيان» آماده شدم. يك ربع ساعت دير شد. خبرگزاري «يونايتدپرس» از اين تأخير سوءاستفاده كرد و اين خبر را روي تلكس برد كه من به خاطر مرض سرطان معده در بيمارستاني در چين بستري شدهام. اين خبر مثل بمب در دنيا منفجر شد. نميدانم اين خبرگزاري چه فكري براي اعتبار و آبروي خود كرده است، لابد حسابشده است.
ملاقات با رئيسجمهور بيشتر به تعارف و حرفهاي معمولي گذشت. در چين، رئيسجمهور مقام تشريفاتي است. آقايان ولايتي و آقازاده هم با همتاهاي خود ملاقات كردند و راضي بودند. سپس به ملاقات آقاي «پنگ زين»، رئيس كنگره رفتيم و مذاكرات گرمي درباره استراتژي ابرقدرتها در ايجاد جنگهاي منطقهاي و كانونهاي نزاع براي بهرهبرداري و سوءاستفادههاي فراوان و تضعيف جهان سوم داشتيم. از شوروي خيلي ناراحتند و نسبت به آن حساسيت دارند. آنها سه مسئله افغانستان، كامبوج و نيروهاي شوروي در مرز چين را مانع بهبودي روابط ميدانند.
آقاي پنگزين به افتخار ما مهماني ناهار داد. سر ميز ناهار، اطلاعات زيادي نسبت به چين كسب كردم. معمولا در بين راه هم وزير بهداري چين با يك مترجم در اتومبيل من است و به سؤالاتم خوب پاسخ ميدهد. خيلي چيزها را پرسيدهام. ميگويند درآمد مردم در ماه بين چهل يوآن تا هزار يوآن متغير است. يك كارگر ساده چهل يوآن ميگيرد ولي يك هنرمند يا نويسنده يا مدير كارخانه ممكن است تا هزار يوآن بگيرد. رهبران و رؤساي طراز اول، ماهيانه چهارصد يوآن درآمد به علاوه مسكن و يا ماشين و ... و وزرا، سيصد يوآن درآمد دارند. يوآن ـ واحد پول چين ـ مساوي است با 35 درصد يك دلار. آنها مدعياند در چين درآمد روستاييان از شهرنشينها بيشتر است.
شنبه 8 تير 1364
بعد از صبحانه كه معمولا ساعت هشت صبح صرف ميشود، براي ديدن «شهر ممنوعه»، مجموعه كاخهاي امپراتوري سابق چين ـ كه اسكلت آنها از چوب است ـ رفتيم و گفتند مجموعا مساحت آن هفتاد هكتار و تعداد اتاقها نه هزار است و توضيحاتي هم دادند. در آخر از دو نفر از خانمهاي كاركن كاخها، توضيحاتي درباره زندگي و وظايف و تكاليفشان گرفتيم.
سپس به ديدار آقاي «تنگ شيائوپينگ»، رهبر چين، رفتيم و يك ساعت مذاكره كرديم. درباره فروش اسلحه در زمان جنگ قول صريح نداد، ولي خيلي تمايل به توسعه روابط اقتصادي دارند و به ارز نيازمندند.
سپس يك مصاحبه مطبوعاتي در همان كاخ كنگره خلق برگزار شد كه حدود يك ساعت و نيم طول كشيد و راجع به جنگ و تروريسم و نتايج سفر به چين و روابط با آمريكا و ... به سؤالات خبرنگاران جواب داديم. ناهار و نماز در اقامتگاه انجام شد و پس از آن به ديدار ديوار معروف چين رفتيم. مسير راه كه با ماشين طي شد، سرسبز و كوهستاني است و رفت و برگشت دو ساعت و نيم وقت برد.
كمي استراحت كرديم و به كاخ كنگره براي ملاقات با سفراي مقيم پكن رفتيم. بعد از معارفه براي آنها درباره سياست خارجي ايران توضيحاتي دادند و بر سياست مستقل و آزاد از اعمال نفوذ قدرتهاي بزرگ تكيه كردم. از آنجا به سفارتمان رفتيم. شام را در سفارت خورديم و ساعتي با كاركنان سفارت و دانشجويان ايراني و ... مذاكره كرديم و به مشكلات آنها رسيدگي كرديم و شب به اقامتگاه برگشتيم.
يكشنبه 9 تير 1364
آقاي [زائوزيانگ] نخستوزير چين ساعت هشت و نيم صبح براي ملاقات آخر و خداحافظي به اقامتگاه آمد. تفاهمنامه همكاري توسط [غلامرضا] آقازاده، معاون نخستوزير و همتاي ايشان امضا شد. مذاكرات رسمي انجام گرديد و سپس با درخواست من، جلسه خصوصي شد. درباره گرفتن موشكها صحبت كرديم. او موافقت كرد و فوريت تحويل را پذيرفت. با آقاي نخستوزير خداحافظي كرديم و به فرودگاه آمديم. سپس با يك هواپيماي چيني به شهر «شيآن» [واقع در 800 كيلومتري جنوب غربي پكن] رفتيم. همراهان از موفقيت كامل سفر خوشحال هستند و چينيها نيز.
مقامات شهر در فرودگاه به استقبال آمدند. به هتل استانداري رفتيم. كمي استراحت كرديم و پس از ناهار و نماز براي ديدن مجسمههاي شش هزار گارد امپراتوران سابقشان به چهل كيلومتري شهر رفتيم. منطقه سرسبز و بسيار مستعد براي كشاورزي است. ميگويند از زمين سالي دو بار محصول ميگيرند. در سال هزار ميليمتر باران دارند. اين زمينها از حالت كمون در آمده و بين كشاورزان تقسيم شده و لذا بازده آن بالا رفته است. قبلا فيلم مجسمههايشان را در سريال جاده ابريشم ديده بودم.
عصر از موزه [كوين تراكوتا] و مسجد [جامع] مسلمانان ديدن كرديم. مسجد جالبي است كه پس از انقلاب [چين] مخروبه شده و آن را دارند بازسازي ميكنند. با مسلمانان و امام جماعت مدتي مذاكره كرديم. مسجد خيلي وسيع و مربوط به قرن هفتم است. گفتند حدود ده مسجد در اين شهر است و اين دليل حضور وسيع اسلام در گذشته است. فعلا حدود پنجاه هزار مسلمان در شيآن زندگي ميكنند.
در خيابانها مردم زيادي در دو طرف خيابان براي تماشا آمده بودند. روز تعطيل است و مردم بيكار هستند. ظاهر مردم تميز و يكنواخت است. باران ميبارد و خيلي از مردم چتر داشتند. استاندار به افتخار ما شام داد. سر ميز شام صحبت كرديم. اعلام كردند كه گوشتها با ذبح اسلامي است. تلگرافي از نخستوزير چين در تشكر از سفر ما و نتايج سفر دريافت كرديم. شب در هتل مانديم. عدهاي از همراهان براي خريد به فروشگاههاي شهر رفتند.
دوشنبه 10 تير 1364
بعد از نماز و كمي ورزش، صبحانه در اتاق صرف شد و سپس به فرودگاه رفتيم. با دو هواپيماي چيني به شانگهاي رفتيم؛ يك ساعت و 45 دقيقه در راه بوديم. در فرودگاه شانگهاي، شهردار به استقبال آمد و حدود يك ساعت معطل شديم تا هواپيماهاي خودمان از پكن رسيدند و آماده پرواز شدند.
با يك ساعت تأخير به طرف ژاپن حركت كرديم. ساعت دو بعدازظهر به وقت ژاپن، در فرودگاه «هاندا» پياده شديم. آقاي [شينتارو] آبه، وزير خارجه به استقبال آمده بود. به كاخ «آكاساكا» رفتيم. حدود بيست نفر از همراهان را اينجا پذيرفتند و بقيه در هتل پذيرايي ميشوند. در ميدان كاخ، مراسم رسمي سان و رژه به عمل آمد و در بين راه، خيابانهاي مسير را بسته و پليس را در دو طرف جاده مستقر كرده بودند.
يك ساعت با نخستوزير ژاپن و همراهانش با جمعي از همراهان من مذاكره كرديم و درباره روابط اقتصادي و سياسي و جنگ و تروريسم و افغانستان و اسرائيل و آمريكا هم حرف زديم. قرار شد وزراي مربوطه مذاكرات ما را تعقيب كنند.
سپس به ملاقات رؤساي دو مجلس ملي و سنا رفتيم. در مراسم جداگانه حرفهاي خشك و تشريفاتي مطرح شد و دوباره به كاخ برگشتيم و با نمايندگان انجمن دوستي ژاپن و ايران ملاقات كرديم. آنها از چند حزب ژاپن مانند ليبرال دمكرات و سوسياليست بودند و گفتند، 96 نماينده عضو انجمن هستند.
دوباره براي ضيافت مشترك دو مجلس به سالن پذيرايي پارلمان رفتيم. شام سلفسرويس و ايستاده صرف شد و ضمن شام خوردن با نمايندگان و رؤساي مجلس مذاكره كرديم. معاون پارلمان، خانمي بود كه روزنامهها نوشته بودند من اجازه شركت ايشان را در جلسه نميدهم، مخصوصا با او حرف زدم كه رفع شيطنت شود.
به كاخ آمديم و با اعضاي هيأت، درباره بقيه برنامهها مشورت كرديم. ديدار از دو كارخانه گذاشته بودند كه حذف كرديم و ضيافت ناهار در فدراسيون سازمان اقتصادي ژاپن نيز حذف شد و مصاحبه مطبوعاتي را كه در كلوپ خبرنگاران گذاشته بودند، قرار شد به كاخ بياورند. با تهران تماس گرفتيم كه خبر مهمي نبود. هنوز زدن شهرها شروع نشده و ليبي و سوريه هم هنوز به قول خود [براي تحويل موشك] وفا نكردهاند.
سهشنبه 11 تير 1364
ديشب بعضي از برنامههاي غيرضرور از قبيل ديدار از كارخانهها و ضيافت فدراسيون سازمانهاي اقتصادي حذف شد. لذا پيش از ظهر، كار كمي داشتم و بيشتر در كاخ ماندم. تلفني با آقاي رئيسجمهور و رفيقدوست [وزير سپاه] صحبت كردم. گفت: ليبي و سوريه به وعدههايشان عمل نكردهاند. مقدمات جنگ شهرها از طرف عراق شروع شده است.
ساعت يازده به ملاقات [آقاي هيروروهيتو] امپراتور ژاپن رفتيم. مرد ساده و متواضعي است. پيرمرد است و 86 سال دارد. بيش از شصت سال است كه امپراتور است. وليعهدش هم در انتظار، پير شده است. برادرزادهاش هم كه شاهزاده است، حضور داشتند. ناهار مهمان ايشان بوديم. طبيعت شاهي ندارد و مثل يك آدم معمولي است.
عصر از كارخانه خودروسازي «زاما» متعلق به [خودروسازي] نيسان ديدار كرديم. اين كارخانه، تمام اتوماتيك است و اخيرا با ايران قرارداد ساخت نيسان وانت در ايران بستهاند.
در محل اقامتم با آقاي [شينتارو]آبه، وزير خارجه ژاپن ملاقات داشتيم. درباره روابط دوجانبه، جنگ، تروريسم، شوروي و افغانستان مذاكره شد. شام مهمان نخستوزير بوديم. چهرههاي سياسي و اقتصادي ژاپن هم بودند. ميگويند حكومت ژاپن تحت نفوذ سرمايهداران است. نخستوزير از روي نوشته، سخنراني معمولي و تشريفاتي كرد و من مفصلا درباره انقلاب و ايران بعد از انقلاب و اهداف و دستاوردهاي انقلاب اسلامي و جنگ و تروريسم و ... صحبت كردم و آنها را تحت تأثير قرار دادم. ژاپنيها از لغو برنامه فدراسيون سازمانهاي اقتصادي ناراحتند؛ بنابراين، تصميم گرفتيم به برنامه عمل كنيم.
در مذاكرات با همراهان تشريفات در بين راه معلوم شد ژاپن از كمبود مسكن رنج ميبرد. كاركنان دولت در تنگناي اقتصادي هستند و وضع بخش خصوصي بهتر است. تا ساعت دوازده شب به تماشاي برنامههاي تلويزيون پرداختم. حدود ده كانال تلويزيون ژاپن كه رنگي و جالب است، بيشتر به تبليغات كالاها ميپردازند و همه چيز تحتالشعاع تبليغات است. در ژاپن اهداف خاص فكري و انساني و مكتبي كم مطرح است، مگر در سطح رفاه و لذت. تز اصالة اللذة [اصالت لذت] حاكم است و اينكه نميتوانيم از دنيا ببرّيم.
در مراسم و معاشرتها معمولا مشكل داريم. حكم مصافحه [دست دادن] و غذا از مشكلات معاشرت، به خصوص در ميهمانيهاست. حرمت ذبح غيراسلامي مشكل ديگر است، گرچه در چين و ژاپن به ما ميگويند كه گوشتها را با ذبح اسلامي در مهمانيها مصرف ميكنند. مخصوصا با تنوع غذاها، بيشتر از گوشت ماهي كه در مهمانيهاي شرقي به وفور وجود دارد، استفاده ميكنم و بعضي از همراهان نان و كره ميخورند.
مشكل ديگرمان اجتناب از معاشرت با خانمهاست كه در زندگي امروز دنيا اجتنابناپذير است. براي ميزبانان هم مشكلات زيادي دارد، چون بايد سنن و عادات خود را در معاشرت با زنان كنار بگذارند؛ لابد خانمها هم ميرنجند و برخورد مينمايند. توجيه هم نميتوانيم بنماييم.
اگر خانمي در اجتماعات بيايد چون مصافحه [=دست دادن] با آنان نميكنيم، لابد احساس حقارت ميكنند. شايد هم در فكر بخشي از مسلمانان اثر مثبت داشته باشد، زيرا آنها ميدانند كه نوع معاشرت امروز زن و مرد در دنياي غربزده منطقي نيست. ولي بيشك اكثريت آنها اين وضع ما را نميپسندند. در ژاپن هم به ادعاي نخستوزير 70 درصد مردم بودائي و 5 درصد شينتو و جمعي هم مسيحي و مسلمان هستند ولي مذهب آنها مثل اسلام، حاكم بر زندگي نيست و فقط اسمي است.
چهارشنبه 12 تير 1364
مهدي را بيدار كردم كه صبحانه بخورد و با بچهها دنبال كارش برود. حسن، فرزند احمد آقا هم مثل بچههاي من ـ ياسر و مهدي ـ همراه ما بود. كمي ورزش كردم و بعد از استحمام مقداري تلويزيون تماشا كردم. يك كانال تلويزيون ژاپن در اختيار آمريكاييهاست و برنامههاي جالب به زبان انگليسي دارد و اين روزها درباره تروريسم به مناسبت آزاد شدن مسافران هواپيماي ربودهشده آمريكايي در لبنان، تهاجم تبليغاتي دارند.
لابد ميخواهند حضور ما را در ژاپن تحتالشعاع قرار دهند و به نحوي جريان را از طريق شيعه و جهاد اسلامي به ما مربوط كنند. ژاپنيها براي اينكه زهر قضيه را بگيرند، از ما ميخواهند كه تروريسم را صريحا محكوم نماييم.
وزيران صنعت و روابط صنعت با خارج و برنامهريزي ژاپن به ملاقات آمدند و پس از مذاكرات كلي با من، با آقاي آقازاده و مجريان ديگر مذاكره را ادامه دادند. مصاحبهاي با روزنامه «يوميوري» كردم. ملاقاتي با نمايندگان انجمنهاي اسلامي داشتم. گفتند بيست انجمن اسلامي در ژاپن فعال است و يكصد هزار مسلمان در اين كشور وجود دارد و با هم اختلاف داشتند. در حضور من بگو مگو كردند و براي بناي مسجد كمك خواستند.
ناهار مهمان فدراسيون سازمانهاي اقتصادي ژاپن بوديم. گفتند كه اينها خيلي ميتوانند براي ايران كار كنند و مؤثر باشند. پس از ناهار براي آنها صحبت كردم. عصر در كلوپ خبرنگاران براي مصاحبه مطبوعاتي شركت كردم. بيش از حد خبرنگار آمده بودند. درباره جنگ، آمريكا، مسئله تروريسم، خريد اسلحه و ... به سؤالاتشان جواب دادم. در ضيافت عصرانه انجمن دوستي ايران در ژاپن و انجمن پارلماني و دوستي ايران و ژاپن شركت كردم و سخنراني نمودم.
رئيس دو انجمن هم صحبتهاي محبتآميز نمودند. اكثرا افرادي هستند كه به نحوي با كمپانيهاي شاغل در ايران ارتباط دارند. سفراي قديم ژاپن در ايران هم جزو آنان هستند.
ساعت شش و نيم، نخستوزير و وزير خارجه ژاپن براي ملاقات خصوصي به كاخ آمدند. نتايج سفر را جمعبندي كرديم كه كاملا مثبت است. قرار شد نفت بيشتري از ما بخرند و سهم ارزي پروژهها را با نفت بپردازيم و همكاري بيشتري درباره واگذاري پروژه به ژاپن داشته باشيم.
درباره رابطه با آمريكا از ما نظر خواستند. گفتم: آمريكا بايد گذشته بد خود را جبران نمايد تا زمينه ايجاد روابط فراهم شود و اين احتياج به زمان دارد و به غربيها هم پيغام داديم، ما خواهان تشنج در منطقه نيستيم. از طرف من در كاخ محل اقامت، ضيافتي براي شام بود كه هيأت شخصيتهاي ژاپني و بعضي از سفراي اسلامي شركت داشتند و ساعت نه و نيم تمام شد. رئيس مجلس ملي ژاپن، اهل ناكازاكي است و خودش از فاصله چهل كيلومتري، منظره انفجار بمب اتمي [در سال 1945] را ديده و صداي آن را شنيده است.
آقاي آقازاده آمد و گزارش مذاكراتش را داد. راضي است و معتقد است روحيه خوبي در ژاپنيها براي همكاري مشاهده ميشود. امروز تمجيد زيادي از سخنراني ديشب من ميكردند و از تأثر آن در ژاپن ميگفتند.
پنجشنبه 13 تير 1364
روز پركاري داشتيم. صبح زود به فرودگاه رفتيم و به شهر ناكازاكي براي ديدن موزه انفجار بمب اتمي آمريكا در 41 سال پيش پرواز كرديم. استاندار و شهردار به استقبال آمدند. از فرودگاه به بندر براي ديدن كارخانه كشتيسازي ميتسوبيشي رفتيم. با يك كشتي ما را در بندر سياحت دادند و سپس رئيس شركت و مدير كارخانه آمار و ارقام دادند.
سپس با ماشين، كارخانه كشتيسازي و نيروگاهسازي را گشتيم. توربينهاي نيروگاه شهيد رجايي در آنجا ساخته ميشود. ظهر در هتل مهمان ژاپن بوديم و در موزه، آثار انفجار بمب اتمي را توضيح دادند و فيلمي پخش كردند، خيلي تلخ است.
حلقه گل نثار آرامگاه قربانيان بمب اتمي كردم و مصاحبه نمودم. با دو نفر از مجروحان انفجار صحبت كردم. يكي از آنها به نام «آجيلاتا» را تا فرودگاه آوردم و در مسير توضيحات زيادي داد. خودش در 1200 متري محل انفجار در كارخانه مجروح شده، 250 نفر از هشت هزار نفر كاركنان مردهاند و تمامي خانوادهاش در منزل از 120 متري انفجار سوخته و نتوانسته است جسد آنها را به دست بياورد. گفت دولت ژاپن هم كمك مؤثري به آنها نكرده است.
ساعت شش به توكيو برگشتيم. به سفارت رفتم و مصاحبهاي با تلويزيون و ديگري با يك روزنامه ژاپني كردم. شام را در سفارت خورديم و با ايرانيان مقيم توكيو آشنا شديم. يك نفر از همكارهاي آقاي بهلول در قضيه گوهرشاد به نام مقتدري را ديديم كه فرار كرده و در ژاپن زندگي ميكند. شب با تلويزيون آمريكا و مجله اقتصادي ژاپن مصاحبه كردم. گزارشها را با تلكس گرفته بودند كه خواندم، مطلب مهمي نداشت.
جمعه 14 تير 1364
ساعت هشت و نيم صبح به طرف فرودگاه هاندا حركت كرديم و از خدمه قصر خداحافظي نموديم. در بين راه، رئيس تشريفات وزارت خارجه تأكيد داشت كه مأمور ژاپني تحت تأثير اخلاق و شخصيت هيأت ما قرار گرفتهاند و خبر داد كه بخشي از مصاحبه تلويزيوني ديشب من را پخش كردهاند كه مطالب قانعكنندهاي از سياست ايران در مورد جنگ و تروريسم و مسائل ديگر منطقه داشته است.
باران ميباريد. مراسم بدرقه را كوتاه كرديم. وزير امور خارجه و رئيس انجمن دوستي پارلماني ژاپن و ايران به مراسم بدرقه آمده بودند. چهار ساعت بعد، در فرودگاه پكن به زمين نشستيم. وزير بهداري چين و جمعي ديگر به فرودگاه آمده بودند. در سالن فرودگاه از هيأت پذيرايي گرمي كردند و تأكيد بر اثرات مهم سفر داشتند و نگران بودند كه مسافرت نخستوزير تركيه به چين پس از ما، ما را ناراحت كرده باشد كه گفتيم ما با تركيهايها دوستيم و روابط خوبي داريم.
حدود دو ساعت سرويس و بنزينگيري هواپيماها طول كشيد. نماز خوانديم و درباره مسائل جديد شوروي مذاكره كرديم. آقاي [محمدحسين] عادلي را در پكن گذاشتيم كه به كمك هيأت خريد و تحويل اسلحه برود. چينيها خيلي تأكيد دارند كه مسئله فروش اسلحه مخفي بماند. راه طولاني هشت ساعته تا تهران را با مذاكره و خواب و استراحت گذرانديم.
در يك مذاكره دستهجمعي نتايج سفر جمعبندي شد و همگي از سفر راضي بودند. از لحاظ اقتصادي پذيرش خريد نفت در مقابل انجام پروژههاي مهم كشور، چون سدها و نيروگاهها، بندرها و دادن تكنولوژي و آموزش با قيمت P.S.G موفقيت مهمي در اين مقطع است.
از لحاظ سياسي اهميتي كه به هيأت داده شد و پذيرايي در سطح بالا و محافظت بينظير كه ميگفتند در ژاپن دههزار پليس در خدمت بودند و در چين هم به همين نحو و از لحاظ تبليغاتي پخش نظرات ما در مورد جنگ و تروريسم و حقوق بشر و ساير چيزهايي كه حربه تبليغاتي دشمن است و همكاري ژاپنيها در اين قسمت و پخش نظرات ما در مورد خاورميانه، افغانستان و ... مهم است.
به نظر ميرسد روي ايران و انقلاب اسلامي حساب باز كردهاند. خضوع رهبران دو كشور و صميميت آنها در مذاكرات از نمونههاست. در مذاكرات به اتكاي دستور امام، پيشنهاد همكاري استراتژيك به چينيها دادم و آنها استقبال كردند.
ساعت شش و نيم بعدازظهر به وقت تهران در مهرآباد نشستيم. استقبال رسمي برگزار شد. نخستوزير و وزرا و ... آمده بودند. مصاحبهاي كوتاه با تلويزيون درباره نتايج سفر كردم و به خانه آمدم.
Kurdish Warrior
by Abarmard on Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:37 PM PDTAre you kidding me? Me visiting Iran other than northern Tehran?
You are willing to have bombs drop to Iran because to you ends justifies the means. Bush does too. I don't.
Iran that I am talking about certainly is not the northern part of Tehran. Last time I checked, from Minab to Bandar Abbas, Ahvaz to Yazd, Semnan to Mashad, People were very religious. I am not, but I noticed that iranians generally are. Kurds are divided, those who want to be separated or have ill wishes against Iran, I believe should be released. Land belongs to those who work on it. I rather have those Kurds separated than wishing bombs on Iran. Wouldn't you?
I am not supporting the government of Iran, I am talking about the possibilities of war and the outcome. I am mentioning the cards that Iran may play. I am agreeing that US can demolish Iran to nothingness, but I am not certain if that would be the end. I am sure however that the support of the regime would increase.
One thing that I cannot, no matter what, accept could happen, EVER, is that US help Iran to have a democratic system. Or a war would bring a better regime to Iran. I will never buy that argument. I am not saying that you are wrong; I am saying that I don't believe it. Also I can't believe an Iranian want Iran bombed, as you would not want Kurdistan bombed, for any reason! That's why you have a dilemma other than the democracy in Iran and need to work on that to justify your ideology.
I do hope for those Kurds who have been suffering a long time under different regimes to get a better life, same as the rest of Iran. But if any nationalities within the borders of Iran wants Iran bombed so they get what they want, I rather not have them as my country men/women. Nothing personal. I hate Iran being divided, but that depends on the social intelligence of the entire nation.
Re: Jamshid's altered , puzzled, confused mindset
by Ye Irani (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:15 PM PDTI really don't know what to say. I try not to be driven by my hateful, angry and distastfull sentiments, so I won't call or brand you with any names. I will leave the judgement to the public.
If you and I are against war, then we should be in harmony. Why so much animocity and negative energy!
If you and I do not support war and look for peace, then we are saying the same thing.
Things just don't add up with your mindset, Jamshid. Yes, I did read all your writings. All you are doing is taking IRI to court and issuing punshishment order by WAR.
Please do not underestimate public opinion. WHen you think people are ablah, that is when you end up with altered-reality. You crunch all these numbers, but you end up with something that is totally unreal, then you get confused: Why?...Then you try to seek your answer in the future...goes on and on....
The hec with IRI, and yes I think it is full of injustices, and wrong-doing and must be corrected. Hey so what, so is my life - Not everything is bright but there are lot of dark points in it. The days of revolution is long gone. We had one that kicked out Shah but did it really fix anything? Since the revolutionaries are now so lazy and soosool, they prefer to make revolution by the help of foreign powers. I'm more of a constructionist than destructionist. Perhaps, that is the major difference between us.
So, If you ARE really a peace-loving guy, then enough talk DO THE WALK!
He who talks like snake, walks like snake, my man, is SNAKE!
Pls visit the following site
by hamid (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 09:06 PM PDT//
Abarmard, why is it that when
by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 09:02 PM PDTa person like you get criticized by other minorities; they are either traitors or separatists. Iran belongs to all of us, so please keep your racist agenda to yourself and start thinking about your fellow Iranians no matter their ethnicity or their religion. Remember the Iraq-Iran war... Who fought along the borders...WE did not for Islam ideology but for Iran. Yes, I'm hurt. I'm hurt to see an Iran heading for dark ages. Unlike some others who make living by supporting a regime that is ruin our country. If you don’t believe me, visit other parts of Iran and not just North of Tehran and you will realize the reality on the ground.
I have nothing else to add
by Abarmard on Mon Apr 28, 2008 08:46 PM PDTIf you wish to continue with your illusions then be it. What do you think happened when Arabs attacked Iran? many thought that they would weaker the system so they can get rid of the regime at the time. You are no different now, 1400 years later!
Kurdish Warrior, you are not Iranian or Kurdish, you are hurt and revangeful. Hope you get your land and live happily ever after with the American and Western support. Just keep in mind that Turks and Americans are buddies!
To: Yek Irani
by jamshid on Mon Apr 28, 2008 08:54 PM PDTpesarakeh ablah,
First go learn how to read. If you already know how to read, then learn to have patience, meaning that you should read all of the comment, not just the first paragraph, before you pass judgement.
Your attitude reminds me of IRI criminals who have a habit of passing judgement so quickly, just like you do.
I have always been against any war, in fact one more reason why I oppose the IRI is that in my opinion the IRI is taking us directly to a path of war and destruction.
Quite contrary to your view, it is your like and idiots like ahmaghinejad who are the real warmongers and who are putting Iran in a grave danger.
And it is shameless Iranians like you who may be sitting pretty in the comfort of a foreign country or in "shomaleh shahr" giving sermons about "warmongers" while they themselves are supporting the IRI war mongers more than anyone else, some like you without even knowing it. Talking about hyprocrisy.
Your are brainwashed to the point of retardation. You cannot see nor understand that an Iranian citizen can be against war AND be against the IRI too. To your deficient mind, one is either with the IRI or if not, he must be a warmonger!
I stand by my numbers in my previous post. Your numbers however are obviously a fabrication of a fanatic person living in a fantasy. 65 million Iranians will pour in the streets if the US attacks Iran, haan? You are an imbecile at best to think that.
I'll tell you what will happen if the US attacks Iran. They will send us back to the stone age and perhaps even break Khuzestan away from Iran, permanently. There are millions of Khuzestani Arabs who are licking their chops for this opportunity, another oil rich Kuwait style sheykhdom. And I'll tell you something else, there is nothing the IRI can do to stop it. And I'll tell you one more thing: If god forbids this happens, or if any other harms whatsoever comes to Iran, it is YOU and the incompetent IRI leaders who would be primarily responsible AND guilty for it.
The IRI has taken 70 million people hostage to their bankrupt and failed ideology. And now they are taking us to a devastating war with possibly long term and irreversible damage.
A lunacy!
by Kamangir on Mon Apr 28, 2008 08:24 PM PDTAs the former British foreign minister Jack Straw said once, the idea of attacking Iran is simply 'nuts'. Such action would have unforseen and very vicious consequences both for Iran and for others.
I am really concerned, as the possibility of such lunacy and craziness is very high! If Iran is attacked, then we should understand any action taken by its current regime, as self-defence. When international law and legality doesn't exist or if it exists is totally ignored, by those who claim they invented such legalities, then what should I expect from the Iranian regime. I'm against the IRI, I really am, mainly because it has brutalized and abused Iranians, viciously, but then how could I be indeferent to similar actions by a super-power? An attack against Iran can be very, very dangerous. It should be avoided and we should be very vocal and firm in condeming it (even the idea of it)
Re: Kurdish Warior...what to do?
by Ye Irani (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 08:07 PM PDTYou as what I offer to get things going right?
Here is a post I had yesterday under another thread:
I have no idea when our militant minded psuedo-intellectuals (along with selfish money-making machines, along with holy Mullahs) will grow up and smell the reality rose and understand that it is not the GOVERNMENT that is the problem. When will we realize that Government is from within the nation - YES, even the puppet ones or even Resa Shah who was brought to power by you know who,even ghajars, and even Koorosh kabir. I look at all these guys and they all have Iran's nationality.
Our mentality is always to blame it on someone else. People blame it on government, government blames it on people and this goes on in every level of social structture down to even family relations.
We got to grow up and take the responsibility.
- first thing is to unite - YES, I mean unite (our Achile''s heel).Understand that all Iranians are from Iran. They all mean good for Iran. Put the self-interest aside and think of Iran - No special interest groups - Mullahs, Cummies, Saltanat-talab, kurds, turks, etc. If we the crow sees treason or selfish agenda, we all can isolate these exceptional cases.
-2nd is to work towards common goal - make our nation strong. Make economy strong. WHy can't we get it that we have linited resources and fighting eacother only dissipates this energy as a lost heat.
Then, and only then we will see that democracy and prosperity will florish. The 1st and 2nd items are two major processes that take time and only going through these processes will establish long lasting cultural reconstruction of our nation. The whole nation has to go through this process. I estimate 50 years to totally dismantle our cultural anomalies - that is 3 generations. I know this is hard because we have this culture of wanting everything overnight with "CAN'T WAIT" mentaity. BUT, got to bite the bullet and accept it. Let's not be selfish and get on the band wagon and don't try to short cut to see the rosy days in our lifetime. What matters is the FLY, since the bird will eventually dies!!!!!!!!
So, put aside destroying the country in the name of getting rid of Mullahs (just like we did it with Shah) and start the revolution within yourself and put your nice words in action and truly love any Irani for what he or she is. The process will heal the anomalies.
Yes sir, unlike you, I think my problem is created by me. There are very little problems that are imposed on us by nature or society. You can have two person with the same mindset; One ends up being drug addict and one chooses not to be. They are both perhaps under pressure. The strong one stands high and the week one gives in. Of course, the role of social institutions are to take care of the week, while other individuals are selfishly pursuing their own interests.
Abar mard jan
by Anonymous21 (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 08:00 PM PDTto ke ta hala dashti rozeye emam hosseino mikhundi chi shod yeho zadi be rostam? az aval payda bood ke in harfaro tooye heyate sine zani yadet dadan. dadash to tarikhe 1906 ro asz koja avordi? yadet rafte motafeghin ke be iran hamle kardan in shiayane shoja jenabeali ba pit halabi va pa berahne dar raftan? avaze inke beran be jangan artesh ghayoore reza shah rikht khuneye mardomo gharat kard?
rasti emam hossein mage shekast nakhord? nakone inam be m dorogh gofte boodin?
To ye Irani
by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 07:38 PM PDTOk so you criticize others for their inhuman thoughts, and not being caring. But what are you bringing onto to table? What is your solution? To sit tight and see how we are denied our rights, watch the level of prostitution rise even more?? What about addiction? And those people who were murdered in the name of religion and safeguarding the institution???? I'm not suggesting that America should go to war with Iran especially with ground forces; however we are going to need all help we can get to get rid of this regime and bring democracy. We need to stop being IRI apologist and take closer look to what is happening in Iran.
Re: Jamshid's version of altered reality
by Ye Irani (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 06:27 PM PDTI can see that Jamshid believes he's attached to reality and all others are DETACHED from IT.
All Jamshid sees is to get rid of mullahs - The rest can be justified.
Opposition to regime in Iran is at all levels; Even people in Government are opposed to regime...sort of. The difference is, Only pathetic chickens (kharej as meidan) say boro lenghesh kon!!!!!
Well, what side ARE YOU on, Jamshid? I have no respect for those who have NO value for innocent human lives. Ther's the warmongers and the peace-seakers. There are these Iranians who are commanding war from outside and thinking that....Hell I have nothing to loose and I want to see a change...and I do not care the price people of Iran and USA pays since it's not taken out of my pocket. The price warmngers will pay later is enormous...they will have one corrupt and broken concience they will need to carry for the rest of life. never refer to human lives as numbers and percentage.
You are either careless with reality (Liars are usually forgetfull) or are really detached from reality. WHen it comes to protecting Iran and it's citizens' dignity, Irani knows no age, gender or social class. They will all poor in the streets. You should remember 13 year olds to 70 year olds crying to go to kick saddam out. So, I would add another 65 million to the 1.7million that you skillfully calculated, although loosing one life (innocent one) is more than enough to stop a war.
Peace is essential;
let's hear what the comandor has to say!!
by Bahram the Iranian on Mon Apr 28, 2008 05:38 PM PDTevery body here is a regular iranian individual with the information and knowledge limited to those sources in the media.pepole living in the west tend to believe what their respective goverment of their residing country would tell them.I guess some have forgotten how decietful they were in other occassion.It wouldnt be a bad idea if you hear the other side, the commandor of sepah passdarn
Iran isnt Iraq and today isnt 1979 however one thing hasnt changedand that is the strong sens of patriatissim of iranians, of course there is going to be traitors.
Abarmard jan! Your claimed 10 MILLIONS(!) is a BIG Joke :)
by ExBasiji (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 04:40 PM PDTthere is no such thing as 10 million!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you get this number?
This is a big joke! The hugest maneuver the head command barrack of Niruye Basije SEPAH had where it had to regroup their so called Basiji from the whole country as far as they claimed and I had been there been covering 100,000 who had come to a picnic.
If they had in one shot 10 million really hearty supporters who naturally should be older than 17 at least, they didn't have to beg the people to come to vote! However all those guys ever superficially registered as Basijis( like my own cousins) is not like peoples who would want to sacrifice their lives for them!
based on Amare Vesarate Keshvar, we have 49 million over 17 which half are girls so it remains 25 million guys from 17 to over 80... based on the participation in the recent election according to the first statistics which had released the average participation was less than 30% in the country however in Tehran and big cities been less than 20%.
considering that 30%, it means around 8 millions of that 25 millions in the whole country participated in elections... now based on your 10 million claim and this realistic fact that all basijis at least show their undeniable support by voting, all the participants must have been basijis( even the minority who has been voting for the left party reformists) and based on the same fact, all guys over 17 must be Basiji and yet not covering the 10 million which I don't know where you got that funny number
Mr Abarmard , I guess your Dozari is too Kaj when you talk on motivating the people in the name of Imam Hussein! First of all, When the strike hits, there is no time to inspire the desperate people full of hate of this regime besides theres not going to any classic front line to recruit front liners! strikes constantly comes from Air! then when it is done it means theres no communication devices left, theres no major military bases... then when it comes to capturing the physical vital bases in the capital cities, I bet if people would dare to show off their reactions, it will be in the shape of taking those bases from the regime based on what their mind been consumed for 30 years... Forget about Imam Hussein, this is an old trick which its HANA rangi nadarad as Iranian paid the price of this Imam Hussein and religious manipulations in the last 30 years and even during the war with Iraq when they were pushed to keep on for another 6 years for the ambitious illusions of some monarchs in the regime...
sorry for the English
Abarmard, Anonymous-2 and others
by jamshid on Mon Apr 28, 2008 04:21 PM PDTYou are all so detached from the realities of Iran. You are living in a world of fantasy. I don't mean to be offensive, but do you even THINK about what you say?
Quote from Abarmard: "US has to consider their military in Iraq, that would be the target of 10 million Iranian Basiji militias..."
Abarmard, what are you saying? That one in seven Iranians are Basijis who are ready to fight?
THINK Abaramard! Most of Basijis are Azari and Farsi. There are very very few Basijis who are Kurd, Ballochi Lor, Arab, Turkman, etc, which is about a quarter of Iran's population.
I say this based on what I have observed in Kurdestan alone, but I am certain it applies to the other regions I named in which there is a heavy atmosphere of opposition to the regime.
That leaves you with 52 million Azari and Farsi which is the main source of recruit for Basij. Also the last few times I visited Iran, Basijis were still made up of males. So of 52 million you are left with 26 million males.
Currently 35% of Iran's population is under 14 or above 60. That leaves you with 17 million male between the age of 14 and 60 from which the Basij can recruit.
Most of those males are engaged in Iran's various economic sectors such as the commerce and financial sectors, petrolium and other industrial sectors, telecommunication and transportation, government and private clerical postions, etc.
What percentage of these, the average working male, many of whom probably hate the IRI, do you think are Basiji? Or willing to be a Basiji? And willing to die? Be honest with yourself. Let's be way too generous and say that one in ten. That still leaves you with only 1,7 millions.
Saddam had a one million "battle hardened" fully equiped and trained army in 1990 when he invaded Kuwati. Do you remember what happend to that army?
You and others like you, and many in the IRI leadership, are unkowningly or knowingly taking Iran to the lion's den by being too over-confident. And it is this over-confidence that will give the US the opportunity it is looking for to destroy our beloved country.
Ask yourself how many times in your personal life you wanted something, only to later discover that you had contributed to the oppostie all along?
Don't become unknowingly a part of this. We Iranians have made enough mistakes.
Mullahs couldn,t do dik about fakastani Iraq
by samsam1111 on Mon Apr 28, 2008 02:58 PM PDTand took em 8 years to lose to Arabs(their own kind) with all those millions basijiis and at the end Iraq was still holding 17 towns. it took America to Save Akhoonds Ass in 1991...then, they could fool that gallible generation is kapoot(Shah generation)... ...this basijiis & sepah are the ones who mis shoot my cousins Helicopter with RPG while carrying the wounded from the front in Kurdistan & got picked up by iraqis , became a POW & died there...Don,t tell me this BS about 10m basiiji & US lol
by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 02:32 PM PDTNone of us advocate war, but most of us are crying loud for regime change = Democracy. . If USA attacks, using air strike on government buildings, or basiji institutions which will help the Iranians to rise up, so be it. Believe it or not most of Iranians, especially in the western part are waiting for little push to rise up. And if this happens a lot of these basijis will go underground. Whether you like it or not, you have to understand that this regime is foreign to most of us.
Iranians in Iran know better than anybody else what the U.S. is
by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:28 PM PDTup to.
They are not ignorant like Americans who only watch CNN or FOX News. Those who have cable (which many do now days in Iran) watch all of the foreign news from the BBC, to CNN, to Arab News etc.. those who don't have TV, listen to the radio and are totally into politics.
Anyway majority of Iranians even the lower class all have TV.
They know what the U.S. agenda has always been, and nothing has changed, its the same old same old.
All you have to do is ask anyone of them, from the lower, middle and upper class, what their thoughts are about America: they like America but not the American policy!!
I agree with Abarmard that even if they disagree with the regime, for the sake of Iran they will fight, because they still have maintained that Iranian pride which many have lost by being in the West. They place their life where their mouth is on behalf of their country; unlike most of us over here who like to talk and even add insult to injury.
Any attck
by MRX1 (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:25 PM PDTthat comes from U.S forces will be from persian gulf with long range missiles destrying nuclear sites and missile sites in a 48 to 72 hours operation. The biggest damage will be the environment surronded by nuclear stuff that will be contaminated for thousends of years to come.
The brave basiji's will be the first to escape! They only feel powerfull when bunch of them gang up on a lonly girl on the street or on a university student. Video of explosion in shiraz masque showed how these brave souls tried to escape martydom as fast thye could!
War with Iran?
by Abarmard on Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:03 PM PDTWon't be easy. In the long run things change. Iran is not strong because of military equipment, but it's not weak because of it's dominance in the region and faith. It's enough that Iran declares the war against US the war for Imam Hussain...You'll see the wave of Iranians (And Other Shias) who join to fight and die like their javan-mard Hussain!
The morale will be extremely high...and they go to die not to win! Just check and remember the war with Iraq. Granted that you and I won't go to war, and higher middle class would run out of Iran, but there are still plenty of people who are willing to sacrifice their lives and their families for IRI or just Iran. If there are 120,000+ American forces in Iraq, well that's war and a fair game. It won't be pretty...
Unlike some of you, I believe that the majority would be against the war and becomes more of a supporter of IR. Iranians are not sellouts, recent history tells us that. From 1906 to today, Iranians have shown pride and nationalism fit for nation of Rostams. No true Iranian would wait for the regime to become weak by a foreign war, and attack their own...That's more like western attitude not Iranian culture! You have forgotten. However low we have become, I still believe that Iranians fight man to man and won't stab themselves in the back while there is an enemy out there.
Extreme scenarios creates extreme reactions. Don't be so sure that Iran and Iranians will give up because you and I would!!
Finally it's naive to think that regime will become weak. On the contrary the fanatics and warmongers (naturally) will gain power and will enjoy the popular support while under attack.
For Abarmard on my personal concern on possible war
by Anonymoustuv (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 09:43 AM PDTfurther more, In Iran in the course of the old history we have had, you can not find even one event showing any sort of civil war in which some domestic minorities been fighting with each other for any thing such as power( unlike Iraq when a religious minority as Sunni in the shape of Baath party been oppressing other religious majority as Shias as well as the Kurds) so the situation in Iraq has no equivalent in Iran
I do not welcome war but it does not mean I shouldn’t be realistic. My main concern is the issue of our critical territory getting in danger like the 3 islands in Persian gulf in case it become suddenly occupied by the UAE right in the middle of the possible war we are talking on. I hate to see us again losing any part of our territory
Mr. Abarmard
by Anonymous21 (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 09:22 AM PDTI didn't know that CASMII has already employed military correspondents and guerrilla warfare specialists like you. But I can tell you, don't worry. None of your concerns will come true. These guys are not like Saddam loyalists or Taliban. With the first wave of attacks they all become business men and start selling their goods to American soldiers. Unlike you that follow the Iranian news in MSNBC and BBC, I have lived with these guys. See you in 6 months.
What kind of an Iranian is this Mahmoudg?
by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 09:19 AM PDTUnbelievable!! This guy is advocating that Iran's infrustracture should be destroyed by the U.S. or some other country, so that the regime would be toppled. This person is stating let Iran remain defenseless in front of the enemy. Can you guys believe this!! Is this what you call an Iranian!
Hey Mr. whoever you are, once Iran becomes defenseless the bombardment of all of its infrastructures will start (telecommunication, bridges, roads, military sites etc.); including the use of nuclear weapons to take out its facilities. And you think the Iranian people are just going to sit silent while the U.S. attacks Iranian soil.
When was the last time you went to Iran, or have you ever been, or are you really Iranian? I Don't think so, no Iranian thinks like this, it is only the enemies of Iran who wish for its destruction and its army and defense system wiped out.
Go give your stupid advise to your friends in Israel and the Cheney/Bush, neocon cabal. They will even laugh at this b.s. suggestion.
This is the problem when some of our hamvatans bad mouth Iran, foreigners give themselves this right to come on this web-site and advocate the bombing of our country.
For Abarmard's Analysis
by Anonymoustuv (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 09:02 AM PDTok I told her that she could check it online too
If I assume your comment on Basijis is sincere( which I assume it is) so it implies you have not lived in Iran and have not seen these guys you talk.
It is not the way you have depicted in your mind bro! Who has told you on 10 million ready to sacrifice themselves specially going thru the dilemma of the current brutal regime made a hell for all Iranians?
If you ever have found an Iranian suicide bomber, let me know( as a person who has been serving in the place you're talking on from afar!)however until it gets to the point of the physical possibility confrontation, all the military infrastructures would already be wiped off.
Upon the situation ion Iraq, you're not telling the truth. first of all, Iraq had AN ARMY that in case we wanted to resume the war with, we needed to expand our military up to three times( based on the report provided by the Sepah Generals to Khomeini) but this army with arsenals as large as Iraq couldn't even take off one of its many hundreds of jet fighters and didn't take more than 3 weeks to collapse... The point is after that point you do not see any Baath party and Saddam regime in Iraq... all the conflicts you see are the combinations of some mistakes the US made like elimination of the old army besides the struggles of the Baath remained party from Jordan and Syria besides the hired militias from Al Qaeda to do the suicide bombing... you have to add the insufficient level of the US troops too...
The culture of Iranians and their their interaction and reaction is not like Arabs... You have to be here to see the bitter and desperate fact on how people looking for the invasion to get rid of the regime...
You have been talking on some thing which is called the asymmetric war... the most inspiring thing that can emotionally move th youth to some how get into that asymmetric battles is nothing but religion which is dead in Iran's today going thru the middle ages looking for its renaissance.
Bush/Cheney cabal along with the Zionists are foolish as ever!!
by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 08:10 AM PDTCheney/Bush neocon cabal nor the Zionist Israel give a damn about launching another attack. Cheney and the leadership in Israel have been itching to attack Iran for a very long time. They have tried every possible "pretext" and act of provocation.
As foolish as the U.S. is to launch an attack on behalf of Israel no one will be the winner, neither Isreal, the U.S., Iran, or any country in the Middle East. The region will be embroiled in chaos and destruction. No country will be spared!!
The Iranians have also done their planning, it's not like they are waiting with their hands folded. Furthermore, the atmosphere of hatred toward the U.S. and Israel is at an all time high in the Mid East and Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan); as such groups from every corner of the region will take advantage of any attack on Iran to ensure that they also give a good dose of beating to both Israel and the U.S. This is not because of Iran mind you, but the fatigue of having Israel and the U.S. continuously involved in invading, terrorizing, occupying, mass murdering, and destroying the nations in the Middle East.
Of course Cheney doesn't give a damn, as he said, "so what". This was the same response Bush Senior gave to a reporter when asked about USS Vincenns and the downing of the Iran Air Air-bus which killed 290 civilians: "I will never apologize for anything that America does"!!
I sincerely hope that saner minds will prevail, but I don't see any, either in the U.S. or in Israel. One of the two will take some sort of action!
The very critical issue is that Iran's nuclear facilities can only be taken out with tactical nuclear weapons; this means radiation that will spread killing millions of Iranians as well as people in the region. There is no such thing as surgical attacks to take out Iran's nuclear facilities; and the Americans know it!!
Lust for power and prepetual wars is what will break the back of this Empire.
Do you remember the mother of all battles?
by Nikkhah H. (not verified) on Mon Apr 28, 2008 07:53 AM PDTWe are the loser, the Iranian people, and not the IRI.
I just remember when Sadaam was impending the USA with “The Mother of all Battles.”.
And now look into Iraq and poor Iraqis……
God save our mother country and our compatriots……