Why so much noise about Fred's blogs and none about First Amendment's blogs?!!

by Onlyiran

Here on IC, on a regular basis, we read blogs such as this that complain about Fred’s two blogs a day and the fact that they are featured on regular basis.  But I have been noticing that First Amendment also posts two blogs a day, all of which are also featured.  For example, since August 28, there have been 6 blogs by FA and 7 by Fred, all of which have been featured.  So, why don’t we hear the usual crowd, some of whom, like “Aynak,” claim that they are anti-IRI, complain about FA’s pro-IRI two blogs a day being featured?  Aren’t they all for fairness and opportunity for all bloggers to be featured?  So, why not complain about FA’s two featured blogs a day? Is it because they are full of crap and they are only mad at Fred because he embarrasses the IRI on a daily basis with well documented material?     


more from Onlyiran
Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

That's an interesting book that you have linked.  I will surely buy and read it.  I personally believe though that Mohammad's biggest problem is the fact that he did exist, and that there's so much that is known about him and his despicable behavior as a warlord and a child molester.  In short, Mohammad's own enemy is himself.

And you are absolutely correct about when, and by whom, Qur'an was written.  I have read that at the time of Othman, there existed four different versions of the Qur'an that were not even in the form of a proper book.  They were inscribed on palm leaves, animal bones, rocks, etc.  Othman ordered that all different versions be collected and then he chose one as the "official" version.  He then destroyed the remaining copies of the various versions.  The version that we have today is the Othmanian version.

OI- Dude, the simple answer to your blog is that we believe in democracy and they don't.  They are frustrated that they can't silence Fred and others who expose them and their homicidal ideology.  That's why you see these constant accusations, stalking and harassment of Fred.  It's as simple as that.



by Fesenjoon2 on

The only way to get under the skin of these pro-IRI posters here is to hit them where it hurts: Expose Islam for the garbage it is. Keep revealing how Ali was a repeat sex offender that had coitus with Fatima when she was only 9 yrs of age, how their Quran is a fictional text dreamt up by Uthman decades after Muhammad died, and how Muhammad may not have even existed as we know it:


People must realize that Islam is a mental condition that severely impairs the higher brain functions. People afflicted with this disease tend to wallow in clerical excrement, basking in its infallible holiness, while frequently expressing anti-Semitic and xenophobic sentiments. Look what it did to Iran. Look what it did to Iran.

Let us treat their beliefs the way they treat the beliefs of others:


IMO, Fred is even being a bit too soft.


Dont cry...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

and dont call yourself "jan"either.  People might start talking about you! and thanks for showing up. Since this blog is about you :)

 Any foul names which come my way, courtesy of islamist regime's low ranking cyber mozdoor, uttered by whichever of  of his user ID's , are perfect fit for him and all those who failed to raise him with a bit of sharaf...... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Thanks Mamoor Jan

by Demo on

Your honest remark made me crying out of laughing so hard! It is hard for these people to understand that the GOD's hands are behind everything! No they don't! May GOD bless you with more humor!


yeah, absolutely, no complain

by مآمور on

I m ok with every body's blogs, even the blog is noting but pure profanity on myself

it shows how much time he put to get mad and start ripping his cloths and pulling his hair before he/she puts any efforts into writing a blog

I wear an Omega watch


Dear OnlyIran: You might know better ….

by Bavafa on

That in fact all of those individuals you named are all the same person but just as Fred’s blog, since they are all void of anything meaningful, I skip them all.  So I am not sure who and how many userID each may have had, when it is garbage I skip it as it is all the same to me.  I also could not share your optimistic view on Fred’s daily one sided and (in my opinion) only to Israel’s benefit postings.  Also, the grasp of English or Farsi language means far less to me than the content and intend of a contributor.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Rea: "They largely desrved it"!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Precicely! So will every single member of islamist regime who does not get that last plane to moscow!

The path to reform in iran is dead and burried. Too much blood is shed. people back hme in Iran are not as forgiving as us in Iranian.com. I know them, they frighten the hell out of my tender heart when i talk to them each time i visit home...

the first link, was about a very prominent shia Ayatollah, who sided with Monbarchy during Iran;s constitutional Revolution over 100 years ago. he was captured by the devout shiat population and hanged.... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


So Mamoor - why all the complaints then?

by Onlyiran on

Fred puts in the effort.  Why all the complaints?



by مآمور on

Any body with the scarce resource named above and making a little bit of efforts to write blogs on daily bases will have his/her blogs featured as they being submitted.

I wear an Omega watch


PS. I also think

by Rea on

... the late Shah should've sent people after Khomeini while there was still time, instead of sending him off to France. Would have spared Iran and the Middle East the mess everybody is in today.



by Rea on

... from your favourite "anti commi individual", as you once called me ;o)

First link, unfortunately, language problem.

Second link, honestly, I don't feel sorry for them, they largely deserved it. Ask older Roumanians about it, those who'd lived Ceausescu' era. To say it was a staged coup d'état is to know nothing about that part of the world. With the Berlin wall in the background, it was bound to happen.

Now, how that comes into the picture of Iran today, mistery. Or is it supposed to be an analogy with '79 ? Or what is your message, dear Space Traveller ? ;o)


Rea, Roozbeh & Truthseeker

by Onlyiran on

This guy is 100% pro-IRI.  And I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not the Admin likes you.  He features Fred's blogs, but he has also featured some really vicious attack blogs against him.  He has also featured at least two attack blogs against me, one by this person, FA, writing under one of his many ussernames.  I really don't know what the standard is.  And as far as DK, his blog about Prince Harry's naked adventure was number 1 on the "most viewed" section.  It got several thousand hits.  So, we know why that was featured!  Roozbeh is also correct.  It's two blogs per username.  And Fred only has one username.  FA probably posts under a few other ones that we don't know about. 


Dear Rea, we all want to reform Islamist regime.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

we want to reform it irooni style, shiat style. not your east european style

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by Rea on

Have been on IC long enough to know who is writing what, no matter their user name.

Don't like getting involved in forum' gossip (after all, am myself just a tolerated guest), but certain things have to be said.

My point. Sometimes reform is better than no reform at all.

I've been reading for a while now how IRI' days are numbered, it's all over, it's only a matter of months, if not days, and so on and so forth. But IRI is as strong as ever (yeah, I know about people lining up for subsidized chicken). And it ain't going down soon. So, why not try to reform within ? 

A wise man once said:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.



by Truthseeker9 on

He/she wants REFORM of IRI and if you read his/ her comments towards minorities such as Bahais it is propoganda constructed by IRI. Example

Noorani, Beidaghi: Prisoners of the day | Iranian.com


Our Bahais deserve nothing...

by First Amendment on 

........absolutely nothing shy of total freedom as well as the right to establish self-governance in their sacred land, Haifa, which is criminally occupied under bloody boots of the Zionist regime...........the day of their freedom and independence is not far off............


Wouldn't call comrade FA

by Rea on

... pro-IRI. Sometimes border line on other issues, but so are we all.

After all, nothing and nobody is sacred, Fred neither.

For FA: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWIZ1XA8f2s&list=FL9KetjQFUc97dJEuYnqdePg&index=77&feature=plpp_video



official site Rule #1: two blogs per day per "user ID"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 Fred, regardless of what we think of his blogs, writes well referenced and topical blogs, using very good english and farsi. His style is unique. put it this way, Fred, certainly uses only one user ID on this site. the other blogger you mentioned also seems to compile and post two blogs per day. And that is where the similarities end!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by Truthseeker9 on

You can say that about others like Monarchists, why on earth would blogs about Prince Harry (British Monarchy) getting his leg over on taxpayers money gets featured on IC ... I think the answer is if Admin likes you you'll get featured irrespective of content of blog. This FA, I once saw a comment by Admin saying "thanks for your valuable contributions" which stuck in my head ...  baffling but each to its own taste.

I suggest stop caring as you can't change anything.


I don't think so Bavafa

by Onlyiran on

FA has been posting two blogs a day under various usernames (comrade, pendar nik, etc.) for a while now, without any complaints.  So, he'snot new.  I think that the issue is more ideological one.  Pro-IRI posters are just intolerant of other views.  Others are not.  I think that's where the problem arises.  


If you give it time, there well maybe complains …

by Bavafa on

Here are my 2 cents on the subject, While we have got to know FA for only a few months, we have had Fred for a few years at 7x365 days(poor chap does not get any vacation or sick time) so there is far longer history with him. 

For me, they both represent the same thing, a narrow view point only aiming to demonize their opponent without any regards to the Iranian people and often time at the expense of Iranian people.



'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Admin, why didn't you feature this blog?

by Onlyiran on

You have featured many personal attack blogs against Fred.  You have also featured a personal attack blog against me by First Amendment (under his other username of "Pendar Nik").  So, why not feature this blog, which is not even an attack? I'm simply posing a question.