Delara and we (in the land of birds)


Delara and we (in the land of birds)
by rosie is roxy is roshan

After writing my last blog about Delara in which I said I might follow up on it, I grappled very hard with whether I should do so, and decided that I would indeed write a piece but not as a blog,, but only send it to those close to me because I felt that under the circumstances, with which many of you are familiar, I would no longer be heard. .

Today I have changed my mind and I shall be completing it and posting it as a blog within the week to come.

The themes of that piece, which are all one theme reallym are why Delara is so important because she sings in her poems, her images and in the pale blue silk headscarf that seeks the sea and sky, the dark and the Light that is the soul of Iran. I wanted to say how important it is to not forget for one moment that Delara is neither guillty nor innocent, but compllicitous. And that Delara sits rudderless amidst the rubble, that you, that our generation, her elders,left her of her nation. a nation of birds where crows hang both vultures and doves alike from cranes. And I wanted to say that I beg and plead with you that you fight for this young wman's life as though you were fighting for the life of your own children and  the very soul of your nation--you, we, neither innocent nor guilty but all, all complicitous.

And it is a complex piece of writing but I wanted to tell you that I will post it within one week's time. in as concrete and clear terms as possible.

It is now more than ever crucial to fight for Delara in her death. Delara our daughter who teaches us in the poem below not what freedom is, because no one can know what freedom is, but what freedom is not. Within the context of this website, of, I believe she tells us that freedom is not the freedom to buy and sell freedom for free.

Perhaps now some of you will listen to me. I don't know. 

And I wanted to talk about how it was that I came here in search of a song.  And I lost that song and that Delara gave that song back to me.. .and why.

There is a way to fight for Delara's life even though Delara is dead. Because Delara even and perhaps most especially in her death, in her words, her images, her eyes, her pale blue silk headscarf seeking sea and sky, and most especially in her very complicity, rudderless amidst the rubble of your, of my, of her, of our, of everyone's nation, that we left her, embodies now more than ever the soul, the past, the present and the future of Iran. A country whose legacy and future are so important for the entire world.

Rudderless, complicitous amidst the rubble of history, yet ready to fly, to find and lead the way.

تا زمانیکه آزادیم
آزادی  را آرمانی دست نیافتنی می پنداریم

و برای رسیدن به چیزی که قربانی زیر پای ماست؛

دستها یمان را دراز می کنیم

آزادی ! همیشه در بند نبودن معنا نمی دهد 

آی آدم ها ! بیایید بند های اندیشمان را بدریم ها

ودر بند ازادی نباشیم

زیرا که خود در "بند"  ماست 


While Free

we suppose freedom is an ideal, Unattainable.

and we reach out

for what is already sacrificed under our own feet!

Freedom!?….Never being entrapped is meaningless!

Oh People! Let us rip the chains of our thoughts

and not be captivated by freedom

for …that itself is our "captive


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rosie is roxy is roshan

The way Delara was executed in secret, by surprise, without even

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

the presence or notification of her parents makes her, whether accomplice, guilty \, whatever, de fact o innocence. Innocent. Of everything. Even of what she may have done.


We Must Be United Against ANY Injustice.

by faryarm on

 We Must Be United Against ANY Injustice; 

I have been reading and hearing the tragic reports about Delara;

Her last days and her parent's desperate attempts to appeal to the inhuman prosecutor.... 

This Injustice will not end, until all fair minded people truly unite and raise their voices. It is only through this kind of indiscriminate Universal solidarity amongst Iranians  that can appeal to the Conscience of the rest of the world.

in 1983 A group of Canadian Singers and Artists participated in this music Video, a song written by Doug Cameron to tell the story of Mona;

A Powerful expression of unity between East and West.

Mona and Delara were of similar age and had so much hope and  promise..

see //


rosie is roxy is roshan

M&M, This is a point I htink is being overlooked, having read so

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

many comments since yesterday. Some people are being "blededing hearts"m they are having kneejerk reactions, yes, because she was a beautiful sensitive young woman--oh she is completely innocent. Others are accusing them, in unhelpful unsympathetic tones, of doing this, as well as being manipulated by an international "poster child" human rights campaign privileging her above other imprisoned people for these reasons.

Both goups are not seeing the others' points of view, one too emotionally overwrought, the other too callous foor this time above all.  Neither group seems to be commenting much that IRI has also used her as a poster child in a very specific way.

Clearly whatever happened that murky night-and now we will never know-only that there were two people who were complicitous. Both. Both were young people. One was male, one was female.

The male got ten years in prison, the female got to played with for years as a political football, being moved into isolation for desperately clawing pictures on a wall, being proised then denied retrial, then being executed all alone with no warning with not even her parents allowed to be with her when she died, in a sneaky, repulsive publicity stunt for IRI to prove a point.

The point being that the woman is always guiiltier than the man and when the man does a "no no" it is in some sense always his prerogative, as long as a woman is present she takes the bbulk of the blame. Thus hijab to "protect" a man, the "victim" of his uncontrollable lusts from the woman "guilty" of having hair on her head.


The message of IRI with this poster child is watch out, girls. toe the line. You were born guilty and your fatei s our prerogative. Oh, so you had sex? Flogging for him, stoning for you.

Pretty young Delara after how many years was sentended the day before pretty young Roxana after how many weeks? Pure theater. On a stage called Iran with an audience called the entire world.

In Senandaj in February four union activists, two men, two women, were flogged for attending the same May Day Rally, floggings of 15, 40, 50 and 70 lashes.

The recipient of the 70 lashes: one of the women, the stunningly beautiful one.

Pure theater. Poster children.

Delara Daraba is a "pin up girl".. 



by minadadvar on

Dear Rosie,  Delara's execution is tragic.  We, as a society, should ask ourselves why such a brilliant young woman lost her life to her relationship wtih a man ?

Unfrotunately,  despite some changes,  we continue to raise our daughters to be passive, dependent and self-sarificing.


My deep condolences to the family

by MiNeum71 on


ای که بی تو خودمو تک و تنها میبینم
هر جا که پا میزارم تورو اونجا میبینم
یادمه چشمای تو پر درد و غصه بود
قصهء غربت تو قد صدتا قصه بود

یادتو هرجا که هستم با منه داره عمره منو آتیش میزنه

تو برام خورشید بودی توی این دنیای سرد
گونه های خیسمو دستای تو پاک میکرد
حالا اون دستا کجاس اون دوتا دستای خوب
چرا بیصدا شده لب قصه های خوب
من که باور ندارم اون همه خاطره مرد
عاشق آسمونا پشت یک پنجره مرد
آسمون سنگی شده خدا انگار خوابیده
انگار از اون بالاها گریه هامو ندیده

یادتو هرجا که هستم با منه داره عمره منو آتیش میزنه


David ET


by David ET on

Indeed one of the great pieces written about the fight for Delara or in her own words : "Deleras"
Thank you sharing our feelings in these painful moments...

Paymaneh Amiri

Dear JJ

by Paymaneh Amiri on

I believe Rosie is done with her changes on this blog.  May I ask that you re-feature it, please?  Thank you.

rosie is roxy is roshan

dear sooo,

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

no music event now. as for the generation you so have faith in ,  i assure you they are not talking about music events on blogs about delara today as you are. and that's why they have no faith in you.



rosie is roxy is roshan

I know, dear P., I know that since the election of

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Obama and the coming elections in Irn there have been unbelievable human rights depredations on all fronts and it is all onne orchestrated brutal symbol and bargaining chip. But whether we could've saved her or not, as  a website, we could've stood up much taller and screamed much louder. Because those four days were equally symbolic, as is she. No, of course, I don't mean you. I mean literally, as a website. Literally.


Thanks so much.



anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

you really said it best.  i'm going back and forth between shock and sickness and anger.  i can't concentrate on anything or stay focused.  for all the horrible horrible acts during our darkest hours in american history, for this to happen in 2009 is simply beyond me.

roiban.  you know you can't leave now.  we need you now more than ever.

Paymaneh Amiri


by Paymaneh Amiri on

I read her poems, I looked at her paintings, I signed every single one of the hundred petitions which circulated on her behalf for three years, I circulated those petitions and news about her to everyone.  I couldn't save her. 

Delara's execution was a political decision, aimed to show IRI's resolve in staying with the barbaric Sharia laws.  Nobody could save her, just like nobody could save all the others before her.  We are dealing with monsters who are scared for their very existence here, unfamiliar with compromises and middle-of-the-road solutions and peace making.  In all the time I have been an activist for human rights in Iran, I have never felt as powerless as today.  The goons and savages we are seeing are scared and standing their ground until the last bitter moment.  


I take it you don't want to

by sooo (not verified) on

I take it you don't want to talk about event. That's fine but you were so excited about it so I figured you'd say something.

I get upset about Iran every day. Every day. One day our younger generation will eventually prevail.

rosie is roxy is roshan

sorry for the repeated paragraphs and typos i was very

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

upset when i posted it and didn't see them and then it got immediately featured and if i change it, it'll go unfeatured and i figured it's a sign that i should leave it as it is, after all, life is a messy business.



rosie is roxy is roshan

dear fish, yes i did, and i took this photo especially for you

by rosie is roxy is roshan on


Now if you want to talk about me you get yourself registered (that is, if you're not already and hiding behind unregistered), and write  a blog since you posted publicly. But not today, not this week..Have some respect for the dead. And for yourself.



soooo did you go to the

by sooo (not verified) on

soooo did you go to the event? how was it?