It seems our "Virgin Mary" was not so virgin after all!


It seems our "Virgin Mary" was not so virgin after all!
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

Iranians have again shown the usual sympathy, support, petition-writing, being-ashamed, being outraged, etc. etc to express their feelings about the arrest of Roxana Saberi.

Amnesty International, Reporters without Frontiers (read without shame), American officials, Iranian women's organizations, et al. had now found another subject to direct their Iran-bashing activities.She became both Virgin Mary and crucified Jesus at the same time. How could this pretty face do all those horrible things she was accused of? Well it now appears that she could and that she did. Here is what her lawyer says. "A copy of a classified Iranian government report about the U.S. war in Iraq in the possession of journalist Roxana Saberi was a key piece of evidence that led to her conviction on espionage charges, one of the Iranian American journalist's lawyers disclosed Monday (LA times).

She was also accused of visiting Israel on several occasions which she did not deny. Iranian laws prohibit traveling of Iranian nationals to Israel. And they are (right or wrong) the laws of the country, and before rushing to highlight the stupidity of the law note that the US has similar laws against traveling to Cuba, Israel against its nationals traveling to Palestinian territories, etc.

All in all she has committed crimes that match her original sentence of 5 years. Her release under a suspended prison sentence is a result of political bartering and not evidence of her innocence.

Now imagine an Iranian journalist in the US, copying the exact same type of material. What would happen to him? How would he be treated by American officials? Would he also be released with a suspended sentence? Would any Iranian entity or organization petition for his release? Would there be any doubt about his guilt?

And would our respected Jahanshah Javid call on the American US judiciary officials saying "velesh koneen olagha?"



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Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You forgot the last part: You, Mola, are incapable of fooling any of the people at any time.

Now, you were told to put up or shut up. Be an obedient bigot and do as you are told, bearing in mind that the overwhelming preference is for the latter.

Mola Nasredeen

In Due Time...

by Mola Nasredeen on

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time, in due time.

Kaveh Nouraee

In Due Time?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

LMAO! That has as much credibilty as if you told me your camel ate the evidence!!

If what you say about me is even remotely true, you wouldn't have to "dig out" anything, as it would be right there in plain view.

Also, don't change anything. You said I'm a Zionist and that I'm Jewish. That is what you are to prove. You can even have your camel help you, if it makes things easier for you.

So, put up or shut up.

Mola Nasredeen

I will dig out your declartion of Being a pro Israel Zionist in

by Mola Nasredeen on

due time. I know what I'm talking about.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I have repeatedly asked you to expose me by showing where I have declared myself to be a Zionist.

1. Do you have evidence that proves I have declared myself to be a Zionist?

2. If you answered "yes" to Question #1, are you going to show this proof for everyone to see?

3. If the answer to #1 is "no", are you going to cease and desist your endless stream of bullshit?

Answer these questions first. Until then, you will be disregarded.

Mola Nasredeen

You are a coward when it comes to taking resoponsiblity for your

by Mola Nasredeen on

positions. You have declared yourself many times a Zionist but like any other lier keep on denying it. Your anti-Iranian pro Israel positions is evident in all the threads. You will be exposed As long as you spew hatred towards Iranians.


Dear "long trip report",

by MiNeum71 on

Thanks for your well-written and informative comment.



You just found that out?!

by IRI embassy employee (not verified) on

"It is amazing that there are more islamists on this site than one sees in iran. I do not know what it means? Maybe these are ideologues of 70's who have a comfortable life and full stomach and thus have no empathy with people of iran OR they are run-away mulla kids"

There are more Islamists on this site than anywhere else on the entire web except for IRI government initiated and controlled websites. I bet you they all live outside Iran.

Kaveh Nouraee

To Mola & Cameron: CASE CLOSED!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

As usual, neither one of you are capable of engaging in a debate of actual issues and their merits.

Your generic response is to apply the label of "zionist" as though it's derogatory. Well, after the now-countless instances in which you have derisively used the word, it has become utterly meaningless.

If calling me or anyone else zionist or goat or heivoun elicits feelings of euphoria for either of you, it merely serves to validate my beliefs as to the abject emptiness of your lives.

People like you, who adhere to the blind belief that everything an Iranian does qualifies as an achievement worthy of recognition, are in reality, the reason why there has been no progress. Real progress, whether in Iran or anywhere else, can only be achieved through the recognition, acknowledgment, and improvement of errors and shortcomings.

For example, my errors and shortcomings stem from the fact that for years, I have given people like you more credit than you're entitled to, fooling myself into believing that people like you can actually be reasoned with. I recognize and acknowledge that both of you are impossibly obstinate bigots who can't possibly be reasoned with, and that your answer to everything you dislike is to scream "zionist". That's called making progress.

As to Mr. Batmanghlich's assertion that I am less than patriotic, well, I can't really lend credence on Iranian-ness to an individual who spells his first name as the English "Cameron" as opposed to the original, properly Iranian and phonetically correct "Kamran".

You see, if you're truly an Iranian, you don't just talk the talk, you also walk the walk.

Anytime either one of you feel like debating actual issues on their merits, feel free. But you'll understand if I don't hold my breath.


What's happenning here?

by long trip report (not verified) on

Amazing! In iran, and tehran in particular, from the moment that you arrive and take a cab, the people of ordinary background swear and curse mullas; and not just in any soft tone, rather pretty harshly, questioning legitimacy of the revolution, how it has done nothing for people, and how iranian wealth is channeled to palestine and lebanon and iraq and afghanistan. Yes, they are well aware of these issues and strongly object so openly. And this phenomenon is much severe amongst ordinary people and youth than amongst the upper class residents of northern tehran. Ordinary people sigh and long for shah's period and call that period "doraan-e shekoufaee-e iran", as if it was a joyous dream that will not come back in their life-time. Cabs often rebel and call streets by their original names, like pahlavi ave, shah street, aryamehr university, shah mosque, etc.

People who do not have enough money to make a decent living, or to buy a new shirt, in cabs, in bazaars, on streets, with dirty shirts and shabby clothes scream openly about how useless thieves mullas are, questioning huge assets of likes of rafsanjani and gharaati and how mulla children shuttle between europe and north america while people within iran suffer. They hate ahmadinejad, saying that he flatly deceived people by never mentioning fate of palestinians or dress code or nuclear issues before his election and now he talks about nothing but those issues which have no bearing on people's lives.

The most interesting part of travel to iran is listening to ordinary people, the same people who participated in the revolution, to see how they hate (is there any word stronger than hate?) this regime and are even willing to sacrifice to see mullas hang on trees (their words, not mine).

Any youths, the students, and the newly graduates of schools cannot find any job -- yeah ANY job. If they have any parents' money, they open a shop and get into import of goods from south. They think the iranian residents of the western countries can help them get visa. They beg you to help them get visas from north america, europe, australia, and even south america, from likes of brazil and argentine since it has become increasingly hard to enter even arab emirate states or likes of Indonesia and Singapore.

I was shocked when a young girl of ordinary background, struggling to get canadian visa, said in an emphatic voice that she had dealt with that regime for the past 20+ years (of her life time) and sees how brutally IRI treats its own citizens on a daily basis while screaming for palestinian rights, and questioning "where are OUR rights who are equally oppressed within our OWN country". Then she said: "I hate this country and if I manage to get out I will never look back". I was truly depressed when I heard this.

It seems like support for IRI is in single digit as I saw anyone who is not part of the regime or regime's financial complex or maybe religiously blinded hated the regime.

The country is in chaos, totally ignored by the regime except for what relates to regime's persistence and enforcing islamic hejab and like. From the beautiful historical buildings (safavid's mosques, historical palaces, likes of persepolis, etc) are falling apart and totally ignored. All you can see is a guard at the front charging you about $1 to go visit a dusty building which is about to collapse on your head. As for pre-islamic buildings, the regime constantly spread propaganda that these are images of a dark past that should really be destroyed.

Other organizations (banks, schools, universities, industrial complexes) are all from the time of shah, albeit suffering from neglect and often turned into a source of additional income for mullas. Like schools which were essentially free during shah's period, now try to milk students as much as they can and deceitfully calling themselves non-profit. Claims of IRI can often bogus and cannot be seen by ordinary people. New industrial complexes, such as assembling new cars, or setting up wireless phone system, are essentially made by license from foreign countries by foreign engineers, with iranian money and iranian labor, with profits going back into pockets of the license owner and mullas who own the company.

The only positive change that you see from 1979, are implementation of some of the projects that were planned before 1979 (like highways, metro, airport) and some buildings that are built as a source of income for mullas (like milad tower, few hotels, and numerous residential high rises); pretty much nothing else of substance. Mullas force home-owners of northern tehran to sell their villa homes so they can build a high rise in its place and make tons of money. Mullas' appetite for money seems to be never satisfied and is nothing compared to once-screamed-out-loud petty corruptions of shah's period. Ayatollah Ghara'ati is building so many buildings in tehran and pocketing the profits.

Oil income hardly gets to people, it is channeled through banks to mullas as forgiveable or non-interest-bearing loans (gharz-ol-hasaneh) to buy national assets and make tons of money, and/or buy the ideology and influence of mullas in arab world through bribery and thuggery. Ayatollah Karrubi was saying proudly that IRI contributed some $200M to lebanon!

It is amazing that there are more islamists on this site than one sees in iran. I do not know what it means? Maybe these are ideologues of 70's who have a comfortable life and full stomach and thus have no empathy with people of iran OR they are run-away mulla kids. Funny that rafsanjani's son was saying how his father helped the revolution and islamic regime while he was packing to move to canada. I think I also heard that his daughter was essentially living in england. There certainly is very rare to see someone voicing any support (and I mean ANY) for the regime amongst ordinary people.

Amongst well-to-do people, of course explanation is something else. They believe that iranian revolution was staged and supported by the west and brits in particular since west got nervous about rapid progress of the country with so much natural resources in 10 to 15 years prior to revolution. They believe that shah was getting too self-confident, too nationalist, and too rebellious (and physically ill) and that made west quite nervous of having him at the head of a progressive country in the middle of ME. Their proof is that this regime has moved iran backwards 30 years (to year 1949) in the past 30 years, and that benefited non-one in iran but the west. They believe that the animosity of mullas with the west and esraeel is simply a show staged to divert people's attention and rob them to the bone. There are also so many unfamiliar dark faces in gendarme uniforms on tehran highways, that people are suspicious of being palestinians hired to protect the regime in case of a revolt. Dislike of arabs and arab culture is rampant amongst ordinary people, specially the ones from iran-iraq war period.

There certainly are many orders of magnitude more islamists and IRI supporters on this site than on any street in tehran. I wonder who they are, and why they are selling their country so cheaply for a bunch of treasonous mullas and covering it up in the exact same fashion that IRI deceits, by screams on injustice of the west and zionists, while in reality, as Molavi says, "the enemy is within", i.e., the mullas who have betrayed iranians for the past 30 years!


Dear "capt_ayhab",

by MiNeum71 on

thanks for your wonderful comment, the previous comments were embarrissing ...



Ya Ghamare Bani Hashem... >;-|

by capt_ayhab on

Been reading through all the comments, fights and slanders for past 30 minutes. Once you strip the comments from hateful slanders toward each other, nothing of substance is said[no pun intended guys and gals] that has not been said before.

At times, when I read through the threads, no matter what the subject matter , I feel like an hamster who is paddling inside a turning wheel. However, with All I have seen since last nite, I find comments that is made by Prince to be the nuts and bolts of the matter.

This is for avid and blind supporters of both sides, whether one is sworn supporter of IR, or Israel[not that anything wrong with it],  I have to say that  to support any ideology blindly, without seeing the shortfalls and crimes of each side is total arrogance and ignorance.

These two regimes, are no different from one another, The only difference is one is fundamental Muslim and the other one fundamental Jew. Both need real or perceived ENEMY to survive. Both have flourished from chaos and hatred toward one or more evil they have created, real or perceived. Both have blood of innocent on their hands. Both have deceived their nation, have taken their young's to slaughter, both have slaughtered women and children.

Both sides, IR and Israeli leaders are corrupt to the bone. Both have contributed to the instability of the region and the world, Both have wasted the precious resources of their country with no end in sight. For an IR supporter to scream from top of his/her lunge propagating eradication of Jews is a crime of unspeakable magnitude. For an Israeli regime supporter, to plan, demonize Iranians under the pretext of Nuclear Arms, while she sit on 200 dooms day bomb herself is crime of unspeakable magnitude.

For IR supporter to strip rights of women, Jews, Baha'is, young and old and suppress entire nation, executions of innocent gays, underage children, imprisonment and torture of any voice, is crime against humanity.

For a blind Israeli supporter, who sees all the actions of Israeli government in positive light, to strip Palestinians from all their dignity and humanity, to place them in a concentration camp called Gaza, to establish apartheid system, to bomb the schools, places of worship, to use phosphorous bombs on civilian and children is crime against humanity.

For you two extremist groups[sworn IR supporter and sworn Israeli Gov. supporters], to accuse each other of unmentionable crimes, and slander each other, I have only one name for you guys: HYPOCRITES.

"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?"[Mahatma Gandhi]




To art. intell. et al

by Hidden Agenda (not verified) on

Guys you all wasted your time for nothing trying to convince people who not only got a lot of hidden agendas but apparently a lot of self-interests in defending and standing by mullahs and IR. I don't think they are insane.

I remember once this Cameron guy was saying that he wholeheartedly supported mullahs for their financial and logistical support of Hamas, Hizbullah, Islamic Jihad, insurgents in Iraq and others because then mullahs could use them to protect Iran from Israelis' attack.

One should ask them "What justifiable CONVINCING excuse could Israel possibly have to attack Iran if mollahs did not constantly threaten Israel's existence or help her enemies bent on her destruction any which way they could IN THE FIRST PLACE?!!!! Mollahs are giving Israel all the excuses she needs constantly and the whole world sees it.

One should ask them "why would Israel want to occupy Iran? what territorial ambitions would she have over Iran thousands of miles away?"

I don't get it!!!

Cameron A. Batmanghlich

Art. Intel.

by Cameron A. Batmanghlich on

 Before I drop this blog, getting back to my hectic schedule, I need to clarify a couple of things here. First of all whether we like it or not IRI is representing Iran today.  If you think for a moment that IRI would not use any and all resources of the Iranian nation to defend itself, you got something else coming for you.  Thus, an attack on IRI – at this time – will inevitably be an attack on Iran.Please do not use the same reality distorting strategy as MKO did, claiming that they were not fighting Iran and Iranians but IRI.  That just does not hold.IRI and its nature do not suit Iran and must be removed and many agree on this.  But ONLY through gradual change and ONLY by Iranians and ONLY though peaceful means …  all of which is possible through education and advancement in various fields.The less sanctions on Iran, the less threats, the more academic exchange, the more free flow of information, capital and technology, the faster will Iranians be empowered and demand change.  Iranians are no idiots.  We have a young, talented and ambitious nation, and if given the opportunity (which so far has been taken away from them by all parties) they will be able to influence the society and change it within.Secondly, Iran could NOT have achieved more in lieu of what has happened to it for the past 200 years.  Being a country that has been attractive to former empires (British, German, French, Portuguese and the new one – the US), Iran has been abused and caught in geopolitical games.   The fact that we were never  completely colonized or still speak our language is a miracle per se. It is only recently that due to advancement of information technology, a shrinking world and to certain extend national independence that Iranians are waking up and seeing what really is happening in the world and to Iran.The very fact that Iran during Shah was so depended on foreign consultants is exactly the reason why we all should not only encourage, but help Iran and Iranians to continue in establishing a homegrown industry and know how.  If it means to copy and reverse engineer products from Korea or anywhere else, that is fine by me, as it will not remain this way always.   Iranians CAN and WILL take what they are thought to a higher level.You attack IRI today and all you accomplish is to have put Iran in a greater danger of disintegration, poverty, cultural bankruptcy and more violation of civil rights, not to mention mini nukes raining on our soil, and have Iran turned into another Iraq or Afghanistan or Gaza.   Because IRI will NEVER let go of the power they have achieved.  They are trying hard - and to certain extend succeeding - in securing allies, extending their influence.  Also remember, despite what you and I think, IRI still has support in Iran. So again, if you really care for Iran, try to change it through contributing knowledge, giving encouragement and assist the people over there in any way you can.   As there will be no other way to bring a change to Iran than this, unless we ask criminals like Netanyahu, Bush and co. to change it for us -  and we all know what that means. As I said, look past what is happening NOW and consider the alternative.  That is a mistake we all committed when we hastily kicked Shah out … thinking that anything than Shah’s regime would be better.Iranian nation, civilization and borders are in grave danger now.  First fend off foreign threat and then deal with the domestic one.  Anyone defending Israel which is bluntly and publicly threatening Iran demonstrates and displays a wish for the crumbling of our nation.Have a good oneCameron


Artificial Intell

by Genuine intelligence (not verified) on

I have a question for you dear...

Why is it that you can say dear and address everyone in a civil way except for the only lady who spoke against your belief?

Do you think women deserve to be called names and be put down? is that how your mama raised you?

Artificial Intelligence

Q- A more detailed answer for you

by Artificial Intelligence on

You ask the following:

"Why do you and your judgemental friends feel like you are entitled to
question the integrity and motivation of people like Cameron for having
almost the same logic as you?"

Perhaps I was being judgmental and questioning the integrity of people like yourself and Jaleho as well?

Politically defending Khomeini against Saddam's use of chemical weapons against the Iranians and attacking Iranian civilian population in 1988 does not equate to doing the following today:

1) Claiming that the IRI is Democratic

2) Claiming that the IRI has a democratic election system

3) Being proud of Ahmadinejad as Jaleho has stated

4) Denying that the IRI has nuclear weaponry ambitions

5) attacking and being judgmental of people who are against the execution of people for crimes committed as juvenile/minors by, for example,  calling Delara a "murderer" under a legal system governed by Sharia

6) Bringing Israel into every discussion regarding the IRI with typical "witch-hunts, double standards and character assassination squads". 

7) Claiming that the IRI deserves to be in the G20 as you have done

8) Claiming that Khomeini was not an Anti Semite as you have done

9) Boasting that woman have achieved so much under the IRI as Ms. Jaleho has done

10) Claiming that the IRI has a just legal system as inferred here in this blog

11) Comparing apples to oranges in order to come to the conclusion  that the "Iranian people have achieved so much in the past 30 years"

12) Minimizing the suffering of Iranians (all Iranians regardless of race and religion) under the IRI

And the list goes on and on. There is a difference between supporting an evil government which had its innocent population under attack by an evil maniac and supporting and defending the actions of the Ahmadinejad government and IRI policies under Khamenei.

Q, there are only a very tiny minority of idiotic Iranians who actively support an attack on the IRI regardless of what it does. I don't see many of them here. We both know that 99% of Iranians would be against any form of attack on the IRI but this does not have to automatically equate to defending the IRI at all costs as some people do. Some people here will give the IRI a free pass no matter what because of their political views and dislike of the West.This only hurts the Iranian population and helps the IRI. If people like you actually expressed their disgust at the IRI, the change from within that you all talk about could actually have a chance. 




Artificial Intelligence


by Artificial Intelligence on

I agree with many of the points you make (probably 90% of it). However, The Iranian accomplishments that you describe mean nothing to me because I believe that Iranians can achieve 100 times more. 100 times better and can compete with countries like Korea. Whatever the Iranians are achieving right now is "under achieving" because of this regime and its idiotic economic and social policies. Look, my father was an engineer in Iran who worked for the government during the Shah and had 400 people reporting to him. In the begining, they had all these consultants from France & Israel. After 6 months, all the consultants had to pack up an leave early because my father's team was able to it without them. There is no question that the Iranian people are capable but what we see today is not even  1000th of what this nation can accomplish. I know it and You know it!

Even though you say you are not defending the IRI, which I believe you, hyping these so called Iranian accomplishments at this juncture in our history is tantamount to supporting the IRI.

You say that Iran is under threat. I disagree.  I think the IRI is under threat. You say you don't care who is to blame. I do. I blame the IRI. Regardless, I don't want to see Iran attacked and I don't want to see the IRI instigating an attack on itself for survival because if Israel was to attack the IRI, it would only prolong its existence which neither of us wants to see. I would like to see a change from within as well but I don't see how there won't be any outside influnce for this change; even if Iranian are changing the system by themselve . 

If you are buying into IRI's plan as you state above, that is your choice, but I think that this is a dangerous choice for the Iranians who buy into it. I don't buy into the plans of people I don't trust. You clearly stated that you hated this regime. Being against the action and policies of this regime does not make you, me or Kaveh less patriotic. Blaming this regime does not make me or anyone else a war monger and we should not be affraid to blame our own.

Cameron A. Batmanghlich

All the same …

by Cameron A. Batmanghlich on

 you, zion, kasahni and mehdi mazloom and alike!

  Heyvan heyvan hast!!!

Mola Nasredeen

KN, When was the last time you said anything positive about the

by Mola Nasredeen on

present Iran? What's your contribution to making peace between Iranians and Americans? You are a constant nagging machine going against Iranians. You think your s... doesn't stink, it's one of the results of "Gondeh Goozi" condition. And as a result of arrogance and ignorance. Next time when you sit down to take a dump, as I prescriebed it to another one of your pal, Take a deep breath and inhale the stink of your own s.... There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Barack Hossein Obama. Republicans are out in the boonies, Deal with with

Kaveh Nouraee

Many discussions?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

What planet are you living on, pal?

Shall I go back and post links to the handful of contacts between us so that everyone can see how much of an abject liar you are? Maybe I'll post links to all of your posts on political topics as well. Someone certainly needs to bring you down a peg or two. It might as well be someone you loathe.

We have had very few contacts between us, and only a tiny fraction of those could be considered discussions. The majority contain your usual accusations that I'm a Zionist,  or an Israeli or a Jew (as if being Israeli or Jewish were dirty, which to you it apparently is).

It's good that you don't need anyone to buy your patriotism, because based on your writings, it's the ideological equivalent of a Chinese knock-off sold out of a briefcase in front of a subway entrance.

Funny that you say nothing is black or white, considering all of your posts that paints in only those two colors.

Cameron A. Batmanghlich

arti, intel.

by Cameron A. Batmanghlich on

First of all I NEVER defended IRI and never have and never will.Second of all, even the most evil regimes may do something right.  Nothing is black and white.Granted that by opposing the west (can be discussed endlessly about who started it first) IRI got itself into trouble and put Iran at the risk of a military attack (I am not even mentioning economic, cultural and social warfare that has been going for the past 30 years).Now …  the FACT is that Iran is under threat.  Don’t tell me you are going to argue that!You know and I know that Israel has a hard on for Iran.  Who to blame?   At this point, when there is almost daily threats, I don’t care.  All I care is to see Iran in one piece.IRI is destructive for Iran.  But it is Iranians that have to get rid of that regime.  NO ONE ELSE.And the only way that can ever happen is EDUCATION and progress- scientific, cultural, economic and all other areas that constitutes a civilization. To progress, one needs many things but among the most fundamental elements are resources, stability, empowerment of talents etc.Iranians are TRYING.Iranians do not have much to work with today.  From domestic corruption, favoritism, dogmatic attitude to sanctions and embargos, an absolute curbing of scientific and academic exchange, negative propaganda …  do you want me to go on?STILL they are doing marvels for a country that within 30 years has doubled its population, withstood a bloody war of a decade, revolution, brain drain, inflation, constant external threat from all sides of its borders …  Now if anyone belittles that, that would be a slap in the face of all of those who stayed behind (willingly or not) and worked, and did something.As far as KN is concerned …  I have had many discussions with him in the past and frankly, talking to an idiot is not my cup of tea …  yasin be gooshe khar khoondan hast (or goat or any other zaboon nafaham).I am proud to have a hamvatan like you standing up for Iran so young as you were.  Please keep the focus on Iran. Criticizing Iran now is not helping.  Am I buying into IRI’s plan?   Maybe.  But what can we do?The day we split, the day we weaken our nation morally and otherwise, is the very day that ‘Roozeye Iran khoondeh shodeh’.I don’t need you or anyone else to BUY my patriotism.  I am not writing here to indulge myself or seek attention.   For the first year and a half when I started to contribute to this site, I strictly refrained from participating in any political discussion …  but man o man … after reading some posts here, I could not hold my tongue anymore. Now for the last time …  any Iran bashing (in any form) at this critical moment in Iran’s history, when our country and people are under serious threat with weapons that are unimaginable by powers far superior, is nothing less than treason.  It is sad and heartbreaking that defending Iran also benefits current rulers.  But mark my words …  In ham niz bogzarad.   Iran and Iranians WILL find their paths again, as we have done many times before.  

The Prince

Bol Giri

by The Prince on

Have you ever taken your dog to a dog park? If you have, you probably have noticed that as soon as the dog gets to the park, he will start barking from the top of his lungs. He has just been given an opportunity and permission to bark loud.  This is exactly what is happening with IRI dogs here! They are barking from the top of their lungs.  The IRI brown nosers, who you never hear from when there is any news of any human right abuse by their masters, or when IRI’s countless atrocities and thieveries are being discussed, are posting three, four, five times, replying to every comment and objection and  just having a time of their lives, just like a real dog in the park, thanks to a bit of a news that Saberi had copied a “secret document”.  Talk about “bol gereftan”!!  You see them running around madly, joyful of this rare opportunity, chasing after their own tail, jumping up and down and throwing around everything from Israel, Zimbabwe, to the kitchen sink!!  Can I play too? Let me throw them a Freezbee or two.

1-       Let’s assume for the sake of argument, that Saberi is actually a real spy working for the U.S. and IRI has the so called smoking gun which is the document.  Avalan; Wouldn’t that be utterly stupid of IRI to let such a great bargaining chip go so easily?  Saniyan;  if the IRI did not have such an unjust and bloody track record, Sabri’s case would not have been so publicized and she  would not have looked so innocent.  Kerm az khodeh derakhteh.  If your masters have decided to be so brutal and blood thirsty to kill and maim old and young, innocent and guilty, so indiscriminately,…  Saberi’s alleged guilt dose not suddenly make IRI a just government.  Gooz be shgheeghe che rabti dareh?!  Even if Saberi is guilty, that would be between she , her god, … and the stupid  justice system that she dupped!!  Nothing, including the fresh water of Zamzam and Kosar will ever wash the blood of the children of this land from IRI’s Evil hands, no matter how loud you bark.


2-      Please stop the Israel crap every time there is a discussion about ….. well,  pretty much about anything!!  As much as you do not want to admit, we all know that the government of Israel and IRI are blood brothers, or sisters, or lovers,… or however you want to put these two vampires together.  They feed off of each other like no one else does. Neither can survive without the theatre of “demonizing” the other.  They are both from the same Evil source, Satan!!  One is justified to arm itself to the teeth and pretty much control the whole region while legitimizing its atrocities by the threat of the “Nuclear Iran” and the fabricated “War on terror”.  While its blood brother, the IRI, owes its survival to the crisis in the region, destroying any voice of dissent or any cry for freedom, calling them the U.S and Israel agents, while hording all the resources of the land, natural or otherwise.  Meanwhile, Iranians, Palestinians, and other poor people of the region are being squashed like insects between the palms of these monsters.              

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Like I said, prove that I am either a Zionist or even Jewish.

Show me where I have declared myself to be a Zionist. Show me where I have ever declared to be a member or follower of any particular religion, be it Judaism, Islam, Christianity or anything else.

If I were, I'd have no problem saying so.

So, either provide the proof of your claim, or shut up.

Artificial Intelligence

Dear Q

by Artificial Intelligence on

I think I was very clear. I was defending Iran's rights and my country and yes I was defending the Khomeini regime when Iraqis were killing Iranians.  I did not say no one else is allowed to have them I said, disagreeing with the regime does not make me less patriotic or less Iranian than Cameron. Does it? If I disagree with the regime, am I automatically a Zionist as Cameron labeled Kaveh?

I have to go help my friend move, I will leave a more detailed answer later. 



Mola Nasredeen

KN, You have lied so much for so long that you've got forgetful

by Mola Nasredeen on

You are a Zionist through and through by your own words more than a dozen of times. But of course you don't remember now. You are a pathetic coward for not backing up what you claim you believe in. You have declared here many time you are a Zionist Jew. This is your own words. Why are you sh..... in your pants now that you are confronted and exposed again. Where is your mother figure, Zion to encourage  and support you in these hard times?

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

There's nothing wrong with reverse engineering. There's nothing wrong with using the original technology. But, I'm sorry, that doesn't constitute building from the ground up.

I have nothing but respect for the engineers and scientists and all of the creative minds in Iran. But we shouldn't go around beating our chests as though we had re-invented the wheel when all we really did was re-tread the tire, in the grand scheme of things.

Especially when I know that we are capable of so much more.


Artificial Intelligence

by Q on

Something you said was very interesting:

And I was a little twinky Jewish kid getting my ass kicked defending the Khomeini regime even though I hated the akhoonds; when my country was attacked I chose my country regardless of who was runnig it.

Well, to their credit I know of no "Jewish kids" who were rooting for Saddam then or now. But I find two things extremely telling.

1. You admit you were "defending the Khomeini regime" yourself.

2. You consider siding with Iranian side politically the same as "defending Khomeini"

Both of these are valid and personal opinions. The question is, why isn't anyone else allowed to have them? Why do you and your judgemental friends feel like you are entitled to question the integrity and motivation of people like Cameron for having almost the same logic as you?

Why the double-standard? Why the witch-hunts and character assassination squads?

Artificial Intelligence

Ignorant and Lier Jaleho

by Artificial Intelligence on



Here is a link for the metro. All main contractors were from China, Austria and France (in the begining):


And here is a Wiki section re same (// :

On March 7, 1999, an overland Tehran-Karaj express electric train
started a limited service of 31.4 km between Azadi Square (Tehran) and
Malard (Karaj) calling at one intermediate station at Vardavard. The
line was constructed by the Chinese company NORINCO.

Line 5 of the Tehran metro began operating in the year 1999 and was Iran's first metro system.

From 2000 onwards, commercial operation began on Lines 1 and 2. The wagons on these lines are provided by CNTIC. The railway tracks and points on these lines are provided by the Austrian company Voestalpine.

The Metro uses equipment manufactured by a wide range of
international companies: Double-deck passenger cars for the
Tehran-Karaj commuter line are supplied by CNTIC and assembled by the Wagon Pars factory in Arak.

To date, approximately one billion US dollars have been spent on the Metro project. [2]
Once fully operational, the Tehran Metro is expected to transport about
2 million passengers through its first and second lines.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

FYI....kissing the asses of the IRI will achieve nothing towards mending the broken relations you speak of.

Secondly, prove my supposed "allegiance to Zionism" once and for all or take a walk.

Kaveh Nouraee

Hey Cameron

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Before you make assumptions about my hatred of the IRI, you should consider asking first.

You should also stop relying on your "kosher krutch". It's old, tired, and boring. And it has nothing to do with anythng.

But I know that's highly unlikely to occur, because you seem to be under the impression that you have me all figured out.

Rather than questioning whether or not I love Iran, maybe the question should be asked of you.

What is an achievement? Creating something original, or copying someone else's throwaways?

I love it when I hear some of you talk about how Iran is such a big industrial giant because they are the biggest car exporter in the ME. WHOOPEEE DOO. Let's all have a party and celebrate!

Our countrymen are still assembling junk the French gave up on back in 1997. Are you suggesting that we should be proud that we manufacture another country's leftovers?

Do you have even a shred of dignity? Is that your idea of pride?

I'm happy that these people have jobs builiding these cars. But Iran wasn't picked as a site to build cars for these companies because they were good. It's because they're cheap. Same reason why Volkswagen builds Jettas, Golfs and Beetles in Mexico. The cost of labor.

Same with the infrastructure projects that dated back to the days of the monarchy. Again, it's great that it was built with Iranian labor, but it's YEARS OVERDUE! By the time they were built, "state of the art" changed meaning several times.

I just think that as a people we're better than that.

If you disagree Cameron, then maybe it's YOU who hates Iran.

And if that's the case, I suggest that you shut up.