salman farsi
25-Nov-2012 (15 comments)
به مناسبت سالروز شهادت سرور شهیدان >>>
salman farsi
13-Aug-2012 (57 comments)
برادران و خواهران از قرآن و دعا برای پیشگیری از نزول زلزله  کمک بگیرید >>>
salman farsi
25-Jan-2012 (17 comments)
Endangering safety of genuine female campaigners >>>
salman farsi
02-Jan-2012 (70 comments)

Not warmongers. assassins. athiests, humanists, kinai freaks, fossilized leftists, brand new leftists, secular pseudo-intellectuals, Islamic-Mosadeghist, nationalist-mosadeghists, royalists-pahlavists, paranoid patriots and many more ... 
salman farsi
06-Dec-2011 (10 comments)

ترانه زیبایی در وصف شاه شهیدان حسین ابن علی‌ علیه السّلام

salman farsi
05-Dec-2011 (12 comments)

فوائد سینه زنی‌ و عزاداری امام حسین (علیه السلام)

salman farsi
26-Nov-2011 (180 comments)
We are at the beginning the ten-day mourning period of Ashura>>>
salman farsi
28-Oct-2011 (12 comments)
لبیک الهّم لبیک >>>
salman farsi
15-Oct-2011 (16 comments)

Is my scholar brother "Tabarzin" blocked again? Can some one please offer an explanation?
salman farsi
11-Sep-2011 (69 comments)
In less than two hours Bin Laden damaged Islam far beyond Khomeini and his regime had done in two decades  >>>
salman farsi
31-Aug-2011 (68 comments)
رفتی‌ به سلامت به سلامت به سلامت
بازا که بیایم بسلامت بسلامت بسلامت >>>
salman farsi
21-Aug-2011 (7 comments)
 شب قدر در ادبیات فارسی‌ >>>
salman farsi
20-Aug-2011 (25 comments)
و  همچنین به خواهران و برادران گرفتارم در پایگاه اشرف >>>
salman farsi
13-Aug-2011 (180 comments)
Why the true and human face of Islam is so difficult for some people to accept? >>>
salman farsi
08-Aug-2011 (8 comments)
Genocide in the name of democracy >>>