Photoshop: Don't mess with me

Photoshop: Don't mess with me
by Multiple Personality Disorder

مقام معظم رهبري و سيد حسن خميني در مراسم بيست و يکمين سالگرد ارتحال امام خميني(ره



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by Majid on



THE best caption...............LOLOLOL


Thanks for the laugh MPD


Did you understand Seyed?

by divaneh on

I said did you understand? As you see having a black turban is not a big thing here.



by yolanda on

The older dude in the picture can say whatever he wants, but probably won't outlive the younger dude!

Thank you for sharing and thank you for translating (creating or imagining) the whispering!

Homan Mohabadi Ebrahimi

Great Work

by Homan Mohabadi Ebrahimi on

Thank you; it is really a great work. Is it Political Kiss or Clergical Kiss or ?

View also a Persian poem on Romantic Kiss composed by Ostad Saadat Noury

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