سایه خاکستری وحشت


سایه خاکستری وحشت
by Red Wine

دیشب بعد از ۳ روز به خانه برگشتم،مادام پنه لپه روی کاناپه خوابش برده بود،پیر زنی‌ مهربان است که مواظب خانه من است،مراقب گلدانهای عزیز من و گربه‌های وفادارم...بیدارش کردم و دستش را بوسیدم... او که رفت،بغض این چند روزم ترکید...بعضی‌ از اوقات سردر گم میشوم،از این همه غم و غصه..درد و ماتم که میبینم شدید دلگیر میشوم،کاری از من بر نمیاید،من یک درام نویس..یک تله ژورنالیست ساده..!

 من بنا بر قسمتم انگاری باید شاهد این همه درد و ناراحتی‌ باشم،من به قسمت معتقدم...من به گذشت زمان ایمان دارم..طاقت ندارم اما چاره یی هم ندارم !


امروز ظهر مجددا به دفتر کارم باز گشته ام... ژاپن همچنان درگیر زلزله،سونامی است و حالا وحشت از یک انفجار هسته یی !

امروز توانستم به وسیله ویدئو کنفرانس با ۲ فرانسوی که در آنجا هستند صحبت کنم،آنها همکارانی هستند که با زندگی‌ ژاپنیها،فرهنگ و زبانشان آشنا هستند.

در حال حاضر دستور داده شده که مردم به مدارس،دانشگاه و کار نروند،فقط آنهایی که شغل مهمی‌ دارند،کمبود انرژی مشکلی‌ بزرگ است و دولت ژاپن می‌خواهد با یک برنامه ریزی قوی این انرژی را هر چه زودتر جبران کند،وگرنه اقتصاد ژاپن بیش از این‌ها ضربه خواهد خورد.

مردم فعلا آرام هستند،این را به من گفتند،فعلا همه آرامش خودشان را حفظ میکنند،خلاف کاری و بی‌ نظمی خاصی‌ مشاهده نشده است جز اینکه عده یی خود کشی کرده اند و یک مقدار نا آرامی در بین افرادی که در فرودگاه ناریتا بوده اند و بیشتر خارجی‌ بودند.

ژاپنیها مردمانی بسیار با غرور هستند،به ندرت از احساسات و مشکلاتشان صحبت میکنند،دلشان را به سادگی‌ باز نمیکنند،مثل ما‌ها راحت نیستند از گرفتاریها و مسائل زندگیشان صحبت کنند.بسیار شنوند گان خوبی‌ هستند،بسیار با احترام و مودب اما کم پیش میاید تا در جلوی کسی‌ (به خصوص غربیها !) دلگشا باشند و بی‌ پیرایش از ناراحتیها و مسائل دلگیر کننده صحبت کنند و یا درد دل‌ !

از دیروز تا به حال،جریان آب خیلی‌ جنازه به ساحل آورده است،ترس و هراس از همین بود و تا به حال تنها ۲۰۰۰ جنازه به وسیله امواج آب به سواحل مختلف..از میاگی تا به اوجکا رسیده است.

یک شهر کوچک به نام مینامیسانریکو کاملا از نقشه پاک شده و به زیر آب رفته است،نمی‌شود حدس زد چقدر غرق شده اند.

بیش از ۳ روز است که ۵۵% مردم ژاپن از آب سالم،گرما،انرژی بی‌ بهره هستند،و این تنها در مورد شهر‌های بزرگ شرق ژاپن است،آمار از شهر‌ها و روستاها در دست نیست !

خبر برایم گذاشتند که تعدادی ایرانی و خانواده ایرانی در میاگی زندگی‌ میکردند که از آنها فعلا خبری در دست نیست،من از همان شنبه شب به وقت پاریس به هر که شده تلفن کردم،‌ای میل نوشتم،با سفارت ژاپن صحبت کردم..منتهی هنوز خبری ندارم،شهر کاملا زیر و رو شده،نمی‌شود حدس زد حالا کجا رفتند ! دلم شور میزند و کاری از دستم بر نمیاید تا از توکیو جوابم را بدهند !

حالا در اروپا هم وحشت و هراس زیادی ایجاد شده است تا تمام کشور‌های صاحب نیروگاه هسته یی به نیروگاه‌های خودشان بیشتر رسیدگی کنند.. انگاری واجب است که اینطوری دل‌ مردم را بشورانند و مشکل در کشور درست کنند.

رئیس صلیب سرخ جهانی‌ هشدار داده که وضعیت اصلا خوب نیست و تعجب کرده که چرا ژاپن عملا تقاضای کمک نمیکند.

غذا در خیلی‌ جاها تمام شده است،فقط غذای آماده می‌‌فروشند و ترس از بی‌ قضایی کشور را تهدید می‌کند.

تا به حال ۱،۸۳۳ جنازه شناسایی شده و به خانواده‌هایشان برگردانده شده،و ۲،۳۶۹ نفر هم ناپدید شده اند... همه میدانند که تعداد قربانیان بسیار بیش از اینهاست،دولت دارد مردم را آماده میسازد،فعلا رقم واقعی‌ را نمی‌گوید.

برق قصر امپراتور را هم قطع کرده اند !

فعلا همه توجّهات به روی مینامی سانریکو متمرکز شده،در آنجا سونامی وحشتناک بوده،زلزله همه چیز را به آوار تبدیل کرده است.

شیزوگاوا با خاک یکسان شده است ... از خانواده‌های آنجا هیچ خبری نیست،حجم آوار وحشتناک است.

کمک کافی‌ نیست،سرما دوباره در منطقه حکمفرما شده و کشور‌های منطقه تا اندازه یی بی‌ برنامه کار میکنند.


از چند جا تلفن داشتم،دیشب یک و یا دو نفر به ابراهیم تاتلیسس..خواننده معروف ترکیه تیر اندازی کردند و ایشان حالشان خوب نیست... یک دلواپسی دیگر.


هنوز اینجا هستم،هنوز همه با هم هستیم،در کنار مردمی که احتیاج به ما دارند،به کمک آنان بشتابیم.. امروز به کسی‌ کمک کنی‌..فردا از کسی‌ دیگر کمک گیری..این را فراموش نکنید.

خبر و گزارش هنوز ادامه دارد.


more from Red Wine

"Doublespe­ak" is

by vildemose on

"Doublespe­ak" is deliberate­ly injected into the media in order to give the nuclear cheerleade­rs plausable denial.

"We have no evidence of harmful radiation exposure," deputy Cabinet secretary Noriyuki Shikata told reporters.
The accidents so far — injuring 15 workers and military personnel and exposing up to 190 people to elevated radiation


And workers at the pumping operation are presumed to be exposed to radiation; several workers, according to Japanese reports, have been treated for radiation poisoning


You can donate directly to

by vildemose on

You can donate directly to Japanese Red Cross here:

Find the missing in Japan:

Red Wine

Cat Survives Tsunami On A

by Red Wine on

Cat Survives Tsunami On A Wall


Seeing one of the pictures from the Japan quake reminded me of a picture I saw from the bombing of Nagasaki during WWII


A woman cries while sitting on a road amid the destroyed city of Natori



G. Rahmanian

بخشيدن از كيسه خليفه

G. Rahmanian

Corruption is a Japanese cultural trait. Another one is lying. The governing bureaucracy has the power to do anything it pleases simply because Japanese have been trained not to complain and, so far, the Japanese have had enough to eat. Japan has an aging population with an extremely conservative bureaucracy which runs the affairs of the country. By 2020 half the population in Japan will be 65 and above. That is a time bomb the Japanese have talked about, but have not done anything to rectify the situation. Japan has reactionary and discriminative immigration laws which are eventually hurting the country. Having enjoyed being the second largest economy for years, it never tried to use its resources to attract younger people from other countries, thanks to the rampant xenophobia.



by vildemose on



pumping sea-water is a desperation act

by MM on

Yesterday, an expert said that pumping sea-water into the reactor is not an approved method of cooling the reactor core and it just shows the measure of desperation of the japanese to combat a meltdown.  The expert (cannot remember his name) was not hopeful at all about containment.  With all the aftershocks and the continued desperation acts as well as secrecy on part of the Japanese officials, this sounds like a disaster on top of a trajedy.


Japan radiation leaks

by vildemose on

Japan radiation leaks feared as nuclear experts point to possible cover-up


In a newly released diplomatic cable obtained by WikiLeaks, politician Taro Kono, a high-profile member of Japan’s lower house, tells US diplomats that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry – the Japanese government department responsible for nuclear energy – has been “covering up nuclear accidents and obscuring the true costs and problems associated with the nuclear industry”.

In 2008, Kono told them: “The ministries were trapped in their policies, as officials inherited policies from people more senior to them, which they could then not challenge.” He mentioned the dangers of natural disasters in the context of nuclear waste disposal, citing Japan’s “extensive seismic activity, and abundant groundwater, and [he] questioned if there really was a safe place to store nuclear waste in the ‘land of volcanoes’.”

“What we are seeing follows a clear pattern of secrecy and denial,” said Paul Dorfman, co-secretary to the Committee Examining Radiation Risks from Internal Emitters, a UK government advisory committee disbanded in 2004.

Lack of radiation readings echoes pattern of secrecy employed after other major accidents such as Chernobyl

Nuclear experts have thrown doubt on the accuracy of official information issued about the Fukushima nuclear accident, saying that it followed a pattern of secrecy and cover-ups employed in other nuclear accidents. “It’s impossible to get any radiation readings,” said John Large, an independent nuclear engineer who has worked for the UK government and been commissioned to report on the accident for Greenpeace International.

“The actions of the Japanese government are completely contrary to their words. They have evacuated 180,000 people but say there is no radiation. They are certain to have readings but we are being told nothing.” He said a radiation release was suspected “but at the moment it is impossible to know. It was the same at Chernobyl, where they said there was a bit of a problem and only later did the full extent emerge.”


They are pumping highly

by vildemose on

They are pumping highly contaminat­ed sea water from the reactor back into the ocean.
The pro-nuclea­r lobby will deny it happened..­. "What radioactiv­e contaminat­ion?"

Red Wine


Red Wine

فرانسویها معتقدند که ژاپنیها دروغ می‌گویند و خطر کابوس هسته یی بیش از اینهاست.

ژاپن فقط درخواست یک سری کمک محدود کرده است و نه چیز دیگری !

امروز بانک ژاپن ۱۳ تریلیون ین به بورس ژاپن کمک کرد.

امشب برای اولین بار شاهد این بودیم که ژاپنیها اصرار میکردند که دولت و روزنامه‌ها و رادیو و تلویزیون اخبار را سانسور می‌کند .

به خاطر رسم و رسومات ژاپنیها..اینها جسد‌ها را نشان نمیدهند !

چند دقیقه پیش توکیو مجددا لرزید... بیش ۳۰۰ بار از جمعه پیش تا کنون !

اوتسوچی یک شهر دیگر ژاپن به شهر ارواح تبدیل شده است.

راکتور شماره ۲ فوکوشیما هنوز تثبیت نشده و خطر هست.

اخبار آمریکائی‌ها زیاد مورد اطمینان نیست،این چیزی هست که ژاپنیها روی آن اصرار دارند ولی‌ با این حال ارقام آمریکاییها بیشتر منطقی‌ به نظر می‌رسد تا خود ژاپنیها !

چین،هائیتی،شیلی و حالا ژاپن... این چهارمین سال متوالیست که زلزله میاید و خدا میداند جریان چیست !

این ویدئو‌ها را ببینید !










from dailykos with pictures of the unit #1 and #

by vildemose on

 "The aerial photos show fuel pools may already

have been blasted out into the environment, and I find it hard to believe that they have any idea if the containment structure, or reactor vessel have been damaged. I find it infuriating to watch the weasley Japanese officials saying there is a "very low probability of radiation release." Given what we can see in these photos, not only is the probability quite high, but it is an absolute certainly that those lying little shitheads have no basis for making the criminally misleading claims they are issuing to the public.

They probably have zero operational sensors or control equipment left in these building, so they don't even really know the situation, and I don't see how, under those conditions, they have much chance of stopping a meltdown. But, I am sure that right up until the point this happens (and even afterward), those lying little bastards will be telling the public everything is ok. I just hope Japan has strong laws for prosecuting them.""



of the containmen­t dome.

by vildemose on

of the containmen­t dome. Due to pump problems, now compounded by the explosion they are struggling to establish water circulatio­n to cool the core. This is a very serious problem...­.Watch the briefing at 'videonews­.com', 102 min.

G. Rahmanian

Lack of Sufficient News!

by G. Rahmanian on

Should be blamed on different things. 1. The existing censorship: the media in Japan is controlled. All the news that is on TV is censored. 2. Bureaucracy: In Japan it is not the politicians, but bureaucrats who rule the country. 3. Secrecy: Being a secretive state, Japanese, in general, are not supposed to say anything until it is published by the authorities. Only two years ago, and after the defeat of the Liberal Democratic Party which was, except for a very short interval, in control of Japan's politics, the Japanese "learned" that 15% of the popolation was living under poverty line. Prior to that, people, in general, either didn't know, didn't care to know or knew and did not discuss it. 4. Emergency Situation: The government, that is the bureaucracy which controls the country, including the mass media and the news, decides when and what kind of news may be released. 5. Lack of respect for the average Joe(Taro, in this case): Average Japanese always rely on orders from above. In general, Japanese cannot make decisions on their own and need to be told what steps to take in almost any situation.

Maryam Hojjat

RW, Thanks for

by Maryam Hojjat on

Your hearbreaking updates and help list.   

Ari Siletz

شراب سرخ گرامی‌،

Ari Siletz

 هیچ نوشته‌ای در جراید مختلف به اندازه قلم شما مصیبت زلزله ژاپن را به احساسات نزدیک تر نکرده است. با عرض تشکر از گزارشات.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

بسیاری از پمپ بنزین ها دیگر نه‌ بنزین دارند و نه‌ سوخت دیگر.. همه تعطیل کردند .

مواد غذایی اولیه،آب آشامیدنی،پتو،لباس گرم،باطری مورد نیاز است... همه با هم همکاری خواهیم کرد.

غیر مستقیم گفته میشود که تعداد کشته شده‌ها بیش از ۱۰،۰۰۰ نفر است،این چیزی است که ما از روز اول گفتیم و حالا چرا این ژاپنیها انقدر بازی میکنند با این ارقام.. خدا داند.

فردا در چند شهر بزرگ اروپایی تظاهرات خواهد بود برای نشان دادن مخالفت با نیروگاه اتمی‌.من هم شرکت خواهم کرد.

۲۰،۰۰۰ نفر ناپدید هستند هنوز،خیلی‌ها کسانی‌ هستند که در زمان حادثه خارج از محل خانه بودند و یا ماهیگیر هستند و حالا نمی‌شود با اینها تماس گرفت.

۷۸۵ جنازه دیگر در میاگی کشف شده است  در ایواتا ۶۲۷  در فوکوشیما ۴۲۰ ..بسیار ناراحت کننده است :( .

احتمالاً تا اواخر ماه آپریل..ژاپن مشکل انرژی خواهد داشت.

واتاری شدید نابود شده است ،بسیار صحنه‌های غم انگیز را از تلویزیون ژاپن همین الان از آنجا دیدم :(

شهر ناتوری هم همینطور... این اخبار تازه از دولت در حال پخش است.


برایم شام آوردند.. ساندویچ سبزیجات تازه با سالسای چیلی !... تنها سبزیخوار اینجا من هستم... میل ندارم ! خیلی‌‌ها در همه جای دنیا امشب شام نخوردند،من هم یکی‌ از آنها.

هنوز خیلی‌ گزارش باقی‌ مانده است ولی‌ ...

ولی‌ من هنوز اینجا هستم.



From BBC: 1844: Mikan in

by vildemose on

From BBC:
1844: Mikan in Tokyo writes: "There is a growing sense that the Japanese government is not telling us the true story. On one end, there is the Japanese media that plays down the nuclear drama and focuses on human drama, and at the other, the foreign media is up-playing the nuclear disaster. In my company I heard at least half the essential staff is being sent to Hong Kong, Singapore or even Sydney. I am preparing to leave Tokyo and/or Japan. So are many of my friends. There is a sense of deserting Tokyo as soon as possible."
I would love to know the company this person works for...


Nuclear Rods Melting Inside

by vildemose on


DEAR AH: Yes, I know TEPCO

by vildemose on

DEAR AH: Yes, I know TEPCO was involved also in a scandle a few years back. Tokoyo Electric

TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company), which operates the failing nuclear power plants at Fukushima, has a history of scandals associated with its nuclear power operations.   In 2002, one set of such scandals became so severe that the president, vice president and chairman of the company all resigned in disgrace.  Most disturbing in this regard is that the scandal related to TEPCO hiding evidence of cracks in the containment vessels of their nuclear reactors.  Also possibly related to the current crisis is one report I have found of Toshiba providing faulty gauges that are used in monitoring the reactor coolant systems....


Anahid Hojjati

Dear Vildemose, regarding Japan asking US for help

by Anahid Hojjati on

Few minutes ago, I saw a coworker who used to sit close to me but he was in another group. It turned out that he used to work for Bechtel and they were responsible for the technology transfer forFukushima Nuclear Plant. He said that some years ago,Japan took over and he noted that they don't go by the more strict NRC code which is more restrictive than UBC (Universal Building code). Becuase of his accent, I probably missed some of what he said but it was interesting that it turned out that he knew this much about this issue. In summary, at least, we in US should be in better shape because US Nuclear industry adheres to more restrictive building code (at least according to him) and may be that is why Japan is now asking Us for help. 


A tide of up to 2,000 bodies

by vildemose on

A tide of up to 2,000 bodies washes up along the coast as millions struggle with quake's aftermath. New tsunami scare


HG: THank you. I think in

by vildemose on

HG: THank you.

I think in light of this cataclysimic event in Japan, the IAEA should revise all its safety guidelines, approval criteria in regards to countries who irresponsibly build nuclear power plants in quake-prone areas. The IAEA should suspend all cooperation with IRI and perhaps revoke the IRI license for operating or building nuclear power plants...

The IRI needs to be stopped.


“Using tons of a material

by vildemose on

“Using tons of a material otherwise used as the speck that explodes in a flashbulb in nuclear power plants —yes, absolutely crazy.”

Behind the Hydrogen Explosion at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant
by Karl Grossman

Eruption of hydrogen gas as a first reaction in a loss-of-coolant accident has been discussed with great worry in U.S. government and nuclear industry literature for decades.

That is because a highly volatile substance called zirconium was chosen back in the 1940’s and 50’s, when plans were first developed to build nuclear power plants, as the material to be used to make the rods into which radioactive fuel would be loaded.

There are 30,000 to 40,000 rods—composed of twenty tons of zirconium—in an average nuclear power plant. Many other substances were tried, particularly stainless steel, but only zirconium worked well. That’s because zirconium, it was found, allows neutrons from the fuel pellets in the rods to pass freely between the rods and thus a nuclear chain reaction to be sustained.

But there’s a huge problem with zirconium—it is highly volatile and when hot will explode spontaneously upon contact with air, water or steam.,,,

But in a nuclear plant, we’re not talking about specks—but tons and tons of zirconium, put together as a compound called “zircaloy” that clads tens of thousands of fuel rods.,,,"


Truth. Steam reacts chemically with the fuel-casing material (an alloy of zirconium) at high temperature (2,700°F), releasing hydrogen and providing additional heat, thereby accelerating the fuel-melting process.


The Guardian: The

by vildemose on

The Guardian:

The Associated Press is quoting a Japanese government official as saying the possibilit­y of damage to one of the nuclear containmen­t vessel at the Fukushima Daiichi plant cannot be ruled out:

"It's impossible to say whether there has or has not been damage" to the vessels, nuclear agency official Naoki Kumagai said.

So far this evening Japanese officials have said that the fuel rods in all three of the most troubled nuclear reactors appeared to be melting, and that the drop in water levels at Unit 2 had officials the most worried:

"Units 1 and 3 are at least somewhat stabilized for the time being," said Nuclear and Industrial Agency official Ryohei Shiomi "Unit 2 now requires all our effort and attention.­"


I'm not feeling terribly reassured.


FLASH: U.S. nuclear

by vildemose on

FLASH: U.S. nuclear regulatory commission says Japanese government formally asks U.S. for help with cooling nuclear reactors"


Japanese tsunami aftermath:

by vildemose on

Japanese tsunami aftermath: Japanese prepared even for unpredicta­ble catastroph­es. Thankful for aid and respectful even in the face of disaster. No looting or rioting.

Compare to Hurricane Katrina aftermath. Unprepared and complacent­, disregardi­ng all forewarnin­g of totally predictabl­e event. People breaking in to department stores stealing TVs and radios. Total lack of graciousne­ss; people taking aid totally for granted and complainin­g and hectoring when they aren't completely satisfied.

Says a lot about the two cultures.


5.29pm GMT [London Time]:

by vildemose on

5.29pm GMT [London Time]: Lufthansa is scanning aircraft that return to Germany from Japan for radioactiv­ity – but has not detected any yet.

hamsade ghadimi

thanks redwine for your

by hamsade ghadimi on

thanks redwine for your tireless reporting on japan.  i have a family member in japan who is working around the clock on relief efforts for the japanese.  luckily, he's far from where the tsunami hit. i had another family member who was stranded in narita; but, he has been able to get a flight out. the japanese are very relilient and self-sufficient people.  i'm sure that they'll recover (maybe not fully) from this disaster.

vildemose, yes, natanz is situated on an active earthquake fault line.  here's an academic research regarding natanze's fault line: //www.iiees.ac.ir/iiees/English/Publication/Jsee/jsee19_1.html


Australian gov't is

by vildemose on

Australian gov't is demanding that the Japanese gov't tells the Truth to its people of the true nature of the nuclear radiation nightmare unfolding in now 11 reactors without cooling capability­!!
Let us pray!!

Red Wine

  دولت ژاپن

Red Wine


دولت ژاپن رسما از آژانس انرژی هسته یی و اتمی‌ کمک خواسته است،پیش بینی‌ میشود که قضیه بسیار جدی است و صدای آژیر قرمز همچنان شنیده میشود با اینکه ساعت در ژاپن الان ۰۲،۲۰ صبح است !

۱۰۰،۰۰۰ سرباز ژاپنی،افسران ارتش ژاپن به همراه نیروهای خارجی‌ متخصص مشغول کمک و امداد امروز بودند،قدم به قدم باید شانه‌ شود تا کسی‌ بی‌ کمک باقی‌ نماند،دوباره تکرار می‌کنم که قضیه بسیار جدی است،از طرفی‌ این مشکلات و از طرفی‌ دیگر ترس از انفجارات هسته یی و مواد رادیواکتیو !

حساب شده است که ۷۰% پس لرزه‌ها بیش از ۷ ریشتر هستند و هنوز ادامه خواهند داشت.


۱،۸۹۷ نفر کشته شدند تا به حال که اینها شناسایی شدند،نه اینکه تنها اینها قربانیان حادثه هستند.

انفجار اولیه فوکوشیما شیمیائی بوده است و نه هسته یی !

ژاپنیها ۴ª شب را در سرما میگذرانند... آب نیست،برق نیست و وحشت روز فردا بیش از همه چیز سنگینی‌ می‌کند.

خط مواد رادیو آکتیو از ۴ به ۵.. به روی ۷ افزایش یافته است .

تکنسین‌های آلمانی نیروگاه‌های ژاپنی را ترک کرده اند،کسی‌ نمیداند چرا !

فوجیتسو که یک کارخانه مشهور در ژاپن است،مسئولیت ساخت مجدد ارتباطات تلفنی را پذیرفته است.مشغول به کار هستند حالا.


Esfand Aashena

Wouldnt that b something ALL involved in nuclear plans = suicide

by Esfand Aashena on

That would be the 4th disaster!  Earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown and then all nuclear experts killing themselves.

Sons of bitches are going to kill themselves and won't care who has to clean this mess up!  No one with the know how would remain to fix anything and no expert from other countries knows enough about the plants or want to go near them.

I hope the Japanese Government somehow restricts "honorary" suicides!  Don't know what'd be the punishment for suicide! 

Everything is sacred