Anti-Iranian sentiment in the USA is on the rise: Anti-Iranian poster in Katy, Texas, USA.
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Recently by Mohammad Ala | Comments | Date |
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قهرمانان جهانی ایران | 3 | Jul 12, 2012 |
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double standards as usual
by Fesenjoon2 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 07:02 PM PDTLets persecute the Texan for "hate speech", but lets shut up about the vitriolic Anti-American hate speech, which has constantly been the official line coming out of Iran in the last 30 years.
Im not even gonna talk about the poor Iranians that ACTUALLY are hanged everyday in Iran.
Hypocricy at its best.
by G. Rahmanian on Fri Nov 04, 2011 07:04 PM PDTFirst time I saw the poster, I couldn't stop laughing for quite some time. Very ingenious and original as a work of art. Let's get back to the more importantl business of getting rid of the real criminals back in Iran who hang Iranians from cranes or stone them to death, not to mention raping and torturing to death of women and men, young and old. Also let's not forget that millions of Iranians have not been able to visit their country because of the ruling mullahs and their goons who are the main reason for all the anti-Iranian sentiments in the world. Instead of shedding crocodile tears for Iranians, remember you cannot conceal your blatant hypocrisy as long as you keep criticizing Iranian opposition. And instead of condemning the regime, only occasionally, give lip-service to its violations of human rights!
Amir1973 how's the brown nosing doing for you?
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:50 PM PDTDoes American taste any better than Iranian? Back in the 1970's we used to have Iranians Brown nosing other Iranians, now it seems the practice has transformed to brown nosing Americans. What a world. What a people! What a transformaton! Can't we just stop brown nosing?
Your Comment To Bavafa: You have just proven that the Islamist terrorists in Iraq who
deliberately murder civilians are not responsible for their own actions.
Guess who is? The Great Satan, of course! Now, that's what I call
logic. Have a great weekend yourself.
If you knew anything about Logic, you would not make that comment. If you knew anything about law you certanly wouldn't make that comment either. Sadly this is what has happened to our younger Iranian Generation, they went to America and the system over there made them ignorant. Such a pity. We couldn't give up brown nosing, now we got ignorance too. : (
When one country, "The USA" attacks another county "Iraq" in an unjustified and unlawful war, this is known as an act of aggression. Furthermore all the deaths, murders, suicides, struggles etc etc that continue to occur on both sides is legally and logically the fault of the aggressor. Every single casualty is the fault of the aggressor "The USA/UK". And that is why, Tony Blair and George Bush are Known as War Criminals according to the exact same laws that were established at the end of World War 2 and are recognized in International law. The Islamic terrorists are in Iraq as a result of the act of aggression of the USA and most of the Insurgents we hear about are innocent civilian iraqi's who are being occupied by force. Yes the mess is considered the fault of "The USA"
Whatever it is, its the man's opinion.
by JahanKhalili on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:46 PM PDTYou can call it whatever you want. Its legal.
.... and its HIS restaurant.
Hate Speech
by Hafez for Beginners on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:45 PM PDTJahanKhalili: I respect your views. I do hope that you too could respect those who believe in standing up to "Hate Speech" in America. 1-2 million Iranian-Americans have a right to stand up for their rights in America.
It would be un-American if they didn't. In America, even "one guy" as you put it, is not allowed to use blatant "Hate Speech." Simply put, it's the law of the land, sir.
NIAC, I Do NOT Support This
by JahanKhalili on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:36 PM PDTYou do NOT speak for me.
Go find something real to do, instead of beating up on an old man because of his poster.
Hafez for Beginners, I Disagree
by JahanKhalili on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:34 PM PDTI was in America in 1979, when the US hostages were taken in the US Embassy in Tehran.
I saw plenty of anti-Iranian sentiment back then - probably more than most of you have in a lifetime.
Now its 2011, and after all the shit I endured in Iran, I have to say that I can laugh at ALL of the so-called "hate" I endured and saw from modern suburban American couch potatoes back then.
You call a poster on a wall something to worry about?
This is one guy - and you are all reacting against him as a community.
What's that going to accomplish - besides you all acting hysterical en-masse like what the Americans were doing here back in 1979?
This is 1-Day Old "News"
by Hafez for Beginners on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:29 PM PDTLook - the issue was "News" in Texas (Yesterday):
So, yes the poster itself of hanging an Iranian by the neck - is 30 years old, but it became NEWS again in Texas yesterday -- just to hush the "conspiracists" ... this wasn't dug out of no-where, it was in the Texas press, yesterday.
The poster does qualify as "hate speech" in America, and instead of bickering, I'd wish more in the Iranian community supported whichever Tom, Dick or Harry - who is actually doing something about it on their behalf. Thanks in this case, NIAC.
سنگ پای قزوین ساخت ایران است
Fesenjoon2Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:50 PM PDT
چطور موقعی که مثل احمقها میریزند از دیوار میروند بالا عیبی نداره؟
چطور موقعی که آمریکا را اینطور مسخره میکنند عیبی نداره؟
چطور موقعی که کنفرانس جهان بدون آمریکا میگیرن همه اینجا خفه خون میگیرن؟
سی ساله دارن داد میزنند مرگ بر آمریکا...کسی ککش هم نمیگزه. اونوقت تا یک آمریکایی اینجا پیدا میشه چیز مشابهی میگه همه ماتم و عزا میگیرن؟ حقا که مردم دورویی هستین!
تا حالا چند مرتبه عرعرهای مرگ بر آمریکای اسلامگرایان را محکوم کردید؟ اگر یک آمریکایی برگرده به شما بگه Death To Iran چه حالی پیدا میکنید؟
by yolanda on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:13 PM PDTHere is the video:
What's All This Mass Hysteria Against an Individual?
by JahanKhalili on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:11 PM PDTWhat are you all saving us from?
Quit being so self-righteous and so self-indulgent.
If you have balls, go to Iran and use them there, instead of picking on some defenseless white American who already has a whole system and several anti-white interest groups working against him.
Hey, I Sent the Guy a Message of Support
by JahanKhalili on Fri Nov 04, 2011 06:08 PM PDTIts his business what he puts on the wall of his restaurant.
If the poster bothers you all, don't look at it.
I wan a % of the extra business this BBQ joint is now enjoying.
by on Fri Nov 04, 2011 05:53 PM PDTCome on people!!! haven't you learned a thing? 1st a little known author comes on center stage thanks to khomeini, then we get a little unknown preacher reaping the benefits of extra fame when he announces his plan to burn the quran, and now we got jack ass BBQ place serving extra briskets becuase he's pissing off eye-ranians. reallY??
by Raoul1955 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 05:42 PM PDTAren't you being a 'drama queen?' LOL
Focus on a little bit more important matters, Mohammad. Improve your sex life a bit and you won't be bothered by an old poster on the wall in some idiot's tavern in texas.
What about Anti Iranian behavior by Iranians against Iranians ?
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Nov 04, 2011 05:08 PM PDTNot long ago shortly after the Post Election Protests Green Protestors in LA were Tearing down Shiro Khorsheed Flags and bullying older Iranian Monarchists demonstrating in their own right against the IRI ...
Watch Video:
Protest Against Election Fraud in Iran. Federal building Los Angeles (CNN)
Also read the thread following the debate generated here on by a fellow called HATEIRI :
Never heard from NIAC members or it's founder condemn this kind of behavior ?
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Go Get'em NIAC!
by G. Rahmanian on Fri Nov 04, 2011 04:31 PM PDTGreat job, NIAC, at mobilizing Iranian opposition in your fight against this horrendous crime perpetrated by a cowboy turned restaurateur! We appreciate your unrelenting expose and condemnation of such heinous, anti-Iranian acts. We realize had it not been for the exceedingly selfless anti-imperialist struggle of your exceptionally talented members, this crime would have gone down in the annals of world history unnoticed. While we find the magnificent talent of your members in locating and exposing this "redneck" in a tiny restaurant in the North American continent commendable, we would like to let you know that, as Iranians, we will appreciate your efforts even more, if you could find time to spend on the higly complex and formidable task of spotting and condemning crimes committed by the regime in Tehran. Thank you!
I told this story before
by Aladin Katoor on Fri Nov 04, 2011 04:17 PM PDT//
Bavafa, you have proven that the Great Satan is responsible
by AMIR1973 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 03:47 PM PDTYou have just proven that the Islamist terrorists in Iraq who deliberately murder civilians are not responsible for their own actions. Guess who is? The Great Satan, of course! Now, that's what I call logic. Have a great weekend yourself.
Here is WHY ...
by Mohammad Ala on Fri Nov 04, 2011 03:39 PM PDT….when I see Persian Gulf is used by a wrong name more and more in the USA media and by its officials, more sanctions passed recently (HR 1905) and more Iranians get killed due to lack of civilian airplane parts (illegal sanctions against Chicago Convention), and about two weeks ago, there was a news that USA was dismantling B53 nuclear weapon and many who commented said to drop it on Iran… all these give me an impression that anti-Iranian sentiments are on the rise (again).
I have mentioned several times (including in IC) that anti-American posters must be taken down in Iran and I have said this in public to several IRI officials. I assume it is easier to criticize a person who is using his real name and picture.
Amir: With such logic….
by Bavafa on Fri Nov 04, 2011 03:39 PM PDTWe have little choice but agree to disagree
Have a Good weekend
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory
by Faramarz on Fri Nov 04, 2011 03:36 PM PDTI am all for it!
I will contribute to their stories too, to make them juicier!
All the Exes ...
by Truthseeker9 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 03:30 PM PDTMaybe they can form a club and exchange stories. Perhaps even publish them in IC ...
Bavafa:Are those who deliberately murder at fault for their acts
by AMIR1973 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 03:29 PM PDTThere have been many,many, many instances of Islamist terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the U.S. (on 9/11), Spain, etc deliberately murdering countless innocent civilians and trying to take as many lives as possible. Who is primarily morally responsible? The individuals and entities who carry out the acts or the authorities for failing to stop them?
If we say that the U.S. was for a period the responsible party in Iraq (it no longer is) and therefore responsible for the acts of terrorism there, then we should also say that the U.S. was responsible for the deaths on 9/11 (for not doing enough to stop the terrorists) -- after all, the U.S. government is certainly the governing authority over here.
The sectarian killings and terrorism in Iraq were carried out by Iraqi and non-Iraqi terrorists (some allied and trained by the IRI) -- but the hands of those folks are clean of blood, because the Geneva Convention says that the occupying power is responsible for security? Well, the police department is also responsible for security, but criminals are morally responsible for the crimes they commit.
On this, we may have to agree to disagree.
All My Ex's Live in Texas!
by Faramarz on Fri Nov 04, 2011 03:13 PM PDTAny Iranian who lives in Texas should have his/her head examined!
Amir: We can’t be shotor-morgh...
by Bavafa on Fri Nov 04, 2011 03:12 PM PDTTo pick and choose when it suites us. Read up, you have shown the ability to arm yourself with good knowing.
- The occupying force is responsible for the safe keeping of the occupiers and any harms that comes to them, is the occupying force responsibility.
- Those sectarian killings did not happen prior to US invasion
- The killings of innocent civilian (Kurds and Shiia) that took place prior to the invasion was certainly Saddam’s responsibility which he should have been brought to the court of justice (preferably then)
Needless to say that all those chemical weapons were sold to his regime by the West and with the knowledge of the West and when Saddam was killing Iranians, the US and West look the other way and stayed silent. That alone deserves strongest condemnation from any Human caring person.
AO: "America should be called on when wrong". This is what most of us who care for both America and Iran are expecting. In Iran, there is a theocracy coupled with a nasty dictatorship in charge so people hardly have much to say in opposition, therefore one can not expect the same level of openness in criticizing their irrational behavior. This is hardly the case here and one ought not to rationalized by saying that , 'well they do it therefore it is OK for us to do it' That is my point.
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory
Mr. private citizen, we cannot make U tear down this wall poster
by MM on Fri Nov 04, 2011 02:35 PM PDTWhile NIAC intends to call on the restaurant owner to take down the poster (NIAC Calls For Texas Restaurant to Take Down Anti-Iranian...), I do not think that NIAC should shine a light on this guy.
This poster has been on this redneck's restaurant wall for 32 years and as a private citizen, he has the right to express his disgusting self. Besides, he has terrible food and this is a good way for him to drum up business. And, I hear that he hangs up on people calling about this poster, telling them to mind their own business.
Nonetheless, I just wonder how the Mr. and Mrs. public would feel if the man in the picture was replaced with an African-American or an Indian-American?
Ala has some explaining to do
by Fred on Fri Nov 04, 2011 02:31 PM PDTAs disgusting as this display of ignorance by a Texan is, the fact that a Syrian-American made an issue of it, and Americans in their hundreds are condemning it says a lot about the openness and fairness of America.
However, the blogger, Ala, has some explaining to do.
He claims that he lives in Iran, and the Islamist Rapists there routinely lynch Iranian men, women and at times children, in public and from construction cranes.
Would the CASMII/NIAC lobby connected blogger, Ala, point out where and when he has posted a single blog, article, anything in condemnation of that ongoing crime against humanity in Iran, what gives?
The problem is, the moron in Texas hardly ever meets those...
by Disenchanted on Fri Nov 04, 2011 02:27 PM PDT...morons in Tehran (who keep burning the US flag) face to face!
Meanwhile rest of us who have left the bigotry and ignorance behind have to put up with the shenanigans of them both! Life is B****!
You know Mehrdad
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Nov 04, 2011 02:24 PM PDTAmerica should be called on when wrong, just like any other nation. But it comes nowhere near the IR. Let's put it this way: if the IR had one thousandth of America's military power, human civilization, as we know it, would have ceased to exist thirty years ago.
The fault in this case--and by that I mean the animosity between the U.S. and Iran and everything that goes along with it --lies squarely with the IR.
Arabs kill Arabs...and the fault lies with the Great Satan
by AMIR1973 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 02:18 PM PDTSo when Islamist terrorist walk into marketplaces and blow up other Muslims (the same terrorists attacking U.S. and Iraqi forces), the blame lies with the Great Satan? And those deaths didn't exist prior to the U.S., when the Kurds were getting slaughtered by Saddam's regime? Talk about "whitewashing" crimes!