کارتون: مرغ‌های ایران متحد میشوند

کارتون: مرغ‌های ایران متحد میشوند
by Omid Hast

دلگرم از افزایشِ ارزش‌شان، مرغهای ایران متحد شده، خود را سازماندهی کرده و خواستارِ انجام مطالباتِ سیاسی خود شدند.

حقِ نشر: استفاد از این کارتون بدونِ اجازه در محتوای دیگری بجز این ممنوع است.


more from Omid Hast


by jmyt17 on


Good day.

Thanks for posting


Very nice, but the Brits maybe to blame

by MM on

The Iranian media is blaming the British movie, the chicken run, for the unprecedented unity amongst the chickens.

Mehrdad was correct to say "hambastegi is the key", but the wrong species got the message.

Ari Siletz

کلی‌ خندیدم!

Ari Siletz


ولی‌ این مرغ‌ها از آمریکا ارزن گرفتن تا برای نظام اشکال تراشی کنن.

Nazy Kaviani

قُدقُد تا پیروزی!

Nazy Kaviani

خیلی خندیدم امید هست! مرسی!



by onlyinamrica on

Keep up copyrighting your stuff, period. Some people are just gee loos.

Esfand Aashena

What's an inappropriate content?

by Esfand Aashena on

Are you talking about Mujahedin propganda material, porn, KKK, Al Qeida, what?!  Sometimes i.com itself is the most inappropriate content there is! If you're simply talking about inappropriateness it could end up being blind leading another blind!

I think it is better to let these just fly as email attachments to wherever they may end up ending.  At least you know your work has travelled beyond the walls of this place!  good luck!

Everything is sacred

Soosan Khanoom

Omid, you have every right to copyright your materials

by Soosan Khanoom on

as a matter of fact I think any original work should be copyrighted. No need to explain it to anyone. 

Thanks for sharing your work with us.  

Omid Hast

Copyrighting the cartoons

by Omid Hast on

I am afraid these cartoons might be used in a content that is deemed to be inappropriate, e.g. be inserted into inappropriate videos, texts, graphics, etc.  It has already happened.  I have no problem with distribution of them by providing a link to where they are posted in this website; and I have no problem with distributing them as stand-alone attachments in emails, facebook, balatarim, and similar means.

As far as I know, there is no money in this, only an irresistible love for caricatures and an urge to create humorous drawings.

Esfand Aashena

Omid jaan why are you copyrighting your material?

by Esfand Aashena on

Are you afraid that you may become popular or that someone will benefit financially from your cartoons without your permission?  If the person who is benefiting financially wants to share his/her profits with you, will you come out of anonymity to collect the money?

Everything is sacred


funny and creative

by مآمور on

I wear an Omega watch