Ode to mad science

Ode to mad science
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

"Ode to mad science" which also reminds me how a certain country was created after WWII. Mad scientists experimenting on innocent people around the globe:


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I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

The USA kissed the butt of Nazi Scientists

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

You can thank a Nazi scientist for Disney and for NASA.

The Israelis are so oghdei about the the whole thing they went nuts with nukes. 

Israel also harvests organs of Palestinians illegally. God knows.... of course he knows.... he "chose" them.

Darius Kadivar

Don't Get it ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

 You Say:

"also reminds me how a certain country was created after WWII. Mad scientists experimenting on innocent people around the globe"

Are you claiming Israel "experiments" on creating New Races genetically Like the Nazi Doctor Mengele during WWII ? ... 


If so it's a Very Poor and IGNORANT Comparison ...

Now if You were thinking about an entirely Different matter and that is the Mossad's Secret Services and it's controversial methods of offshore assassinations:


That can be indeed criticized and condemned in itself but That has Nothing to do with experimenting ... or seeking Racial purity through genetic manipulation.

Whatever You had on your mind your intro Makes No Sense !