Challenge to Faryarm & the Baha'i Cabal


by NUR

On que you rant and rave about the Sourcewatch Baha'i Faith entry but without providing a single line of actual criticism as to the specific content which you find objectionable. When pressed, instead of providing substance you employ the well worn Haifan Baha'i tactic of ad hominem (not to mention libel and defamation, which is habitual with all of you Haifan Baha'is with any critic you cannot answer) and shooting the messenger - i.e. a tactic Fred Glaysher documented on his own site long ago. Without any basis you have also accused another person of being me - another well-worn tactic of the Baha'i Internet Agency when confronted with criticisms similar to my own. I readily admit that as an Ex-Baha'i and now a Bayani I am proudly a confessed and committed enemy of the Haifan Baha'i organization and everything it stands for, and I mean to be instrumental in cutting it to size internationally in the same way similar cults, such as Scientology or the Moonies, where cut to size. But unlike you and your fellow cultists, I have provided factual, prima facie evidence for all the criticisms I have leveled against you people whereas you have just waived your hand, misdirected and obfuscated

Now from the forty-nine references in the article, well over thirty of them quote material directly published by your own outlets and official bodies. We have not even provided commentary on that material. That you don't like the end result is because a) we never set-out to write a glowing piece of propaganda-drivel in order to stroke the fragile, warped and twisted egos of paranoid cultists by rehearsing sanitized narratives (like on wikipedia); and b) if you can't stand this kind of heat, you have no business being in the kitchen business -- meaning, the world is not going to kowtow or be compelled by brute force (or otherwise cajoled by money and bought) to see things exclusively the way you cultists demand everyone without exception to see it -- which in any case is unfactual, untrue and pure fantasy. Such insistant and adamant demands by your organization is at the root of the problem to begin with. It is precisely why we are claiming your organization as a cult rather than a religion, not to mention precisely why people have walked, turned against you,  why one judge in one circuit court and three other judges in an appeals court in the state of Illinois have disagreed with you, and more importantly, why the people of Iran in Iran (as opposed to Iranians in North America) unanimously do not like you (whatever amount of propaganda you pay for from out of North America trying to pretend otherwise)!

So here is a challenge to you and other assorted hacks of the Haifan Baha'i Internet Agency active on this site: give us actual item by item critique regarding the Baha'i Faith article on Sourcewatch. Point out exactly what you say is untrue. Note that empty or gushing platitudes, fluff, straw men, red herrings, argumentum ad hominems, appeals to faith and authority, attacks, and similar are not valid critiques or arguments. Content and not horse manure is what I am asking of you.

Ball in your court! And note that you have no idea how stupidly freakish (i.e. like glaze-eyed cultists) you people look right now to the folks at Sourcewatch...


See article, Baha'i Faith


My blog.


more from NUR

Rejoice in My Commentary on the Greatest Name

by NUR on

...which Husayn 'Ali Nari never managed to pen.




Rejoice in the joy of My Most Great Name . . .

by Believer (not verified) on

Extracts From The Writings Of Bahá'u'lláh

Intone, O My servant, the verses of God that have been received by thee, as intoned by them who have drawn nigh unto Him, that the sweetness of thy melody may kindle thine own soul, and attract the hearts of all men....

- Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah

Rejoice in the joy of My Most Great Name through which the hearts are enchanted and the minds of the well-favoured are attracted.

We have made music a ladder by which souls may ascend to the realm on high. Change it not into wings for self and passion. I seek refuge in God that you be not of the ignorant.

- Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Aqdas

Blessed is he who directeth his steps towards the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar at the hour of dawn, communing with Him, attuned to His remembrance, imploring His forgiveness.

And having entered therein, let him sit in silence to hearken unto the verses of God, the Sovereign, the Almighty, the All-Praised.

Say, the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar is in truth any House raised in towns or villages, for mention of Me. Thus hath it been named before His Throne; would that ye know it. And those who chant the verses of the Merciful in most melodious tones will attain thereby unto that with which the kingdoms of earth and heaven can never compare.

And they will inhale therefrom the fragrance of My realms which none discerneth in this day save those who have been granted vision by this sublime Beauty. Say, verily, the verses of the Merciful uplift the stainless hearts unto those realms of the spirit which cannot be described in words or expressed in symbols. Blessed are they that hearken!

- Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Aqdas

Verily, he who hath been drawn by the magnet of the love of My Name, the Merciful, will recite the verses of God in such wise as to enrapture the hearts of those who are fast asleep.

Well is it with him who hath quaffed the choice wine of immortal life from the utterances of his Lord, the Lord of Mercy, through the power of this exalted Name whereby every high and lofty mountain hath been reduced to dust.

- Baha'u'llah,Kitab-i-Aqdas


NUR is getting a full introduction here...



من منظورم آقا رضا۴۱ بود نه تو !


من با تو، به هر اسمی که اینجا هستی‌، حرفی‌ ندارم. اگر تو خودتو پیرو حضرت اعلی میدونستی، و میخواستی نشون بدی که تعلیمات ایشان تو رو انسان نمونه‌ای کرده، در گفتار خودت با کسانی‌ که هم فکر و عقیده نیستی‌ تجدید نظر میکردی.  افسوس که در لجنزار افکار بیهوده خودت غوطه ور شدی و هرچی‌ دست و پا میزانی‌ پایین تر میری.

یک نگاه به چهره تو در این سایت حاکی از همه چیز میباشد.


You should say Reza

by NUR on

Reza and I are different people as Sophia and I are different people. It is understandable that in your cult-ridden universe you cannot conceive of anyone being able to see through you people as the vicious, corrupt and malicious cultists that we say you are, but it is true all the same. You people have more than one voice of opposition against you here because we are more than one physical person.

Deal with it!



آقا رضا۴۱، آیا بهتر این نیست ...


شما تا وقتی‌ که با غرض و مخصوصا کینه اظهار نظر می‌کنید، با همین اعتراضات از طرف هم میهنان خود مواجه میشوید.

آیا بهتر این نیست که از خود بپرسید که چرا اسلام دوستی‌ شما از این طریق با چنین واکنشی مواجه میشود؟

آیا بهتر این نیست که آنچه را که دوست دارید و به آن اعتقاد دارید را به دیگران معرفی‌ کنید و ارزش آن را به دیگران توضیح دهید؟

آیا بهتر این نیست که ماهیت خود و نظریات خود را مستقل از امر بهائی بازگو کنید؟

آیا بهتر این نیست که بیشتر به استدلالی جامع و مستقل بپردازید و بعد هم به نظریات دیگران، چه موافق و چه مخالف، پاسخ دهید؟

و در آخر، آیا بهتر این نیست که شما اول مرهمی باشید بر افکار خسته از اعتقادات پوچ و واهی که امروز همه را از خود رانده؟ 

لطف کنید و این قابلیت را در نوشتار خود نشان دهید.   در غیر این صورت اگر هم نکته قابل تفکری داشته باشید در میان این همه خشم و کینه گم میشود.

امیدوارم که این پیشنهاد را به خاطر اعتقادات خودتان هم که شده در نظر بگیرید، چون خریداران این افکار و این روش مدتی‌ است که از مدار خارج شده‌اند.




Reza 41 or should I say Nur!!

by curly on

Man at least for love of god change your writing style and the habit of making important words bold ,different. It is too easy , lets make it fun and harder to detect you:) thanks dear.


Curly's Baha'i Tactics: CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

by NUR on

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer,
i.e. shoot the messenger
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed while supporting the bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

Reza 41

Faryar, truth never likes darkness and lie

by Reza 41 on

Dear Mr, Faryar

few point that you made was very true about people like Dr.Azal

you wrote :That there really is not any point in trying to reason with a "Barking Dog."

most definitely I agree, YOU CAN NOT stop herd dog barking, when herd dog sees there is wolf hit the herd  , it keep barking ,try to wake every one up .that is what Dr. Azal doing , yes you are right , I dont think you should waist your time and try to expose him ,every one knows this true Iranian patriot , your bosses probably wouldn't like what you did because they want to keep this soldier of lightness profile unexposed(as much as possible ),your exposure make him not any disappointed at all (I dont think) yet I think with lots of more valuable INFO on his weblog, everyone have more educational search and can do better "TAHARRI" of truth, that Bahais try to hide , you know what I mean "DARK SIDE"therefor thank you .

you wrote:You like them are but a Broken Severed Dead Branch trying to poison ("cut down to size")the Living Tree, that is The Bahai Faith.

I think what the man sees, is a dead tree with lots of termite and danger of collapsing on near house, therefor i dont think he is poisoning it at all dead tree dont need to poison need saw, he is trying to saw it down completely, which that made you all got worrid and make you do all this dirty work, at least he is HUNEST  hunting dog , you calumnious Jackal doing cowardly job by accuse him of lying, as matter a fact probably your boss got very mad of your team wasting all their money on you and not getting a good job ,after him (Dr.Azal ) gave LINK to NWO, exposing all these sorry rich they are shaking and thinking of hide some where. tell them LEARN from SADDAM and this time dig it deeper in the ground ,because that only place you all can hide. 

Dr. Azal OR Hazini who ever he is (GOD bless him) he is doing GOD work ,and putting light on your dark, only awl and Bat and thief like darkness, so they can hunt, of course you all dont like light ,you all hate lights ,you all want to keep your real faces in dark, guess what darkness of night is over, light of day is here chasing night a..s . get use to wonder he Change his name to morning light, 

and one last thing , if People like him ,made Bahai faith grow ,than why dont you guys come to public debate ? , if you and your bosses are not chicken you would accept his request for debate , most definitely and guarantee in very good manner and attitude, what do think ? if you all have nothing to be afraid than lets make this debate happen,let lift this GOD faith let have you gain . (your kind of  big mouth dont have gut I know)

peace Reza


Nur why don't you take a chill pill?

by curly on

 you don't like bahais , fine with me. But please go get a life man , what is this sitting at the computer and spitting all this hate. You don't like them , fine don't be a bahai.  It looks to me  that your throwing all this temper tantrum to get their attention so they would take you back. If you think they are corrupt and horrible just ignore them, why all this hoopla, get a psychiatrist and resolve all the non resolved issues for yourself. all i am telling is for your own good because you will get an early heart attack and from the looks of it where your going is not pretty.



بیخردان در کمین اند...

Anahid (not verified)

ابر هر قدر کثیف باشد اشعه افتاب عاقبت او را متلاشی مینماید و محو میکند.انوار افتاب حقیقت را هیچ ابری حجاب نشود.نسیم گلستان الهی را هیچ سدی مانع نگردد.باران اسمانیرا هیچ حائلی عاجز نشود...درخت بی بار را کسی سنگ نزند.چراغ خاموش را کسی تعرض ننماید. ...نظیر انکه از پیش گذشت در زمان موسی نگاه کنید غرور فرعون بنی اسرائیل را مدد وعون بود.هر چند ان ظالم اعلام کرد که موسی قاتل است.لهذا باید قصاص گردد ولی این قوت ثاثیری نداشت.فریاد کرد که این موسی و هارون هر دو مفسدند.میخواهند دین مبین شما را بهم زنند.و در مملکت اختلاف و فساد اندازند.لهذا اهلاک و اعدام انها لازمست (ان هذان لسل حران یریدان ان یبدلا دینکم بسحر هما و یذهبا بطر یقتکم المثلی) ابدا ثاثیری نکرد.بلکه نور موسی درخشید.شریعتش منتشر شد.نورانیت تجلی سینا احاطه کرد...اگر امر عادی بود کسی تعرض بر ان نمینمود.امر هر قدر عظیم تر است دشمنش بیشتر است ...
خطابات حضرت عبدالبها,
ص .۱۹

ای ثابتان ای راسخان...بیخردان در کمین اند تا فرصتی یابند و دست تطاول بگشایند و به ظلم و عدوان پردازند این سلاح عاجزان است چون از قوت برهان بی نصیب گردند و در اقامه حجت عاجز و ضعیف و گنگ و لال گردند دست تطاول بگشایند.همیشه این روش اهل بطلان است و مسلک اهل طغیان...
لوحی از حضرت عبدالبها.مورخ ١٢ صفر ١٣٣٩
پیام بهایی ش ٣٤٣


NUR - You need not answer the questions below...


1) How many people in your group?

2) Are you a clergyman in this group?

3) How often do you meet?

4) Where do most of these people live?

5) Is this group growing in numbers or dwindling? How do you know?  Any references you can site?

6) What are the goals of this group?

7) How does this group organize itself or does it have a community?

8) Is this group recognized by any organization or civil or international body?

9) Is this group persecuted in Iran or elsewhere? If so, can you reference any evidence to support this claim?

10) What would be considered an achievement for this group?

11) Could you tell us some of the principles of your Faith?

as readers can just get to know you through:




Dear (NUR) Mr Hazini, Wahid Azal !

by faryarm on


Having spent (wasted) more time than necessary browsing your history on the internet, it is clear to me that, an old expression might well apply here, with regard to any further discourse with you and your aliases. (how many do you have ?)

That there really is not any point in trying to reason with a "Barking Dog."

Even The people at have issues with you:

A team member writes: 

"As far as your questions, Wahid -- if something is a fact, then please provide the evidence. What Bob and I are both trying to do is to keep up the quality of SourceWatch articles by applying the same standards to this article that we do to any article. No one has lobbied us. If you respond to our requests by strengthening the article, then we'll be satisfied. But saying you "know" something to be true is not sufficient, for any reasonable standard" 

Now Obviously, you are not a Dog,that you are obviously an intelligent human being; but Intelligence alone is not enough. What seems to be lacking is love,humility,wisdom,and sound judgement.

You have admitted to being an EX_Bahai and now a Azali/Bayani and as such have already made up your mind and committed your self to "cutting" Bahais  "down to size".

Sadly you can not bear to learn from the history, of those before you who also tried to cut the Bahai Faith  "down to size". 

The History of the Babi-Bahai Faith shows that the efforts of misguided people like you, not only has not "downsized" The Bahai faith, but strengthened it to become the World Wide Community that it is.

From Subhi-Azal himself ,  who died a solitary man, deserted by Azalis /Bayanis, down to those who have successively tried to gain a position for themselves; all have failed and died under miserable conditions.

You like them are but a Broken Severed Dead Branch trying to poison ("cut down to size")the Living Tree, that is The Bahai Faith. 

Sadly unless you recover from what ever condition that has possessed your mind and heart  with such utter hatred, you too will undoubtedly wither away as an old enemy just like the others before you, who lived long enough  to see the BahaI Faith blossom into a world community that represents every race and creed.

You may continue in your condition, bombarding unsuspecting readers with your "evidence".

People so far have been wise enough to see through the Fear and Hate mongering; hopefully the information you provide however skewed, will as in past decades entice people to dig deeper and discover the truth for themselves. That is in fact why and how the Bahai Faith has grown, and will continue to do so.

As a Bahai However, I  can not but wish you well with the hope that God will bring a change in your heart and outlook, so that you may live a happier ,more positive and productive life.

