Why IRI Agents and Operatives Insist on a "Pure" Green Movement


by Onlyiran

We hear a lot these days from cloaked IRI agents on this site about how the Green Movement should remain pure to what they claim to be its roots.  They use such terms as “latter day Greens” or “Dark Greens” (see comments on this thread ).  Do you know why they are in overdrive mode with these claims?  I’ll explain the reason why.

If you recall the events leading to the 1979 revolution, you would remember that they started by various fragmented leftists groups.  They had no unity, or unity of purpose for that matter.  As time went by, these groups were joined by various other opposition groups, including religious groups and nationalist-religious groups such as “jebheye melli”.  More importantly, they were joined by foreign based regime opponents and organizers such as “Ehya confederation” (which, ironically, come of these Iranian.com commenters belonged to at the time), and Khomeini’s organization itself.

The 1979 revolution did not gain any momentum until there was this unity, which strengthened and shaped the movement and caused its evolution from a disorganized, amorphous protest movement to a well organized, powerful movement that brought down a powerful regime.

Today’s Green Movement is no different from the nascent stages of the 1979 revolution.  It’s a disorganized, leaderless movement that is in need of logistics, organization and unity with other opposition groups, including the ones outside of the Iran so that it can get anywhere.  Unfortunately for them, the IRI is also well aware of this fact.  So, what they are doing through their well oiled propaganda machine and their agents is to try to prevent what took place in 1979 from taking place now.  They are trying to prevent various opposition forces, especially those outside of Iran which can provide financial and logistical support, from coming together and forming a unified front against the regime.  They are afraid of opposition unity.  That is why you see them arguing the ludicrous notion that the Green Movement is some sort of an exclusive club which no one should be allowed to get in. 

The Green Movement is not exclusive and does not belong to any specific group.  It’s a collective uprising that has resulted from thirty years of IRI tyranny.  In fact, in needs other groups’ help to succeed.  It needs unity and support.  Any attempt to isolate it and pigeonhole it into being the exclusive domain of some group or ideology would play right into the hands of the IRI, which essentially has the same goal for various reasons, some of which I mention above.

So, next time you see one of these cloaked IRI operatives talking about the “purity” of the Green Movement and how no one else should be in the “Green Club” other the ones that they approve of, know where they are coming from and whose agenda they are trying to advance.   


more from Onlyiran

Hamsade, Kaveh & Asteroid

by Onlyiran on

Thanks for your comments.  I guess the main point is that this movement is in dire need of organization, leadership and financial assistance.  But more importantly, they need to unite with other organization, inside and outside of Iran, that can provide those things. The IRI knows this as well, and that's why its agents, clowns and stooges are trying to divide the movement and prevent it from taking shape.  

Asteroid: may be  they are just "agent wannabes".  :-)) 


They are not good enough to be IRI Agents

by AsteroidX on

Honestly, if these are paid agents IRI should fire them. I do not think that there are any IRI Agents here, because the suspects are  not GOOD ENOUGH at debate. I used to be part of Guarian Online discussion forums and there were BRILLIANT IRI agents there, they were so knowledgable and actually were interesting! One was Ordibehesht - if you can search "Guardian" and "Ordibehesht", see his comments. He used to haggle the journalists brilliantly.  

Ali9 Akbar

the enemy of my enemy is my friend...

by Ali9 Akbar on

is an ancient saying of the Middle East that TERRIFIES the power mongers of the IRI and that was the "grease" that oiled the mechanism of the 1979 revolution...in 2010 this will be that same "Grease" that will serve the "Green Movement" today....


Now that the IRI is a little more "AWARE" of it's standing with it's own people...they will be even more cunning and dangerous.. 

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

well done on your explanations.  i too think that we should concentrate what we, the iranians, want; and not what israel, necons or the western powers want.  al sharpton said it best why he's a democrat in the 2004 democratic convention. to paraphrase, he said that lincoln promised in his emancipation declaration that each negro will receive a mule and 40 acres of land; we didn't get any land so we're going to ride this donkey (democrats' symbol) for all it's worth.  that's what i think the iranian youth and not so young who are against the velayat faghih are doing.  they are riding the donkeys (as you put it the green elite) for all it's worth.  and they definitely need organization and financial help.  the strikes that helped bring the shah down was not done for free; it was financed by the mosques and bazaris.  


Only Iran

by Kaveh Parsa on

I see the green Movement as a coalition of  2 groups; the "reformists" & "the rest of us". "The rest of us" constitute 80-90% of the movement, but thinks that they need & will pay a lower price if they have the "reformists" on board.  The "Reformists" have obliged so far!! they need to either come off the fence (very unlikely) or try to limit the goals of the movement & fragment it (very likely).

So far as I am concerned, the "rest of us" are on our own. the sooner we relaise this, the better.

A very Timely article. & well written. Thank you





by Onlyiran on

injecting "zionsists" and "neocons" and fear mongering about a war into any and all discussions about the future of Iran and how to get rid of IRI's military dictatorship is counterproductive and will only serve IRI's goal of intertwining the fate of Iran and its people to that of the Israeli / Palestinian conflict.  The two are totally unrelated and the their infusion is a red herring and a favorite IRI tactic.  

Iran's problems cannot be solved if we are constantly fearing some sort of a cataclysmic war.  There is no bogeyman hiding under our collective beds who is going to devour us if we direct our attention to our domestic issues and not beat the zionist / neocon drum for five minutes.  That whole thing causes paralysis by analysis.  The real Green grassroots uprising can move on and take shape.   



by Onlyiran on

your comment has several dimensions.  I will try to briefly sort through them.  First, of course there is the angle that "Green" is really "IRI Lite".  true, when it comes to several of its prominent characters, such as Mousavi himself.  Of course, these are old IRI players who really cannot risk losing the "system" which has been nurturing them for the past three decades.  I do not personally put that much emphasis on them.  I think the uprising began with these characters (out of necessity, which I will address below), but to a large extent, they are no longer that relevant.

What I think we see as the "Green Movement" is a nascent grassroots uprising of the youth--which as most of us know comprise the two thirds majority of the Iranian population.  They are disenchanted, disillusioned and have nothing in common with IRI's ruling class.  They are, however, disorganized and leaderless.  They need to be assisted and united with "professional"  opposition with access to logistics, finances and leadership.  that is what this movement is lacking, and the IRI has realized this weak point too well.  And as my blog points out, they are trying to divide and conquer using all tools at their disposal.   In short, I wouldn't necessarily relate the grassroots uprising to the "Green elite" (for a lack of a better term) who are establishment insiders.  They were the triggers, but the fire has been set, even if it's now underground.

Now back to why the youth had to use the "elites" out of necessity.  I personally do not oppose the involvement of the "elite" for the purposes of pulling the trigger.  After all, the fact that neither Mousavi or Karroubi have yet to be arrested (mostly because of IRI's fear of an international backlash) gives some credence to the notion that they were, after all, useful  to the extent that they could start the movement without being silenced at the inception by the regime. We of course saw the same dynamic in motion with Gorbachev and the old USSR.  So, I'm not entirely opposed to that idea.   But again, I think that the "elite" have outlived their usefulness.  The time is now for everyone to unite under one banner--just as in 1979--to get the job done, and that's the only way that it will get done.   The IRI knows it, and that's why its stooges are at work trying to divide the masses.

I hope I explained my position well.  I'm tired and can't really concentrate that well.   


Now, I personally believe

by vildemose on

Now, I personally believe that both neo-cons and Zionist want IRI in place but weakened.

Spot on. And both the Greens and anti-green, and the opposition should not fall for their divide and conquer tactics to side either with the zionists or the neocons...


A couple of quick points: my 2cents in this

by Bavafa on

If they are IRI agent then they would not back/advocate Green movement since "GM" is against IRI, unless they are double agent or completely in denial.

I agree with Vildemose and others who believe the only way out for IRI at this point is a war or even treat of a war from outside (Israel and US) and that is why all of those attempts to bring the two side to war needs to be condemned in the harshest way. Now, I personally believe that both neo-cons and Zionist want IRI in place but weakened.

They are the same as IRI, they need a boogeyman to stay in power.



Dear Onlyiran

by benross on

The Green Movement is not exclusive and does not belong to any specific group.

The strongest proof that 'green' is a property of IRI, is what you just said. 'Green' allows anybody to interpret it at his or her will. Do you remember Khomeini?!

'Green' is the wrong movement. It can easily be imputed by IRI. Because it derives from a secular support of people to what IRI allowed them to do... the so called election.

We had Kurdish militants hanged. We had monarchists hanged just before the anniversary of the revolution. What was the voice of 'green' in response? That they didn't have proper trial. That they were subjected to force confession and other atrocities that are routine in IRI. But did anybody voice 'they are monarchists, so what?', they are Kurdistan autonomists? so what?

No no, this can't be done. Green can't affiliate itself with any freedom of opinion. It has to be within IRI 'framework'. So let's say they were not tried properly. What they are accused of may be result of forced confession etc. etc. But we can never say they are who they are... SO WHAT?

I fully agree with IRI cloaked agents. Green belongs to them. What is capable of facing IRI is not green. It's green-white-red, with a lion and sun in it.


Masoud & Hamsadeh

by Onlyiran on

Thank you.  You are both correct.  What I always say about the IRI is that it will use anything and everything--every single trick in the book--to maintain power.  They have learned very well from what happened to the Shah, from Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, etc. on how to crush opposition to their rule.  

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

i like your short but to-the-point blog.  very well-put.  as you stated, these iri agents (mostly paid) are trying to use labels to divide the opposition.  however, it's the common ideals of democracy, human rights, and a civil society that will bring all factions of the opposition together.  they cannot put a color on these ideals.  some even use the green movement as to which mullah (or ex crony) should be in power as opposed to what fundamental changes in the government should be undertaken.


Excellent Observation

by masoudA on

We are engaged in a psycological warfare with IR - a war in which both sides try to weaken the other as much as possible.   Of-course IR is doing all it can to create breaks within Green - while they do what they can to mend huge cracks within it's own system. 

Dear OnlyIran, Vildmose and Dariush Kadivar - thanx for being on top of the game. 


Sargord, DK, Vildemose

by Onlyiran on

Sargord: IMHO, you are an IRI supporter, regardless of who, or what, you calim to have "voted" for.

DK: Thanks for your support my friend.

Vildemose: IRI's hopes for a conflict are neither a secret nor a surprise. That's how they consolidated power in the 1980's, and that's how they hope to consolidate power today, in their moment of fear and desperation.  If a conflict does take place, the unfortunate victims will, of course, and once again, be the Iranian people.


Comment by VPK: Worth repeating here

by vildemose on

""The regime is itching for a conflict and their goons here believe that the military might of the Islamic divine will result in the victory of forces of islam over the infidel and one day everyone will turn to Mecca for prayers............

One would have to hope that these people are not that stupid to actaully believe their own non-sense that they can go against a much bigger and stronger enemy and come out ahead, but hey, look at our country for the past 30 years.......Of course, when the government does not care about the welfare of its people, the line between "bravery", zeal and stupidity becomes very very fine and most of the time, non-existent!""


Iran Invites Israeli Bombers

by vildemose on


Actually Their Biggest Hope

by vildemose on

Actually Their Biggest Hope is to see Iran attacked by Israel or the US so that the regime can go on arresting and executing people on grounds of espionage, terrorism or treason or any other BS argument.  

Don't Be Fooled !

Yes, the IRI is itching for a war. The only hope for survival.

Darius Kadivar

Onlyiran Jaan I thought So ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

And then You wonder Why NIAC opposed seeing the US Congress Fund the Opposition Networks to counter all this Aggressive IRI Propaganda ?

The Age of Innocence is Over !

It's Time to Resist !

Fereydoun Farrokhzad - Irani Boodan:


Fereydoun Farrokhzad - Een Dine?:


Fereydoun Farrokhzad - Boom Baba Boom Ba:


Take Care and Keep Up Blogging Your Interesting Comments !





DK Jaan

by Onlyiran on

It's funny.  I was listening to the same program on VOA when I was writing this blog.  I noticed it too.  They were flooding the phone lines.  Hey, no one has ever said that their propaganda machine was not well funded and strong.

Sargord Pirouz

I don't get it, Onlyiran. I

by Sargord Pirouz on

I don't get it, Onlyiran. I voted Green in the June election (did you?).

But I'm not a protester, nor am I subversive. That said, I would probably vote for "reform" type candidates in subsequent elections. 

Where does that put me in your scheme in things? (And by the way, my view is very much mainstream.)

In your view, is Green movement now synonymous with subversion (and treason)? 

Darius Kadivar

Not Just here you should've listened to Rooyeh Khat (VOA)

by Darius Kadivar on

The Regime's Apologists are calling in numbers tonight to boast about the Jundallah ringleader, Rigi being arrested as a "terrorist" and in the process to launch their vicious attacks on Ali Reza Nourizadeh ( in his abscence) and other columnists on VOA by falsly claiming he and VOA support the Jundallah and Terrorism in the middle East.

These IRI Apologists have Some Nerve !

Don't be fooled all these fellows from Sargord, Jahelo, shah ghollam and co are pro regime supporters under different identities and here to distort people's attention from the real horrible crimes commited in Iran right now in Iran:


They have no shame !

These IRI apologists use their freedom of Speach here online or on VOA TV or elsewhere but to other aims than seeing Iranians Free !

Actually Their Biggest Hope is to see Iran attacked by Israel or the US so that the regime can go on arresting and executing people on grounds of espionage, terrorism or treason or any other BS argument.  

Don't Be Fooled !

This is no more merely about Democracy !

We should ask Ourselves Just One Question:


As Such The Struggle Against this Fascist IRI Regime Should Continue on ALL FRONTS :

casablanca marseillaise:
