IRI: The Professional Victim


by Onlyiran

Have you ever heard of the term “professional victim?”  I have.  I wanted to define it myself, but for the sake of objectivity, I did an online search, and the best definition that I could find was this one from the Urban Dictionary.  It defines a professional victim as this:

 "Someone who (usually falsely) claims victimization any time things don't go their way. Everywhere this person goes, they believe someone is taking advantages of them. This person has many many stories of The Man keeping them down, numerous abuse incidents throughout their childhood and adolescence and adulthood. This person will regale you with stories of their failures as a result of someone other than themselves. It's never their fault, in whole or in part. Life just isn't fair for these people."

 Sounds familiar?  Doesn’t it remind you of the IRI?  It’s always the victim.  The “man” (in this case the U.S. and / or the “West”) is always keeping it down. It’s always been victimized since its childhood.  There’s always a conspiracy to keep it down and prevent it from becoming the shining star of humanity that it ought to be…And of course, if you’re a professional victim, nothing that you do is wrong and everything that you do is justified.  Because you’re the victim.  You’re just trying to make things even.  That’s your ticket.  Hiding nuclear facilities underground for a decade?  Sure!  But if they call you on it and your obligation to report them under the NPT, you can cry foul and claim that you’re a victim of a giant conspiracy and you were justified in doing so because otherwise, your abuser (the “West”) would have abused you!!  Killing protesters on the streets?  Absolutely!  Mass executions?  Sure they were justified.  If we hadn’t done it the abuser (insert name of abuser) would have toppled us.  See, we are never wrong.  We’re just trying to make things right!  Neda Agha Soltan being shot n the street in broad daylight?  That’s also a part of the conspiracy…a black ops operation (referring to a comment on the blog, not the blog itself).Curiously, the only under country that I have noticed play the professional victim role has been Israel. What an irony!

So folks, next time you see the IRI and its supporters cry about some vast imaginary conspiracy against the great “sacred” regime, remember where they’re coming from and what the goal is: justification for tyranny and oppression.


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OnlyIran: To a certain

by vildemose on

OnlyIran: To a certain extent I do agree that they are good players to pull the victim cards whenever they are cornered...however, as a nation we are not good at taking responsibilities for our actions. We are impulsive and never think about the consequences of our actions and choices we make.  We are a fatalistic nation and we always blame the 'others'.  This also could be the result of being colonized and defeated by many invaders throughout history; A  type of *Learned helpnesses* constitues our psyche's biosphere.


 This characterstic might also stem from being ethoncentric , which is another discussion entirely.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Vildemose jaan

by Onlyiran on

I think that being a professional victim is more about playing the victim card to gain unfair favor and advantage than being an actual victim.  The IRI is very good at playing the game. 

Maryam Hojjat

A Fact about IRR

by Maryam Hojjat on

Thanks for great blog.


Good post. Victims are

by vildemose on

Good post. Victims are stuck in a vicious cycle. As long as they view themselves as 'victims'', they will never be empowered to stand on their own or stand against their oppressors.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.