Kosovo, a new colony


Mohammad Ala
by Mohammad Ala

I cannot help but follow the news and events which are taking place in Kosovo and realize that there are lessons to be learned for us, as Iranians. I feel connected to these events because I taught for a short while in Bogared (Belgrade) many years ago. I lived in old Yugoslavia; now see how the Eastern block is disintegrating. During my time there, the Dallas serial of late 1970s and early 1980s was shown there too. It is believed that this show had something to do with the disintegration of the Eastern block. In the show people watched the nice and big houses, cars, jewelry, and of courses J.R., who, no matter what horrible things he did, always prevailed over the others who were his victims and far better than he. The question remains why their television did not show where there was no wealth in many parts of the Western world, only simple people who worked hard to make ends meet? Had people read or watched other shows, all this should have countered “Dallas.” Every so often, I hear from an old colleague who is teaching there; he thinks people are losing more than they imagined. The country of Yugoslavia has suffered more division than any other country in its region. As people, it is not wise for us to accept promises that better days are ahead, for it is very possible that not only will the promises fail to be delivered, but, even worse, we lose much of what we cherish. The text below, which was recently published, is well-worth reading. February 21, 2008
Workers World

Kosovos independence
Washington gets a new colony in the Balkans
by Sara Flounders

In evaluating the recent declaration of independence by Kosovo, a province of Serbia, and its immediate recognition as a state by the U.S., Germany, Britain and France, it is important to know three things.

First, Kosovo is not gaining independence or even minimal self-government. It will be run by an appointed High Representative and bodies appointed by the U.S., European Union and NATO. An old-style colonial viceroy and imperialist administrators will have control over foreign and domestic policy. U.S. imperialism has merely consolidated its direct control of a totally dependent colony in the heart of the Balkans.

Second, Washington’s immediate recognition of Kosovo confirms once again that U.S. imperialism will break any and every treaty or international agreement it has ever signed, including agreements it drafted and imposed by force and violence on others.

The recognition of Kosovo is in direct violation of such law specifically U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244, which the leaders of Yugoslavia were forced to sign to end the 78 days of NATO bombing of their country in 1999. Even this imposed agreement affirmed the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, a republic of Yugoslavia.

This week’s illegal recognition of Kosovo was condemned by Serbia, Russia, China and Spain.

Thirdly, U.S. imperialist domination does not benefit the occupied people. Kosovo after nine years of direct NATO military occupation has a staggering 60 percent unemployment rate. It has become a center of the international drug trade and of prostitution rings in Europe.

The once humming mines, mills, smelters, refining centers and railroads of this small resource-rich industrial area all sit silent. The resources of Kosovo under NATO occupation were forcibly privatized and sold to giant Western multinational corporations. Now almost the only employment is working for the U.S./NATO army of occupation or U.N. agencies.

The only major construction in Kosovo is of Camp Bond steel, the largest U.S. base built in Europe in a generation. Halliburton, got the contract. Camp Bond steel guards the strategic oil and transportation lines of the entire region.

Over 250,000 Serbian, Romani and other nationalities have been driven out of this Serbian province since it came under U.S./NATO control. Almost a quarter of the Albanian population has been forced to leave in order to find work. . . .



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more from Mohammad Ala

Stop the Conspiracy Theories!

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

The good Professor can't help but repeat the old line of the Old Guard--the Russians and the Serbs. Maybe you have, but we have not forogotten the awful crimes and atrocities committed by Serbs on men, women, and children of Kosovo (not to mention the absolute tragedy of the Bosnians). It is so irresponsible to sit back and call everything that you don't agree with as colonialism. The people of Kosovo deserve to be independent. There is no reason for them to be ruled by their tormentors. How could you foregt the killings, the rapes, the tirture, just less than 10 years ago? I can tell, you, like many others who agree with you have little sense of empathy for these innocent pepole. Your hatred of America has made you blind to justice and fairness for all. I am so glad that there are not enough of you in this world. People like you preach hatred and negativity. Now, I don't want you writing telling me about the Crimes of the U.S. Just look at the footage of the many innocent people in the 1990s when they were being rounded up by other civilians and killed by the very people you claim to defend.



by Jesus (not verified) on

You have got to be joking! The quality of writing and analysis is horrible. Sorry to be mean, but he must have got his PhD in one of those IR private universities, online, or disneyland U. Another sign is his screen name "Professor", only bunch of "oghdeyee", fob PhDs would introduce themselves as such.


Iran won't be Kosovo if.....

by Kurdish warrior (not verified) on

I don't think Iran would have the same faith as Kosovo once liberated from the filthy IRI regime. However the only democratic way for Iran to follow is to become a secular FEDERAL Iran where the regions are governed by its own ethnicity. This hasn't been the case for Iran for 100 years. A federal Iran would respect every Iranian's culture and stop any nonsense regarding separation and independence.


An yeah, Iranians are

by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

governed by a bunch of democratically elected peace-loving, caring, humanitarian angels!? Khar Khodeti Haji!?


I totally agree!

by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on

I hope that the catastrophic results in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq have taught us not to fall for the empty promises of liberation, and democracy by foreign powers.

These wars have led to nothing more than destruction of countries and loss of lives of millions of innocent people, while the beneficiaries have been the power elite who have replaced the old dictators, with colonial rule under the “guise of democracy”.

In every case, the people of these countries have lost their independence, their resources have been pillaged and contracts have been dished out to multinational corporations, their standard of living has deteriorated significantly leaving many people displaced, poorer, less secure and unsafe.

Not only did they not gain anything but lost all that they once had!!

If these deceitful tactics by foreign powers are not enough to wake us up, I don't know what would?


Apparently the "filthy

by Anonymous90 (not verified) on

Apparently the "filthy Zionist" don't agree with the U.S. on the issue of Kosovo's Independence...


Good grief . . . John Bolton

by Anonymous00 (not verified) on

It is interesting for me to read both sides of the story of Kosovo.

Some people such as John Bolton must not be trusted. Tell the neo-con Bolton to support the UN Security treaty which the U.S. and other European countries signed. He speaks from both sides of his mouth.



by The other side of the controversy (not verified) on

A quote from Paul Williams at Canada Free Press, 21 February 2008

America’s war on terror has come full circle. By pledging his support of Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia, President George W. Bush has sanctioned the genocide of thousands of Serbian Christians in the Balkans and the creation, thanks to al Qaeda, of a radical Muslim state at the doorway to Europe.

A quote from Taki Theodoracopulos at his website, 18 February 2008

How can the [U.S.] State Department be so idiotic? […] We go to war against the only secular leader of the Muslim world, Saddam, unleash death and destruction and waste our men and resources instead of concentrating them in Afghanistan, and now we encourage, along with the craven Brits and French, a hotbed of terrorism to become the world’s 193rd nation.

A quote from John Bolton, the former American ambassador at the UN, 17 February 2008

Kosovo will be a weak country submissive to Islamic radical forces which will spread its influence in the area with the support of singular Albanians and so potentially open the door to radicals in Europe.


The other side of the

by The other side of the controversy (not verified) on

The other side of the controversy:


"The fledgling failed-state of Kosovo is a great boon for the global jihad. It is true that Kosovar Muslims by and large do not subscribe to radical Islam. But it is also true that they have allowed their territory to be used as bases for al-Qaida operations; that members of the ruling Kosovo Liberation Army have direct links to al-Qaida; […]

According to a 2002 Wall Street Journal report, al-Qaida began operating actively in Kosovo, and in the rest of the Balkans, in 1992. Osama bin Laden visited Albania in 1996 and 1997. He received a Bosnian passport from the Bosnian Embassy in Austria in 1993. Acting on bin Laden's orders, in 1994 his deputy, Ayman Zawahiri set up training bases throughout the Balkans including one in Mitrovica, Kosovo. The Taliban and al-Qaida set up drug trafficking operations in Kosovo to finance their operations in Afghanistan and beyond.

In 2006, John Gizzi reported in Human Events that the German intelligence service BND had confirmed that the 2005 terrorist bombings in Britain and the 2004 bombings in Spain were organized in Kosovo. Furthermore, "The man at the center of the provision of the explosives in both instances was an Albanian, operating mostly out of Kosovo... who is the second ranking leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Niam Behzloulzi." […]

Supporters of Kosovo claim that as victims of "genocide," Kosovar Muslims deserve independence. But if the Muslims in Kosovo have been targeted for annihilation by the Serbs, then how is it that they have increased from 48% of the population in 1948 to 92% today? Indeed, Muslims comprised only 78% of the population in 1991, the year before Yugoslavia broke apart."



dreams ruined by greed

by IRANdokht on

Thank you Dr Ala

It's so sad how people's dreams for a better future can be ruined by the greed of the likes of Halliburton, Exxon and Mobil etc...

Is the human life the cheapest commodity in the world?




by Mehr (not verified) on

Thanks. Very true, Kosovo is not gaining independence. The recognition of Kosovo is in violation of UN security treaty.

Cannot believe Halliburton is every where.


Under Tito, Kosovo was an

by Kosov's history (not verified) on

Under Tito, Kosovo was an autonomous region (1948-1989) separate from Serbia. In the post-Tito era, the Serbs wanted to turn a part of their historical homeland into a Muslim Bantustan.

The Albanian Kosovars are the preponderant majority in Kosovo. The Slovenes, Croats and Bosnians all backed off from a Belgrade dominated state. Why? Should they be expected to trust the Serbs?

interestingly kosovo albanians for years led a nonviolent civil disobedience struggle against the serbian oppression. and they were the only ones to do so in former yugoslavia. only later did they also use armed struggle.

in tito's yugoslavia kosovo was a socialist autonomous province and its inhabitants sought for it to become a socialist republic. milosevic, who started several wars on the teritory of fomer yugoslavia and who with his autocratic moves pushed other nations to seek separation from yugoslavia (to which they all had right according to yugoslav constitutions which gave the republic the right to selfdetermination to the point of secession on the basis of a referendum - something silly milosevic supporters know nothing about) - so, this milosevic in the late 80-ties violated the constitution and stripped kosovo of its autonomous status.

There were 12000 albanians killed in milosevic's ethnic cleansing campagin in kosovo. hundreds of thousands were forced to leave their homes. they were collecitvely deported and stripped of their documents. prior to that they were oppressed and their human rights were being gravely violated by the serbian government.

Kosovo was inhabited by a large Serbian majority until circa 1300 when the Turks invaded it. It resisted heroically the Turkish war of aggression and it has reained part of Serbia until very recently. I think the Kosovars ought to find accomodation and agreement with the rest of Serbia, but that the will of the local majority should not overwrite the rights of the minority and erase centuries of history.

Kosovo is not an artificial partition. It is a territory whose population does not want be under Serbian control and who people differ markedly from the general Sebrian population, who tried to commit genocide against them. These people are not immigrants stealing somebody else's country (as were the Zionists), but a people realizing their right to self determination, just as Palestinians ought to, and just as countless people throughout Africa and Asia have.

Kosovo does not have an Albanian minority, it has an Albanian majority. That is the difference. If any of the areas you mentioned had Mexican or Native American majorities there would be a comparison, but there is none.

Secondly, Serbia is a nation state. Just like most of the countries around it. Its identity is inherently exclusionary to ethnic Albanians. The Serbs have shown through their actions; they did not want Albanians and tried to wipe them out. They don't want the people, they want the land, and how will they get it? They'll probably try to wipe out more Albanains if they're ever given the chance. There is no legitimate claim that Serbia can make to Kosovo; the people of Kosovo do not want their sovereignty over it (which is what is most relevant) and the international community cannot trust them with it.

The Serbs are more motivated by intolerant ethnonationalism (look at Serbian policy towards Kosovo over the past hundred years, ethnic exchanges, forced migration, ethnic cleaning, genocide, etc) than the Kosovars and there is not really a strong comparison between Palestine and Kosovo other than that the people of both lands deserve independence. Kosovo was not pried out of Serbia by the West; the Serbs violated in the worst way the social contract and there are very few Kosovars that would reenter it with them; can you blame them? Mr. Alla has it backward. The argument he is making was made in France when the Algerians wanted liberation from a violent regime that abused them, not unlike the Serbs have abused Kosovo.


Imagine 15 Kosovos in Iran!

by Anonymous999 (not verified) on

As many know, Iran is made up of over 15 tribal and ethnic groups, and should this same breakup happen in Iran, the results could be disastrous for all. This now has a term, called "Balkanization", and is one of the (few) pitfalls of a society's movement towards Democracy. Often this social transition feels more like chaos and anarchy, and as the result in the Balkans shows, paved with blood. Hopefully the recent history of the Balkans ill be heeded by the rest of the world. Great piece.


Who is going to stop them?

by farokh2000 on

Very sad but true. Thanks for sharing the information.

I am not sure if short of an all out nuclear War, there is any other force that will stop this U.S. greed/selfishness/arogance for the domination of the World.

I am afraid the all out War may be much closer than we think.

I don't think the modern World is going to bow down and take all of this.


Lessons for us

by Anonymous01 (not verified) on

well said professor:

"As people, it is not wise for us to accept promises that better days are ahead, for it is very possible that not only will the promises fail to be delivered, but, even worse, we lose much of what we cherish."